"So there really is such a place..." Elinde sighed—her voice was so small that she seemed to be talking to herself.

"Of course there is," said Isabelle.

A leaf whirled and slowly fell in front of them. The leaf was shaped like a spoon and was slightly blue in color.

Eve picked up the leaf, and in the sunlight, she could clearly distinguish the veins on it—the dark blue veins were clear and transparent, like dilated veins under the skin.Eve was fascinated by this strange leaf. She raised her head and looked at the canopy above her head, with a slightly surprised expression.

Only one branch stands out from the rest of this leafy plane tree.The foliage there was not yet yellow, and it was even in full bloom—green and bluish spoon-shaped leaves in layers, as gorgeous as peacock feathers.As the autumn wind blows, among the many tumbling and falling sycamore leaves, there are a few swirling green leaves from time to time. They always fall slowly and vertically, as if carrying some kind of stagnant power.

"This is the branch and leaf that the third generation brought back from the elf land a long time ago—it seems that this year the color is darker than usual." Yisabeau said, "At that time, the dean didn't want to plant it in the soil, so he grafted the branch and leaf on this old tree... It is said that it is easier to survive in this way."

"I've never heard of it," said Erinde. "You put another tree on top of this one? Why hasn't anyone said anything about it? We thought the tree was just like that." long."

"None of you asked..." Isabelle said.

"They planted another tree on top of one tree!" Loper opened her mouth wide. She never thought that adults could have such wonderful ideas occasionally, and then she asked Isabeau: "Can you plant another tree on that tree?"

"Probably not." Isabeau replied with a smile.

"What about the flowers?"

"Probably not."

"It's a pity." Lopel curled her lips in disappointment. She looked at Isabeau and seemed to think of something again, "Isabeau, do me a favor——" She raised her head and pointed at herself little face.

"Yes." Isabeau nodded, she took off one of her gloves, and gently rubbed Loper's cheeks with her palm.Her movements were fast, and before Eve could see her movements clearly, the other party had already put on the gloves again.

Lopel turned his head, and there was a layer of shiny silver powder on his puffy cheeks.

"Does it look good?" She asked Eve with a smile.

"It looks good." Eve nodded quickly.

"Do you want to try too? You can ask Isabeau for help."

"I don't need to." Eve quickly refused - she saw that Isabeau's expression seemed a little embarrassed.

In fact, Eve was very curious about what Isabeau wiped Lopel, but out of politeness, she didn't ask.

They chatted under the tree for a while, and after a while, two sisters, Harsha and Alani, rushed out, shouting excitedly: "It's snowing—it's snowing!"

Eve looked at the sky suspiciously—where can I see a single snowflake on this clear afternoon?But Elinde seemed to wake up suddenly—she frowned slightly, and looked to the north.

Based on her understanding of her these past few days, Eve could tell from her expression that she was sad again.She leaned over to Erinde's side, and held her hand tightly -- she looked like a good girlfriend who was competent.

Following her gaze, Eve looked towards the top of the mountain not far away, only there was a swirling dark cloud gathered.At this time, the snow-covered mountain peaks and the inverted cone of clouds formed a huge hourglass, like two opposite mountains; the rising snow covered the sun, and the front showed a golden halo, while the back left a blue color. shadow.

Seeing this magnificent scene, Eve was stunned, thinking it was some kind of natural disaster, so she asked, "What happened on that mountain?"

"It's snowing." Lopel replied.

"It's snowing...is it snowing season now?"

"Why not?" Lopel asked her back.

"Is this really a normal phenomenon? It's the first time I've seen it..." Eve couldn't understand it—they were still wearing single clothes, but there was wind and snow on the top of the mountain.

"Every autumn, we store water here." Erinde wiped the corners of her eyes, and explained to her, "The outermost barrier of the island is used to regulate the temperature, but the range does not cover the top of the mountain, because the top of the mountain must maintain a low temperature so that the snow will not melt. In winter, part of the snow will be heated and flow down the river, which not only ensures sufficient water, but also keeps the home warm."

"You mean the snow didn't come naturally—you made it yourself?"

