Kevin's blue eyes looked at Seele deeply, as if he was waiting for her answer.

But he was soon interrupted by the call from the communicator, so he had to give up continuing this topic; after taking out the communicator, he found that it was a special line sent by MEI.

problem occurs?

"Kevin, Herrscher No.12 is born."

"Wait! No.12 Herrscher is not..."

"We all got one thing wrong. That child is just the carrier of No.12 Herrscher. It's like a fragile outer skin that has been sealed and packaged to preserve the dangerous substances inside. It's okay if the child is still alive, but if she After death...the Herrscher will be born in this world."

"It's like when a child wants to come out of the mother's stomach, he must first 'cut' a wound..."

"Nice metaphor, but wrong. The child symbolizes hope, and it's despair—like Pandora's box."

Pandora opened the box and released the disaster hidden inside; although she closed the box in time, she still let disease and pain come to this world, and made the gods in the sky no longer live forever like mortals.

But everyone, including Pandora, never knew that as long as Pandora closed the box a second later, it would release hope that could bring new life to the world.

"We don't have everything yet."

Listening to the increasingly noisy voice in the communicator, Kevin took the initiative to hang up the contact with MEI. Now he will immediately eliminate the influence of No.12 Herrscher, and even eliminate No.12 Herrscher himself.

And he does have this ability.

It's just that someone is faster and more determined than him.

With a chill passing by, a pink figure passed Kevin and walked in the direction he came from. Kevin didn't react for a while, and when he noticed, Sakura and Xier had already walked a long way, and they were about to disappear from his sight.

Even if he turned around to look, he could only see that the two people would teleport a certain distance every time they took a few steps, so as to shorten the time spent on the road.

——It's that kind of speed again... No, if it's just pure speed, the girl next to her can't keep up... It feels like the middle process has been eliminated Same. (King Crimson!)

"Eradicated... time!?"

If possible, Kevin will try his best to stop her from now on, because her importance has exceeded his expectations.

The value of a living Sakura is incalculable.


"Kevin? Kevin!"

MEI was hung up before he finished speaking, this is the first time I have encountered it; as usual, it should be Kevin who was hung up.

"Director, the communication network is close to being paralyzed, No.12 Herrscher is eroding our network structure, it won't be long..."

"I know!"

MEI looked at J who fell into silence, and asked about the current situation: "How much time do we have?"

"Not much, maybe a few hours, maybe just a few minutes."

MEI looked up at the monitoring system that was not yet completely paralyzed, and saw those who had been eroded by Herrscher's ability and turned into human figures who obeyed commands like biological robots.

They were originally ordinary humans, but now they have turned into monsters with various weapons in their hands.

It's just because their mode of action is too rigid and single, making them look like——



"Under the erosion of No.12 Herrscher's ability, these human beings who have lost themselves are not the kind of vampires who only have appetite, but more like special fighters who ignore their own life and death and only exist to achieve one purpose." J thought for a while before finding an accurate description: "In ancient times, this kind of person seemed to be called a 'dead man'."

"A dead man?"

There are a large number of dead men on the monitoring equipment. Although there are subtle differences in details, they can be roughly divided into double-knife dead men, sickle sickle men, coffin (summon) dead men, bow and arrow dead men, cat girl dead men, and invisible dead men.

And all the dead, without exception, were women.

It's not because only women can be dead warriors—

Coincidentally, MEI saw a male researcher who was eroded by the No.12 Herrscher's Houkai energy and turned into a sickle slayer with short silver-white hair.

"Director, actually, I think..." J just saw this scene, and his expression was slightly subtle and complicated: "It's good to be all girls."

"Don't be kidding me."

MEI called up the relevant data about the war room, and studied it carefully for a while: "Can their attacks be blocked here?"

"If the power is cut off, with the destructive power of the dead, it is absolutely impossible to break through the gate."

MEI nodded, and looked at Teresa who was completely speechless: "Now there is something I want to arrange for you to do, can you do it?"


Having said that, can Teresa still refuse?

066 "Farewell"

After Teresa went out, the room was silent for a while, and then J asked, "Director, did you deliberately dismiss that child?"

"Because there are important things to do, it's inconvenient for her to be here."

"That is to say, you don't intend to cut off the power supply, Chief?"

"I have a plan and I need to take some risks." As he spoke, he might feel that this was a bit selfish, and MEI said apologetic words to J: "I have involved you too."

Originally, if MEI and J were counted, there should be about five people in the entire war room; but now, except for them, the rest have become Miss Sisters.

"It should be me who should say sorry."

J turned the chair around so that MEI could see clearly, her back was turned to her all the time, what she looked like at this moment: "I may, I can't continue to accompany you, Chief, and fight together to the end."

