
In fact, without Christina's reminder, everyone also saw creatures descending from the sky, and something ran over with the sound of hooves in the distance.

Christina took out the firearm used to snipe and kill the target, aimed at the creature in the distance but did not attack, but observed the target with the help of the weapon itself, and obtained a relatively accurate data——

"12, no, 13 advance-level Honkai beasts, 5 of which are super-advance-level Honkai beasts. Two paladin-level Honkai beasts. No higher-level or other types of Honkai beasts have been found so far."

"This amount is a bit too much!"

In this era when the weapons of the relic series have not yet been fully popularized, it is difficult for ordinary weapons to effectively damage the Houkai Beast.Melee weapons are fine, but if the firearm is a 'lady's pistol', it may not even be able to cause damage.

This also means that it is difficult for them to clean up in a short time.

And if the battle cannot be ended as soon as possible, there may be accidents-maybe this is just the vanguard.

This also excludes the temporary evolution of the Houkai Beast.

"The HR team and I (not counting Theresa) restrained a knight respectively, and the SK team and Christina cleaned up the mosquitoes as soon as possible, and then came to help us."

Just as he was talking, 13 advance-level Honkai beasts flew over.

No need to remind, Sakura has already drawn out her sword, and like a flying cherry blossom, she passed through the gap between the advance-level Honkaimon.When the advanced Honkai beasts reacted and wanted to chase after them, four of their side wings had already been cut off.

Now it's all right, the advance-level Honkai beast that can't control the balance is installed on the body of the same kind, knocking them tottering.

Don't talk about catching up with the enemy, even if you don't go around in circles, it's a bit difficult.

After the attention of the advanced Honkai Beast was almost attracted by Sakura, Kyuusyou, who was armed with two green short knives, rushed forward.

With a strong slash with his right hand, one of them was split in two; because his left hand was weaker, he couldn't kill with one blow, but left a deep knife mark and was sent flying, but was caught just in time. Sniper bullets pierced the body.

After discovering the death of the same kind, the advance-level Honkai beasts turned their heads and wanted to attack Kyuusyou, but they were attacked again by Sakura behind them.


I didn't feel it when I was playing the game. It can even be said that there are a hundred of these cannon fodder monsters in one second with a big windmill.But after actually facing this creature, Teresa knew how difficult it was to kill it in seconds.

At least I can't do it myself.

"Don't look, pay attention to protect yourself."

Himeko pressed on Teresa's head, forcing her gaze back.

Seeing that the two knights had rushed nearby, without calling Teresa to help, she rushed up and stopped one of them, while the other was handed over to the HR team.


Teresa was a little helpless when she saw this, but there was nothing to say. After all, it is normal for newcomers not to be trusted.

She could only take out the newly obtained original double guns, and fire one or two shots at the right time-she didn't dare to fire more, for fear of accidentally injuring her, she could only wait until the knight was right in her field of vision, and Himeko was in front of him. The other side of the knight did not shoot.

At least in this way, unless the knight's body is penetrated, it is absolutely impossible to accidentally injure Himeko.

And it can also play the same pincer effect as the SK group.


Theresa's behavior was naturally noticed by Himeko.

Although her intention was not to let Teresa participate in the battle-although she didn't say so.

But as an excellent player, the most important quality is to know how to find one's own position, otherwise it will only be a disservice.


Although she was somewhat dissatisfied with Teresa's 'unauthorized action', at least Teresa did not help, and even made her relax a little. This aspect alone was enough for Himeko to recognize her strength a little bit.

It looks like it just passed the passing line, and it needs to continue to observe.

Taking advantage of the pause in the knight's attack, Himeko turned his head slightly and glanced at the weapon used by Teresa—it was able to break through the knight's exoskeleton armor! ?

"That gun was—"

The strange shape is even more exaggerated than the big sword in her hand. It looks like a work of the same series, and it also looks like a product that does not belong to the relic series.

All in all, unspeakably awkward.

"Can a rookie also get this kind of weapon?" Although he was surprised, Himeko was too entangled, after all: "I guess it was given by MEI."

Who knows what that unsophisticated nerd was thinking.

Another slash, the knight who had adapted to her rhythm raised his shield in time, and her attack was directly blocked.The hard texture bounced back the big sword, and her hands were a little numb from the shock.


After this period of containment, the SK team and Christina had already wiped out the mosquito army and helped the HR team end the battle. At this time, they also rushed over to join hands and rubbed the last knight on the ground.

"knock off!"

Himeko's shoulders were sore from the fight, and he really wanted to go back and take a bath and get a good night's sleep.So I hurriedly greeted everyone to go back, and it was the best policy to sneak back as soon as no enemies appeared in a short period of time.

"Huh? Why haven't you left yet?"

Everyone was about to get in the car, but Teresa was staring at her in a daze, so Himeko had no choice but to go over and try to pull her along.

However, when she walked in front of Theresa, she saw a reflection in her blue eyes.

A mirror image that gradually became clear as the distance shortened——


With his left hand, which was not holding the sword, he pressed Teresa's shoulder and threw it directly.He turned around and placed the big sword above his head with both hands, blocking the sudden and inexplicable attack.


The huge figure hit the great sword with a heavy spear, and the heavy force almost made Himeko kneel.

