"Fimilis, do you know what I'm thinking?"

It was only then that Teresa realized that she hadn't spoken just now, and that passage was just her inner confession.

“[Complacency] The core program of Femiris and the captain’s consciousness are connected to each other in the form of 'quantum entanglement'. So even if Femilice 'doesn't speak', she can still convey her thoughts To the captain. Similarly, the captain's relatively superficial 'verbal' thoughts can also be clearly conveyed to Fimilis." Through logical calculations, the blond beautiful girl came to the conclusion that such words may cause suspicion in humans, Only then did he add an additional sentence: "[Consolation] But if it's pure thoughts, even if those messy 'thoughts' are transmitted to Fimilis's core processor, Fimilis will not be able to understand them."

"Then you know what I'm thinking right now?"

Teresa was thinking about one thing, but not in the way of dialogue, but simply thinking about it.

"[Honestly and confused] knew, but couldn't understand."

Femilis also felt very strange about this situation. Occasionally, a stream of data would flow out of her red eyes, which meant that her inner core was performing calculations, but there seemed to be no actual results.


Excluding the possibility of AI lying, Teresa can only choose to believe her.

But since you don't need to say it——

"Fimilis, what time is it?"

『【Bland】It's almost time for lunch break, is the captain going to have lunch? 』

Teresa looked at Femilis and found that her mouth did not move, giving a feeling as if she was indeed talking from the heart.But her original way of communicating was like this. If there was no counterpart... people, Teresa would not be sure whether she would be heard by others.

Just at this time, the principal should have prepared a meal, so you can try it.

"Let's go out to eat."

Teresa also habitually regards Fimilis as a human being, after all, she is already very close to a human from every angle.

It was only later that she discovered her language problem - it shouldn't be 'we', because Femilis couldn't eat, and if she forced it into her mouth, it would fall out.

Although Teresa can touch her, she is actually just a humanoid data.

Fortunately, Fimilis didn't pick on this lingo.

Following Teresa out of the bedroom, I saw that the principal had already set up a dining table in the hall, which was filled with all kinds of...bitter melon feast.

Such as bitter gourd stew, fried beans with bitter gourd, bitter gourd egg soup, sweet and sour bitter gourd, dry fried bitter gourd... There are two glasses of freshly squeezed bitter gourd juice at the end.

This is too dark! (It is said that bitter melon juice is delicious, not as dark as imagined)

Looking at the hell dishes on the table, Teresa just wanted to get up and run back to the room when she was sat down by the principal on her shoulders, and at the same time was robbed of a pack of chili tomato flavored potato chips.

"Don't always eat junk food, it's not good for your body."

"But bitter melon..."

"A picky eater will not grow taller."

Teresa looked at the headmaster who stood up and was at the same height as herself, but now because she is sitting, she looks taller, and said: "Drinking bitter melon juice every day, I haven't seen you grow taller."

"Because I'm only 12 years old! Physical development takes time!"

"Are you sure you're saying that?"

"[Real Hammer] Captain, if there are 'ghosts' in the world, maybe they will really believe it. 』

"What the hell kind of logic is this?"

"[Explanation] It's not ghost logic, it's an accurate result obtained by Fimilis's logic operation, with very high reliability. 』

"You..." The principal saw the two of them making eye contact: "Are you talking bad about me?"

085 "Theresa is not mentally retarded"

In short, Teresa just refused to eat bitter melon, even if it was not the bitter melon itself, but the side dishes next to the bitter melon.

In the end, the headmaster had no choice but to make her another ordinary fried rice with tomato and eggs - oh yes, this dish is called 'Mushu Persimmon Fried Rice' in the restaurant.

As for the rest of the bitter gourd meal, the headmaster can only solve it alone.

That's because the headmaster has the 'big stomach king bloodline' passed down from his ancestors, otherwise, even if his stomach is broken, he would not be able to finish it all by himself.

Even so, it still gave the dean a sense of fullness that would suffocate him at any moment.

——The hole dug by oneself must be filled even while kneeling.

So after eating, the two little ones leaned on the chair in a Ge Youping way.

The only difference is—

Teresa's face was full of happiness, and the school principal's face was full of pain.

They just sat at the dining table and digested food slowly during the lunch break full of ups and downs. (Just take a break after eating. Going for a walk directly will increase the burden on the stomach. Stomach is the slightest, and if it is serious, you will get stomach problems)

Time passed by little by little, and it seemed that the lunch break was about to pass, and when the two of them were supposed to go to work and play games separately, a virtual frame suddenly appeared in front of them.


After a sound, a dynamic picture appeared in the virtual frame, which looked like a video.

In the video, there is a woman in a robe, standing in front of a door and knocking rhythmically.

Teresa couldn't understand what this meant, but the principal understood it in seconds:

"There's a knock on the door outside, I'll go—"

"Let me do it."

Looking at the headmaster's belly that has been "several months", Teresa took the initiative to accept the "task" of opening the door.

Speaking of coming here, she has never approached the gate once.

Not to mention leaving the house—

Standing at a height of more than two meters, she was equivalent to half the principal's gate, and she even had to raise her hands above her head to grasp the door handle and then unscrew it.

"Excuse me, may I ask—"

The voice of the person outside sounds young, that is, between pre-adult and post-adult. (What the hell kind of description is this, isn’t that just an adult?)

