"Do you want to go for a while?" Fochte stopped, "I think this place is good."

Erinde had been walking with her head down, and it was only at this time that she woke up like a dream, "Okay, then here it is." She responded.

Under a tree, Fochte began to shovel the soil, and it didn't take much time before he dug the hole.

"You don't need a box, just sprinkle it inside." Fuchte said to Erinde.

Erinde nodded, her reaction was a little numb.

The evening wind came, and the sound of wooden signs colliding with each other echoed in the woods. Eve raised her head and looked down the slope—at this moment, the first rays of light appeared, and thick clouds piled up on the horizon, like mountains and rivers. Although she could not see it clearly through the gaps in the trees, she could imagine the magnificence there.

The girl raised her hand and smoothed out her wind-blown hair. Her movements were casual and natural.

It wasn't until she turned around that Eve realized that Erinde hadn't opened the box yet, so she also stepped forward to help, but after a busy meal, the two still didn't make any progress.

"Two little idiots." Streiki couldn't stand it anymore, she took the box and looked at it twice, and then easily opened it - there were two dowels on the box, Streiki pulled them out, and then pushed the cover with the chute structure from one side.

"Who would have thought of that," Erinde said.

Fochte buried the ashes under the tree together with the bouquet, and then Latoli hung the wooden plaque with Tyrian's name on the branch.

On the same tree, there are wooden signs of different sizes, old and new, some of which are so old that the names on them cannot be distinguished.

Eve found a wooden sign left under a tree, covered with mud, so she asked Fochte if she wanted to hang it back on the tree.

"It doesn't matter, whether it is hung on a tree or buried in the ground, these people don't care now." Fochte said, "The people in the cemetery will be forgotten sooner or later, because there is only their body buried here-the body will be turned into ashes, but the mind will not... So, if you want to find some immortal names, you'd better go to our library."

As the sky was getting darker, Erinde buried her head in Eve's chest—neither crying nor speaking, Eve hugged her back, and they sat quietly under the tree for a while, feeling The breath of the other party.

When they went back, Fochte took them another road. On the side of the road, they saw a dilapidated log cabin.

"There used to be a person named Tessie who lived here. After her partner died, she moved here from the city and lived here for nearly 20 years. About seven or eight years ago, she also passed away." Tess' tone was always calm, "Tessie and her partner are more than 200 years old, she shouldn't have died so early, but then again, this kind of situation is actually not uncommon in our place."

Everyone stopped here for a while.

The wooden house was in dilapidated condition, almost leaning and collapsing, and the fence outside the house was also scattered—there may have been some plants planted here before, but now it is overgrown with weeds.

"People...maybe only by staying alone can they ensure their integrity." Fochte said, "There is no need for a character who will accompany her for life... Just like Tessie, her partner died, and her life was meaningless For me, no one is a passer-by, and the soul is free, so I will stay awake forever."

Two people in love meet each other, their souls merge into each other and become perfect and complete, and for many years after that, they will feel a great happiness; The soul that is one is brutally torn apart by fate and becomes tattered—it is difficult for a half soul to survive alone.

"But sometimes, you meet characters like that, and that's life." Latorrie said, "I suffer, but I never regret it."

Fochte shrugged, but said nothing more.

As night approached, everyone returned to the city. They didn't speak much along the way, as if they had their own concerns.

Forest City was still brightly lit and people were coming and going, but it was difficult for the people from Qingshui Castle to blend in here. They returned to the library, had a light meal, and then went back to the house to rest.

Erinde and Eve still share the same room—there is no bed in the room, they sleep on the carpet.The fluffy quilt is soft and warm, the cylindrical pillow exudes a faint fragrance of flowers, on the low table is a jug of liqueur made from night sky vine fruit, and the dim yellow tattoo lamp dispels the cold and damp air in the room—everything is fine, except for the quartered round window, which Elinde is not satisfied with, because there is a vine outside the window, and those zigzag shadows sometimes make her feel scared.

They poured a full glass of wine, each drank half a glass, and then got ready for bed.

"You have a scent on your body. During the day, I thought it was from La Toli's body, but it turns out that you have the same scent on your body." Erinde said.