If the weather can be changed, the witch's ability cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Lopel was just like Eve—two pairs of eyes, one big and one small—staring at Erinde suspiciously.Eve found it unbelievable, but Lopel didn't know it.

"Probably so, but it is impossible to achieve this level with spells alone, and a large number of tattooing facilities are needed to increase it." Erinde said, "In previous years, these things were taken care of by Tyrian, but this year it is not clear..."

Erinde remembers things from her childhood - that mother-like woman would always take her and Delize to the mountains to play in the snow the day after the snow fell.They rolled snowballs in a clearing, built a snowman, or sat around in a tent and made tea with snow.Erinde was wearing a thick winter coat, and she deliberately opened the neckline to gain extra care and love from Taelian--Talian always smiled and took the trouble to button her up, or take off her scarf and wrap it around her tightly.The soft cashmere has a reassuring smell and temperature—in childhood memories, this is the moment that Erinde misses the most and feels the happiest.

[186] Black Magic and White Magic (Part [-])

In the evening, Erinde took Eve to the large changing room upstairs - where the common clothes of the fifth generation were stored.In Qingshui Castle, the witches don't just wear new clothes, especially for half-grown children—children grow up fast—they always have to pick up a few clothes that older children can't fit.

In such a warm home for witches, resources are shared and allocated according to needs, so comparisons on the material level rarely occur.With adults as role models, children will not resist wearing patched clothes-and thanks to Sigourney's management, in the past ten years, the younger generation no longer has to rely on sewing and mending as before.

As long as it snows, it is the children's festival. The fifth generation is going to go to the mountains to play early tomorrow morning. At this time, Erinde also has to choose a suitable warm clothing for Eve.

"What did Isabeau paint on Loper this afternoon?" Taking advantage of this time, Eve asked Erinde.

The movement of Erinde's hands froze for a moment, and she didn't answer immediately.

"Isn't it easy to talk about it? Forget it..." Eve saw her hesitation——she remembered that Isabeau himself seemed to be a little shy about this matter.

"It's not impossible to say. In fact, many people know it, but they just don't want to mention it. After all, it's not a good thing." Erinde picked up a turtleneck sweater and compared it in front of Eve, "How about this one?"

Eve stared at the silver sequins on the sweater and said, "It's okay."

"Isabelle encountered an accident when she went out with the third generation." Erinde said, "At that time, she was probably Lopel's age, or maybe a little older... Since then, her skin— — especially on the palms — it produces something like that, sort of like the scales on the wings of a butterfly or a moth.”

"What happened to her?" Eve couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Erinde said, "I only heard from others that she may not live for a few years."

"so serious?"

"Anyway, that's it, don't mention this to others, especially Isabeau himself." Irene Derby made a silent gesture, "After all, I also overheard some things, so I don't know if it's true or not. "

Erinde didn't want to talk about Isabelle anymore, she picked up two coats and asked Eve which one she liked better.

"This one." She was more optimistic about the suede brown leather jacket.

"Oh... I actually like the other one better," Erinde said.She shook the crimson coat with a hood in her hand—the coat had a row of ivory horn buttons, and there were two small bells tied to the neckline. Eve felt that this coat was more like children's clothing.

"It's all right, let's take this one." She didn't care about these formal things.

Erinde looked at the two coats in her hand, and finally gave her the jacket. "Let's keep it warmer," she said, "but I want to see you wear it."

"Now?" Eve asked with a smile.

Erinde nodded, her eyes full of anticipation.

Eve's body is well-proportioned and slender. Even in work clothes, she seems to be able to wear a distinctive beauty. This is not only a talent, but also related to her long-term exercise.

After that, the two of them took the packed clothes back to the room and went to bed early—Elinde told her that there would definitely be a snowball fight tomorrow.

They slept deeply, but they didn't expect the troublesome thing that happened in the second half of the night.

At about two o'clock in the morning, Eve was awakened by Erinde's shaking. The tattoo lighting in the room had been turned on at this time. She opened her eyes with difficulty, and Erinde was staring at her solemnly.

"What's wrong?" Eve asked her.

