"Of course it is—" Shiyin glanced at Theresa vaguely, then quickly turned her head to look to the other side: "My lord!"

Priestesses are professions that serve the gods, and this society composed of witches is called a service club... It seems that there is no problem?

Teresa didn't hear the underlying meaning, and even felt that what Shiyin said made sense.

146 "Imagination from the Cloud"

After a while, snowflakes began to float faintly in the sky, the accumulated water on the ground formed a thin layer of ice, and the temperature gradually became less pleasant.

In fact, this is nothing, the big deal is to just nestle on the kang and warm up, and get through this winter.

However, as the number of villagers in the village increased, the stored food began to be insufficient; and the newly planted crops were crushed to death by the snow, resulting in less and less edible food.

Sometimes Teresa would think that it would be better if there was a greenhouse.

But just think.

It may not be a good thing for this thing to appear prematurely, besides, where do the materials for building the greenhouse come from?You can't expect those villagers to make it themselves, right?


Let Teresa use her own ability to force it out?

She is not a tool person, how can she do it.

In the end, I had no choice but to buy some food from nearby towns and try to save as much as possible.

of course.

Teresa can actually ignore the life and death of these villagers, but Shiyin does not agree to do so. According to her understanding, if you live in the same village, everyone is a relative, and mutual help is a must.

So the hard-earned money had to be thrown out.

It's just that Shiyin's original plan to build a new home has to be postponed again, and she sighs more often than usual.

Typical asking for trouble.


By the way, when it comes to the new home, it actually has something to do with the increase in the number of villagers.

After all, Shion is a priestess, and both of them are girls, and there are twelve shikigami around them.There is nothing wrong with living with civilians all the time, but there are always some inconveniences.

Especially the initially established worship clubs need a special training base.

Shion's original intention was to go back to the mountain to rebuild the shrine. With the help of Teresa and the twelve shikigami, it is actually a very simple matter to rebuild the Taketori Shrine. Wood can also be collected directly on the mountain.

But the crux of the problem is that the area of ​​Taketori Shrine is very small, and I am afraid it cannot accommodate too many people.

Of course, if the entire mountain is included, a lot of houses can be built.

But in that case, can it still be called a shrine?

It seems to be ok...just the taste has changed.

In fact, it would be okay if it was just like this. The key point is that Taketori Shrine is too far away from the village. If the same thing happened before, I am afraid that by the time Shiyin reacts, some villagers will have been killed.

Although it is also possible to let the shikigami stay temporarily, and then hand it over to the children after the next batch of shrine maidens are trained; but the shikigami is family to Shion, why should the family live separately?

And let the children face the danger, how could Shiyin have the heart to make such a decision?

As a result, many of the original plans could not be implemented because of the benevolence of "this will not work, and that will not work".

So Shiyin began to dream——

She dreams of having a moving castle, the kind that can travel around the world by sitting at home.

In this case, because the castle is large enough, it can accommodate many people.Because it can move, it will not stay in one place all the time, and go wherever people need it.

Even if you encounter troubles that cannot be solved, you can escape with the whole village.

It's so beautiful!

Shiyin also knew that this was impossible, so she thought about it and talked to Teresa occasionally—although she was afraid that Teresa would laugh at her for being too naive.


"Well, it's not impossible?"


Due to the limitations of time and technology, and the fact that the 'Golden Apple' is not in Teresa's hands, it is unrealistic to build a mobile fortress like 'Howl's Moving Castle'.

But that doesn't mean she can't do it at all.

Similar things can still be achieved using Yin Yang techniques - just use a lot of wood and stones to build structures and gear bearings, and the power is replaced by 'spiritual power'.

It's easy to say, but it's actually quite time-consuming to do, and it also needs a core as an energy source... This thing Teresa happens to have one (A Shibo's core).

As for inspiration, just imitate the thing in memory.

Anyway, this world didn't come from Yuncheng, so don't worry about others suing her for not paying patent fees. ('Congyun' comes from "Sakura Ninja Post")

So Teresa told Shiyin about this idea, and after Fimilis's calculations, it was determined that it was possible to manufacture this thing.

After all, there is almighty Honkai power.

"Then the samurai-sama will come and build a house with Shiyin."

After listening to Shiyin, little stars began to appear in her eyes—well, that was an animation expression technique, but when Teresa met her eyes, she would involuntarily have such an illusion.

"Just the two of us will do it for a long time."

"Aren't there still Xiaoyu and the others?"

Shiyin also gradually stopped calling each other 'Master Shenming', but called each other like friends.

Although there is less respect, the relationship is noticeably closer.

"Most of them are girls, so they should not be suitable for this kind of physical labor."

