Obviously it was just a pure high-temperature flame that was not as big as a fist, but it produced a lethal force like a fragment grenade.

The flames and gravel splashed in a large area are like strong acid and blades.

The nearby sand was burned into glass, and the broken steel bars were burned into molten iron; after passing through the seemingly solid bunker, it turned into a sieve.

Hua could only cover his head with his arms as much as possible to prevent the fatal blow from directly hitting his brain.

Looking at the impatient Kevin from the side, he extinguished the approaching sparks from an angle that the Herrscher of Flame could not see, and blocked most of the stone knives' attacks for her.

But even so, there were still one or two pieces pierced into the flesh of both arms, which made her feel pain through the bones.

While trying to keep himself moving, Hua gritted his teeth and pulled out the stone knife pierced into his arm - although this would speed up the flow of blood, at least it would not affect the movement of the arm too much.

Because the blow just now really hurt the bone——

Not to mention the question of whether it would be infected, she didn't even have time to bandage her own wound.

—Hold on!

Kevin was still following Hua behind the cover, he had to and could only do so.Although when moving between the bunkers, he would occasionally show his figure to attract the attention of Herrscher of Flame.

But it will soon disappear like a ghost, and the Herrscher of Flame will immediately let down his vigilance and continue the game of cat and mouse.

He continued to play with fire in the distance for a while, probably because he felt that the little mouse's ability to resist was just like this, or maybe it was just simply tired of playing, the Herrscher of Flame finally began to approach the scarred Hua.


Under Hua's incomprehensible gaze, the Herrscher of Flame raised his hand and threw the molten ball towards Kevin's hiding place.

Knowing that he has been exposed, or that the other party has never ignored it, Kevin can only freeze the bunker in front of him so that it will not be roasted by the high temperature of the Herrscher of Fire.

But he seems to have forgotten a basic physics knowledge that even primary school students know.

Expanding with heat and shrinking with cold!

The moment the lava ball hit the frozen bunker, Kevin felt something was wrong; he could only immediately pour the water he brought with him all over his body, and then freeze himself.

Boom! !

The explosion and rock attack, as well as the subsequent shock wave, quickly melted the ice on his body and pushed him into the air at the same time.

The corner of Herrscher of Flame's mouth showed a scheming smile, and he aimed his palm at Kevin, who couldn't do it in the air. The flame, which was almost white and semi-liquid, was about to spit out at Kevin.


There was still some frost left on his body, which was not completely melted because of Kevin's low-temperature blood.

Hua raised her foot and kicked Herrscher of Flame in the stomach, and kicked her into a nearby building with great force. She couldn't bear it any longer and the building collapsed, submerging the Herrscher of Flame's body in it. in the rubble.

Of course, the flower didn't feel good, the moment her right foot touched the body of Herrscher of Flame, she felt like she was stepping on magma with one foot.If the surface of the shoe hadn't been reinforced with soul steel before leaving, it might have melted away along with the shoe and her thigh.

But even so, Soul Steel belongs to the thermal conductivity of metal, and it still inevitably transferred the scorching heat to Hua's legs, making her unable to determine how serious the burns on her legs were.

— as the shoes began to cool, she could no longer feel the pain.Although still able to move, it seems like it doesn't belong to me.

Kevin on the side just landed at this time, but the landing point was very unfortunate - a steel bar went in from behind and came out from his side.

As soon as some blood flowed out, the steel bars and uniform were frozen together by the low temperature of the blood, which stopped the bleeding well and temporarily suppressed the deterioration of the injury.

The unbearable pain was still tormenting his nerves.

However, Kevin didn't care about these, but immediately got up from the ruins, and rushed to the tomb of the Herrscher of Flame ahead of Hua:

"let me!"

After spilling part of the blood on Hua, Kevin walked away from Hua without hesitation.

While running, Kevin cut the artery in his arm with a sharp object he picked up, causing cold blood to flow out of it.Then he poured the remaining water on his hands to mix it with the blood in a certain proportion.