"It seems... something happened." Erinde said hesitantly.

Hearing what she said, Eve noticed something - she felt that her panties seemed a little wet.

Bedwetting?That's what she thought at first, and when she touched her thigh, the slightly slippery feel made her feel alert again.She slowly raised her hand, the dazzling dark red on her hand made her sleepless for an instant - she couldn't help shivering.

Eve jumped up from the bed at once. She lifted the quilt and stared blankly at the marks on the light-colored quilt and trousers—not much, but a little horrible.

"This is..." Eve looked at Erinde, not knowing what to say - her mind was in chaos at this moment.

"Recently... it seems to be a little irregular."

"You mean..." Erinde's words made Eve's eyes widen. She opened her mouth, looked at her lower body, and then at Erinde.

Erinde was amused by Eve's appearance, and she said, "Well, it's not yours."

Eve breathed a sigh of relief, and she sat back on the bed, as if she had been drained of strength.

"Thinking about it now, I seem to have some feelings two days ago, but there are too many things recently, so I didn't pay much attention... Sorry."

Eve waved her hand to show her understanding.Speaking of which, she had experienced similar things several times when she was in the manor—Dakeren’s family had good material conditions, and Eve remembered that Minxi had menarche just after she was 12 years old, and her younger sister didn’t sleep well, and she didn’t come regularly in the first two years, so Eve would sometimes suffer along with it—it also made her experience the hardships of being a woman in advance.

Minxi didn’t have the talent to be a lady—she was lively and active since she was a child, and she loved to roll on the hillside in the backyard, always making herself dirty and disheveled. Every time Nanfen saw her like that, she wanted to push her on the washboard to wash. It wasn’t until she went to Hartan to study that Minxi gradually became conscious of being a girl, and began to love cleanliness and beauty.

During that time, it was precisely because the young Minxi was by Eve's side that the mystery of "female" gradually disappeared in her heart, and even gave her a faint sense of disillusionment.

"It's too dirty, let's wash it." Aileen De's tone seemed faintly irritated.

The two cleaned up the blood-stained sheets and clothes—they worked together, soaked these things in cold water, and sprinkled some salt along the way to better remove the stains; after doing this, they wiped their bodies with wet towels, and then quietly went back to bed to rest.

Lying on the bed, Erinde couldn't fall asleep. In order to relieve the embarrassment in her heart, she had a night chat with Eve.

"Eve, when... when was your first time?" she asked.

There was no answer for a long time, and Erinde thought she was asleep, so she sighed softly.

"Not here yet." At this moment, Eve replied in a low voice.

"Oh——" Erinde turned her head, "Sure enough, I guess so."


"Telian said that she came here at the age of 19, and she and the dean are a little special."

"Have you... still talked about this?"

"What's the matter, everyone is not the same." Erinde said, and then she remembered something: "Yes, I haven't told you about these things—you should know."

Eve didn't say a word, she curled her legs and retracted half of her face into the quilt.

"Most people know that you can tell a witch's level of magic through her hair, but there are some things that only the witches know... It depends on a witch's practice status. Her 'menstrual period' is shorter than that of snow hair. More precise."

Erinde said the word anyway.

"What do you mean?"

"The magic practice we do every day will prolong the time interval between menstrual periods... This is actually a side effect of prolonging life. Of course, it can also be said to be a benefit." Compared with Nanfen, or Eve herself, Ai Linde didn't shy away from talking about this topic, "For example, for me, the interval between this time and the last time was about... 42 days—the interval between menstrual periods for witches generally remains between [-] and [-] days. "

According to Erinde, this obviously cannot be called "menstruation".

"You mean, the strength of a witch can be seen through this... state?"

"It can also calculate the approximate lifespan." Erinde said, "However, this state will not really stabilize until at least 30 years old."

"I suddenly thought of a question: If a witch has a long lifespan, wouldn't it be difficult for her to have children?"

"Why?" Erinde asked.

"Because her 'safety period' will be very long, if she only has two periods a year, as long as she misses this opportunity, she will have to wait another half a year for the next time."

Erinde was silent for a moment, but she still didn't understand what Eve was talking about, so she asked her, "What is a safe period?"

