"Are you going to the ruins to find something?" Eve asked him.

"Please don't use honorifics, just call me by my name." Olukin put his hands together. He doesn't look like a mage, but a monk. He is only two years older than Di, but their stability is similar to that of a monk. A seniority difference.He said: "The relics in Kriging are all over the place, but most of them are from the late third era, and in the longer second era, alchemy was more common than magic. I followed this time, and I didn't expect to have What kind of harvest, if you have to say it, it is to find inspiration."

It was very windy on the mountain, and Olekin always spoke in a harmonious voice. In order to hear what he said, Eve slowed down and walked side by side with him.

"Finding inspiration means—is magic also a kind of creation?" Eve asked.

"It's not entirely correct to say that it is creation." Irekin said, "It can be called re-creation or discovery. Studying magic language is more like studying a form of logic, or using existing knowledge to construct more complex and accurate content, or select the most useful one among the many existing but undiscovered results."

"In other words, inspiration is a new way of thinking?"

"Almost, but this time there are other meanings, not necessarily magic. Compared with the third era, the second era, the abuse of magic and alchemy is outrageous, but the society is not chaotic. There must be some Where we can learn and refer.” He said, “Compared to the unearthed texts of the Third Era, the texts of the Second Era will not contain a lot of industry jargon, and they rarely use machinery, so their content may be more biased towards more It is also a reference to the natural forces that are the origin.”

Eve always half-understands what Olekin said, but Lin Xin who is following her is even more confused.

"What is magic?" Eve couldn't help asking.

Hearing her question, Olukin gasped. He smiled helplessly and said, "The more obvious something is, the more confusing it is, isn't it?"

Eve couldn't help but nodded.

"Magic is more like a force. When you stretch out your arms, you can push the stones out, and if you condense the magic in your hands, you can push the air out into the wind. In fact, the two are the same. But they are the same, but there are some differences. The stones that people can push with their physical strength are not too large, but they can use magic to break mountains. Judging from the things we eat, the energy added to the body is not equal to the powerful effect of magic. switch. If magic is compared to a horse controlled by a person, it can be said that it is not the horse itself, but the reins that control the horse.”

"I understand a little bit." Eve asked again: "But how did the effect of this magic come about? It can't be produced out of thin air, right?"

"Yes, this is the crux of the problem, and it has been a matter of debate since ancient times." Speaking of this, Olekin's eyes almost glowed. "The Lutin school believes that magic and its effects are like thinking to language, and sound is just a vibration, but the meaning of the information conveyed in language is far greater than the sound itself. Therefore, they believe that magic is a method and rule for stimulating hidden energy. The earlier school of metaphorical philosophy connected this energy with the main god and the fallen devil—people through chanting magic spells They communicate with the gods and demons, and they respond to the demands of human beings, and use the hands of human beings to bring down their mighty power. It is difficult to say whether gods and demons really exist, but in fact it does not matter. Most of the metaphorical philosophers do not consider their gods when they think, but only show them as conclusions, put their origin and end on the gods, and redefine or use them as a non-anthropomorphic existence. Besides, elves are not keen on building city-states compared to humans. They cannot accept such high-intensity population density and social connections, which are closer to nature , and their understanding of magic is usually divided into two categories—'animism' and 'unity of all things', that is, what we usually call the theory of animism and pantheism. Animism claims that magic is a language to communicate with everything, and it is the result of people asking for assistance from the surrounding elements, while the unity of all things says that magic is a kind of ubiquitous pan-consciousness, which is an extension of human consciousness. If people have the will to use it, it will appear energy entities."

Eve realized that Erlogin seemed to be popularizing some in-depth understanding of magic for himself.

"But no matter which school of explanation it is, its essence is basically the same, that is, magic is an external force. Humans cannot generate it, but they have the power to use it." Olugin said that Eve almost forgot what he was asking just now, but now the topic has turned back, and he has reached a conclusion in the other party's summary.

"But I can't use magic, do you know what's going on?" Eve asked him.

"You can't use magic?" Olukin was a little surprised, "Which magic can't be used?"