The final result was that on the premise of freezing his right hand together, the entire right hand, blood and water were frozen into a sword of ice.

And stab the sword at the center of the high-temperature polymer that is directly opposite at this time.

036 "Crimson Ember"

Kevin successfully stabbed the ice sword in.

Unfortunately, he failed to inflict damage on the target.

With the feeling of the ice gradually melting and the thrust coming from the front, Kevin had to step back step by step.

In the process of retreating, the rubble in front of him seemed to be controlled by a mysterious force, and it spread out to the surroundings, allowing Kevin to see the unharmed Herrscher of Flame coming out of it, and her hand holding only the "thorn" of ice.

It was the first time in Kevin's life that he faced the Herrscher in full form at such close range - when he faced the Herrscher of Death before, the opponent had already lost the ability to resist.

The Herrscher of Flame took a few steps forward again, and grabbed Kevin's neck with another straight hand. Kevin could only continue to back away—but it was useless.

With the sudden pull of the Herrscher of Flame, Kevin, who was caught off guard, was choked by the neck. The moment the hot palm pinched the skin, it burned through the skin of the artery and the wall of the blood vessel, causing the blood hidden underneath to spurt out. .

Chi-! ! !

Blood spattered on Herrscher of Flame's hand, making a sound like roasting meat, followed by a large amount of white steam.

The sudden contact with this low-temperature liquid made Herrscher of Flame feel very uncomfortable. Like a child holding an ice cube with her bare hands, she waved her hand uncontrollably and wanted to throw it off.

Even the other hand that was holding Kevin loosened.

As soon as Kevin was liberated, he immediately stayed away from the Herrscher of Flame, and on the way, he tore off a piece of cloth and wrapped it around the wound on his neck, so that it would quickly freeze the wound under the action of blood to stop the bleeding .

At the same time, after seeing the behavior of the Herrscher of Flame, he had an idea.

It might be possible to--


After speaking, Kevin discovered the problem. It seemed that even the trachea had been damaged just now.It's just that I dealt with it in a timely manner, and didn't let the injury further expand to the point where it would be fatal immediately.

But even so, speaking or even breathing, he felt that it was obviously much more difficult than usual.

Although it's not impossible--

Kevin immediately changed his mind and made several army-specific gestures to Hua, asking him to attack the Herrscher of Flame in two directions with him, making the Herrscher of Flame difficult to deal with.

Seeing Kevin's sudden switch to hand gestures, Hua was also a little surprised, and then the reaction didn't keep up, and he almost missed half a beat in the action.

But fortunately, they caught up in the end. Kevin was the main attacker and stood in front of the Herrscher of Flame, while Hua climbed over the obstacle and came to the back of the Herrscher of Flame.

Just when the Herrscher of Flame noticed something, the positive Kevin threw blood at the Herrscher of Flame, and the blood flowed directly into the eyes of the Herrscher of Flame.

"Ah!! I'm going to kill you!!"

The furious Herrscher of Flame wiped off the blood from his eyes, revealing his bloodshot eyes even though he wasn't blind. He raised his hands high and condensed the heat of his whole body, making them gather into a big fireball like the sun.

"Where are you looking?"

Reverse the pistol of the Holy Relic series, press the bottom of the butt with the thumb, and use the gun body as a kidnapper that is missing half, and hit the blood supply of Herrscher of Flame's neck.

Herrscher of Flame, whose vitals were suddenly attacked, felt dizzy and couldn't control her strength for a while, causing the sun that had just been made to dissipate immediately.

Although it was only for a moment, it was like adding fuel to the fire, causing the Herrscher of Flame's anger to rise again. He turned around regardless of Kevin's threat, and faced Hua Yao, who was not threatening but annoying. Fleas are exterminated.

"Teng (waiting) for you—"

With the last bit of ice left in his right hand, Kevin stabbed straight at the back of the Herrscher of Flame.By the time the Herrscher of Flame noticed the pain, it was already too late.

