So the places that I didn't care about before became more concerned, and the places that I cared about before became more persistent.

Gradually, she became dissatisfied with the current living environment. She wanted to change the village and make it better, but it was very difficult to achieve.

Because both manpower and material resources are seriously lacking here, let alone money.

After eating the remaining crops in the field, she didn't even know what to eat next.

Shiyin knew that she couldn't just muddle along like this.

So after saying hello to her master and part-time savior, Theresa, Shiyin went out early and returned late, commuting between the city and the village.

As for what to do in the city, of course it is part-time job.

It's just different from working part-time in the usual sense-ordinary part-time jobs can't afford to support such a family.

Shiyin's part-time job is a part-time exorcist and doctor. She uses the magic technique she learned from Theresa to help people treat trauma and diseases, and she also met 'monsters' several times.

And the 'monsters' are different from her family's 'gods', they are more threatening. Shiyin almost suffered 'obvious' injuries several times (for fear of being seen by Teresa), which also made her more aware that she is not strong enough.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Because of this, I worked harder when studying, and sometimes even stayed up all night all night, just to make more spells, which made Teresa wonder if she was possessed.

However, as a result of doing so, it did play a certain role, making Shiyin's work easier, and it also made her earn more money, and even gained a little fame.

In Teresa's eyes, the most obvious change is that the food at home has gradually become richer.

But Teresa is not a group of heartless foxes, such a change is not so important to her, she cares more about whether Shiyin is happy in doing so.

Shiyin thought Teresa didn't know, but in fact, every time Shiyin went out, Teresa followed and watched from afar.


Shiyin would get hurt occasionally, but it was not in any danger, and there were no bad guys trying to attack her.

When she came back, Shiyin could cover the injured part with her clothes, but she didn't know that even if the wound healed, there would still be a bloody smell that was hard to dispel.

Perhaps, as the principal said, after Teresa has experienced more, she will gradually understand the rules and regulations in it.

But things have a degree.

Shiyin was obviously too aggressive, so Teresa got up earlier than Shiyin this day, or in order to avoid accidents, Teresa deliberately stayed up, and sat in front of Shiyin's room and waited. (Because I need some personal space, I sleep in separate rooms at this time)

When Shiyin was about to go out, she saw Teresa at the door.

"Master Samurai is waiting for Shiyin?" Shiyin thought that he probably had something to say, but he didn't have much free time right now: "Can I talk about it when Shiyin comes back tonight?"


Teresa didn't give any reason, just a simple denial.

It's just that to Shiyin, it sounds like a child messing around: "Master Samurai, don't do this, Shiyin is in a hurry now."

"Don't go anywhere today, sit down for me!!"

Teresa pressed Shiyin's shoulder forcibly, and forced her to sit at the door.Shiyin tried to resist, but unfortunately she was not as strong as Teresa, so she couldn't help frowning:

"Master Samurai, don't be like this, Shiyin really has something to do."

"I know, but you also have to pay attention to your body, you need to rest more."

"Shiyin also wants to! But Shiyin has no choice! If you don't go earlier, you won't be able to come back after dark!!" After shouting, she realized that her voice was a little louder, and Shiyin hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Samurai. Shiyin didn't mean anything else, just a little..."

"I know, so today I want to teach you a new technique, a technique for walking, so that you can spend more time resting."

"A technique to replace walking?"

Shiyin watched Teresa hugging a little fox, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"Do you know Shikigami?"

"God formula?"

Of course Shiyin knew, she had learned such content before.

So it is clear that as long as the 'yokai' is subdued, the 'yokai' can be made into shikigami to drive them.

But soon she shook her head again: "No way! Shiyin can't do this to Lord Shenming!"

Seal the gods in the talisman and summon them when needed.This is a kind of blasphemy to Shiyin, she can't use such a technique on the body of God.

"Where did you go? Not that kind of paper shikigami!"

Say it.

Teresa told her the relevant knowledge and essentials, and let her understand that Teresa was talking about another shikigami.That is to say, a contractual relationship is reached with the gods or monsters, so that shikigami can use their spiritual power to fight.

It is even possible to use spiritual power to strengthen shikigami, making it gradually become a powerful partner, rather than a 'tool' like paper shikigami.

"This, can it work?"

Although the nature is a bit different, Shiyin feels a little unacceptable.

"How do you know if you don't try it? And have you asked what it thinks?"

Teresa pinched the little fox by the armpits of its two front paws, and brought it to Shiyin.

"Lord God?"

143 "White Zangzhu"

Although the little fox can't speak, but after getting along for so long, how can Shiyin not know what the little fox wants to express?

But even so, Shiyin was still a little hesitant.

Because it contradicts the education I have received for more than ten years.

"Don't always think what you think, you should respect other people's ideas."

Teresa herself is not mature enough, but she has to play the role of a life mentor at this time, so she can only say that the world is impermanent.

"Kyu, Kyu." (Mana/Fox calls)

Shiyin hugged the little fox, and the two pairs of eyes looked at each other.

There are mutual persistence, mutual determination, and confrontation of ideas.

Teresa didn't know who won in the end.

It's just that Shiyin agreed to deify the style of "Master Shenming".