"All, all magic including martial arts." Eve replied.

Lin Xin was also secretly surprised when she heard Eve's words.

"You haven't been able to use it all the time?" Olugin spread his hands and said, "I can give you a simple test, you learn my movements, and then chant the spell."

After finishing speaking, Olukin slowly uttered a few syllables, and a ball of red light condensed out of his hand.He spoke clearly, and Eve followed his example, but no vision appeared in his hand.Erlogin tested more than a dozen different spells, and the four of them stopped at the mountainside at this moment. They formed a group to watch Eve's test, but the further they got to the back, the heavier Maoqi's heart was.

"At first glance, it should be a manifestation of the spellcasting disorder syndrome." Olekin sighed, "But it is still impossible to know whether it is physical or psychological, Eve, have you ever had a head trauma before? Or a major change in life experience?"

Eve shook her head in a daze.

"She doesn't remember a lot of things, what you said may be possible." Mochi put a pair of big hands on Eve's shoulders, "But anyway, it's no big deal if she can't use magic, and she doesn't go to the battlefield to fight."

"There is really no need to rush this matter." Irekin nodded. "If it is psychological, as long as she has the will to use magic one day, this situation may be cured immediately without medicine, but if it is physical, it will be more difficult. Maybe go to the eastern continent to try your luck, where the attitude towards magic is much more open than ours here."

"Thank you." Eve bowed to him.

"You're welcome. You don't look disappointed yourself, though."

"Maybe it's because of my indifferent attitude that I don't have elements or gods. Be willing to lend me your power." Eve said half-jokingly.

Maoqi laughed out loud when he heard that, he rubbed Eve's hat-wearing head, and said, "Yes, this is little Eve."

The Musk Rabbit Mountain is not steep, but that is also seen from a distance. If you want to really climb this big slope, you still need to spend some effort, especially if the mountain has no steps or plank roads, it may take a day just to go up the mountain.

The flocculent clouds and mist float on the mountainside. People stay here for a long time, and their clothes and hair will become wet. In places where the clouds are dense, there is even a drizzle.

Since Erlogin and Lin Xin were not good at climbing, the four of them only searched for easy paths, and would detour when encountering steeper rocks. Therefore, they did not reach the top of the mountain until it was half dark.

The clouds were under their feet, and the sky on the top of the mountain was naturally clear. Eve looked to the southwest, and saw that the sun had already sunk below the deep black mountains in the distance, leaving only a ray of orange red on the horizon and a clear and gradual blue that extended to the entire sky.Gray-white clouds spread flat under their feet, only a few higher mountain tops exposed black sharp corners, and there were flashes of lightning in the clouds from time to time, but no sound was heard.At this time, the moon has not yet risen, and there are still a few faintly visible light green star dots hanging on the sky directly above their heads. On this continent, "stars" are rare celestial bodies, and it is even more impossible to see a magnificent picture scroll similar to the Milky Way. Every time Eve looks up at the night sky, he will think of the starry sky of another world—the tiny planet guarded by countless stars. There are a group of lonely people. When they look up at the night sky, they have created countless stories. .

Irekin stretched out his hand, and a ball of white light flew out, hanging above his head like a balloon, and followed him to illuminate the dim ground.

After the sun went down, the wind gradually died down. In this quiet high place, Eve had the illusion of facing the sea.

Lin Xin saw that it was getting late, but no one planned to set up the camp, so he asked, "What shall we do tonight?"

"Don't worry, come with me." Mao Qi waved his hand and said.

The top of Shetu Mountain is very wide, and there is an open space big enough to run a horse, but it is bare, full of gravel, rock and soil, without any green.They walked towards the center, and the further they walked in, the more they could see some white stone debris on the ground that seemed to be ruins.

Mochi took out a palm-sized silver lantern from his hunting bag, held it by the handle and raised it over his head. The lantern was originally off, but now it is shining.