Her hands have been 'whitened' to the same as freshly painted wall paint, and the lower half of her face is also terribly white.


Mei turned his head, not daring to look at it.

"Is the director sad for me? I'm so excited!" J walked up to MEI with something and stuffed it into MEI's hands: "Although this seems cruel, I still hope You, the room chief, can send me off for the last time."

It was a lady's pistol that had been eliminated. Because of its small recoil, the lethality was also reduced. In the past when this kind of gunpowder weapon was still popular, it was also called a 'lady pistol'.

This has also led to a considerable number of women being reluctant to use this gun.

But even if it has been eliminated, it is still fatal to human beings - it is not difficult to kill a person by targeting the fatal point.


"Huh? What?"

"Thank you for being with me all the time."

"Isn't there still Captain Kevin?"

"That's not the same—" Seeing the fragmented white, which had climbed to the corner of J's eyes, MEI knew that there was not much time left, so she could only force herself to point the gun in her hand at J's forehead.

Because if she doesn't do this, J will soon become a mortal, and J can't die as a human being, and once J becomes a mortal, ordinary weapons will no longer work on J.

At that time, MEI will lose all resistance and can only stand still and wait to die.

This is irresponsible to both her and 'her'.

"Don't go too fast, I will catch up as soon as possible."


I have no idea what happened after I left.

Under the escort of Judas, Teresa almost completely ignored the interference of the army of dead soldiers, and walked unimpededly into the stairs of the emergency passage - at this time the elevator was completely paralyzed.

For your own safety, it is better to take the stairs.

Even if there are occasional dead soldiers rushing up from above or below, they will be wrapped up by Judas' chains and thrown out.

As for where it went when it was thrown out...

Teresa didn't care about these irrelevant things, she just followed MEI's arrangement to find Kevin who might no longer be on the 33rd floor.

When walking all the way to the 22nd floor like this, I saw the duo of Sakura and Xier who had met before; it's just that Sakura's state is a bit wrong at this time, her eyes seem to have lost their highlights and are dull.

That looks like—

"No way? Impossible! I just..."

Teresa had no idea what happened, even if she left a few seconds later, nothing would happen, but it happened during that short blank period.

But things are irreversible, and it doesn't make sense even if Teresa doesn't know about it.

Sakura walked past her expressionlessly, without stopping at all; Teresa reached out to grab her, and wanted to ask what was going on.

"Sister Teresa."

Hearing the cry behind her, Teresa's hand stopped in the air, and she turned her head to look at the girl who hesitated to speak: "Xie'er?"

"Is it really Seele? Why did Seele appear here, in this era?"

Different from the previous one, this time there was no one or any cover at all, and she could see her face to face, but this was the most difficult for Teresa to accept.

"Sure enough, Sister Teresa knows me."

Xier didn't go after her 'Sister Sakura', but stayed to confront Theresa, who seemed to be looking for an answer.

"That sounds strange to you."

"It's really strange. Sister Teresa probably hasn't met Xi'er yet, but she can accurately call Xi'er by name."


Only then did Teresa realize that she had said the wrong thing, if she had just answered 'Who are you?Why do you know my name? ', that's no problem at all.

But she instinctively called Xier's name.

But here comes the problem.

Since the two sides have never met, why can Xier call her name?And also called her——sister?

If Xier knew the principal...she would definitely not call her older sister, at most she would call her younger sister. (Principal is apparently 12 years old, Seele is 14 years old - now 15 years old after her birthday)

"That is to say...the one she knows is 'me'?"

"Why are you......"

Seele didn't listen to Teresa, so she interrupted her: "Sister Teresa, there are some things I can't tell you. Because if you find out, the future may be changed. The consequences of overturning history are something 'we' don't want to see."

"What are you talking about?"

What is the future, what is the subversion of history, Teresa listened to these two big ones.

"I didn't say anything." Xier shook her head, and ran past Teresa, apparently chasing Sakura: "I really want to eat the cake made by Natasha and Teresa again."

You can still hear it vaguely behind you, and there are complaints coming from a distance: "Although it's really bad..."

"Give me another problem!"

Before my own problems were resolved, I heard inexplicable words again.

"Forget it, let's go find Kevin."

Since she can't figure it out, she can't solve the problem if she continues to think in the same place. Teresa can only complete the task assigned to her by MEI first.

067 "The Last Show"

Although due to the precipitation of time, Teresa can't remember the details of this past.

But there was still an intuition telling her that the person she was looking for was ahead.


After walking a few steps, I saw Kevin coming towards me.

When the other party saw Teresa here, he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that someone was 'willful' again.

But that’s okay, since Teresa is here——

"Come with me, let's stop Sakura."

He didn't say what it was to stop, but she knew it was definitely not to stop Sakura from hacking the soldiers.

Then there is only one thing left.


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