There is no way, for those who can withstand my (month) blow and are not dead, it is meaningless for me (night) to struggle.

Of course, I (month) want to deliver a blow, but I still need a little luck to help.

Yes, luck.

And it just so happened that I (Yue) seemed to be able to explode my luck a little bit.

Although it is not like Xiaomei's strong luck all the time, it is only strong luck once a month.

But enough is enough.

After lying down in the game cabin, I (Yue) slowly closed my eyes.

"Tiantian, let's start!"

"Destiny Eleven: Destiny is with me, once a month, after taking the initiative to activate Destiny, the luck value can be greatly increased in a short period of time."

Chapter 68 Unexpected Development

"Angel Halo LV.1"

"Miracle of Healing"

"Angel of the Kingdom of the Dead"

With this three skill set, Lafayette entered the cradle game.

This is a brand new skill set.

"Angel Halo" is a skill that has been carried before, and it is also the most important skill of the Angel team in team battles, and the remaining two skills are the skills specially worn this time to deal with the Son of God.

And it should only be worn in this round.

"Miracle of Healing"

——At the cost of being eliminated, the designated target that has been eliminated can be resurrected and returned to the field

——After the target is revived, all attribute values ​​+100%, gain the state of "absolute healing" within seven seconds

"Angel of the Kingdom of the Dead"

——After being eliminated, there is a 50% chance to revive on the spot

——All attribute values ​​+100% after resurrection

These are two supporting skills that are extremely dependent on luck. It can be said that they are only used in desperate situations. Under normal circumstances, it is obvious that no one will use them with a brain.

But, unfortunately, Yue's Seal of Destiny has a skill that can greatly increase luck. Although it can only be used once a month, this time, it can cooperate with Lafayette to become the lore in the cradle game.

Of course, after using it this time, it will be impossible to use it again in the finals, because in less than half a month, the finals of the Cradle Game Contest will begin, and it really can't wait for the cooldown period of "Destiny Eleven" to end.

But it doesn't matter.

I believe that no one will think that it is a waste to use this set of lore collocations on the Son of God, right?

Rather, if you don't do this, you will definitely not be able to win the Son of God.

Cheating with off-field skills is a shameless act, but if the opponent is the Son of the Holy God—the Son of the Holy God who will definitely not win without cheating—then it can only be cheating, right?

Lafayette really thought so.

Therefore, she cheated without hesitation.

——Ye is less hesitant than her.

In an instant, Ye pierced Yue's heart with a sword, with no expression on his face.

For a moment, Lafayette even felt that Ye was seeking revenge.

Ye: Let you stab me with a sword last time, now you finally let me stab me back.

Lafayette couldn't help being stunned for a while with this expression of being able to kill his lover with a sword without hesitation just like Yue.

However, time is running out, and no one knows how long the effect of Destiny Eleven will last. After all, a skill that can only be used once a month is really impossible to experiment... Or the duration of the effect of this skill may not be fixed in the first place, otherwise it should be clarified in the appraisal.

In short, Lafayette quickly came back to his senses, aimed at Yue who had disappeared and eliminated him, and used the "Miracle of Healing" at the cost of being eliminated.

In an instant, Yue was revived and reappeared in the arena.

However, Lafayette, who had already been eliminated, reappeared on the field accompanied by the shroud of light.

The effect of "Angel of the Kingdom of the Dead" is activated, and Lafayette is also resurrected and returns to the field.

Ever since, in just a few seconds, under the effects of the skills of "Miracle of Healing" and "Angel of the Kingdom of the Dead", the overall attribute values ​​of Lafayette and Yue have increased by [-]%, which is equivalent to It was directly promoted to a level.


At this moment, Lafayette couldn't help the joy in his heart.

However, this is not the end.

Without any pause, Ye's second sword pierced Yue's heart again. Then, Lafayette paid the price again to activate the skill, Yue was resurrected again, and her ability value increased by 4%. Except for no skill points, it was equivalent to upgrading to LV.[-] all at once.

And more importantly, this time, the "Angel of the Kingdom of the Dead" was activated again, and Lafayette was resurrected and returned to the arena.

"This time, it's game over, Yue."

Hearing what Lafayette said, Yue nodded and said softly:

"Yes, the game is over."



"STR: 2880"

"AGI: 5664"

"VIT: 1856"

"INT: 9568"

Mana: 1,142,400/1,142,400

Source power: 1,142,400/1,142,400

He just died twice, he doesn't even need to find monsters, and he doesn't even need skill points, which is roughly equivalent to a month of upgrading to LV.4, and his magic power is already as high as a million or more.

Yes, after going through two trials and getting the boost of the Seal of Destiny, Yue's magic power has been exaggerated to such an extent.

Even without Lafayette's help, as long as he can fight monsters and rise to a level, plus a two-point increase in skill points, Yue can also use long text singing magic at LV.1, but In previous games, Light had never shown this.

Yes, the power that had been hidden in the previous game of Cradle was finally unreservedly released at this moment in order to deal with the Son of God.

Needless to say, it was a perfect raid.

The Son of God must have been unprepared for this.

