Eve knew that someone would come to her soon, but she didn't expect Olukin to come in person.

"I originally wanted to arrange for you to leave for Qingshui Castle during the September holiday, but Nanfen wants you to go earlier so that you can leave some time to return to the manor..." Olukin said straight to the point.

[174] The white horse that guides the way (Part [-])

"Clear Water Castle is roughly in the southwest corner of Klikin, and it's fairly close to Benlong Castle, so I suggest you start from here. It's a good time now. If it's two months later and the sea water rises, I'm afraid you'll have to take a boat then."

"Then how do I get there now, on horseback?" Eve asked him.

"You can ride a horse. It will take more than 20 days to walk from here." It was not Ilukin who answered her, but Yuqie.

"You know the way? How do you know?" Olukin asked suspiciously. "It stands to reason that very few outsiders know about a place like Qingshui Castle, and the Yolian Islands have a complicated terrain. Even with a map, it is difficult for ordinary people to match these islands with their names. Could it be that you are from the local area?"

"I'm from Luoming, not only that, but I also have a good relationship with that eldest princess."

Seeing that he spoke so frivolously, Eve couldn't help but glance at him.

"That's why it's no wonder." Hearing what he said, Olekin respected him even more, "So, you haven't asked your name yet?"

Yuqie didn't answer - as usual, he turned his gaze to Eve.

"His name is Yuche Arlo," Eve replied.Seeing that Ologin was still looking at her, she added: "Yuqie is a knight from Zhanlongyuan, and he can be regarded as my friend." Immediately afterwards, she turned her head and introduced to Yuqie: "This is Ologin Xiennai, the chief magician of Logos Academy, and the main leader of the Mowudu team."

In this way, the two met each other under Eve's "recommendation".

"Miss Eve is going to Qingshui Castle this time, do you plan to accompany her?" Olukin asked tentatively.

"The madam always cares about the young lady, so having more people will make her feel more at ease, but I can't make up my mind for the young lady... Besides, it's up to you to decide—"

"It would be much better to have a trustworthy person accompany you." Irekin smiled. "This is even better. If you are sure of the way, I can relax here." He patted On the shoulder of the young mage beside him, he said to Eve: "I forgot to introduce, this is Axiandong Lacan, he is my assistant, and you have met before. I originally wanted Axiandong to take You go...but I'm really busy recently, if I can save some manpower, it will be of great help." His polite tone was a bit exaggerated.

"Actually, the Eldest Princess once entrusted me, saying that if there is a chance, she must take the young lady to Qingshui Castle..." Yuqie said—Wen Zina did say that.

"That's my idea too." Olukin nodded, "Using magic is not a simple matter. In any case, it's only natural for Eve to make this trip——A Xiandong, give me the letter."

The young mage took out a letter from the inner pocket, which bears the wax seal of the Logos Academy Research Institute.He handed the letter to Eve, and said, "This is the letter that Andwena—that is, my teacher—wanted to give to Sigourney. Keep it carefully, and don't let anyone touch the letter before handing it to this witch, let alone open the envelope."

It wasn't until Eve nodded in agreement that he let go of the envelope.

"Then when are we going to leave?" Eve asked him.

"The sooner the better." Erlogin replied, "I have already said hello to both sides of Shengfeng Mountain and Qingshui Castle. As long as you are ready, you can leave at any time."

Eve breathed a sigh of relief, she was looking forward to such a trip now.Due to her depressed mood recently, she really wanted to leave Benlong Castle for a while, no matter where she went, it was right to relax.

After the matter was settled, Eve and Yuqie left the room.Hepned's office area is not far from Hollyn's mansion, and by coincidence, an acquaintance appeared in front of Eve when she went out - and because of the appearance of this person, she just felt a good mood It instantly turned into a wave of anger.

Mulanie stood at the corner of the building. Her position was actually not conspicuous, but Eve still keenly felt the gaze of the former witch.

Eve rarely loses control of her emotions—especially when she shows obvious anger, and she always thinks it is immature to vent her anger on others—but now, she is almost angry to the extreme.

Eve jumped down the steps and rushed in front of the gray-haired girl without even thinking. At this moment, Mulanie was still in place, but Eve had already stretched out her hand and grabbed the other party's collar—she was a little taller than Mulanie, and the height of the two had hardly changed in the past six months.

