It's not as simple as simply improving the level of swordsmanship, but becoming stronger in all aspects.

Movement speed, attack speed, and muscle strength are all improving visibly with the naked eye.

Can't understand what's going on with this phenomenon.

Even if you tell yourself that you just need to recognize the reality, but if you can't figure it out, then no matter how hard you try, you can't see any chance of winning, right?

Is it a skill?

What skills?

What the hell is going on?

"It's just a matter of physical fitness."

Holy God Son answered Ye's doubts.

"The Cradle Game will also manifest a person's physique, and physique does not occupy the skill bar."

The so-called physique refers to the characteristics of a person's physical body. For example, Ye's body is ineffective against drugs, and Lin Guang's body is immune to flames. A special physique like this will not appear as a skill. In the game, such a physique will not occupy a skill slot.

In the cradle game, Ye's body is still drug-ineffective.

In the cradle game, Lin Guang's body is still immune to fire.

In the cradle game, the body of the Son of God——can still adapt and evolve at a high speed.

The increase in muscle utilization that continuously exceeded the safety limit made the body of Sheng Shenzi inevitably damaged.

This is a matter of course, no matter how slight the damage is, it is still a kind of damage to the body.

However, at this moment, the damage has been completely repaired.

And, the body of the Son of God—has adapted to the damage.

Adapt and evolve.

Very simple physique.

But at this moment, this has become a gap that the night cannot bridge.

The victory or defeat of the situation was reversed! !


Sheng Shenzi slashed his sword horizontally, Yeyan's pupils shrank into a needle shape, and fell to the ground in an instant.

It was about a semicircle with a radius of 800 meters. In an instant, everything within this range was cut horizontally from the trajectory of the Son of God's sword swing.

Ye didn't pause at all, and there was no time for astonishment at all. With his right hand, he turned his body to the left in an instant, avoiding the sword of the Son of God that slashed at Huashan.


At this moment, the earth made of rocks is as fragile as tofu, and a bottomless abyss ditch spreads to a distance of 3000 meters.

"What are you going to do now, Night?"

Sheng Shenzi asked with a smile, and then slashed his sword again.

Ye got up and dodged, still unharmed.

However, the distance was forced to open.

No longer giving Ye a chance to approach, the Son of the Holy God slashed at Ye's body with his sword after sword, forcing Ye to retreat a little bit to avoid it.

As the distance increases, Ye's reaction time will also increase-but this is by no means a good thing.

There is a saying in the field of physical weapons that range is everything and firepower is truth.

Range plus firepower, it is simply invincible.

Being forced to face the enemy's continuous long-distance firepower outside of one's own attack range, this is simply the worst situation. It can be said that Ye Ye has no chance of winning now, and can only struggle to delay the moment of defeat.

"Is there any other way? Brother Ye?"

Faced with this question from the Son of God, Ye couldn't answer at all.

No answer is the best answer.

The answer is that there is no way.

Up to now, this has developed into an absolute gap in strength.

Right now, Ye didn't have any elements that could break the situation.

That is to say...


Chapter 73

Moon is thinking about a question.

Just now, she suddenly realized something.

That may be something that can reverse the defeat of the other party's night, and then directly reverse the outcome of the entire game.

During the battle with Qionghelou, Yue also knew that the two were immortal cultivators and were using mana to fight.

The flying sword attack technique uses mana as the driving force.

Then, Yue at that time couldn't help sighing a little, but it's a pity that magic power and mana are not compatible at all, otherwise he could learn the skill of mana condensing and condense some mana, then the current situation wouldn't be so bad, would it?

After all, think about it, Yue once used magic power to use fairy magic, so in turn, can magic power also use magic?

——Although I haven't tried it, and I don't have the opportunity to experiment, but it should be feasible.

After all, the use of magic power is due to the skill of "ten thousand methods", so the principle is common. As long as there is the skill of "ten thousand methods", it is completely feasible to use magic with mana.

Unfortunately, the moon just has no mana, so this is just a thought.

There is a source of power, but... huh?

That's right, when thinking of this, Yue's brain froze suddenly.

Should it be dark under the lights?

Anyway, Yue didn't react suddenly until this time.

Since mana can use magic in his hands, mana should also be able to use magic in his hands, then... why can't Yuanli be used to use magic in his hands?

There is no reason, it just doesn't work anyway - there is no such reason at all, right?

Therefore, Yue gave it a try without hesitation, and then...


She suddenly vomited blood.

This suddenly confused Joan who was fighting with Yue, and then subconsciously chose to retreat, guarding whether Yue was a trap.