It was at this moment that Eve saw the most miraculous scene in the past five years - the light from the lantern reflected a three-dimensional architectural graphic made of light, and the graphic was like a pattern drawn with white lines on black cardboard, precise and complex.Then, fine textures appeared on the surface composed of lines, and there were some fractal patterns in it, which made people dazzled. These patterns, like crazy plants, gradually became complex and full, and then filled with dark substances, and finally completely closed, and what finally appeared in this open space was a minaret about 50 meters high.

Eve raised her head, and could vaguely see the red light shining on the top of the tower.

The tower has four sides, and the concave arc surfaces are gradually tightened upwards, and meet at the top to form a needle-thin spire.

The tower reflects the twilight of the sky, smooth as a mirror.

Looking at such a tall tower, Eve suddenly felt an inexplicable fear in her heart.

The tower is out of this world.It undoubtedly has a smooth and concise design aesthetic. Even in a dim environment, you can feel the pleasing appearance of the lines, but it is this very advanced architectural style that surprised Eve. For the local aborigines, perhaps the architectural style of the second era should be like this, but for Eve, this style is abrupt, making her both familiar and unfamiliar.

"What's going on here?" Lin Xin took a few steps back, but still couldn't see the whole picture of the huge monster at a glance, "How did you get it out just now?"

"The Logos Academy still trusts me, so I keep the keys of many ruins here." Mao Qi said with a smile, "Every time I open the ruins, I have a very dreamy sense of accomplishment, as if I have built such a tower with my hands up."

"Basing the spectacle on the natural landscape can indeed render an exciting religious atmosphere." Elekin said.

"If their science has developed to such an extent, what market is there for religion?" Maoqi put the lantern back into his bag and said casually.

"People repeat themselves like this. The development of science does not mean that rationality will also develop. Maybe it will be worse. When people lose their rationality and the world is crumbling, they need the constraints of faith. At that time, thousands of gods and demons may really have the possibility of restoration." Olekin responded.

"That statement is also interesting." Mao Qi nodded.

"Why do I feel like this is a signal tower?" Eve whispered, as if talking to herself.

"Signal tower?" Olukin first glanced at Eve, then turned to look at Maoqi, and asked, "What is the signal tower for, like a lighthouse?"

Eve rested her chin with her knuckles, and was just thinking about how to explain it to him, when Mao Qi said: "It's a kind of tower specially used to transmit messages, and this kind of building does exist in the text of the ruins. Speaking of this, I'd rather I remembered something - I saw a technique in Tianyizhou before, they placed a pair of pattern printing plates at two places more than ten kilometers apart, as long as one was activated, the other would also produce a slight resonance, and As long as this responsive tattoo is engraved with an amplification circuit, it can be used as a relay to make the third tattoo that is farther away resonate."

"Is there such a thing? When did this happen?" Ologin became very interested in this.

"It has been more than ten years, and it was still in the experimental stage at that time."

"What kind of principle is it, can we do it too?"

"The principle is actually quite simple. In fact, it uses the starting method of multi-person cooperation to cast spells."

"The guide is the first to chant and resonate with the assistant caster. In fact, this kind of printing plate uses this principle? But what about the distance? Can it work so far?"

"Different cooperative spellcasting methods have different effect distances. This can be tested, but the real difficulty is not here..."

"I understand that it is very difficult to convert the opening gesture into a tattoo with the same effect. It is like a lock. If you are given a bunch of keys, it is easy for you to find one of the keys that can open the lock. But if you are asked to create such a key out of thin air, it will be much more difficult."

While talking, the two walked towards the ruins, followed by Lin Xin and Eve.

"How is your uncle?" Eve asked Lin Xin.

Lin Xin didn't realize that the other party was talking to him at first, he was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw Eve looking at him, he woke up like a dream, and quickly replied: "He's fine." He even I haven't realized who Eve is asking.

"Your swordsmanship is very good, but don't ask me to compete with you in the future, I will definitely not be able to beat you." She said.

Only then did Lin Xin realize that this Eve seemed to be expressing dissatisfaction with what happened last time.

"Sorry, it's really unfair for me to compete with you. I only competed with students from the same school before. Although they are all men, you are actually much stronger than them." Lin Xin explained: "My grandfather—Elder Wigotto wanted me to compete with you at the time, and at the same time wanted me to learn from you. And through this competition, I did realize that I used to rely too much on my own strength. The last blow you made with the pommel that day was very powerful. I practiced for a while after I went back."

