In this way, on the second day—that is, the morning of the weekend, Eve went to the Longshe with all the equipment on her back to meet up with Vegmanning. Today she wore a tea-green big-brimmed hat and a The long white dress that could block the light was scrutinized by Vegmanning for a while.

It was cloudy today, and there were clusters of cumulus clouds floating in the sky. Sitting on Vegmanning's head and looking down, the clouds looked like raised hills.It was almost noon at this time, and the white and changing clouds were flying towards the north. The clouds cast shadows under the sun's rays, leaving deep and shallow mottled green shadows on the open plain.

There is a breeze blowing on the surface of the lake, and the ripples are rippling. Looking in the direction of the sun, the sparkling light is gradually charming.

Fuge Manning landed in the middle of the lake, lying quietly on the surface of the water.Eve walked back along the scales on the back of his neck, climbed along the raised spine to his right shoulder, and walked all the way to the huge protruding horn of his right wing.There are many horizontal cone-shaped scales growing on the wing horns of Fuge Manning, and the largest scales are several times larger than Eve's whole body, so Eve is safe sitting on it.

Fugemanning folded his wings and put the wing corners close to his chest. Eve was sitting on the cone scales, and he could see Fugemanning's chin when he looked up.The dragon nodded slightly at this moment, and it was impossible to tell from this angle whether his eyes were open or closed at the moment.

Eve really didn't expect his wings to be so flexible.

She assembled the rod, threaded the line through the eyelet, and tied the lure and hook.When she was ready, she opened the caster and swung the fishing rod horizontally, throwing the hook with a forehand sideways throw.Fuge Manning had been paying attention to her movements, and he had already raised his head at this moment, perhaps because he was afraid that the fishhook would get entangled on his chin.

When the hook entered the water, there was a soft sound. Eve turned the handle and slowly took up the line until she felt a resistance—that is, within a short while, the fish had already bit the hook. Eve was pleasantly surprised, Hastily pulled the rod to take up the line.There was no stalemate for too long, and it seemed that a small fish was hooked, and she pulled the fish out of the water without much effort.

A palm-length fish.Eve plucked the fish off the hook, and it was still bouncing in her hand.This fish has a straight body, with yellow and black spots on its back, and a blue breast. According to the classification, it should belong to the family Salmonidae, but it is a species that only exists in this world. The Kriging people generally call it blue-bellied trout.

It was too small, and Eve hesitated for a while before throwing the fish back into the lake.What she's thinking now is that the fish in this lake are so easy to take the bait, so it's unlikely that only this one will be caught today, right?After taking up the line, she threw the rod again to take up the line, repeated several times, and the fish bit the hook again.Feeling the force coming from his hands, this time it seemed to be a big fish. Eve stepped on the tapered scales of the Vegmanning with one foot, and stepped on the wing angle behind her with the other. Relying on her inexperienced fish skating skills, she fought wits and courage with this fish. After a stalemate for five or six minutes, she saw the fish suddenly jumped out of the water, and then unhooked inexplicably.

Eve sighed, and slowly retracted the thread, while Vegmanning turned his head to the other side when he saw this.

"You don't seem to talk much today?" Eve sat back on the scales of the proto-dragon again, trying to ease the embarrassing atmosphere with words.

"Hmm..." Vegmanning said in a dull voice, "If I keep talking, do you still want to catch fish today?"

Also, he spoke too loudly.

"Then I have to catch a few big ones today, and I can't let you down." After Eve finished speaking, she threw the hook out again.

[56] Cage of Destiny (Part [-])

No matter how poor Eve's fishing skills were, she couldn't keep the number of fish hooked. After breaking the line several times and losing some baits, she still caught a few big fish. Twice, she relied on the help of Gemanning. , and several other big fish floated up one after another.Seeing the fish floating on the water with their gills opening and closing, Eve finally picked them up together, but her interest in fishing also decreased a lot.

When the sun was strong at noon, Fugemanning flew to the big bush near the shore, where the temperature would be lower.Being bored, Eve simply disassembled the fishing rod and put it in the bag, and took out the "A Brief Reading of the History of Hanji Philosophy (Volume [-])" to read to Fuge Manning.

When Eve came this time, she also prepared lunch for herself. The content was relatively simple, mainly ham sandwiches and fruits.Seeing her eating, Fuge Manning took a closer look, and Eve felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him, so he asked him, "Do you want to taste it too?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but there's no need." Fugemanning tilted his head, "Eating you together is not enough to fit between your teeth."

