"What are you doing? I don't have time to talk to you now!"

"[Warning] Turn back!Quickly look behind you! ! 』

turn back?look behind?

Teresa stopped what she was doing in confusion, and stopped on the spot with some hesitation.She wanted to deal with the demon fox first, but it seemed that Fimilis was very nervous.

What is it?How about taking a look first?Or finish solving the demon fox first?



Due to the fusion warrior's physique, Teresa's sense of pain was greatly weakened, so much so that she almost didn't know what pain felt like most of the time.

But if she feels pain, even if it's just a slight tingle, it means—

Teresa looked down at her stomach, where the blade of a transparent thin knife penetrated from the back to the front.Warm blood seeped from the gap between the knife and the meat, staining the nearby armor red.

However, under the power of the spirit knife, ice soon began to freeze, freezing the wound and the blade together.


Teresa couldn't understand.

Why is this knife here, why would someone use this knife to attack herself, why she didn't feel anything before being attacked...

She wanted to turn her head to see who it was, but as the frozen area on her body expanded, she gradually became unable to move.All he could see was a fox mask that fell to the feet of the person behind him because of his big movements.

When his body was almost completely frozen, what he saw in his eyes that had not completely sunk into the darkness was the recovered demon fox and its mouth biting towards him.

"Is there bad breath..."

190 "Postscript: Parallel World Concept"

After dying in the dungeon, the plot and character memory of the dungeon will be cleaned, that is, the dungeon will be reset.

The historical performance is that Teresa has never been to Yae Village.

So the plot of Sakura Reincarnation returned to the original track, and Teresa's influence was basically cleared.


Once the dungeon fails to be cleared, Teresa will enter another parallel world when she enters again (counting the plot of the eDonkey, Sakura Samsara may have three parallel worlds).

This plot will be explained to Teresa by the principal at the beginning of the second and second volumes.


If you fail to clear the level, there is no reward, only punishment.

191 "Empty Travel"

"Am I dead? Is this what death feels like?"

Teresa didn't have any pain, only nothingness that didn't know anything.

Yet it is this nothingness that is most frightening.

She can't feel the existence of eyes, so there is only darkness in front of her eyes; she can't feel the touch of her body, so she can't get any feedback even if she touches it with her hands.

No smell, no sound.

She couldn't even feel gravity, and had no way of knowing whether she was floating, lying on the ground, or standing.

Moving limbs has also become meaningless.

The only thing that has not been affected is 'thinking', allowing her to have more time to think and recall.

But what good is that?

The more I think about it, the more intense the inexplicable irritability becomes.

There is no one to talk to her, no beautiful scenery for her to enjoy; she can only wander in the phantom of the past, being the marginal person who can only watch but not participate.

"So, this is 'death'?"

People often say that if you die, you have nothing, and only if you live can you have a future.

Teresa suddenly understood what the principal's words meant.

——Death is not pain, but loneliness and torture.

Maybe it would be better for a normal person to die without knowing anything, but she still retained this ability to think.

And the more you think about it, the more you feel the pain.


Time seems to be useless.

She couldn't remember exactly how long it had been—

1 minutes or a century?

Teresa also knew about counting time by counting seconds like a certain scallion...but she gave up in the end, and her uncontrollable annoyance made her unable to continue counting.

She used common sense to let herself fall asleep, at least whether it was a good dream or a nightmare, or a lucid dream, it was better than now.

But it doesn't work!

It was as if she had lost the right to sleep, even if she stopped thinking for a while, she still couldn't fall asleep, which made her envious of Katz. (Patients with long-term insomnia should understand this feeling)

At least Kaz could fall asleep if he stopped thinking.

Teresa has considered taking out the smartphone to relieve boredom, but her eyes and ears have become obstacles; she can't even rely on the feeling of her fingers to play games in a brain-filling way like Ellie ("The Last Survivor") .

The only thing she can do now is to remember, remember, keep remembering.

Recall every piece of the past, and re-read every detail of the memory, and think carefully about whether your past choices and actions are really the right ones.

Whether it can really be accepted by her people.

It seems useless to summarize mistakes and care about gains and losses.

But there was nothing else she could do.