"How dare you appear here!" Eve said through gritted teeth.

Mulanne looked at her in surprise, without saying a word.In her opinion, Eve is like a rabbit with red eyes—the seemingly fierce behavior is actually for the purpose of self-protection.

Yuqie rushed over, but when he saw the girl opposite Eve, he didn't know what to do.

"Eve, I've reformed myself now, let's get along well in the future...can't we?" Mulanne said with a smile.There seemed to be flattery in her eyes, but it also seemed to be provocative.

Mulanne's words did not have a soothing effect, and Eve lifted her from the ground with a little force, and pressed her against the wall behind them.

At this moment, Mu Lannie still hadn't figured out why Eve's reaction was so strong at this time—her anger seemed to hide embarrassment.

"Hello!" Another voice came from afar.Seeing the situation here, Asde was running towards here quickly, but when he approached, he was blocked by Yuqie.

After the banditry at the beginning of the year, there was one thing that still troubled Eve—she was almost killed by the opponent in that magic confrontation.For more than half a year, whenever she thought she had forgotten about this incident, the same situation would recur in her dreams: she dreamed that she was pierced by an ice halberd through her chest, and dreamed that the evil witch was smiling at her... She was always awakened by such dreams, and then gasped heavily, soothing her numb chest.Eve never told anyone about this matter, but the fear of touching death was constantly brewing in her heart - some of the feelings she felt when she thought about it afterwards, probably made her feel more sad than when it happened at the time.

"You have something to say, Eve." With Yuqie standing in the way, Asde could only persuade her, "Mulanne is not as bad as you think, and she is also regretting what she committed back then... Her nature is kind. I have been with her recently, and I can assure you—please forgive her..."

"She killed two people in front of my eyes." Eve said, "Even if I can forgive her, I'm not familiar with those two people, at least not enough to forgive the murderer for the victim."

"Then what are you going to do? Do you want to seek justice for them?" Mu Lanye pointed at her, "If you still feel angry about what happened that day, then speak up, there is nothing shameful about it... "

"I'm really a little angry." Eve also calmed down a little at this time, she let go of her hand, and put Mu Lannie back to the ground.For a moment just now, she did have the urge to beat him up, but it was just a thought after all—now Mu Lannie is Huo Lien's adopted daughter. "You'd better not do anything bad in the future." After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at A Si De, "I really can't understand, a murderer can still wander around in Shengfengyue's territory."

"Sorry." Regarding Eve's questioning, Asde could only say this - he understood that not only Eve, but also many people in Shengfeng Mountain who knew the inside story were also dissatisfied with the way Hollyn handled it, and the former So did he.

"Perhaps they are not without measures." Yuqie walked to Eve and explained to her: "This lady...at least her ability to use magic is restricted now."

Eve saw the metal nails hanging on Mulanne's face just now, and she thought they were just decorations.

"Let's go." After venting, she also felt bored, so she didn't plan to stay any longer.

Before leaving, Mulannie said to Eve: "Shengfeng Mountain is not a good place, so leave early."

Eve glanced back at her, and then at Asd next to her.

"It seems that you know it in your heart." Eve replied indifferently.

Two days later, Eve packed her bags and planned to set off in the early morning of this day.She borrowed a horse from Tet Rog for the journey, and this horse is one of the unique breeds of war horses in Shengfeng Mountain-as early as a century ago, the knights of Shengfeng Mountain would always prepare two horses during the battle : One horse with superior endurance is used for trekking; the other is brave and powerful, used for fighting.The horse Tetrogg lent to Eve is the Turoan warhorse known for its endurance—it has a long smoke-colored mane and a blue-gray back, and is famous for originating from the Turoan Plateau.

The sunny weather for several consecutive days made the climate in Ikerin Province hot again. Taking advantage of the cool temperature in the morning, Eve and Yuqie rode out of Benlong Castle.

There is a large wetland to the south of Benlongbao City, they need to detour from the east, and when it was close to noon, a shadow in the sky caught their sight.

On this day, Fuge Manning noticed that Eve had left Benlong Castle—seeing the girl's appearance, she seemed to be planning to go far away—so the dragon chased after them and stopped their way here.The reason why he chose to be in the suburbs is because the terrain here is open and there are few pedestrians, which can make his huge body stand firm.