Eve was drinking tea at this time, and hearing what he said, she almost choked on herself.

"Speaking of this, I've always wanted to ask you—what do you usually eat?"

"Me?" Fuge Manning paused for a while before answering: "Heavenly ocher is the kind of mine you often use to burn. Of course, most of the fuel can actually be eaten."

"Mine?" Eve's eyes widened. "So you eat ore for a living. I was thinking just now whether you prefer to eat fish or elephants."

"Hmm..." Fu Gemanning hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Animals can also be eaten. In terms of taste alone, I prefer walruses or whales that have more fat."

"Whale? Can you hunt a whale?" Eve was very curious about this.

"Dive into the water, and grab it ashore with your claws, just like when you picked up that boat that day." Fuge Manning seemed to be telling a story to a child, "Of course, catching a whale is more difficult than a cargo ship , because it is a living thing after all, it may need to spray a few fire fluids or electric fluids in advance to make it lose its ability to move, and the rest will be easy to handle."

The so-called fire fluid and electric fluid are relatively common wording habits in this world. Here, fluid can be understood as plasma—but the concepts of the two are by no means completely equivalent, because from the perspective of magic, there is still ice. Fluid, photofluid, gas fluid and other concepts.

"Then what will I eat after being dragged ashore?" Eve asked again.

"The smaller ones can be swallowed in one bite, and the larger ones need to be divided, just like you eat steaks-but I have never seen you eat steaks."

"Can you put on a show after that? I want to see how you eat."

"Eating? That's a cute way of saying it. We don't make food into meals." Frogmanning lowered his head to almost level with her, and then continued: "So, when the dragon eats, it's bloody, and there's nothing to see."

"Okay." Eve was rejected, so she was a little disappointed, but then she thought of something, so she asked mysteriously: "Fuge, have you ever eaten people?"

"No." After Fuge Manning answered, he asked Eve again: "Will you eat your neighbor's pet dog?"

The other party's question sounded a bit funny, and Eve replied with a smile: "Of course not."

"It's against the law, and your neighbors probably don't like it." Faugemanning said, and then asked her: "But if your neighbor says that his pet dog fell to his death, so you want to pay for it?" Give it to you to eat?"

"How can there be such a neighbor... even if he gave it to me, he wouldn't accept it." Eve waved her hand.

"In the final analysis, it's because this thing is not on your recipe. However, I did encounter a similar situation before." Fuge Manning said, "Once, Hyde's friend wanted me to help destroy the corpse in this way." Extinction."

"Well, that sounded scary, and you turned it down?"

"Hyde lied to me before and said that eating dead people will hurt your stomach, and if you want to eat, you can eat living people, but I actually believed it, so I refused."

"Your previous... owner seems quite interesting."

"It's really interesting, and I'm also a master juggler. Every year at the Ming Festival, I would jump on top of my head to perform knife throwing and bowl throwing for the people in the Knight Academy, which made a group of people laugh at us."

When Grand Duke Hyde was there back then, the days of Vegmanning would not be as lonely as they are now. That indomitable man knew how to let people temporarily let go of their prejudices and accept this giant dragon with a human soul.

But the years—the years eventually return everything to the original place.

That day, when Eve came to Longshe for the first time, Vegmanning looked at her. He could see the panic in the girl's eyes, and even saw that she had the intention of running away at any time, but no matter what, there was no submission or reverence in her eyes—she was looking at him at the same level, and there was no prejudice in her eyes.

Before she came, Fuge Manning was still thinking about how to make himself appear approachable, how about two sparrows in his mouth?Is it a little too stupid?

Dragon is a kind of creature favored by the creator. It has many talents in one body, so they will be jealous of the darling of the creator-human beings.Humans have tried every means to make a race as old as them split up and lose their inheritance; human beings enslaved their offspring, made them sickles on the battlefield, made them synonymous with war, and made them feared and cast aside by the world again.

Human heads are too big, they can only be born one step before continuing to develop, so in this level, they are all premature babies; but dragons are not - dragons sleep in eggs, think in dreams, or ten years , or a hundred years... And when a similar kind wakes it up with the blazing breath, he will come to the world with the original rationality that is unattainable for human cubs, and then absorb knowledge like a dry sponge, and perfect it day by day.Human beings cannot tolerate the perfection of other races, so the first step of oppression is to give them an unknown name.

Fake Manning.