"Those glowing goblins always like to fall on me, maybe they got some nectar on them." Eve didn't care.

At this time, the two were sleeping on the carpet, with their bodies facing the same direction.Erinde put one arm around her waist, interlocking the fingers of her other hand.The girl's breath passed through the thin fabric, causing warm air to accumulate on her companion's back.

"La Toli... her lover is a woman just like her." Elinde's voice was very low, as if whispering, "They have been in love for so many years."

"It's okay, there are many kinds of love." Eve said.

"Then... what he said about Fochte, do you think—does he make sense? He said that people should always remain independent."

"I don't know, I'm actually thinking about that too."

"What if one day you meet that person in your destiny?" Erinde asked again, "Just like La Toli and Valkyrie, would you accept her?"

"Who knows, when people talk about love, they always think of marriage, but maybe there is a deeper relationship between the two people... I actually don't have such confidence in myself-I can love someone for so long, I don't know what it feels like."

Erinde sighed, Eve turned around, smiled at her, and the two embraced and fell asleep.

After experiencing the preacher's copper coin, it's not that Eve doesn't understand Erinde's feelings for her, but when it comes to feelings, she's too cautious and timid—this person has too many worries in her heart.

[223] Rebirth under withering: The Ordinaryness of the Unrivaled World Part [-]

After completing the task assigned by Sigourney, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.This morning, Lelier and Stricky disappeared, and the children went out to play together, so now only Eve, Erinde, and Delize are left in the dormitory.

There is a student named Pani in the library who can speak Old Franto and can communicate with them without any problems.

"Are you a man or a woman?" After getting acquainted with the other party, Eve asked Pani such a question - Pani has flat chest, but narrow shoulders and wide hips... It is really hard to tell.

"This is not a question that can be asked casually," Pani said. "In our place, people who care about other people's gender usually do so because they have a certain need. You know... When you ask me about my gender, you are actually sending out an invitation, and under normal circumstances, I will answer you like this—'This is a secret', or 'Do you want to find a place to meet?', which one to use depends on whether I am interested in you or not."

"In your place, gender is considered a kind of privacy?" Eve asked again.

"Not exactly, but it's almost the same." Pani replied, "But from another perspective, gender is not that important... You can also see that in our place, there is actually not much difference in appearance between men and women. The two words 'male' or 'female' used to refer to gender in the ancient Franto language are rarely used in the language of the forest elves—of course, except for the tribes outside—we usually use more than a dozen other words to describe gender. They represent different gender characteristics."

"You mean, there are more than a dozen genders here?"

"There may be more." Pani said, "It's actually wrong to say that it's gender, but it's more like a subdivision of more than a dozen types of females."

"It also includes females that can make people pregnant, right?" Eve quickly understood her words, but at this time, Erinde and Delize standing behind them were still confused.

"That's true." Pani admired, "You know a lot."

"I really don't understand—" Eve asked Pani, "For example, on this street, almost all of them are women at a glance. How did you do it? Is it a selective evolution?"

"This may be a kind of... herd behavior. After all, there are still too few people like our teacher, and most people have anxiety about beauty."

The teacher Pani mentioned was Fochite.

Eve was stunned for a while before she understood the meaning of the other party's words.

"You mean...some people aren't born with the looks?"

"It should be said that most people are not." Pani finally told the truth, "Appearance, posture, and voice, all of these can be changed."

"How to change the voice?"

"There is an operation where tattoos are inserted in the throat so that the voice can be altered."

"What about your body shape?"

"Using drugs, if the body has already been shaped, then some articles must be done on the bones."

"Are you still an elf if you do this?"

"So what do you think an elf should look like?"

Eve shook her head and didn't continue talking.

Perhaps, in a place like Parnas, it is not incomprehensible for this kind of thing to happen—a group of elves who have nothing to contend with and are isolated from the world, what can they pursue in the long and boring years? ?In another world, there are still people who are willing to spend money and use knives just for the beauty of ten or twenty years, not to mention these elves with a long lifespan-they have no worries about food and clothing and have nothing to do, so it is not surprising how they develop.

"In this case, why don't you make this place bigger?" Eve gestured on her chest.