Among the twelve shikigami, except for Baizangzhu, Guanhu, and Jiutong, who are obviously male fox gods, eight of the remaining shikigami are female, and the standard yin flourishes and yang declines.

However, compared to the almost one-sided Valkyrie, this ratio is actually not bad.

"Moreover, there are only fourteen 'people' in total. It also takes a long time to build, and it can't be done in a short period of time."

Building a city itself is a lengthy project, not to mention that there are only fourteen 'people', even if the whole village is built together, this time has to be calculated on a yearly basis.

Even if they can use yin and yang techniques to speed up this process, it cannot be done in a short period of time.

More importantly -

"It's so cold, it's better to be at home."

Whether it's hot or cold, Teresa basically can't feel it.

But because of 'habit', the season will start to feel drowsy and want to sleep, just like wild animals need to hibernate.

"Okay, okay! Listen to the samurai!!"

Shiyin pursed her lips angrily, and she looked like she could hang a bottle of oil.

No wonder.

Someone gave her hope, and then extinguished it with his own hands.

It's not just disappointment.

But uncomfortable!Stuffed!

So Shiyin pressed on Theresa angrily, trying to crush her to death like an arhat.

147 "The Rumor of the Demon Fox"

Because in winter, even girls in the far east have a physique that is generally not afraid of the cold. (Japanese girls come to their aunts to drink ice water...WTF)

But there is still no way to take a bath in cold water, it will make you sick.In this era, even a cold and a fever may become terminally ill.

Well, in fact, with the physiques of Teresa and Shiyin, basically they won't get sick, but no one is willing to make mistakes.

It's just that people who have not bathed for a long time and have the habit of bathing every day will have the illusion of having lice all over their bodies. (Phantom itch?)

So Shiyin tormented Teresa with the reason of wanting to take a bath.

"Samurai-sama, Shion wants to wash it for nothing." (I feel like I've been taught badly)

"Boil water and wash away."

Teresa is busy with her daily life, how can she have time to listen to poetry? (Standard dead house heart: how can a girlfriend have fun games?)

"No, Shiyin wants to soak in the hot spring."

The Far East is an island country located near volcanoes. Because of volcanoes and crustal movement, this is an earthquake-prone zone, but it is also a hot spring town.

It's not too much to call it 'The Country of Soup'.

But it is a pity that the village is a bit remote due to its geographical environment, and there are no wild hot springs nearby. Basically, if you want to soak in hot springs, you can only find them in the city.

"How can hot springs be so easy to find?"

And even if you find it, you can't really soak it.

Because many of them are quite dangerous, maybe they will disappear as soon as they go down. (Altaïr: ...)

"Samurai-sama, let's build a hot spring hotel with Shion."

"Is this your real purpose?"

In fact, it's also Teresa's fault——

No matter how fun a game is, if you die hard every day, you will get tired of playing it soon.Shiyin is like this, I don't want to touch it at the end of the game, but it's not fun.

In order to prevent Shiyin from tossing herself when she was playing some games, and making Teresa unable to escape the pain of relegation, Teresa had to ask Fimilis to install a mobile version of Minecraft for her. (Speaking of which, the abbreviation of Marvel is also MC)

By the way, Shiyin's dream of building a castle can also be realized.

Just in this way, Shiyin's desire to build is completely stimulated, and from time to time he wants to realize some impossible things in reality.

Like floating buildings...

This has also led to some strange things appearing in the village recently, which has attracted a lot of discussion among the villagers.

If it’s just these things, it’s okay, the key is because of the game mechanism, players can always exchange some good things from the villagers in the game, so that Shiyin actually wants to exchange money with the villagers for diamonds in reality.

Not to mention whether the villagers have one, even if they do—can she still make a diamond pick?

So many jokes were made.

But this is also good, that is, it makes the villagers more friendly to her.

Because in the impression of the villagers in the past, the priestess Shiyin is a high-ranking 'big man', and she must disdain to get too close to a commoner like herself.

But in fact, Shiyin is just an ordinary...well, not an ordinary innocent girl.

Not too different from everyone.

The gap is much smaller.

More importantly -

Shiyin also let Teresa see her silly side.

"Hey hey."

Anyway, the 'stupid appearance' was discovered, so Shiyin simply stopped pretending.

"Still laughing?"

There was no other way, Teresa had to put down her smart phone temporarily, and thought about how to realize something like an artificial hot spring.

It should, probably, maybe... can't be realized, right?

Teresa hadn't had access to a constant source of heat yet.

Although she can create things with her own abilities, she cannot create energy like a perpetual motion machine.

Otherwise, it would have been possible to make something to replace the Herrscher's core long ago - the unlimited production of God's Keys is not a dream.

of course.

Hot springs can't do it, but similar things are still possible.

Like a bath?

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