"That's fine."

Himeko knew very well that his outstanding disciple belonged to the type who said he would do it.


Hua is a partner worthy of her entrusting her back, even if one day she is gone, at least Hua will continue to walk with the remaining partners.

So she has no worries about her future.

Beep, beep——

The sound of the communicator sounded, and Himeko took out the compact communicator like a mobile phone, and pressed the only button on it, and a virtual light curtain composed of blue light was projected from the crystal mouth on the top of the communicator.

The picture on the light curtain showed a purple-haired woman in a white coat and glasses standing in a research institute full of electronic equipment.

"Dr. Mei?"

"Captain Himeko...do you have any free time in Team [-] right now?"

Himeko turned his head and glanced, barely covering his tired partners, showing a confident, proud and relieved smile: "We don't need to rest yet."

"..." Dr. MEI on the other side of the communication was silent for a while, and then apologetically issued a new rescue mission to them who were still performing rescue missions: "I hope you can assign a team member to ' Find that survivor in this city'."

"Wait, 'that' survivor? Just one?"

"...yes, she's the 'sole survivor.'"

For the sake of "the only person who is still alive" and giving up the option of "there may be more people alive", Dr. MEI chose the former of "definite" without hesitation.

This act of giving up the 'majority' for the sake of the 'minority'.

It's hard to tell from anyone's point of view.

So MEI felt a little hard to say, but she couldn't help but say it.

"Her?" Himeko deliberately emphasized the female "she" (Her/另女), and after seeing MEI nodding, he made an OK gesture: "Understood."

"Ah Hua." (Ah Hua?)


Although it felt weird to be called that by the captain master, Hua still agreed.

"Now I give you a task." Himeko pointed to a certain city on the electronic map of the communicator: "Now you go to this city to find a child and bring her back, can you do it?"

"of course."

No matter what, Hua will go all out, so she answered in the affirmative.And without any time-wasting stops, turn around and immediately rush to the location of the mission target.

But before that, Himeko's voice came from far behind.

Just listen to her say:

"Just like I found you back then! Now, it's your turn to find her!"

Hua's footsteps slowed down for an instant, and his head was much lower than before.

But this seems to have made up his mind, absolutely, absolutely must not let the captain down!

——I, too, want to be as dazzling as her.

006 "The Meaning of Life"

When Hua rushed to Wumingcho, this kind of city had become a dead city.

Although there is no smell of decaying corpses, human-shaped ice sculptures can be seen everywhere.Not even the buildings escaped unharmed, becoming a part of this ice and snow city.

This is the horror of the Herrscher. It is a disaster in human form, and it is a natural enemy capable of genocide for human beings.

Hua forced herself not to look at people's faces, not to think about the prosperity and beauty of the past, she just wanted to find the only survivor as soon as possible, and then leave the city with that child.


The city is so big, where should she find it?I don't even know the approximate location, do I need to search one by one?

It is estimated that the body will have been cold by the time it is found! ?

Oh no, it's cold now, but it's not dead yet.

——Actually, it’s not impossible.

Hua knew that there was another way to shorten the time to find someone.

It's just that she was hesitant to do it?

Because it was a nightmare that she wanted to forget but couldn't erase for countless nights, but now she had to face it head-on?

"You can't disappoint Master Captain."

It's ridiculous to say that the power called 'Martial Arts' and the burden called 'Family Tradition' can't even deal with a Houkai Beast in the end.

She might even think—

Even if that kind of thing is lost, it doesn't matter, right?

But now, you want her to pick it up?

Just kidding!

This must be a joke!

"I can't run away anymore. The captain, the master, has always supported me behind my back."

Courage that kind of thing...

Hua clenched her fists tightly, determined that even if she would become weak again, at least someone would survive.

...wasn't there from the start!

Human beings rely on recklessness to win, but recklessness does not require courage.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry. For the sake of my current family, I can no longer be weak. I must, I must forget you for a while."

As long as I think of them, I will think of that period of the past.But if she doesn't think about it, she can't use this power.

So the only thing we can do at this stage is-

Forget about them: temporarily.

Don't need to worry about the Houkai beast's attack, choose to close your eyes and listen to the only sound that may exist in the silence.

And at the same time, she has to move around, because the range of this induction is limited.

However, walking also means that she will produce her own voice, which will interfere with the telepathy.

So if you want to really do it, relying on the sensing area to find people is itself an extremely difficult, even 'impossible' thing.

But no matter how difficult it is, Hua must overcome it.