"I tried it, but it got in the way, so I returned to the original state." Pani replied.

Eve blinked, her expression thoughtful.

"Ha, so that's your plan." Only then did Pani realize that she had been tricked by the other party, "Okay, it's what you think...you just need to know, don't always ask people's gender to the bottom."

Under Pani's leadership, they visited almost half of the city, and during this period, Eve also saw some of the price paid by the Parnas elves to maintain their beauty-according to the standards of this big eater, there is almost no food here, most of the food tastes very bland, and relatively, there are almost no fat people in this city.

"What pastimes do you usually have?" Eve couldn't help asking her.

"Books, music, chess and cards, and other forms of entertainment... and then—do that kind of thing, by yourself, or with friends." Pani's tone was subtle, and Eve immediately understood what she meant.

When it came to some obscure topics, it was difficult for the two innocent girls, Erinde and Delize, to get their mouths open.

"We have a place here that specializes in providing this type of toys. There are all kinds of toys that can meet all kinds of needs... Would you like to try it together?"

"No, I'm not very interested in this." Eve said quickly.

"Really?" Pani didn't believe it. "Are you still shy? Or... let's go alone some other day? I will keep it a secret, and I won't tell others. Oh, by the way, there are still some images, do you know the images? It will definitely open your eyes..."

Eve glanced at Erinde and Delize behind her, and then said to Pani: "I appreciate your kindness. If you want to go, I will wait for you outside."

"That would be too boring." Pani was a little disappointed, but she could only let it go, "You know, I'm actually a little jealous of people like you."

"How to say?"

"You are beautiful, and you were born a woman... It's a pity that you don't have such a self-consciousness, and you don't know how to have fun with yourself-in my opinion, this is a waste."

"No, I'm fine now." Eve didn't agree with her point of view.

Regarding sex, she has naturally tried several times when she is alone—the part of her experience as a man will not be forgotten, and she is obviously not as pure as she appears on the surface. Women are more aware of their own structure... However, understanding is one aspect, but there is indeed a gap in practice—either because of missing the point, or because of psychological obstacles, in short, she has never been able to understand the essence, so she gave up .

In the past seven years, she has rarely had "physiological" needs, maybe because of gender differences, maybe because she hasn't reached the age yet, or maybe this body is rather special... Eve has had There are a lot of speculations, but she is not worried about it. After all, this state of "no desires and no desires" has brought her many benefits--less a lot of cranky thinking, and she becomes more focused on doing things; sometimes, Inner peace also represents a kind of emotional satisfaction.

The agitation and feelings she once had are gradually forgotten by her with the change of gender... Time is turning those distant experiences into flat memories, which is inevitable, as the saying goes.

When they went back to the library, they met Fochte again. Pani respected this teacher very much, and after seeing him, she became much better-behaved—but it was only on the surface.

"Did you go out to play?" Fochte said, "Pani, if you take them to the street, why don't you let them go to our library."

"Well... oh, I'm about to take them there." Pani said, "I think the situation inside the library is very different from the outside world, so they should go outside to have a look first, so they can make a comparison when they come back."

Fochte nodded, "That's a good excuse, but you have to remember—not every visitor can accept the filth in the city, and this city is not worth showing off to the outside world."

Pani nodded, expressing that she was open-minded and receptive.

"Let's go, I will take you to see the interior of the library and see what is really worth remembering here."

Eve hasn't really understood what's so "dirty" about Parnas's forest city, but if Fochte refers to the degree of sexual openness here, she thinks it's okay.

However, the problems in the city are obviously not so simple.

Pani went back to the dormitory, changed her skirt back to her student attire, and they set off.

"You have also lived here for two or three days, what do you think of the people here?" Fuchte asked them as they walked down the steps.

"There's a bunch of nice people living here," Eve said.

"anything else?"

"The people here seem...to be quite docile?" Eileende also tried to answer.

"Docile?" Fochte laughed twice, "This word is very interesting. How about you? This classmate, do you want to express your opinion too?" He said to Delize.

"I think these people seem a little dull." Delize said, "Like... like me."