Seeing the proto-dragon approaching gradually, Eve's expression was a little strange. She stopped the horse and waited for the approach of Fugemanning.Even a well-trained warhorse, when seeing a huge dragon landing in front of him, would still pace non-stop, as if preparing to flee all the time.

"Eve, are you going to leave?" Vegmanning's voice was still so loud, and his "tone" seemed to be questioning.

"I'm sorry, Fu Ge, because I left in a hurry this time, I forgot to tell you." Eve quickly explained, "Go out to do something, and I won't be away for too long."

"You will come back."

"Yes, the longest is no more than two or three months."

"Where are you going? I can take you there, which will save more time."

Eve found it difficult to answer Ge Manning's proposal.Although this person and a dragon often go together, Eve never thought of commanding a dragon like commanding a horse.To her, Vegmanning was more of a playmate - they never asked each other to do things for them - usually, they only acted together when they shared a common goal and never had a stake .

"Thank you, but... still don't need it." Eve said coyly.

"Okay then." Surprisingly, Fuge Manning didn't ask the reason, he only said to her: "Be careful on the road."

The dragon tilted its head, its eyeballs rolled slightly, and Yuqie could vaguely feel his gaze.Ban Xuemo has never been in contact with creatures like "dragons" - dragons are a symbol of disaster in the eyes of humans. This kind of statement will always make people mistakenly think that they are naturally ruthless creatures, and they are irreconcilable dissonances in nature.

"I'll pay attention." Eve nodded and agreed.

"So, he's someone you can trust," said Vegmanning.He was referring to Yuqie.

"Probably so." Eve glanced at Yuqie beside her, and then asked Gemanning, "Do you want to get to know him?"

Yuqie is very courageous, and Eve thought that maybe he and Fugemanning could get along.

Most people are unwilling to deal with creatures like dragons—Eve also thought about finding some friends for Fugemanning, but the people around her lack the willingness, even if they like to read "Emman Valsinde" Elvira also said that she is very afraid of this kind of creature and does not want to have contact with these alien races.

"Well... Eve, I have to confess to you." Fuge Manning raised his head.Eve and Yuqie were sitting on horseback, and his huge head could only be seen by looking up.Vegmanning hesitated for a moment, and said: "Actually—it is very difficult for me to distinguish the appearance of you humans. In my opinion, your facial differences are extremely subtle, so except for a few Outside of a few people, I can barely tell the difference."

After listening to Fuge Manning's words, Eve looked extremely shocked - she had known this dragon for so long, but she had never discovered that the other had such severe prosopagnosia.

"But you can recognize me...don't you?" Eve asked him in an uncertain tone.

"Of course, but it wasn't based on 'look' at first, your appearance, gait, smell, and voice...Although it is a bit difficult to recognize, because you always wear the same clothes, but as long as I notice these features, I will not I will admit my mistake."

Compared with humans, Vegmanning's words are sometimes more straightforward, but Eve is very good at it-a dragon that has never really integrated into human society, it is already very empathetic. It's easy, but the limit of "tactfulness" has always been obtained from practice, and it cannot be forced.

"Thank you for your hard work." She sighed a little.

"Actually, it's not as difficult as I imagined... Forget it, it's getting late, let's talk about these things later—we have to go early and return early." The stairs, lightly striding towards the sky, then flew away and disappeared.

In Vegmanning's view, human beings are very fragile animals. They rely on houses to shelter from the rain, trees for shade, and clothes to maintain body temperature. Even so, they still suddenly and inexplicably die……

But the Proto-Dragon is envious of them, because they are always busy and have endless things to do-they don't swim in the deep sea, but live more comfortably than fish; they don't fly high, but live better than birds more freedom.

[175] The white horse that guides the way (Part [-])

In fact, in the simulated battle that Eve participated in, the two fictional locations of Senatan and Nova River also had their sources—their prototypes came from the two city-states in the north of Tonteni.Klikin has eleven neighboring countries, and Tonteni is one of them.Totney is a small country, located at the southern end of the West Union Plain, separated from the Mochesk Plain by a low mountain range (the wetland near Benlongburg can also be counted as being in the West Union Plain Inside), Gorgon's hometown is there.