"You know how to use it?" Eve was a little surprised to hear what he said.

"Yes, yes." He nodded quickly.

"You are really talented." Eve said, "If I didn't use the training sword, I would definitely not use this move, for fear of hurting myself. And this move is more suitable for dealing with opponents who are stronger than myself. I don't know when you will be able to use this move, especially in unarmored combat, unless you go to the battlefield and lose your main weapon. You want to use a saber to knock the enemy's helmet and head to pieces, or face some giants. This strength can only be used. leeway... but in any case, this move is too fancy for you."

Eve's words made the young man a little confused, maybe she didn't realize that there was some teasing in her words.

The main entrance of the ruins tower was opened, and a gate pulled up from the bottom appeared on the original black wall, which was wide enough for three carriages to pass side by side.

Four people walked into the tower, but the interior was pitch-black, and it was hard to tell how big it was. Irekin manipulated the ball of light to float to a higher place, barely illuminating the empty interior space.

Compared with the simplicity and elegance of the exterior of the building, the scene inside the tower is much worse, as if it were the scene of an explosion, messy things are everywhere, and it is not even possible to tell what the debris is.

Eve stepped on these debris, picked up a broken black strip from under her feet, and shook it in her hand. It was very heavy, like a metal object.

"Amorphous metal is the same material as the tower." Mao Qi said: "This is a product of alchemy, but to use this material to build a one-piece building without any trace of forging, the technical difficulty is unimaginable."

"Can't these things be taken back for use?" Ologin asked.

"All the useful ones were taken back, and the rest are basically fragments of the building framework." Mao Qi said, "These materials look very rare, but they are actually useless, and they are not even worth researching at this stage."

Eve threw the piece of metal back into the debris pile with a crisp sound.

"How did such a powerful civilization perish?" Olykin's words were not a question, but a sigh.

"Yeah, when I think of this, I feel creepy." Mochi smiled, and took out his own water bottle from his bag, but it was filled with wine.

"Maoqi, what did the civilization of the Second Era look like? Have you found any clues?" Eve asked.

"Of course there is." Mao Qi took a sip of wine and rationalized his words, "The degree of prosperity in the Second Era is even more sensational than the paradise described by Cheng Yujiao. What kind of life people in the old civilization lived is what modern people I dare not even think about it. Can you imagine that cities can be built in the clouds and in the sea, and the streets on the ground can extend to the sky?"

Eve was shocked when she heard his words.

"In the old place of Aiqirod, some design drawings called 'Tianmen Realm' were even discovered. These drawings recorded a closed sphere half under the sea and half floating on the sea surface. Its altitude can reach nearly a hundred. km……"

"The only thing I don't believe is this... The deepest known sea area is only 22 kilometers deep, and it's a long and narrow trench. So, where should this ball be placed?" Ologin asked.

"Maybe this thing has never been built." Mochi affirmed his doubts, "The blueprints that can be found weigh several tons, but this is only a small part, which involves countless dynamics, constructions Technology and mathematical tools in science, biology, magic, and alchemy, which is enough to show that they really want to create such a new world, and they even designed a system to judge and manage the Tianmen Realm Huge machines, using machines to manage people? Who came up with this? It’s a pity that with our current technology, we can’t restore those damaged storages, and the data recorded in those blocks is the bulk of the data.”

Eve was too shocked to say a word—isn't this the magical world?Why does it sound so sci-fi?If what Maoki said was true, even the thriving technological development of the other world seemed worthless in comparison with such miraculously lost civilizations.

Could what he said be true?Eve thought it was very possible, especially when she was in such a tall tower.

Cloud and Mist (Part [-])

Eve slept in the tower at night and had a dream.

She dreamed that a woman in a long black dress came to her. She looked similar to herself, but not exactly the same, and she was taller than Eve.This woman is very beautiful, and Eve thinks she is much more beautiful than herself.