"No, you are not like them, at least you can see it." Fochte said, "Indeed—the people here, this city, as you say, if you compare her to a As an elf, it can be said that her appearance is still bright and beautiful, and her personality is weak and harmless, but her body has already entered her old age, and her time is numbered."

"What's wrong here?" Eve asked.

"This is a huge nursery where generations of people exile themselves, and not only that, they revel in it."

Walking down the steps, they passed through the teaching area, and then took the elevator to go deeper.In the process of descending, Eve felt that her body gradually became lighter, and it was only when her toes were completely off the ground that she needed to hold the handle with her hands so as not to touch the top. no gravity area.

At this time, Pani tied her long water-colored hair tightly with a drawstring, and tied it into a ponytail like the other girls.

"Okay, let's use your magic." Fochite said.

Everyone used the magic of manipulating the wind, and used the reverse thrust to float out of the elevator platform.

The whirlwind slowly spread behind them, and they crossed the transparent cleaning barrier, filtering out the dust on their clothes and shoes.Eve followed Pani's action before, broke free from the resistance of layers of barriers, and swam into the reading hall like a fish.

The large size of the lobby can surprise young visitors who come here for the first time.Eve and Delize are book lovers, and Erinde also has the habit of reading. For them, everything here can be called a dream.

Above their heads, beside their sides, and under their feet, there is a sea of ​​books. Different kinds of books are inlaid on huge rollers, layer upon layer, and there are countless layers. They form a curved wall that shines like gold, and are slowly rotating around the central axis at an almost imperceptible speed.

The central area of ​​the reading hall is the widest, and the two ends converge towards the central axis, presenting a fusiform structure as a whole. At this time, Eve is floating in it, almost lost her way.Some spherical plants stretched their green branches and leaves, drifting past her, and further away, other people in student attire were swimming along the huge "tube wall"—their figures were a little small, but passing by After comparing, Eve noticed that some of the books embedded in the walls were even larger than people.

"I'm a little dizzy." Delize rubbed her temples. She almost kept her eyes closed—floating in this strange space, she felt afraid of heights wherever she looked.

Pani took out a box of pills and a bottle with a straw from her pocket, and asked Delize to swallow a pill with water.

"Let's go this way first." Fochte waved his hand, and a whirlwind slowly formed behind him, and Eve felt a force slowly pushing her, attracting and fixing her body to the caster's side The direction of the people, and the same for the others-they are like migratory birds in flight, forming a formation under the action of the wind.

Fochte's flying speed was getting faster and faster, and Eve followed behind him, and could even hear the sound of the strong wind whistling. They were flying towards the edge of the hall, where there were many walls of books. I found that this sea of ​​books is actually undulating, and the shelves full of books are staggered here like scales.Now, they seemed to be running against the wall—the three visiting girls were nervous, but determined to trust Fochte.As they approached, the book wall was unfolding towards the surroundings, as if there was some kind of magical mechanism in it.Behind the book wall is a corridor, because the light here is weak, so you can only see the interior when you enter it - there are large and small silver-gray spheres floating here, and the number is equally astonishing, looking from the corridor to the side , densely packed outlines of spheres exist in the edge and dark places of this space.

"You must never have imagined that these bubbles are our reading room." Fochte released the restraint of flying magic, "Since this student is feeling a little uncomfortable, let's find a place to rest now."

They flew away from the corridor, and under the guidance of the teacher, they approached a group of larger silver bubbles. Immediately, the group of bubbles opened a circular entrance—this door probably used the principle of an iris mechanism. When it unfolded, it looked like aperture blades.

Eve was the last person to enter the reading room, and from the moment she passed through the entrance, she once again felt the influence of gravity and landed on the surface.There is a soft carpet under the feet, the entrance above the head is slowly closed, and the light here is soft and warm.

At this time, a goblin took the opportunity to fly in.This cute fairy exudes light blue fluorescence all over its body, and it landed on Eve's shoulder.

[224] Rebirth under withering: the ordinaryness of the world · Part [-]

"Where are you from?" Eve couldn't help asking it with a smile.Goblins can't speak, and people don't even know whether this little creature has intelligence, so Eve's words seem like a joke.

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