Shikaihua is simple and simple, and complex and complicated.

It is complicated because it needs rituals and altars to carry the distortions brought about by the Houkai and fix the changes in a certain direction, otherwise, if the style is deified rashly, the result will only accelerate the transformation of "spiritual beasts" into "monsters" the process of.

And once it becomes a monster, it will become a puppet of Houkai, that is, Houkai beast.

So it took the two of them a few days to barely build an altar—or a simple shrine.

The blood of Shiyin and the blood of the little fox were mixed with oil to make the paint used for drawing ritual formations; because Shiyin's blood contains Houkai energy, this seemingly ordinary paint has mysterious characteristics.

Then draw it into a complete array within the entire shrine without any mistakes as much as possible, and the initial layout is completed.

What follows is relatively straightforward.

All you need is to take a teacup for drinking water, pour some 'rootless water' (that is, rainwater) into it, and mix the blood of the little fox, Shiyin and Teresa to make it can promote A specially made elixir for the apotheosis of the little fox.

It's just that during the production process, Shiyin had doubts:

"Samurai-sama needs the blood of Shion and God-sama to form a 'contract relationship' connecting the two. Shion can understand this. But why do you want to add the blood of Samurai-sama?"

"Of course to make the little fox a 'fusion beast'!"

There was no way for Teresa to say it out. As mentioned earlier, a lot of things would be involved in what was said, and it was too troublesome to explain.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Teresa's blood can make others become fusion fighters of the subspecies, because her blood will be activated under her control when she leaves the body.

Therefore, those who get the activated blood of Teresa can become "pseudo fusion fighters".

Conversely, if it is blood that has not been activated by her, it cannot do this.

——The blood drawn by Mei also did not have this function, so those who received Teresa's blood did not become "pseudo-fusion fighters", and they also had a lifespan similar to that of ordinary humans.

Even further, people who become "pseudo fusion fighters" will not become "eternal people" even if their descendants inherit this bloodline because the "eternal blood" in their blood has been "silent" .

Therefore, simply using Shiyin's blood is useless to the little fox, and it must be added with the blood activated by Teresa.

Then there is one more question -

That being the case, why didn't Teresa directly activate the eternal blood in Shiyin's body?

The reason is 'impossible'. Once Teresa's blood is fused into someone else's body, she will be completely disconnected from her, which will also cause her to be unable to control this part of the blood. Naturally, she can only 'donate blood' again.

So there is the previous behavior.

"That's because my blood contains more 'spiritual power', which can effectively increase the success rate of a fox becoming a shikigami."

This is not a lie.

If it is explained according to the quantified SP, Shiyin's SP may not even be 10 points, while Teresa is dozens of times her.

And Shiyin, who has studied Yin Yang, can also feel the essential difference, so she doesn't doubt Teresa's words.

"Shiyin understands."

Shiyin nodded solemnly, and handed the teacup mixed with the blood of the three to the little fox, and let him drink the 'blood of the contract'. After that, there was a faint connection between Shiyin and the little fox.

And gradually strengthened with the extraction of physical "spiritual power".

Of course, the 'spiritual power' possessed by Shiyin itself is not enough to bring about this change in a short period of time.So in the process of extracting, she also sensed a bigger source to share for her.

As the little fox absorbed more and more 'spiritual power', the little fox's body began to gradually grow to the size of a normal fox, which also caused Shiyin to be unable to hold it, so she had to put it on the ground and watch it grow faster.

In this way, the little fox gradually turned into a big fox, then into a super-large fox, and finally into a giant fox as big as a house.

The whole body has snow-white hair, and a little red hair on the forehead is picturesque, as beautiful as a fox-shaped god in mythology.

"Unfortunately, it's a male."

There is not only one gender in the little fox group, otherwise how would they reproduce?

And the one in front of him happened to be a male fox.

It's just that its eyes are blurred, and it will give people a feeling of 'beauty'.

of course.

Shiyin paid more attention to its size: "Okay, so big!!"

She has never seen such a big fox, and never thought that a fox can grow so big. Even in the picture scrolls about myths, she has only seen demon foxes the size of cats and dogs.

Shiyin tried to go forward to touch the big fox's body, and the big fox was very docile and did not avoid it, and even conveyed a kind of kindness to Shiyin in his heart.

Then, the big fox instinctively understood how it should 'speak', and the several Prajna masks with various expressions hanging on it got out of its body and flew to Shiyin's side, surrounding Shiyin There were different voices beside me expressing their gratitude.

The male-faced boy's voice: "Thank you, Shiyin——"

A girly voice with a woman's face: "The adults are here—"

Old man's face: "Everything I did."

Child's face: "I am willing to—"

Evil face: "Serving in Shiyin—"

Buddha face: "Beside the adults."

All voices: "Master Shiyin, please choose a name for me."

"Why does it feel like the scene of a horror movie?"

Teresa doubted whether Shiyin would be frightened by speaking like this.

144 "Fox Version Twelve Shikigami"

Actually not.

Shiyin is surprisingly bold in this regard. (I always feel something is wrong)

Not only was she not frightened, but she looked very pleasantly surprised. This was the first time she had a conversation with the fox.

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