Vegmanning was actually very lucky. He had two fathers from the moment he broke his shell—one named Hyde, who taught him the knowledge of humans, took good care of him, and ensured that he could grow up in the human world; and the other was called Tianke Andes, who taught him the knowledge of grace, making him a veritable proto-dragon.After 20 years of silence, he meets Eve, a frank, sincere and unbiased...friend.

In the afternoon, Eve sat on Vegmanning's head, hid under his wings, and continued to read to him.The content of the objective idealism of the classical school is complicated and complicated, which seems to be understood but not understood.They read one by one and listened to the other, but one person and one dragon fell asleep one after another.

Until something fell into the water from above with a clatter.When Vegmanning opened his eyes, he saw the History of Philosophy floating on the water.

"Hey, Eve." Vogelmanning shook his head, "The book fell into the water."

Eve opened her eyes, looked down, and then fell asleep leaning against the scales beside her.Even though Fuge Manning spoke so loudly, she was still dazed and didn't realize what he was talking about.So Gemanning shook his head, and now Eve finally couldn't sleep.

She was on the verge of roaring when she saw the book soaked in water.She hastily made Fugemanning lean down, and stretched out her arms to wrap the book in a net.

When I got it in my hand, the thick book was almost completely soaked.Eve hurriedly squeezed the book cover with her hands, squeezing out part of the water in the pages.Turning over the pages of the book, the mimeographed typeface is fine for the time being, but the library seal on the title page has already faded into a blue color.

"It's over, it's over..." Eve spread the book out on the scales of Vegmanning, ready to dry it in the sun.

"Sorry, I fell asleep just now." Fuge Manning said.

"It's my fault." Eve said, "It's just a trivial matter. It's a big deal to lose some money."

The current time is about three or four in the afternoon. Since Eve broke the book in the library, she is not very interested in playing here anymore. She chatted with Fuge Manning for a while, and after seeing that the book was almost dry, she packed up her things and prepared to go back.

In the air, Vegmanning asked her a question: "Eve, would you be surprised if I said that I envy you humans?"

"Of course I'm not surprised." Eve replied, "Humans are the most fun creatures."

"What about you, do you envy our dragon?"

"Of course I envy you. I envy you for being strong and flying around. But if I have a choice, I would rather have these advantages as a person."

"Isn't it good to be intimidating like a dragon?"

"It's not because of the size, it's because of lack of the same kind." Eve said: "If there is a kingdom full of dragons, then there is nothing wrong with being a dragon."

Vegmanning was silent for a while, just when Eve thought the topic was over, he said again: "Eve, if there is a novel with the theme of 'a dragon turned into a man', do you think it would be interesting?" ?"

"It may not be particularly attractive, but... it should be interesting." Eve grasped the meaning of his words keenly. She leaned down, looked at one of his eye sockets, and asked, "Do you want to write a novel?"

"I had this idea, but I don't know whether dragons have the same creative talent as humans, and - after all, I am not a human being, and your lives are like a mystery to me after all."

"Isn't there me?" Eve became interested, "How will you know if you don't try?"

"Hmm..." Fugemanning flapped his wings, passed through a small group of clouds sideways, and dispersed the cloud.It could be seen that he was a little restless at this moment, and this was the first time since Eve knew him. "I want to write a story about... a young man who was transformed into a dragon and fell in love with a beautiful girl." Fu Gemanning finally spoke.Then he asked Eve, "Are you laughing?"

"No, I didn't laugh. It's a good story." Eve covered her mouth and said.She was actually laughing, after all, the story sounded corny at first glance.Seeing that Vegmanning was silent, she said again, "Have you got the details in mind?"

"There are some……"

"Well, next time I bring a notebook, I will be your stenographer. This is the real treatment of a writer."

"Okay, it's settled." He agreed.

The dragon's shadow gradually approached the castle, but Vegmanning slowed down his flight.

"What's wrong?" Eve sensed something was wrong with him.

"Why is he here?" said Vogelmanning.


"Tianke Anenesi."

Tianke Annisi is the other of the only two dragons in Benlong Castle, a 200-year-old Qingkonglong.

Eve looked up at the sky in front of her, and there was a white shadow moving in the distance, and that figure was slowly enlarging.Qingkonglong's silver body became more and more clear in Eve's eyes.Although they are both dragons, Tianke Annisi is completely different from Fuge Manning. Tianke Annisi has a long neck covered with sickle-shaped silver scales, and the chest also has reverse growth. The scales, the light and wide inner sides of the wings can distinguish the radial skeleton like human hand bones.His whole body was covered with silvery scales, except for two strangely long curved horns that were waxy white. His head was smaller than that of Vegmanning, and his snout was slightly pointed.Tianke Annisi's body is a little larger than that of Fu Ge Manning, but his body is thinner.The first impression that this dragon gave Eve was terror and mystery—it didn’t match the name Qingkonglong, and the appearance of Tianke Annisi was more like the god of death from the darkness and abyss.

