"Even if it can't be done, as long as you can make all human beings reach one-tenth of Saitama's level, it's enough, isn't it? Don't think too much, don't you want to see the sky at a higher level? Don't you If you are scared like this, what is the difference between you and those stupid humans you think? If you still want to give up like this, then it’s up to you.”

After Abigail finished speaking, she looked at the corpse of Asura Unicorn Immortal beside her. She suddenly realized that she should also change. She had come into contact with a lot and knew a lot.If you keep relying on your laurels like now, you can't do things happily.

"Abigail, I understand. My mind is confused. After listening to your words, I have figured it out. From now on, no matter what I encounter, I will never be confused again."

After listening to Abigail's words, Jinas was stunned, and his thoughts became clear in an instant.

"Very good, now let's start looking for a new base, and then officially start the evolution of all mankind." After speaking, Abigail walked out towards the big hole made by Saitama.This time, she didn't plan to go back. She didn't have a clear idea before, so she stayed by Saitama's side, wanting to see if there was anything she could do, and now she doesn't need it.

A day later, Abigail and the armored gorilla appeared in F City.

"By the way, Lord Abigail, what are we doing here?" Walking through the city, the armored gorilla asked curiously.

"In this city, there is a rich man named Zenil. Since we want to achieve our goal, we can't do it alone. We need some sponsorship." Abigail explained casually.

"Oh, so that's the case, but the people around me seem to be very afraid of me, should we change our way?"

At this time, the armored gorilla was walking on the streets of City F. With his huge size, it made people feel insecure.

"It's okay, and you didn't do anything strange. Doesn't City F still have a rule that prohibits gorillas from going out on the streets?" Abigail said nonchalantly.

"Okay." The armored gorilla responded and continued to move forward.

"By the way, turn left ahead. But then again, that guy named Zenier seems to own a building as his residence, and there seems to be a pile of golden poop on the top of the building. I really don't know what this rich man thinks .” Abigail looked at the map in her hand and complained, after all, it’s normal to be unfamiliar with the road when it’s the first time in City F.

"Lord Abigail, it seems very noisy over there, I don't know what's going on." At this time, the armored gorilla pointed not far away and said.

"Oh, I seem to see a group of bald heads, but there is nothing to deal with, just a group of troublemakers, don't worry about them." Abigail stood up and looked over there, only to see a group of bald heads in black clothes, remember In the plot, it was a group of cannon fodder, and Abigail lost interest immediately.

"Hey, the guy in front, stop for me!"

At this moment, a rough voice suddenly came from behind the armored gorilla.

Turning his head, he saw a strong man in a black vest standing behind, pointing at the armored gorilla.

"Who are you?" Looking at this guy who he had no impression of at all, he didn't even think that he was just a trick.

"I'm a B-level hero, Black Hole in the Vest, with a grip strength of 200 kilograms, weirdo, as long as I'm here today, I won't let you hurt anyone." Black Hole in the Vest said very imposingly.

"Lord Abigail, what should I do? Do I need to destroy him?" Looking at the overconfident guy in front of him, the armored gorilla asked.

"Don't worry about him, it's just a trick." Abigail said casually.

"Understood." After hearing what Abigail said, the armored gorilla turned around directly, ignoring the black hole in the vest.

"Damn it, you dare to ignore me, I'm going to let you all know how powerful the black hole in my vest is!"

Seeing that he was ignored, the black hole in the vest roared angrily, and then rushed towards the armored gorilla.



The armored gorilla slapped the black hole in the vest to the ground.

"A dragon's suit is a dragon's suit, but you are so overconfident. If you leave, you will waste a lot of time." Looking at the black hole in the vest that was photographed on the ground and has no ability to move, Abigail said a little bored.

Continue along the map.The armored gorilla came to a private park, which seemed to belong to the rich man named Zenier.

"Well, it really is a golden poop. The rumors are true. That's where the destination is. I hope that rich man is still there." Abigail said, pointing to the building in front of him.

At this moment, a rumbling sound came from the front.

"Master Abigail, it seems that there is a battle ahead, do you need to detour?"

"It's fine to just go there, what's the detour, are you afraid of some weak chicken cannon fodder?"

"Ok, I see."

After speaking, the armored gorilla carried Abigail towards the direction of the battle.

"Oh, I didn't expect there to be intruders. Just in time, let me rule them out.",

Just a few steps away, suddenly, a voice came from a tree nearby.

Immediately afterwards, a ninja in black tights appeared in front of the armored gorilla.