With the help of ice thorns, Kevin's right hand pierced through the collarbone of the Herrscher of Flame's chest from the back heart, and coincidentally pushed out a magnificent gemstone.

--that is!

Including the Herrscher of Flame, everyone's eyes were on the gem.The Herrscher of Flame didn't even care about the injuries on his body, so he wanted to snatch the gems—compared to the physical injuries, the real lethal point of the Herrscher was the core.

"Pu (don't) let her get it, Kua (Hua)!!!"

It was too late for Kevin to snatch it, he yelled at Hua vigorously.

—I can't hold it!

Hua made an accurate judgment in less than a thousandth of a second.Then she directly hit the gemstone with the butt of her gun, knocking it into the corner of the wall where only half of it was left.

Faced with this situation, the Herrscher of Flame froze for a moment, and then did not continue to do other things.Her current body has come to an end, without the support of Herrscher's core, it becomes difficult for her to even move her hands.

In other words, it was just her last fight, and if she lost the fight, she would face the end.

"This is--"

Herrscher of Flame's eyes gradually changed back to her human appearance, with a hint of sobriety and confusion in her pupils, and she was about to speak something.

Kevin suddenly pulled out the right hand that pierced her body, causing a direct rush of blood, blocking what she was about to say.

With Kevin letting go, Herrscher of Flame lay down on the ground——

Seeing that Herrscher of Flame has lost the ability to resist, Kevin is about to end her with his own hands: "It's all over!"

"and many more!"

Hua grabbed Kevin's hand and didn't let him go to the next step.

"What are you doing? If you don't take advantage of it now—"

"Leave it to me." Hua thought for a while, and found a reason: "I want to talk to her."

"—I hope you understand what you (are) doing."

Kevin took a deep look at her, picked up the Herrscher's core that fell aside, and used his own low temperature to resist the temperature from the still hot core.

Then he walked away, not too far away, but enough time for them to have a whisper.

"Now, when is it?"

It seemed that her memory was still stuck in the time when she became a Herrscher.

Hua didn't know how to answer the question: "...it's been many days."

"Yes, cough, cough." The blood surged up again, blocking her airway, and she had to spit out the blood before she could continue talking: "Why, didn't you see that little guy?"

"You are not allowed to mention her to me!!"

Hua, agitated, aimed a gun at her head.

"That's it." Even if Hua didn't answer directly, she guessed the general result: "What are you hesitating about, shoot."

"Do you think I dare not?"

Hua was angry and tried to pull the trigger, and then pressed hard with both hands.

——The sky is so blue!

Himeko looked up at the sky, there were a lot of dark clouds hanging, it was obviously going to rain.Then she closed her eyes and began to breathe evenly:

"By the way, I'm telling you one last thing—Honkai has a soul."

037 "Heavenly Fire · Tribulation"

"Hangkai, does it have a soul?" A week later, MEI sat beside Hua's bed, recording what happened that day - in comparison, Kevin's injury was much worse, at least it's not appropriate to disturb him now, So Mei can only come to Hua who has recovered a bit: "What does this mean?"

"I don't know, please don't talk to me."

Apparently Teresa's piece was still on her mind.

"Alright then." MEI could only stand up and pick up the relic series double guns abandoned by Hua: "If you don't need it, I'll take it."


As for the weapon that killed her most important person, Hua never wanted to see it again, so she didn't even have the courage to take a look.



After leaving Hua, MEI came to the side of the treatment cabin dedicated to Kevin, looking at the man sleeping in the repair solution.

Obviously his injury was more serious than imagined, and ordinary medical methods could not cure him in a short time, and might even leave serious sequelae.

This is unacceptable to the higher-ups, after all, he is also an extremely important combat power.

So there is this scene in front of you -

After watching these two people, Mei didn't go to Theresa again.

Anyway, the child shouldn't be able to wake up for the time being. Even if she wakes up, there will be escorts by her side who can take good care of her—even if there is any emergency, they will be able to last until she rushes over.

So she's going to do more important things now.

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