The two dragons were flying in the air, circling each other like a pas de deux, and Vegmanning could hear his unique "um..." sound from time to time.

They circled around for a while, and Tianke Annisi flew away, and Eve hadn't figured out what happened just now.

"He was entrusted by the chairman to come and check on my situation." Fuge Manning said.

"Did you just talk?"

"That's right, it's the way of the dragon, because the voice is very low, so you humans may not be able to hear clearly."

"Then... what did you say just now? Are you okay?" Eve was still a little nervous when facing Tianke Annisi just now.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that they heard that my recent behavior is a bit abnormal, so they came to take a look."

"It's fine." Eve breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well... I'll take you back now."

The sunset gradually rises from the distance, and the afterglow of the setting sun coats the cold castle with a golden edge.

Tianke Annisi can be regarded as Fuge Manning's teacher, or even his father, but just now, he had a dispute with the other party.The dialogue between dragons and dragons is not as passionate as that of humans, and their gentleness comes from their bones.

That day, out of concern for Eve, Forward disclosed the matter between her and Fuge Manning to the chairman of the Knight Academy.Tianke Annisi is a conservative father. He has always abided by the principles entrusted to dragons by humans, only fulfilling his obligations, and never doing superfluous things.

He was deeply disturbed by the recent display of enthusiasm for humanity in Vug Manning.He said to the young proto-dragon - chase the sun and kill yourself.

But the other party said——if it is freedom, death does not matter.

[57] Cage of Destiny (Part [-])

Tianke Annisi returned to the lair, curled up, and returned to the previous slumber state.

He felt a long-lost resentment in his heart.

Today is different.If in the past, Tianke Annisi could persuade Fuge Manning, let him consider the ethnic group, think carefully and act carefully, and not become a drag.But now—now there are only two dragons left in Benlong Castle, he and Fuge Manning, how can this sentence be said?If Fugemanning had no fear of death, he was obviously the only one who was afraid of death.But in fact, Tianke Annisi is indeed afraid of death, and it is impossible not to be afraid of death. This is a common problem of intelligent and long-lived species, even human beings who are short-lived in their eyes.A wise man will not say when he is old: "I have lived long enough, there is nothing worth remembering in the world, and I can die in peace." This is actually a very arrogant statement ——How can a person want nothing more from this world and is willing to die?But the fact is that death is the necessity of life, and the seemingly free and easy words are just helpless for the inevitable death.Why would Vegmanning say that kind of thing again?Herein lies the reason: he had a human father, and so was infected with human vices.Is he really not afraid of death?He is just ignorant and reckless.Thinking of this, Tianke Annisi almost laughed angrily—but dragons can't laugh.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, the sound of conversation came from above his head.

"This is the residence of Tianke Annisi? A well?"


"Is this place really big enough for him?"

"It's just that the entrance is narrow, but the interior is actually very spacious."

"Wait a minute, I see... It seems that the dragon is inside, can he hear us talking?"

"It doesn't matter, even if he hears it, he won't care. For him, nothing is more important than sleeping."

"There seems to be a lot of shiny things under here, I can't see clearly, are they his scales?"

"You should see coins."


"Actually, the students of the Knight Academy have always regarded this place as a wishing pool."

Eve looked again, and this time she looked carefully. Most of them were nickel and silver coins, and there were also a small number of yellow gold coins and shellfish mixed in.

"It's like a mountain..." Eve sighed, "There don't seem to be any copper coins?"

"The Knight Academy will come to clean up the sundries on a regular basis. The copper coins will rust after a long time, so they will also be cleaned out." Fuge Manning said, "The rumors that Tianke Annisi likes to accumulate coins are older than the history of Klikin. Long, many kinds of rare coins worth collecting can be found here."

"Hearing you say that about him... sorry, he doesn't really like these things?"

"I asked him and he was noncommittal, which means he doesn't hate it."

Eve took out a gold coin from her pocket and threw it towards the mouth of the well with a diameter of more than [-] meters.The heavy gold coins landed on the top of the pile of money, making a crisp sound.

"What did you wish for?" asked Vegmanning.

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