"Who are you?" The armored gorilla asked, looking at the ninja in front of him.

"I'm not interested in telling the dying person my name. If you want to know, just live."

Just when the ninja in front of him said the last word, his body suddenly disappeared, and then a sharp knife appeared in front of Abigail, but Abigail turned a blind eye to it.

At this time, the sharp knife suddenly stopped, and it was only a few centimeters away from Abigail, and it was no longer invincible.

"Bastard, how dare you sneak attack!" On the other side, the armored gorilla who noticed that the ninja had sneak attacked Abigail on his shoulder roared loudly.The most important thing is that he didn't even react.

A punch was thrown directly at the ninja, but the ninja was left with only afterimages.

"What was that just now? Stand?" The ninja said in surprise.But before Abigail could answer, the ninja suddenly laughed: "No matter your position or what, you all have to die here today."

After speaking, the ninja disappeared again.

But at this moment, bang...

With a sound, in front of the armored gorilla, the ninja suddenly seemed to be pressed to the ground by something, and the force directly pushed the ninja into the soil.

"Sorry, I want to play with you, but I still have business to do now. Let's go, gorilla." Abigail directly manipulated the invisible hand formed by the magic power to press the ninja to the ground.

"Okay, Lord Abigail." After speaking, the armored gorilla jumped in the direction of the building.

And just after Abigail and the others left, a bald man in a yellow tights came to the scene with a cheeky face.

Then, the ninja aka Sonic Sonic got blasted again. ...Hey, poor baby.

At the bottom of the Golden Stool Building, a group of guards stood trembling in front of the building with guns in hand.

"Who are you guys? If you get any closer, we won't be polite!" One of them, who looked like the captain of the guard, shouted to Abigail and the others, trying to calm down.

"You are in charge here, right? We don't want to use force today, so go and tell Zenier now that we belong to the House of Evolution, and today we are going to bring him something that he absolutely cannot refuse."

Hearing Abigail's words, the captain of the guard was visibly relieved.

"Okay, I'm going to inform Lord Zenier now."

"By the way, let me add that if you don't let us in, then we will go in by ourselves."

Listening to Abigail's words, the captain of the guard swallowed.

"Okay, I'll bring it."

After speaking, the captain of the guard hurried to the door of the building.

After a while, the captain of the guard came back.

"Well, Master Zenier told you to go up, you come with me."

After listening to the words of the captain of the guard, all the guards present could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then Abigail ordered the armored new model to follow the captain of the guard into the building. I have to say that everything in this building is quite large, at least the armored gorilla is inside, and it can still move normally, although it is a bit narrow.

"Here it is. Master Zenier will come over soon. You can wait here for a while." When he came to a large room, looking at the decoration inside, it seemed to be a place for talks.

After seeing the captain of the guard leave, Abigail jumped off the armored gorilla, and then sat down on the sofa.

"Rich people enjoy it. The sofa feels so comfortable." Abigail seemed to sink into the sofa, which shows how soft the sofa is.

After waiting for a few minutes, two people suddenly walked in from the elevator, one was a fat uncle with golden curly hair.There is also an old man with long white hair.

Just walking in, this fat uncle with golden curly hair looked at the armored gorilla standing next to the sofa with some fear, and then sat down on the opposite sofa. As for the white-haired old man in black butler uniform, he stood behind this fat uncle.

"You are Zenier, right?" Abigail said immediately after seeing the fat man with a big gold chain around his neck.

"I'm Zenier, I don't know, is there anything you can do to find me today?" While talking, Zenier glanced at the armored gorilla standing beside Abigail from time to time. The deterrence given by orangutans is too great.

"It's simple, we need your investment. A big investment." Abigail cut straight to the point.

"How much do you want? As long as you let me go, 100 million, 1000 million or 1 million is fine." Zenier said with some fear. A rich man like him values ​​his life very much. It's just numbers.

"Don't tell us we're a bandit gang. Like I said, I've got a good thing for you today. Gorilla bring it out."

Immediately, it began to deform from the chest of the armored gorilla, and then revealed a cavity inside, in which a small metal box was placed.

Abigail put the small metal case on the table.

"Do you know what this is? A potion for rejuvenation. Do you think this thing has enough weight to get your support?"

"Wait, what did you just say? A potion for rejuvenation. Is what you said true?" Zenier looked at the tube of blue injection in this small box with some surprise.

"Of course it is true, and this thing has been researched for a long time, and it has been used long ago. The boss of the Evolution House uses this thing to rejuvenate. How about it, are you very interested?"