And this time-

The huge figure raised the short spear and immediately began to charge; seeing this, Himeko wanted to roll over to avoid the attack.

But she found that she couldn't move! !

The numbness all over her body restricted her actions, and she could only watch the large Honkai beast's attack fall, and the name of this Honkai beast flashed in her mind:

【Fiery Lightning】

022 "Entrustment"

Time: 2 days later.

Location: The Moth Headquarters, outside the ward dedicated to the action team.

Hua listened to the sound of "didi" inside, and her heartbeat also went up and down.Looking through the glass at the captain who was lying on the bed, just out of danger and still sleeping.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Teresa who lowered her head and admitted her mistake: "It's not your fault that you are depressed."

"But she did it to save me, and also because I—"

"Do you think the captain became like this because of you?" He grabbed Theresa's head with his right hand: "Don't put gold on your face, even without you, the captain can't react in that situation Come. How about—"

Hua squatted down and let himself look up at Teresa, who was sitting on the chair: "Because of you, the captain had the opportunity to block the most fatal injury with his sword instead of carrying it with his back. Let us There is a chance to save her and give the doctors time to treat her."

"Think about it carefully, am I right?"

Seeing that Teresa was still silent and not very good at coaxing children, I had to push her out: "Okay, it's been a whole day, you're hungry too, go find something to eat. Mmmm , bring me some by the way."

Saying so, he pushed Teresa out of the door forcibly, and locked the door to prevent her from entering.

Teresa looked at the closed door, thinking that what she said really made sense, she went to the cafeteria she had been to once before.

It's just that I didn't expect that when I got there, I found someone else (it was after one o'clock in the morning).

It was Rena with her mouth full, but she looked very worried. She had completely forgotten that she was eating, and she didn't know that she would be choked.

But she just had something on her mind and didn't get distracted, so she also saw Teresa.

Teresa ordered a combination of cheeseburger and happy water as usual, hesitated and sat opposite Rena.

"Haven't you eaten so late?"

Teresa was silent for a while, then nodded.

"It's very important to eat on time!" Rena raised her hand to touch Teresa's head, but—while Teresa didn't notice, she withdrew her oily hand again: "It doesn't matter if you're sad or angry. , even if you simply want to find a reason to vent. You can’t do anything when you’re hungry, and you don’t even have the strength to stand up.”


"Well, I'm done eating, let's go first."

Rena took the plate, got up and walked away.

She really can't handle it-it's impossible not to blame at all, but she can't do it, and she can't vent her anger with children.

That's not an adult's approach, it's too childish.

Teresa, who stayed here alone, looked at the cold cheeseburger silently for a while, and Rena's words sounded in her head——

"At least not to waste food."


In the next few days, everyone seemed a little out of order.

Even though this was expected——

The attrition rate of the action team is almost universally recognized.

Everyone thought that maybe one day, they would be gone after an accident, but they never thought that the captain was the one who had the accident first, and it was hard to accept for a while.

So much so that when they were appointed, there would always be quarrels due to disagreements and unreasonable distribution. In the end, someone proposed a compromise method-elect an interim captain.

And the final candidate turned out to be Sakura! ?

Although everyone didn't say anything, it was still a bit uncomfortable for an 'outsider' to be the captain.


Hua is not good at management, Christina's personality is too soft, Rena is always careless, Teresa doesn't need to think about it, and Kyuusyou voluntarily abstains because of trouble.

After a round, it seems to be taciturn and indifferent, but at least Sakura is calm enough to be suitable for the position of temporary team leader.

It seems that only Rena and Kyuusyou are willing to follow orders.

Christina's character is soft and soft, but she only obeys Himeko's orders; Hua is unwilling to follow the team because of Himeko's illness, and Teresa is ignored.

In this way, it seems that they can only be divided into two teams.

One team stayed behind to look after the captain, while the other team followed Sakura to carry out the mission.

After thinking about it, everyone thought it was a good idea, so they decided for the time being—who knows when Himeko will wake up, maybe there will be other arrangements at that time.

However, as her condition stabilized, Himeko was transferred from the intensive care unit to a normal ward, so that everyone can see her at any time.

It happened that Hua went out for a little business today, so I asked Teresa to take care of Himeko.

When Teresa walked to the door, she found that Kyuusyou was already inside, but her behavior seemed a little strange—a very hesitant look.

Then he couldn't help asking aloud: "What are you talking about?"

"Ah? What? No, no!"

Kyuusyou hurriedly turned around and put his hands behind his back, as if hiding something.


"Of course! Let's go out, it's not good to talk in the room!"

Her voice was a little loud, and Teresa felt really uncomfortable after hearing it, so she turned around and walked out first.

Taking advantage of her turning around, Kyuusyou quickly hid the gun in his clothes, and then walked out.

"Okay, hand over what you have in your hands."

After she came out, Teresa immediately grabbed the previous incident, always feeling very suspicious.

"Huh? Are you sure?"

Kyuusyou showed a malicious and dangerous smile, and then said in a tone of surrender: "Okay then, just stretch out your hand."

"What are you reaching out for?"

"Let you stretch."


Teresa curled her lips, but did as she did, turning the palm of her right hand upward.

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