--no! MEI is there!hurry up!Hurry up ahhhhh!

Kevin, who was covered in scars, held the hilt of the Jie Mie sword with both hands, urging the Herrscher's core to accelerate the frequency of recovery of the Houkai energy, but even if the Jie Mie sword was overloaded, it was still impossible Recharges in just a few seconds.

And in just a few seconds, the Herrscher has already thrown a small dot in the direction of the earth under Kevin's gaze.

As the dot got farther and farther away, its diameter became larger like a blown balloon, and in the end it even turned into a small sun, whose volume was like another moon.

If this thing were to hit the earth, not only would human beings perish, but all species on the entire earth would be wiped out.


Also relying on extraterrestrial monitoring satellites, MEI also saw such a wonderful scene.

No, even if you don't rely on satellites, you can see the second sun in the sky with your eyes alone.


Mei took off his glasses without saying a word and threw them on the ground, as if his eyesight didn't matter at this point.

"If that thing falls, the earth will be finished." After clearing a game more than a dozen times, Teresa discarded the handle of the game console, and stood next to MEI to watch the "performance" of the earth together. At this moment, she also saw the second sun in the sky: "What can I do?"

"... Ah! Yes!"

After Teresa's reminder, MEI remembered that there might be another way, just do this——

Mei shook his head, now is not the time to think about that kind of thing.

She took out a plastic safety bag from her pocket, and it contained the Gem of the Sky that she asked for from Theresa.Since this thing has a one-sided collision volume, its MEI cannot be accessed, so it is placed in a fresh-keeping bag.

This makes it easier to access when needed - at least she can reach the Ziploc bag.

"Back to you."

"I forgot about this thing..."

Teresa took the fresh-keeping bag, took out the gem of void from inside, and put it in the card slot on the clothes specially installed the Herrscher's core.

Then nothing happened.



This situation is both expected and unexpected by MEI.

She considered that Teresa might not be able to connect to the imaginary number space of Herrscher's core - because Teresa had already connected to her own imaginary number space in advance.

It's just that when I actually met it, there was still a bit of an indescribable subtlety.

But she was already prepared——

She took out a syringe from another pocket of her clothes, pointed at Teresa's neck and said, "It might be useful to inject it into a blood vessel."


How can such an uncertain tone make people feel at ease?

Teresa looked at the clear and colorless solution in the syringe and asked a question: "What's in it?"

"No.11 Herrscher's blood."


Suppressing the urge to complain, Teresa plunged the needle of the syringe into the blood vessel in her neck, and pushed the solution inside.

077 "Angel of the Sky"

For the first few minutes after the injection, Teresa felt nothing.

But slowly, she began to feel her heart beat faster, her whole body was hot, and she became a little out of breath.

Then it was like staying up late for a long time caused the outbreak of eye fatigue, which made her feel gradually stronger eye pain, and involuntarily covered her eyes and bent over - in order to avoid bumping into MEI, she took a few steps back.

In the end, Ben was almost touching his face to his legs.

Just when she thought the pain would continue to escalate, the pain in the eyes gradually eased along with a cooling sensation, which gradually made her eyes feel more comfortable. She put down her hands covering her eyes and stood up straight again.


Since Teresa couldn't see her own eyes, Mei could clearly see that her pupils had changed—the pupils that were always black had now become white '+' signs.

It's not in the shape of a cross star, the edges of the pupils are very round and cute.

At the same time as the eye change was completed, a large number of Honkai Neng's condensed alarms followed-but were turned off by MEI who reacted, so only a few rang.

Then there was an inconspicuous change in Theresa's clothing—the long skirts on both sides of her short skirt turned into two ribbons with a large number of diamond-shaped symbols drawn on them.

The left side behind her also formed a single wing at this time.

Strangely shaped wings composed of nine golden rhombuses in three rows.

If I had to say something, it would be a bit like '(can't) angel'.

—It's a pity that she doesn't have a halo on her head.

At this point, all the changes are complete.

Of course, only Teresa knew about the internal changes.

"Is this the power of the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Teresa became a Herrscher temporarily through the core of Herrscher, and finally got the 'sensation' that can sense the Houkai energy. She didn't feel those ubiquitous 'purple particles' until this moment.

At the same time, her original 'system backpack' was also affected, from being as big as a bedroom to being 'infinitely big'.

Theoretically, as long as she has enough Houkai energy, she can even contain the entire earth.

In addition, there are some secondary derivative abilities.

For example--

She can fly now!

Just like her innate ability, she let her body hang in the air without any hindrance, and made a small circle around MEI, and finally hovered in the air directly in front of MEI, facing the huge energy ball that was being pressed down from the sky.

——Although she wanted to fly a little longer, she didn't come to play.

not to mention......

In the field of vision in the upper right corner of his eyes, a countdown similar to the 'frame number' suddenly appeared, and it seemed that there were less than 120 seconds left. It seemed that his Herrscher transformation was also time-limited.

She doesn't know what will happen when the time comes, at least she shouldn't waste any more time.