However, this is certainly not a trap, in fact Yue is even more confused than her.

Even before she had time to chant, she had just begun to draw the magic circle with her source power, and Yue was directly attacked by magic in the usual sense.

... Seems normal?

But this is very abnormal for Yue.

Does being backlashed by magic mean that Yue has no way to use magic with his source power?Was her guess wrong?

However, even if the guess is wrong, she shouldn't be backlashed by magic, right?

Now Yue already knows that because of the existence of the "Wanfa" skill, no matter how messy she is, she will not be backlashed by magic... But why is it different this time?

Just because it uses source power?

Is Yuanli so special?

Or, is it because of some other reason?

——Yue already had a guess in her mind.

That is, - because she did not bring the "Wanfa" skill into the cradle game.

It is not the "Wanfa" skill that can increase magic power, source power, and spellcasting effects, but an exclusive skill called "Wanfa".


- Can master all the world's law.

This exclusive skill does not seem to be useful in the cradle game, so of course Yue did not carry it. After all, the combat power of this exclusive skill is mainly reflected in the branch skill "Wanfa" derived from this exclusive skill. On top of that, it's pretty useless by itself in Gradle Games.

—But perhaps that is where its usefulness lies?

Because she doesn't carry the exclusive skill "Millions of Laws", of course Yue in the Cradle Game can't master all the magics in the world. Naturally, she can't use magic with source power. Of course, she will only be backlashed by magic.

Rather, it is rather strange that he was not killed directly by backlash, probably because of his physical fitness.

In other words, if you want to use magic with source power, you must put the exclusive skill "Wanfa" into your skill bar.

However, very coincidentally, or very fortunately, in Ye's backpack now, there is a special item obtained from Yue's fighting monsters-a "skill card" that allows people to directly add a skill slot.

Could it be that... the seemingly useless skill card that I got from fighting monsters for the first time was actually a manifestation of my (Yue) luck?

It's just that I didn't figure it out at the time, so it became like this.

If I had figured it out at that time, then I (Yue) at that time actually still had time to take everyone away with one move! !

For a moment, Yue couldn't help but wondered whether he was actually an idiot by accident, right?

After thinking about it, Yue began to think about a problem.

That is... Do you want to trade the skill cards in the night backpack back?

It's actually not too late now, because the other side of the Son of God is being restrained by another self.

But in the end, this is just speculation right now.

The skill card is left there at night, maybe it will be useful in the future, but if it turns out that the guess is wrong after using it here (month), then there is no point in consuming this skill card, right?

...It is also meaningless to think like this.

Now, my (night) side has formed a desperate situation that cannot be broken. If this is the case, then you can only bet on my (month) side, right?

With such thoughts in mind, the skill card returned to Yue, and she used it without hesitation and chose to fill in the exclusive skill "Wanfa" in the skill bar.

Immediately afterwards, Yue chanted the long text chanting magic again.

"Earth, water, wind and fire, the heart of the four elements"

"Seeing this here, practice your spirit."

"Li Li Nan Huo, listen to my orders, Goddess of Zhu, Spirit of Fire."

It worked! !

The source power was successfully mobilized, the magic circle was successfully constructed, and the chant was successfully chanted.

Yue couldn't help the surprise in his heart, and successfully used the source of magic to use the magic. The symbolic meaning in it was too great, even Yue couldn't help being surprised.

But now, what surprises Yue the most is that the battle situation has been reversed.

"How can it be--?!!"

"No!! This is impossible!!!"

While Yue Xin was pleasantly surprised, as a matter of course, Qiong and Lou felt frightened at the same time.

Can't understand!unbelievable!Can't calm down!

What kind of scene is this beyond ordinary people's perception?

"Hey, hey, hey! What happened? Yue Xuemei used the long text singing magic again!!"

Glacier Bud was shocked and even stood up in fear, and shouted loudly as if to vent his emotions, the sound shook the audience!

"In a world view without magic power, Yue Xuemei used long text singing magic! She used magic with a power system different from magic power! How did this happen? How did she do it? How did she do it? Could it be that the difference between the power systems doesn't exist on her?! What is that exclusive skill called "Wanfa"? ! ! ! "

This scene that completely violated common sense has even made people feel fear, but the ones who are most afraid of this are undoubtedly the twins who are facing the terrifying source power fluctuations in the game field.

There is no doubt about the fluctuation of Changwen's chanting magic, but the energy fluctuation that diffuses is not magic power, but another completely unknown energy.

Can magic that is used without magic power still be called magic?

Just like an immortal method that is not used with mana, can it still be called an immortal method?

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