Gradually she began to accept the fact——

"I am already dead."

From the first doubt, the second understanding, to the third awareness.

Teresa finally understood what 'death' was, at least for herself.

Until this moment, the boredom in my heart gradually dissipated, leaving only a piece of peace.


I don't know how long it has passed again, Teresa's heart seems to be 'dead', whether it is pain or happiness, these emotions seem to have been suppressed.

Some are just calm that borders on absolute sanity.

"But it's not good!"

She cannot accept being a living machine.

So desperately think about those happy things, as well as goals that have not been completed and achieved results.

For example-

"I still want 'her' (referring to the principal)...Yes! That's right! I can't stay here any longer! I want to get out of here!"

Teresa didn't know what to do, she only had a very strong belief, or hope.

"Definitely! I have to go back to her!"



There was a sound like glass being broken. (Achievement: Destroy the Nightmare)

Teresa almost instinctively opened her eyes, which she had almost forgotten, and blankly saw a warm-colored interior that was both familiar and unfamiliar, as well as the person standing in front of her who had been waiting for a long time.

"Welcome home."

— she said so.

Teresa carefully looked at the principal's face for a while, but she didn't see a trace of impatience on her face.

He opened his mouth but couldn't speak for some reason.

After brewing for a while, Teresa scratched her face, looked sideways and said, "I, I'm back."

192 "The Man in the Mirror and the 'Man' in the Mirror"

The principal didn't respond after listening, but just looked at Teresa with a paralyzed face.

It was impossible to guess what she was thinking.

"What, what's wrong?"

The principal shook his head, but did not answer Teresa's question.

He raised his right hand and put it on her head. It seemed that she was a little surprised that she didn't hide it. After a while, he gently stroked it a few times: "If you are tired, go back and rest first."


Although she didn't feel tired, Teresa didn't refuse, and went back to her room directly.

Only the headmaster was left standing there looking down at his right hand that touched Teresa's head.


After Teresa returned to the room and closed the door, she leaned against the door and sat directly by the door, holding her knees with her hands, feeling the hardness of the Twilight Knight's armor, and did not feel any discomfort at all.

On the contrary, there is a kind of joy in being alive.

She squeezed the tiger's mouth of her right hand with her left hand. The soft and smooth touch made her unable to let go of her hand for a while. (The so-called tiger's mouth is the bulge formed by the soft flesh between the thumb and the index finger when you press the thumb on the middle joint of the index finger. Many people probably don't know where the tiger's mouth is when they see the tiger's mouth is shattered when reading novels)

However, after playing with her little hands for a while, Teresa still chose to let go of herself. If she continued, she might develop in a bad direction.

"By the way, what did the headmaster ask me to do?"

Teresa suddenly couldn't remember what she had promised just now, and just went back to the room on her own.



Teresa neither saw the ghost AI nor heard any answer, so it was completely unclear where she had gone.

But you shouldn't worry.

At least here, Femiris should be fine.Even if there was a program error or something, the headmaster is fully capable of fixing her.

"Forget it, I'll go to sleep first."

Teresa kept her voice as low as possible, touched the door, stood up and walked towards her bed, but when she passed a mirror, she couldn't help but stop because of what she saw in the corner of her eye.

Theresa turned her head to look in the mirror, and the person in the mirror also turned to look at Theresa.

This is not a problem at all, but because the person in the mirror is not 'Theresa'——

She has beautiful pink hair and wears a fox mask slanted on the right side; she has beautiful blue eyes comparable to Theresa, staring at Theresa clearly and innocently.

She was wearing a yukata and short skirt with a cherry blossom pattern on her body, but it set off her figure that was almost like a washboard, but she looked exquisite and cute.

"this is......"

Teresa went to the mirror, and the child in the mirror also walked to Theresa.

What Teresa does, the child does.

If Teresa hadn't been able to see that she was different from that child as soon as she lowered her head, she would even think that she had changed into a different look.

Standing in front of the mirror, she raised her hand and tried to press it on the mirror, but it was blocked by the mirror as expected, and she did not enter the world in the mirror.

It seemed that the girl who was doing the same behavior was just a phantom with a wrong display.

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