Teresa glanced back at MEI, saw her nodding to herself, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and began to use this power for the first time.


The vision detached from Theresa's body, and climbed to the outside of the atmosphere at high speed, allowing her to clearly see the whole picture of the energy ball.

"Expand the imaginary space!"

With her field of vision as the center, a black dot with a golden border began to grow in size at an incredible speed, growing into an imaginary black hole with a wider and wider range.

With the expansion of the imaginary number black hole, the countdown speed in Teresa's eyes also began to accelerate, from the original normal countdown to 1 and 3 in 5 second.

If the increase continues, the actual duration may not exceed 10 seconds.

But she didn't stop, she wanted to 'swallow' the energy ball whole; so when the imaginary black hole was big enough to swallow the energy ball in one gulp, the actual duration was less than 5 seconds.


The front part of the energy ball went in, giving Teresa the feeling of eating a giant hamburger—that is, her mouth was not wide enough, even though she opened it with all her strength.


Because the energy ball itself moves very fast, even without the 'behavior' of 'swallowing', the energy ball still went into one-third of the part, which made Teresa feel more and more difficult to maintain the imaginary space.

This huge sense of oppression made her breathless.


"Half, half, it's so good..."


"Forget it, don't worry, it's boring!"

Seeing that there was still the last half of it, Teresa didn't know if it could be completely swallowed, so she simply enlarged the range of the imaginary black hole again, even swallowed the energy ball in one gulp, and then glued the opening - the imaginary black hole disappeared.

0 / -400

As the ball of energy and the black hole disappear at the same time, so does the pressure that hangs over Earth.Seeing this scene, Mei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"you did it."

Mei looked at Teresa who was 'standing' in the air with her back turned to herself, and felt something was wrong: "Theresa?"


Teresa, who was floating in the sky, fell from the sky with her head raised as MEI called.

Fortunately, she's not 'standing' very high, coupled with the protection of the armor, and the strong physique of the fusion fighter, a fall of this level will not cause her to be injured.

It's just that when Mei ran over to check her body——

"I see, thank you."

MEI struggled to pick up Teresa, who was overweight because of the blank key, and almost exhausted all her strength before carrying her into the 'secret room' and placing her in the dormant cabin that had been prepared before.

Even though she has lost her breath and heartbeat, her body is still recovering extremely slowly under the influence of the Houkai beast gene, so that she can continue to sleep in a safer environment.

Maybe after a few decades, her body will be able to recover.


The communicator with a bad signal was activated, and MEI clicked the receive button on it.

"MEI? Are you okay? What happened to that just now?"

"Theresa did it."

"Can that..."



Kevin on the opposite side heard MEI get angry, so he guessed the result, he just said "I know how to do it", and hung up the communication.

Mei took one last look at the sleeping Teresa, and closed the hatch of the dormant cabin: "I still have one thing to do, I can't lose to you."

And one last, last thing, at least until that was done, she couldn't fall.

078 "Shoot Me"


Kevin squeezed the communicator in his hand indifferently - it will take some time to erase the records, in order to avoid being seen when Hua returns, he can only do so.

Throwing away the communicator that was left with only residue, Kevin took out the instrument that he carried with him to remotely detect the target's Honkai response. Through the instrument, he detected the energy level of the Herrscher, which was 70% lower than at the beginning. %, obviously the blow just now consumed a huge amount of Honkai energy.

But this is also understandable-if such an attack can be used unconditionally, human beings will just stand and wait to die, and there is nothing to resist.

It is precisely because too much Houkai energy was consumed that Herrscher Final Yan had to take the initiative to start absorbing the Houkai energy, and did not take any offensive behavior for the time being.

——she must be stopped!

Although the Herrscher's Honkai recovery rate is not fast, basically only recovering 10% every three to ten minutes, it will take less than forty hours to fully recover, and at that time, he will really be powerless to resist.

Kevin didn't stop any longer, and rushed forward with the rest of the people to attack the Herrscher of the Last Edge.

In order to save the utilization rate of the Houkai power, Final Yan Herrscher didn't even open the protective force field at the beginning, grabbed the great sword of flame that Kevin chopped over with his bare hands, and casually put the weapon and combat uniform on the Adult men with a total weight of more than 200 catties were thrown out.

But she didn't expect that when Kevin was thrown out, he also played a trick - he drew the great sword of robbery, so that the final herrscher could not release the great sword in time, and was caught by the blade in his hand. There was a small cut on the palm.


The Herrscher looked at her palm in disbelief. Even though the wound had healed and did not shed a drop of blood, it meant that in her eyes, something like an ant had hurt her.

Can't understand, can't bear it!

In the vacuum environment, the wind-like force field spread around with the Herrscher at the center, blowing away all the fusion fighters who rushed up together.

Then she raised her hand, facing Kevin who had gotten up with her palm, and Honkai Energy condensed into a purple light ball in front of her palm, and after a short delay, a light beam burst out and shot towards Kevin.

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