The contradictions between neighboring countries are always the same. There are some territorial disputes between Tonteny and Kriging, but at the same time there are some strategic cooperations. A century ago, Kriging overturned the power of the countries on the west coast, but at the same time, they also inherited their positions and propositions.Under such circumstances, it seems inevitable that the friendship between Totney and Shengfengyue forces is inevitable, but on the other hand, Shengfengyue actually has no diplomatic power-they need to use the review office or the revenge society as an intermediary to achieve their goals, and the risks and benefits are also borne by them.

The Deedine River is regarded as the territorial dividing line between Kriging and Tonterny.The west end of this river is connected to the Beginning Sea, and the east is converging with the downstream river of the Shuoban Sea into a saltwater lake in the territory of Tonteni.This river is a seasonal river, and as the seasons change, the flow direction of the river will also undergo periodic reversals. When the spring is stable, the river will flow westward to the starting sea; The river also stopped.

In August and September, the water level of the Daedain River is low, sometimes even close to dryness.Yuqie and Eve rode horses, crossed the border of Klikin, and stepped into the territory of Tonteni.In the scorching sun, they wore Shengfengyue's cavalry-printed cloaks to fight against the hot and steaming weather. The dew condensed from the steam gathered at the hem of the cloaks, and as the horses continued to gallop, a faint cold mist rolled up behind them.

Near the bed of the Daedine River, a large number of short and dry plants grow. These plants usually have purple-brown stems, needle-like or thick leaves, and tiny bittern crystals are condensed on those leaves, which can be seen from a distance. , here seems to be a piece of frosty snow, and the ice crystals are really beautiful.

Taking this road may save a few days of driving, but the disadvantages are also obvious: almost all the surrounding areas are wilderness, it is difficult to find a place to stay, and the two of them can almost only sleep in the wild.But this is not a problem, Eve and Yuqie are both good hunters, and the acquisition of fresh water-in a world where magic prevails, it is even less of a problem.

One afternoon, the two found a big tree as usual—most of the trees here are also bare—and they took a rest in the shade.Eve saw Yuqie sitting on a tree trunk writing a letter, so she leaned over to read it.

It is not a moral thing to peek at other people's letters, but Eve actually can't understand what he wrote.Both the Kriging language and the Loming language originated from the ancient West Coast dialect, and they have many similarities in oral language, but they are very different from the written text—Kriging text mostly uses the Franto-Hatan characters, and this is related to some tendencies when the country was founded.

"I'm writing a letter to a friend who is an archer. This person is very interesting." Yuqie said proactively, "She is an elf, and her marksmanship is very accurate."


Yuqie's words aroused Eve's interest.

"Yes, I have never seen her use a bow and arrow, she only uses arc guns, or hidden weapons." Yuqie explained to her.


"An elf who can do things around the royal family is already very rebellious... Who knows, maybe she wants to rebel to the end."

"What does an elf look like? I've never seen an elf before." Eve asked again.

Yuqie smiled at Eve, and he stepped aside to let the girl sit down beside him.

"It's also the first time I've seen it... I don't know if all elves look like this. This person's name is Anliefu. She is very beautiful. Her ears are longer than mine, her hair is slightly curly, emerald, and her complexion is almost the same as yours. She has a somewhat arrogant personality, but I don't know if her attitude is only aimed at me. After all, I am also a Xuemo, and it is normal to have some prejudices."

"Really, I have been living in Bomeng for the past few years, and I rarely see the sub-clan there. It can be said that even the Xuemo people are rarely seen—except during festivals."

"Actually... I think, if you can have two pointed ears, you will probably look like an elf."

"You mean appearance?"

"Appearance is one aspect, but also figure." Yuqie put down the pen and paper, and looked at the distant field, "Whether it is a human being or a Xuemo, or a half Xuemo like me, in terms of aesthetics, they are actually more inclined to appreciate the proportions of elves... From our paintings and sculptures, we can see that the human body in art is always more slender and more graceful than in reality. Later, I saw the archer, and found out that this body proportion is not fictional... I also felt the same when I saw you this time. It was more elegant before."

