"...I'm too lazy to complain to you now, you idiot."

Joan, who was just about to refute, got a threatening look from the Son of God, so she had to hold back her breath and kept saying in her heart, "I am a mature woman and don't bother with idiots.

"Wait until the game is over and then deal with this big idiot."

Facing Joan's "admitting defeat", Lou looked even more complacent. If it wasn't for the fact that Son of God, the threat just now, was still vivid in his memory, he really wanted to make an inch of it.

"Are we going to divide the army now? Senior Son of the Holy God?"

Joan, who ignored the building, looked at the small map, analyzed and said:

"Student Yue on the opposite side is just a rear guard magician, but now he is acting separately from Student Ye. If we split up now and let this idiot and I intercept Student Ye, senior, you go to kill Student Yue, then even if the idiot and I are defeated by then, there will only be one-on-one between you and Student Ye, senior, and you don't have to worry about Student Yue's long text chanting magic anymore. This should be exactly what you want, Senior?"

Yes, this is indeed what the Son of God wants.


"In that case, I will lose."

Hearing such calm words, Joan couldn't help but widen her eyes in astonishment for a moment.

In that case, I will lose. ——Is this really what the Son of God can say?

However, the Son of God is serious.

"Since he will make this choice, it means that he has a certain degree of confidence. Under such circumstances, if you give him two more heads and raise him two levels for nothing, I'm afraid I really won't be able to win."

"But... But if Holy God Son kills classmate Yue, won't he also be promoted to a level? With the talent and ability value of the Holy God Son senior, even if it is only one level, it is still several levels higher than other people, right? Special Ye is still a first-year freshman like me. If I remember correctly, his talent ability value is very weak. I am afraid that there is at least ten times the gap with the Holy God Son senior?"

"Indeed...but what if Yue Fang chooses to commit suicide directly to me?"


Joan stopped talking.

The Son of God is an arrogant person, and he is also a person who has the qualifications of being arrogant. No one can deny this, and he himself is too lazy to deny it.

However, even if he is as arrogant as the Son of God, there are only two people in this world that he will never underestimate.

One is the Emerald God, and the other is Ye.

In fact, he had underestimated these two people in the same way before——then the final result was defeat.

Losing in the hands of the Emerald God was an absolute gap in power that the Son of God had never felt before.

During the whole battle, he couldn't even hurt a hair of Jade God, and he was crushed and defeated.

The unimaginable power gap is just like the gap between an adult and a baby. Even the Son of God doesn't know whether the Emerald God is serious or not.


This was still far less impressive than the other battle that the Son of God remembered.

The absolute gap in power is nothing more than a power gap in the final analysis, there is nothing to say, just become stronger.

As long as he can become stronger than the other party, then this time's defeat experience can naturally be erased.

It is not that the Son of God who is stronger than himself has never encountered, let alone fought, and the Emerald God is just one of them with a slight exception.

The previous existences stronger than him were easily surpassed by him during the battle, but the Emerald God...he was getting stronger in the battle, but the Emerald God became stronger than himself in the battle. This is indeed the first time he has encountered such an opponent.

However, this is ultimately just a battle between forces.

My strength is weaker, so I lost.

It's that simple.

That being the case, just keep getting stronger.

Nothing more than that.

However, the defeat in another battle was beyond the comprehension of the Son of God.

No matter how much I think about it, I don't think I will lose the battle, and the final defeat is of course incomprehensible no matter what.

Because I can't understand, I will never underestimate the other party because of the gap in strength.

I am stronger.

That's for sure.

However, the power gap between Ye and himself in the cradle game is far worse than that in memory.

At that time, I was defeated.

So now...

In order to win, isn't it the best choice not to give the opponent a chance to close the gap?

Victory is to be won by whatever means.

This is what you taught me, Brother Ye.

Thinking of this, Sheng Shenzi smiled slightly, holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand, turned his wrist slightly, and looked down at the expression of expectation reflected on the sword.

bring it on!Let me see what you can do now!

"You two go deal with that month."

"...It seems that this is the only way to go."

Joan nodded.

"Don't worry, Senior Shengshenzi, I will protect this idiot, and I won't let Yue have a chance to kill him, and then regain his magic power and use the long text chant magic."

"Hey! Who needs you to protect me? It's just a magician who doesn't even have any magic power. My uncle is enough! Just make me a pendant obediently!"

Joan didn't want to pay attention to the big fool at all. After looking at the small map to aim at the target, she turned around and accelerated towards Yue's location.

Behind him, Lou looked unhappy and followed behind cursing.

At this moment, Yue also noticed the turning of Qionghelou.

At the same time, of course she also saw the close proximity of Ye and Son of God.

Well, although he said to Adam that it would be best to upgrade to one more level, the actual situation was because he was worried that the Son of God would give up pursuing and go to war and chose to upgrade first. Ye rushed directly to the Son of God.

