MEI was a little inexplicably worried.

But soon he recuperated his emotions and devoted himself to the research again.


After a long time, when MEI devoted himself to research, the department in charge of global monitoring of the fire moth was completely messed up.

About a few hours ago, or maybe not so long ago, the ninth Herrscher was born in Mu Dalu.

It's just that no one noticed at the time.

In fact, it was already too late when everyone noticed that the entire Mu Continent was swallowed by the black hole that suddenly appeared, and completely disappeared from the earth.

What followed was a drop in sea level and earthquakes generated by the movement of the Earth's crust.

Although it was very slight when it was passed to the headquarters.

"What? Mu Dalu disappeared!?"

That's a whole continent!

Although all the previous Herrschers possessed the mighty power to paralyze several cities in a short period of time, even the Herrscher of Flame could turn the whole of Australia into a sea of ​​flames within a week.

But the territory of Australia itself still exists on the earth, and only the cities built on it have disappeared.

Unlike this time, the entire continent was directly swallowed by the black hole.

Looking at the image of the black hole that was still devouring light and matter transmitted from the extraterrestrial satellite on the monitoring equipment, Kevin knew that this was not something he could decide.

With footsteps that were much heavier than those of a woman, she made a series of 'bang bang' sounds, forcibly interrupting the thoughts of MEI who was in deep thought due to a difficult problem, and pushed open the door of the institute.

"MEI, something went wrong."


"I can't explain it clearly either, come with me quickly—"

Kevin stepped forward and wanted to take MEI's hand away, but he stretched it halfway and could only retract it.He could only force himself to turn around and slow down as much as possible to lead the way for MEI.

MEI, whose brain was still a little confused, failed to notice these details.

When he came back to his senses, Kevin had already walked a certain distance, and MEI quickened a few steps to keep up.


They came to the monitoring room, and saw the scan of the global map, temperature changes, videos, photos, etc. on the huge light screen that almost covered the entire wall.

And a live broadcast about the location of the incident.

Due to the limitations of the satellite's own equipment, the captured images were not only blurred, but also stuck as a slideshow, so that MEI could only rely on his own, which was not particularly good eyesight, to observe and formulate strategies.

"Are you sure it's the lawyer?"

For this question, Kevin didn't know how to answer: "This..."

"That's right, this situation can only be a lawyer."

Mei just asked questions instinctively, only to realize that he was stupid after asking.

With the current technology of human beings, it is impossible to create a black hole, at least not such a large-scale 'controllable? 'Black hole, then the only explanation can only be the Herrscher.

The previous large-scale is the "weapon of destruction", which is the "herrsher of flame" with the ability to control molecular movement, and its external manifestation is to control the flame.

Then the ability of this Herrscher whose appearance is a black hole should be——

"J (Jane), call me the data within 24 hours of that nearby."

The person in charge of data management and control immediately called up the recent observation data of Mu Continent.

MEI began to browse through the data at high speed, and accurately found the abnormality——

As expected, it is a black hole phenomenon caused by gravitational collapse.


"A Herrscher who manipulates gravity?"

——It’s difficult, why is it this kind of weapon against technology weapons again.

The high temperature of the previous Herrscher of Flame melted and detonated the bullets and missiles before they hit the target.

This time it was a good thing, it was probably overwhelmed by gravity before it even reached the target location.

Although there is no such terrifying high temperature this time, close combat is obviously not a good way - if you can't even lift your weapon, how can you defeat your opponent?Do you bite with your teeth?

No, maybe an energy weapon would do the trick!

But here comes the question, do energy weapons—or laser guns—really exist in reality?

Even if it exists, how far can it go?

It is probably impossible to strike across the distance of a continent, and the range of the ability of the Herrscher of Gravity (Herrscher of Rock) is likely to be as far as a continent.

Even if the army is excluded from encirclement and suppression, whether the army can get into range before the Herrscher counterattacks is still a problem.

At this moment, J on the side suddenly shouted:

"Director, Herrscher suddenly started moving!"

MEI is now not only a researcher, but also the highest decision-making level of the flame moths. This is probably the reward for being the winner of the rebellion.

Although this is not something to be happy about--


Mei saw that the red dot on the light screen, which was being tracked in real time, was gradually leaving the range of Mu Continent.Although it seems that the moving speed is very slow, if you zoom in on the same scale, you will find that it is incredibly fast.

It's just that the Mu Continent has disappeared, and naturally there is no means of transportation. How does the Herrscher move?

"Reverse gravity! It's flying!"

Magnetic levitation, anti-gravity, such terms can be seen in movies, animations, comics, novels, and even some of the advanced technologies that have been realized.

It represents that while realizing the dream of flying, human beings have also taken a big step forward in the issue of avoiding environmental pollution.

So the Herrscher can fly?

Since the Herrschers of this era have not yet developed 'wings' except for the Herrscher who manipulates the wind, Herrschers generally cannot fly, causing MEI to indirectly forget about it.

"Which direction is TA heading?"

If you want to understand one thing, MEI will start to solve the next thing.Looking at the moving track of the red dot on the light screen, MEI has a very bad feeling.