The woman didn't say anything, she just raised her hand to show Eve her hand. In the palm of her hand lay a blue gemstone, which was exactly the same gemstone as the one Ji Xian left her.The woman lowered her eyes slightly, and with a loving smile, she looked at Eve for a long time.Then, she raised the hand holding the jewel, and pressed the jewel to the center of her eyebrows.

Dreaming of this moment, Eve woke up with a start. She opened her eyes, looked around blankly, and then sighed: Most of the dreams seem to be anticlimactic like this, and they will be interrupted at critical moments.

She felt that she was sweating, so she got out of the tent. A lamp was hung on the wall inside the tower, emitting a faint light, illuminating the ruins all over the ground.

She heard soft footsteps on the debris, and Moki came to her side.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" Eve's voice was hoarse.It seemed that it was still late at night, and at this time she could still hear the snores of the other two sleeping soundly. She couldn't help being surprised to see Mao Qi coming over.

"As you get older, you wake up when you hear a little sound." Mao Qi squatted down and answered in a low voice. He took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and then said, "It's more than three o'clock, you can still sleep for a while."

"Don't sleep anymore." Eve rubbed her eyes, "Is there any water?"

"Yes." Maoqi took out a metal cup and poured the liquid from the kettle into the cup. There was silence in the tower, and it seemed that the sound of pouring water was very loud, but it was reassuring.

Eve took the cup, drank it gulp, and then returned the empty cup to Mochi, saying, "Drinking this cup in the morning will make you feel much warmer."

Mochi panicked, and hurriedly turned back to check the kettle beside him, only to realize that he mistakenly poured wine into Eve instead of water.

"Hey, little drunkard, why don't you tell me I made a mistake?" Mao Qi poured her another glass of water and asked her to rinse her mouth.

"Just kidding." Eve smiled at him.

"It's not funny at all, I thought you were sleepy." Mao Qi scratched her nose, looked at her smiling face, and then sighed, "If only I could have a son like you Enough."

"I'm also half your daughter, right?" she said.

"I said son, not daughter," Moki said. "It's all right if you're a boy, but you're a girl."

"It's all the same." Eve sat on the stool by the tent, and Moki put her coat on her.

"It's different, just like your drinking behavior just now, if outsiders see it, you don't know what to say." Maoqi opened the spout and poured himself a glass of wine, "It's different if it's a boy, if it's like you At this age, father and son hunt together, ride horses together, drink together...and no one will make irresponsible remarks, how nice it is."

"Haven't we always been like this?" Eve looked puzzled.

"No, the feeling is different. When you drink, I will advise you to drink less, and when you use a knife, you are afraid of being hurt. Not only that, but you also have to be careful when Nanfen sees it. If it is a boy, you can be more casual. You can't get used to him, if the kid makes a mistake, I'll kick his ass!" Mao Qi said, and shook his fist.

"What about Ruger? Did you kick him before?"

"That kid." Mao Qi spread his hands and shook his head, "He was spoiled by Nan Fen, he is such a young master, I have to thank him for not kicking my ass."

"It's the first child, it's normal to pet it." Eve said.

"You always help her talk, you see, that's how a daughter is." Mao Qi said, "but it's true. When Nan Fen first married, she had a miscarriage in her first child, and she conceived again in the second year Ruger, I like it so much, she was only 17 years old when she gave birth to Ruger, a mother, but jumping around the crib like a child, so happy..."

Eve imagined the scene described by Mao Qi, and couldn't help smiling.

"But a baby is cute, but it's not like that when he grows up, especially when he inadvertently shows contempt for you." Mao Qi sat on the ruins next to Eve, and continued: "Luge, this kid, has been trained by the best tutor in the capital since he was a child. He went to the Advanced Preparatory Academy at the age of 12 and was admitted to the Second Academy of Logos Academy at the age of 15. He is indeed very talented in learning knowledge. Unfortunately, he has not experienced society.

"The father did everything and didn't give his son many opportunities." Eve imitated Nanfen's tone in the previous sentence, and she said, "I heard Nanfen say that when you were young, you often used this sentence Just talking about it, she said that you also ran away from home back then, can you tell me more about it?"

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