When the other party saw the door opened, he asked politely.It turned out that the person who opened the door turned out to be a little girl who was dressed in an overly kawaii-does anyone really wear this in reality?

Of course, she is also very 'kawaii', and is a 'rare' silver-haired loli. (common in 'frozen eel')

"Is there a problem?"

"I've just been here for a few days." The woman saw that the little girl was not afraid of strangers at all, and she didn't know if she had graduated from elementary school, so she let down her vigilance: "Then I saw a Mansion, just want to come and ask something."

Although women are not very good at dealing with children, it is more reassuring than seeing skinny old men and old women as soon as the door is opened.

"That's it." Teresa looked back at the headmaster, seeing her nodding her head to indicate 'OK' or maybe 'you are free', she made a decision without authorization: "Then come in and have a seat."

"excuse me."

Although it seems inappropriate for strangers to be invited in, especially when children are housekeepers; but the experience of the past few days made the woman feel very tired, and her heart was already in a mess, so she couldn't care so much.

As Teresa opened the door and gave up a position, the woman walked into the house from outside the door.At the same time, because the woman didn't block the door anymore, Teresa caught a glimpse of the flashing lush scenery outside when the door was closed.

After the woman came in, she first took off the hood of the gray cloak, revealing a slightly ordinary face with some freckles. (It is said that foreigners think that girls with freckles are cute, but I agree with the Japanese view - small tiger teeth = cute)

She has slightly curly brown hair, and she doesn't know whether it is natural or dyed, or it may simply be dirty.Coupled with that haggard face, the whole person's face dropped sharply in the direction of negative appearance.

The woman looked at the hall with a little curiosity, but found that it was different from what she had imagined. The hall, which was too empty, looked a bit like a church.

In particular, she also saw a little girl who was dressed a bit like a nun—is she the twin of the one who opened the door before?

Although the dress is very different, but the appearance is exactly the same.

Other than that, I didn't see anyone else, and I didn't hear the sound of footsteps from other places, so I asked, "Are you the only two of you here? Where are the adults in your family?"


Teresa glanced at Fimilis who was standing beside her, but she turned a blind eye.

"I am the master of this house!"

The principal is a system elf after all, she can change her body composition in the blink of an eye.So she was still looking like a big belly woman before, but after the woman came in, she had changed back to her usual look, and she also took back the dining table in the hall.

So the women didn't know they were eating before.

"Eh?" Seeing the head of the school looking like a grown-up—although it seemed a little funny, the seriousness of the other party made the girl unable to say anything suspicious.

"Okay, I know what you want to ask, come to my office."

"OK then."

Probably because the other party is just a little girl and has no deterrent effect.The woman just hesitated for a moment, and then followed the headmaster to another room, and the headmaster didn't bring Teresa with her.

Obviously he didn't want Teresa to know, or maybe he didn't want her to know for the time being.

Of course, Teresa didn't intend to participate, she still has to go back to liver 'Xiahuo'.

It's just that when he returned to the room, a picture involuntarily appeared in his mind, a virtual window that popped up automatically when he saw the woman.

Name: Glass

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Level: 5 (133/300)

Health: 210/214

Trauma: Fatigue

Skill: 2/3

Occupation: Wizard Apprentice

Stamina: 50%

Hunger: 31%

Power: 5

Agility: 2

Durability: 4

Wisdom: 7

Spirit: 2

Charisma: 6

086 "The attribute is the cutest in the world"

"Why does she have the attribute 'wisdom'? Does that mean I'm retarded?"

This time Femilis didn't respond, perhaps because Teresa's mind was too chaotic, and she couldn't understand because of the interference of those conflicting thoughts, so she didn't answer her question immediately.

Teresa thought for a long time, but still couldn't find any answer.I stopped playing the game and just sat on the sofa in a daze.It wasn't until I heard someone outside excitedly saying thank you loudly that it stopped again with the sound of opening and closing the door.

"That's right! I can ask her! What are you worrying about?"

After thinking about it, Teresa took a ghost out of the room, found the principal who had just closed the door and had not had time to go back to work, and told her her doubts.

"I thought you had to find the answer yourself, but it took so long to ask?"


Indeed, under normal circumstances, questions like this kind of attribute explanation are placed at the beginning of the novel.But Teresa was fine here, and didn't remember to ask until the plot of the first volume was over. (You can see that there are two volumes in the front, but the volumes on my side are actually put together. The first volume is just the title of the work that was originally to be changed)

"Okay, I'll explain it to you."

(The following is the principal's monologue, not a dialogue)

"First of all." The headmaster brought up Teresa's character card and explained to her line by line: "I don't need to explain the first three lines, as long as you are not a fool, even a fool can understand it. "

"Then there is the level. This thing is a bit complicated. From your understanding of playing games, the higher the level, the more attributes you can grow."

"Because you are a Valkyrie, your attribute increase per level is more than three times that of ordinary players in this world."

"And because their life growth adopts the dungeon rolling dice method, that is, the life growth of each level is 1D4——and your life is fixed at 14 per level."

"Is this attribute growth very GM?"

"The next thing is the life value. This attribute is not equal to HP. It represents a person's physical health. The higher the upper limit, the healthier it is. The minimum value of ordinary people should not be lower than 200, otherwise it will be regarded as a sick child who is plagued by diseases. gone."

"And you basically have 2000, which means that it is almost impossible for you to get sick or poisoned."

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