"Yes." J quickly set up the trajectory prediction line, so that everyone in the room can see that the target location guided by the prediction line of the movement trajectory is: "Here!?"

040 "Ninth Cinder"

The direction of the Ninth Herrscher was pointing directly at the headquarters of the Moth of the Fire Chaser. Obviously, his next step was to completely destroy the only remaining rebels in the headquarters.

However, there is no combat force that can actually be used in the headquarters.

It can be seen that the Ninth Herrscher is still floating on the sea, and soldiers must rely on aviation tools to get there.But because of the power of the Ninth Herrscher, any means of transportation would be useless—it would not be able to fly at all.

Then there is only one answer left: to evacuate with limited strength, as long as the person is still there, everything can be restarted.

Just when MEI was about to issue an order to retreat, someone suggested the opposite.

"Let me go, Mei."

Kevin realized that perhaps at this time, he should take the initiative to stand up.And in the entire Flame Chasing Moth, the only one who is sure to have the ability to fight against the Herrscher is probably the 'only' fusion fighter.

What's more, he also has the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, so far he has only limitedly tested the zeroth rated power, which is the form of Jie Mie.Kevin, who wasn't able to fully demonstrate his power, has now found a target that may be suitable.

Coupled with the fact that the target is now on the sea, Kevin doesn't have to worry about accidentally injuring him.

Just hit a curry stick!


MEI does not think so, there are too many uncertainties in rash actions.And Kevin is their only resistance force, if something happens to Kevin, it will be over.

Although there is still Teresa, who knows if she will wake up in time.

What's more, there is only one Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, and MEI can't make a second one for Teresa.

"Is it time to hesitate?" Kevin saw the purpose of MEI. Although it was very stable and conservative, he didn't think it was correct: "If we leave like this this time, without these equipments, we will Is there really any chance of winning?"

——If you don’t dare to fight now that you are ready, is there any possibility of victory if you fight unprepared in the future?

Kevin's words awakened MEI.

Sometimes you really should give it a go, and at worst, everyone will die together.

"I see." MEI looked down at the staff below. Due to the angle and lighting problems, her eyes were rendered into white discs, so that people could not see the eyes below: "Start the battle plan now. Except staying behind Except for the fighters, the rest rushed to the port area as soon as possible, responsible for clearing and building positions, and must be fully prepared."

"We can only win this battle! We cannot lose!"

"You can also leave your last words, maybe someone later will be able to see them."

Standing, sitting, turning around, standing sideways, looking up at the staff of MEI in various postures.

Although some of them looked like they wanted to write a suicide note after listening to it.

But in the end, under the leadership of J who went back to work first, everyone continued to carry out the next task seriously without saying a word.

Obviously they are not ready to die, and they will never regard this as the last battle.

They firmly believe that this battle must be won.


All instructions are carried out in an orderly manner.

The port area was quickly emptied of an open space, and all kinds of machines and weapons were placed according to the designed drawings, and the materials selected were all good in compressive resistance, earthquake resistance and heat resistance.

When everything was arranged, except for the soldiers who voluntarily stayed and controlled the war machine, the rest chose to evacuate and handed over this battlefield to Kevin.

This will be the first battle of the complete body and spirit key used by it.

Kevin walked to almost nothing, almost completely empty open space with a diameter of several hundred meters - this is his request.

The rest of the fighters were all waiting and monitoring in armored vehicles or other equipment.

The main reason they're here is logistical, because if even Kevin can't take out their opponents, there's no need for them to go to war.

But on the other hand, if Kevin can finish the enemy, they are just watching.

Despite the awkward situation, the fighters chose to hold their ground rather than flee like some.

Kevin followed from a distance, using the scope, and nodded to his soldiers as a greeting.

——The battle begins.

Kevin took out the two God's Key guns and merged them together: "Skyfire Sacred Judgment Zero Rated Power."



at the same time.

The Rock Herrscher, who was still floating in the sea, muttered words like 'for God', 'Earth does not need humans', 'destroy the rebels' like a chatterbox.

But suddenly felt an inexplicable sultry heat, which intensified.

In just a short while, the temperature became as high as a stove, and the seawater hundreds of meters away from the feet began to evaporate. A large amount of seawater vapor with a strange smell floated up, and a large amount of white sea salt began to float on the surface of the sea.

The Herrscher of the Rock realized that something was wrong. It felt like she was trying to find something about the sister she had never seen from the memory given to her by 'mother'.

"The seventh son, it's the seventh son, it's her, but, hasn't she already—"

at this time.

A mass of fiery red appeared in the distant sky, the red was so bright and dazzling, just when she was wondering what it was, the fiery red suddenly changed direction and overwhelmed her at a speed that she had no time to react at all.

Then she stopped thinking.

041 "Eden of the Earth"

"Director." After finishing the report, J handed it to MEI while giving a brief answer: "The core of the Ninth Herrscher, the Rock Herrscher has been successfully recovered."

It's just that MEI is more concerned about another thing: "Where's Kevin?"

"Captain Kevin suffered serious burns. However, his physique has already taken effect, and he is expected to recover within 20 hours."

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