If she couldn't, someone would die for it—she couldn't forgive herself for that.

Take a deep breath, then hold your breath, and move with light steps as possible, but relatively fast.

Not only does she have to reduce the noise she's making, but she has to do it as soon as possible, because life is counting down.


A three-dimensional model appeared in her mind, composed of blue squares and white lines.She 'saw' two red dots, one was very bright, and while moving, it frequently released circular ripples.

The other is sometimes brighter and sometimes darker, and almost every minute or so, it releases a circle of ripples that will soon dissipate.

Hua turned her head and walked in the direction of the faint red dot, and the bright red dot started to approach there.

She opened her eyes and saw the building in the distance——

"I found you, I'm coming now."



If the fist couldn't break it, he used his feet to tear down the metal anti-theft door covered in ice cubes in a very violent and direct way.And in order to prevent being blocked when entering the door, she grabbed the door and threw it behind.

Then I rushed inside as fast as I could, and saw the girl who was almost frozen together with the sofa.

He touched the girl's arm with his hand, but it was as hard as a piece of frozen meat.

"Are you late?"

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for people to survive.



Although the girl could no longer breathe, her heartbeat still existed weakly, and she hadn't completely died yet.

Hua disassembled the part connecting the sofa to a human form without harming the girl's body as much as possible.And took off his coat and wrapped it around the girl's body - even if it didn't make any sense.

Then he hugged the girl's icy body in his arms, ignoring the pain caused by the cold and the subsequent numbness.

Hua took the girl out of the building, but hesitated for a while and didn't rush to Himeko's side.

Because she knew that the only way for the girl to persist until she returned to the headquarters was to send her to the nearest branch of the 'Flame Chasing Moth', where she would be thawed and rescued.

The only problem is - she doesn't know where the branch should go.

But one person knows!

Hua opened the dedicated communicator in the team and connected to Himeko's communicator through a dedicated network channel.

"Hua? Are you..."

"I don't have time to explain. Tell me where the branch closest to here should go?"

Himeko looked at the urgent Hua, and didn't ask her what she wanted to do; she just told her where the branch was, and the communication was hung up.

007 "Disciple's Disciple"

Hua exhausted all her strength and reason, forgot to speak, and even her consciousness began to blur. She had no feeling in her legs, and she was finally sent to the emergency room of the branch before the girl completely lost her heartbeat.

However, the equipment at the branch was not advanced enough, and they barely managed the initial rescue, and were transported by the rescue team from the headquarters to the headquarters for further treatment.

But Hua had already fallen into a deep coma before that.

Even with the body of a Valkyrie, it will be five days after waking up.

Well, it's not really a 'Valkyrie' either.

After all, the Flaming Moth at this time has not launched the project called "Fusion Warrior", and the Stigmata project is far away, so the "Valkyrie" at this time is just a warrior with a physique far beyond ordinary people. (So ​​Aunt Himeko, how are you not afraid of the cold?)

Himeko was still dressed in the style of "grace rather than temperature", sitting by Hua's hospital bed and watching over her while reading a "wonderful" magazine.

At this time, Hua woke up suddenly, and sat up suddenly, looking at Himeko who was leisurely beside him in surprise: "Captain... why are you here?"

"What do you mean I will be here? Am I not qualified to come?" He closed the magazine and knocked on the head of this dull apprentice who didn't understand women.

"No, I just... don't our team still have tasks to complete?"

"I don't know about the other teams, but our 'logistics' team has already ended." Then he threw the electronic calendar to her: "See for yourself what time it is, and don't make any more inexplicable questions."

"...uh this!"

I was surprised to find that five days had passed, did I sleep for so long?

"The captain—"

"What did you call me?"

"Master...that's not the problem!" Hua quickly sorted out her memory, and also remembered what happened before she fell into a coma: "Where is that child? How is she?"

"Her condition has stabilized, and it is the closest period of time to recovery. It is only because of the damage and cessation of body functions that she is still in a coma. It is expected...to wait until she fully recovers." Wake up." In order to reassure the apprentice, Himeko did not hang on, but immediately revealed his true colors: "But your problem is very serious, you know?"

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Hua checked her body and found that there was no missing arm or leg.

But in this way, she was even more worried. Could it be that something went wrong inside her body?

"It's a big problem! You've been sleeping for five days! You haven't exercised for five days, and your muscles will shrink when you lie on the bed, do you know that?"



Obviously already so familiar, but still being molested by his own captain master.

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