At the same time, Yue found the second monster and killed it without hesitation.

The level has been raised to LV.2.

This is not important.

The important thing is that the weapon she wanted to fight finally came out.

"Wan Steel Sword"

- Sharpness 50000

The unpretentious attributes are undoubtedly the most suitable weapon for Ye.

Without hesitation, Yue gave it to Ye just like the skill card.

Then, she finally stopped running to look for the monster, but turned to face the two Saint King Trees who were rushing towards her.

"The Son of God will definitely not be able to deal with it, but these two, with my current ability value, I should be able to give it a try."

Although the three skills he carried were all abolished, but relying on his own ability value, Yue also still has the confidence of being a combat power.

As long as the Son of God didn't rush towards him, Yue would naturally not choose to commit suicide.

The remaining two fight as soon as they can, and it's good if they can't fight for a while, isn't it?

What's more, mages have a melee heart.

Coincidentally, Yue possesses melee skills comparable to Ye's - it's just because he doesn't have the skill of "Extreme Speed" that he is not as good as Ye.

Other than that, there is no difference.


Therefore, looking at the long sword flying towards her from afar, Yue was full of astonishment.

"What's going on? Throwing the sword before the battle? Is this thing a throwing weapon?"

Of course, the 1.2-meter-long sharp sword cannot be a throwing weapon, but Joan did throw the sword out.

Just when the two sides faced each other, and all of them appeared within the sight of each other.

The incomprehensible scene shocked Yue Xin, but this did not prevent her from sideways avoiding the blade, and then continued to accelerate forward - how is it possible? !

Take her for an idiot? !

Yue rushed forward three steps, then turned around while jumping forward, and then as expected, saw that the long sword that was flying to the rear had already turned around, turned the tip of the sword back, and then shot again. toward her body.

If Yue just didn't turn around in time behind her back, then this sword would definitely shoot through her body.

——But how could Yue not turn around?

She is not stupid.

Although I don't know what skill the opponent wants to use, but seeing the opponent throwing the sword behind him, I should be vigilant no matter what, instead of naively thinking that the opponent intends to raise his hand and surrender.

The reason why he didn't stare at the sword immediately but ran forward three steps and then turned around was to pretend that he was fooled in front of the opponent. Only in this way can he induce the opponent to use this flying sword. kind of skills.

"Now it seems that it is only possible to control the movement of the sword in the air?"

With a backhand sword, the flying sword flew out, but Yue's eyes relaxed a little.

Although this is the first time Yue has seen this skill, it is quite easy to understand.

The speed is fast, but not to the point of being unresponsive.

In this case there is no problem.


For a moment, Yue felt the chill coming from behind.

Of course, she didn't forget that her real enemy was behind her now, so while blocking the flying sword, she was also paying attention to the movements of the two people behind her, and she never let go of her vigilance.

Clang! ! !

Turning her body halfway, Yue, who blocked the other flying sword from flying away, finally had her eyes condensed slightly, and her spirit became dignified and tense.

This flying sword naturally came from Lou.

One flying sword and two flying swords are obviously not the same concept, and two flying swords controlled by one person are not the same concept as two flying swords controlled by two people.

At this moment, Yue finally realized the trouble and danger.

Qiong and Lou no longer rushed towards the moon, but separated to the two sides, widening the distance, trying to surround the moon. While running on one side, their hands were also holding the law, and the two flying swords were at the same time. The swords were scattered on the other two sides, and the tip of the sword was adjusted to pinch the moon from left to right.

For a time, Yue was about to face the end of being surrounded on all sides.

If there are two people back to back at this time, it will be easy to deal with it, right?

However, there is only one person on the moon.

So this is almost equivalent to a dead end! !

——Not really.

People with weapons and people without weapons can also be said to be two concepts.

Since the two opponents carried swords as their initial weapons, it meant that the offensive skills of the two opponents should also be based on sword skills, just like the current unknown flying sword technique.

Just like for me (Ye) if I don't have a sword in my hand, then I (Ye) will definitely not pose any threat in front of the Son of God. The current power of the twins should also be mainly reflected in the flying sword. As for them personally, it should be just a cover-up.

If this is the case, then you just need to allocate your attention and be vigilant against these two flying swords first.

Moreover, I am not without advantages.

Now that the magic power has disappeared, why can the opponent use such a skill?

This is a problem.

Guess there are two.

One is that the opponent may not be affected by the effects of the skills you use.

The second is that the power system possessed by the other party is not magical power, but another kind of power, such as... the magic power of a cultivator.

Are Qiong Yulou immortal cultivators?

Are they from the Yang Kingdom?

Because the sense of existence under the radiance of the Son of God is too low, it is true that no one has investigated their specific origins.

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