Only then did Eve realize that as a woman, knowing her own biological knowledge is not the same as knowing about men and women.

"Well... Forget it, let's go to bed early." She didn't have the courage to explain this kind of thing to the other party.

For a young girl, simple ignorance is a virtue, and this kind of thinking seems to have never been eradicated since ancient times. In this regard, Eve herself is not exempt: she does not want to be Erinde's enlightener, explaining those "unscrupulous" issues to her, because she subconsciously feels that Erinde is in a good state now; Use this to maintain your own image, or to avoid trouble.

Not surprisingly, the two of them slept until dawn and didn't get up yet, but the children who got up early were already impatient.Loper rode a steel fork and pried open the window of their bedroom, and the cold air broke into the house, awakening the two who were sleeping soundly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Loper was very dissatisfied. Now that Delize had gone out to do errands, the temporary organizer was still sleeping in bed.

"Little bastard, who let you in through the window!" Erinde yelled at Loper as soon as she got up.

"Who told you to sleep late..." Loper stuck out her tongue at her, and she ran straight past the bed, unlocked the bedroom door and went to the corridor.

The doors and windows were ventilated on both sides, and the room became even colder.The two had to get up and get dressed first.

Probably because of what happened last night, Erinde's gaze has been a little dodged, and she even forgot the first greeting after getting up.Recalling the scene at that time, Eve suddenly wanted to laugh - the dazzling bloodstains really frightened her, and even made her legs weak.If one day, I really encountered a similar situation, what should I do?She looked down at her belly, feeling irritated.

Just after dawn, the nine members of the fifth generation set off. Perhaps because of the snow that had just fallen, the temperature in the settlement dropped sharply, and the wind was howling, as if winter was about to enter.

"I'm not going!" Walking halfway, Kani felt her legs were cold, and she wanted to retreat, but was stopped by Gayapin and Loper on the spot.

"You're not going anywhere!" Lopel said.

"It's good to be active." Erinde encouraged.

In addition to the fifth generation, there are several other witches who went up the mountain this time—they acted as companions, playing secondly, mainly to ensure the safety of the children.Carrying tents and tools, they met the fifth generation at the exit of the mountain on the north side.Lazinana also came today. When Eve saw her, she was sitting on an upside-down metal bucket with two shovels in her arms—this fourth generation still had the heart of a child.

The snow at the foot of the mountain had melted at this time, while the mountainside farther away was still a vast expanse of whiteness.

The leading witch is named Sang Duolan. She is over fifty years old, but she still looks as young as a 24-year-old woman.Sandoran raised her hand, and on her finger were three green and gold rings; and she muttered a silent incantation, causing a slanting whirlwind to rise before them, and the whirlwind moved forward slowly, clearing the snow from their path.

Unlike the magic seen in other places, the magic used by the witches of Qingshui Castle always seems to be gentle and controllable.As far as Eve knows, Maoqi can't do this - he can use magic to generate a ball of fire, which can be used to light cigarettes or kill people, but it can't be used for cooking, or are other finer and more permanent operations.

Classified from the way of casting spells, it can be roughly divided into three types: fine type, fuzzy type, and compound type—either the modified words or values ​​are included in the chanted spell, or the imagination is only based on experience and feelings, or a combination of the two.Strictly speaking, there may not be real subtle or fuzzy spellcasting, because people must have the will to "form magic" when casting spells, and they cannot completely get rid of the form of "spells" and "prints" when casting spells.

From this point of view, the witches of Qingshui Castle are good at using magic not only because they are accustomed to using magic, but also because they have their own teaching system-the mental arithmetic or estimation ability cultivated since childhood, coupled with the formulas and models kept in mind, enable them to construct the most suitable form of magic in the shortest time.

"I remember that Lopel spoke very fast yesterday when he read the spell, even faster than this Sandoran." Eve whispered next to Erinde, "Can you also read the spell like Lopel?"

"Of course not, Lopel is a special case." Erinde said, "The dean also said that she is a rare talent. If she is trained well, she might become the second Aniye."

"Is she that powerful?"

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