And at this moment, Lafayette activated the third skill he carried without hesitation as a support.

"Angel Halo LV.1"

——Consume "1000" magic power to grant temporary protection to all party members within ten meters, all attributes +100, all attributes +100%, all skill levels +1

- Duration 60 seconds

Ever since, only ten seconds before the official start, Yue began to chant the long text chanting magic "Sigh of the Goddess of Vermilion".

Therefore, in just a split second, the game seemed to be coming to an end.

Lafayette can see the distance between the two teams on the small map.

It's too far away, no matter how strong the Son of God is, it is absolutely impossible for him to stop the current Yue.

So, the game is over.

——That's what Lafayette thought before a lavender circle of light spread across the entire playing field in an instant.

"Oh oh oh oh! This is the magic wave of Changwen chant magic!"

Lou looked into the distance with a full face of surprise, and he couldn't help but be surprised by the terrifying magic fluctuations that continued to spread.

"Cheating? It's just the beginning of the game and you can use the long text chant magic? Can ordinary people still play?"

At this time, it needs to be explained that facing the long text chanting magic that is being chanted, the Son of God can't help being slightly surprised.

"Is it called Yue? It seems that setting my eyes on Ye has made me ignore a person who is also worth paying attention to. At least, in this cradle game, that girl is really unbelievably strong."

Sheng Shenzi had to admit that if the opponent used this magic, he would definitely be eliminated, because Sheng Shenzi, who only had Ye in his eyes, did not have the ability to resist such magic at all.

Son of God had to admit that he was too careless, ignoring the girl who was given the highest evaluation by countless great beings, so he had to face this kind of situation where he would really fall into defeat if he was the only one among.

The Son of God had to admit,

"Luck, sometimes it is really important."

The Holy Son said so calmly.

And Lou put away his surprised expression for a moment, and then...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Pinching his waist with his hands, he laughed extremely arrogantly.

Then, he proudly looked up at the Son of God, folded his arms across his chest, and laughed triumphantly: "How about it? Do you want to win? Come and beg me? As long as you kneel down and kowtow to beg me, I can't help you!"

Joan next to him covered her face with her right hand helplessly, and turned her head away because she couldn't bear to look directly: "This big idiot."

Sheng Shenzi glanced at him expressionlessly, then slowly raised his left hand to grab that arrogant face.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong! I was too arrogant and too complacent! Please let me go, Master Shengshenzi!"

When Lou's expression changed, his body fell to the ground in an instant, and there were five bang bangs of kowtowing to the rock.

Sheng Shenzi withdrew his hand, then kicked him out with a kick, and said expressionlessly: "Hurry up, it will be too late for a while—or do you really want to be stripped naked by me and hang yourself in the commercial street for a hundred days?"

"Yes! Master Shengshenzi! I respect your orders!"

In an instant, Lou stood up with a serious expression, swayed left and right for warm-up exercises, then made a handsome gesture with both hands forward, and put his legs into a horse stance, and began to "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" to perform the exercises.


Joan raised his foot and kicked him in the ass blankly.

"Hurry up, idiot, it's just an exclusive skill, do you need so many movements?"

"What do you know?" Lou who was kicked on the ground instantly jumped up, and said dissatisfiedly: "This is my first shot in the cradle game. Of course, I have to be more handsome to impress the audience! My brother, I am completely different from the pendant of you, the Son of God, who has no chance to appear on the stage!"

"Who are you calling pendant? Idiot? I just didn't make a move because my previous opponents were too weak. If I make a move, it's just a mere cradle game, and I can push horizontally by myself!"

"Ah! You said it! You really said it! You just meant that you are actually the boss behind Lord Shengshenzi, right? Because the opponent is too weak, it is enough for the little soldier Shengshenzi to take action, right?"

"I didn't mean that, don't slander me there!"

"Heh heh heh, Brother Zhimei Mo Ruo, I can assure you that's exactly what you mean!"

"I'm the elder sister, and you are the younger brother. Don't take the opportunity to convey to others the concept that you are my elder brother. Be careful that I will kill you."

"Matures are older. Obviously, I am much more mature than you. No matter how many people you ask, I am a brother and you are a sister."

"Sorry, I can answer you just by asking me. I am more mature than you, so you are just kidding yourself. The fact is that no matter how many people you ask, I am a sister, and you are a brother! My brother forever!"

A pair of twins are arguing in full swing, and Sheng Shenzi...

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha"

Holy God Son's face was completely dark at this time, and the entire rocky land was torn apart by his foot.

"You two, do you want to be stripped naked and tied up in the toilet as a toilet?"

Countless people in the auditorium who had seen the Son of God couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

OMG!What kind of terrifying pair of twins are they who can make Shengshenzi say such words, and collapse the whole aloof image of Shengshenzi? !

——Outsiders don't know about Qiong and Lou's admiration, they just swallowed in unison in fear.

Then, without further ado, Lou activated a certain skill he carried, which was his exclusive skill.


- Unable to refine magic power

——Eroding the real world with a non-magic worldview

——With itself as the center, the radius "STR×AGI×VIT" meters will be transformed into a magic-free world, and all existences will lose their magic power

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