Sometimes, Yuqie would compare Eve with this elf—before leaving, he helped Eve adjust the length of the stirrups—he found that although Eve was not tall, her leg-to-body ratio was outstanding. At the same height, Eve's figure would be taller and younger than ordinary people.From this point of view, Eve and Anlev's figures are indeed very similar, but Anlev is much taller than her.

"Really? That's probably the result of regular exercise." Eve laughed dryly, "But some people did say that I'm not like an ordinary person... Maybe it's because of my mother's inheritance."

"Your mother?" Yuqie turned her head and looked into her lake-like eyes. "Wenzina didn't mention it much—what kind of person is she? Is she also an elf?"

"I don't know, she is also a mystery to me. After all... I have never really seen her." When talking about this person, Eve felt deeply confused.

"Are you going to find her in the future?" Yuqie's eyes were bright.

"Probably not." Eve said, "Actually, I have a feeling: if she wants to, she can appear in front of me right away, and if she doesn't want to, she can be found by no one—I Guess she has such ability." Since that coma, she felt more and more that Iftrona was probably still alive, at least...partially alive.

"Is that so?" Yuqie said, "I think that as long as you are willing, you will be able to find her... I am more experienced in finding people, and I can accompany you." After saying this, he laughed secretly in his heart——Yuqie is now in his thirties, and just looking for someone has consumed nearly ten years of his life.

"What do you want her to do?" Eve smiled. "She has her own affairs to be busy with, and I'm living a good life now. That's enough."

"Then... do you have other goals? What are you going to do in the future?" Yuqie felt that a person must have a goal in life.

"In the future?" Eve thought for a while, but did not answer directly.After a moment of silence, she asked Yuqie, "Wenzina gave me a piece of land, what do you think of it?" She still remembered that Yuqie said he had been there.

"Nuo Keding Bay." Yuqie nodded, "The environment is very good. It can be said that there is nothing lacking there, and the traffic is quite convenient, but it is a little bit cold... I am afraid that thinner dresses can't be worn there. "

"It's not bad to be cold, it can clear people's minds, and there will be a lot less mosquitoes." Eve rested her head on the tree trunk. The climate in the north of Tonteny made her tired. Life in the Northland: "Go hunting when the weather is good, go fishing when it is cloudy and rainy, stay at home when the weather is coldest, read a few books around the fire, or play the piano. If conditions permit, You can also invite a few friends to move in with you... well, raise a few sled dogs, and let them follow you when you go for a walk..." The more she said, the more excited she became.

"Good idea." At this time, Yuqie was also immersed in the same imagination - in Luomingo, he did experience a similar short period of time.

Time is becoming longer at this moment.In the vicinity of this saline-alkali land, not only small shrubs and various salt-secreting weeds grow, but also some tree species of different heights are scattered, and those trees have thick trunks.Unknown animals and insects hide in this gray-white wasteland, and strange calls come and go, but the sound is heard but the shape is not seen.

The sun was setting towards the west—that was where Eve and the others were going.The weather was no longer hot, and their physical strength and mood had recovered. The two rode on their horses and planned to continue their journey.

Strands of long voices echoed in the wilderness, the voices were melodious and undulating, magnificent and full of rhythm, like continuous waves, gentle, but with a majestic momentum.

"Hey——" Yuqie put his hands around his lips, letting the loud call spread far away.Following his line of sight, Eve raised her head and saw a changing black mist drifting into the distance—it turned out to be a group of flying cicadas—they hovered in the sky with the whistling sound of a wave, and then slowly dispersed.

Only then did Eve realize that the strange calls they had been hearing were actually a kind of cicadas.

"Sometimes you can see this kind of cicada in Hatan. They are a bit special, they only sing in the evening and at night." Yuqie said, "Although I can't name it, but now I can hear this familiar call. It gave me a sense of intimacy—like someone whispering the native language in your ear."

Hometown dialect... Eve raised her head, and her thoughts gradually drifted away.

"You used to live in Hartan?" Eve asked him after walking some distance.

"Yes, it can be said that I was born in Elvran, but Hatan is my hometown. I was still a baby, and was entrusted by my parents to a local swordsman in Hatan... I learned swordsmanship from this adoptive father and grew up there. Later, I learned about my life experience, so I went to the north to find my parents who were exiled back then."

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