"Have you ever used such a potion?" Zenier asked curiously.

"No, I haven't used this thing. It's just one of the evolutionary studies. Are you interested in trying it?"

After speaking, Abigail looked at Zenier with a smile.

Chapter 80 Establishment of Evolution House

"You give me a free trial of such an important thing. You won't use me as an experiment, will you?" Zenier said with some doubts.

"Why should I use you as a test subject, this thing is absolutely effective. As I said, this is just one of the studies in the House of Evolution. I just chose the most attractive thing. There is a saying that the greatest pain in life is death and the money has not been spent. Are you right?" Abigail still maintained his calm look, and he was not worried that Zenier would reject such a thing.

"It's true that you can't refuse, but, housekeeper, you can try this injection. You understand the old rules." Zenier was still a little cautious, especially after he knew that this injection was not the only one.Then he doesn't care about the injection in front of him, what he wants to know now is the real effect of the injection.

"I see, Master Zenier."

After speaking, the old butler came to the table, took the injection out of the box, and after hesitating for a while, made up his mind to inject the injection into his own vein.

After the butler injected the medicine into his body, the medicine began to work.

"Oh, Master Zenier, it's true, I feel my body is starting to become more energetic." The butler said excitedly.

"Well, I see, your face is starting to look younger, it's really amazing." Zenier also looked excited, after all, the butler's appearance has proved the effect of the potion.

Immediately, Zenier turned his head: "That, uh..."

"My name is Abigail."

"Okay, Miss Abigail, I bought your potion, please make a price." Zenier said richly.

"Don't worry, didn't I say it? The rejuvenation potion is just an ordinary research in the House of Evolution. Is your pursuit just to rejuvenate?" Seeing that Zenier took the bait, Abigail continued to seduce .

"Huh? Does Miss Abigail have anything better?" Zenier said with great interest.

"Of course, do you want to become a superman? The kind of superman who goes to heaven and enters the earth, is extremely powerful. Gorilla, show me." Abigail tempted.

"Okay, Lord Abigail." After finishing speaking, the armored gorilla turned his head and said to Zenier, "Can I use the wall over there?"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Zenier said in a cold sweat.

Having agreed, the armored gorilla turned around and punched Reassurance at the wall.

Boom... With a bang, a big hole was punched out of the wall by the gorilla's punch.

"This..." Zenier looked at this scene in surprise.

"It's too powerful. This... just relying on the wind brought by my fist has such a strong destructive power. Does that mean that I can also become so powerful? Miss Abigail, please make an offer. Money is not a problem!" Seeing the actual effect, Zenier said with some fanaticism.

"No hurry. Since we are called the House of Evolution, our goal is naturally the evolution of mankind. We want to achieve the goal of the evolution of all mankind, so we need your support."

After listening to Abigail's words, Zenier understood Abigail's purpose, he lay his body back on the sofa and said:

"Miss Abigail, I'm a businessman. If it's just a transaction, you can pay the money and deliver the goods. Now, you want me to help you realize the evolution of all mankind. It doesn't mean anything to me. For the benefits, let’s talk about helping me evolve.”

"Are you sure you don't want to cooperate with us? That's okay, let's talk about helping you evolve. Anyway, there are many rich people in the world. At worst, I want to give my collaborators something special." You know, the evolution project is a monopoly." Abigail said with some regret.

"Wait, Miss Abigail, may I know what the preferential treatment is?" Zenier asked curiously.

"Evolution, there are good and bad. Ordinary people naturally don't have a good chance to evolve, but if you are a partner, then of course you have to wholeheartedly make the best evolution." Abigail explained lightly .

"May I ask, what level of evolution are we trading?" Zenier understood what Abigail wanted to express, but he still asked with luck.

"That depends on how much Mr. Zenier pays. But I still suggest that Mr. Zenier cooperate with us. After all, the partner has the right to enjoy the latest results first. I don't know your decision, Mr. Zenier. " After Abigail finished speaking, she waited quietly for Zenier's reply. If he refuses to agree to this, Abigail is not going to waste time. At worst, she just needs to change to a new one.

After a while of consideration, Zenier came to his own conclusion:

"Miss Abigail, happy cooperation."

Hearing Zenier's reply, Abigail laughed: "Have a nice cooperation."


[Now broadcast a piece of news. Recently, an organization called Evolution House suddenly appeared in J City and built a building belonging to them. According to reliable information, this organization seems to be funded by the rich Mr. Zenier. Now , let us interview a staff member who just came out of the building...]

"Jeros, speaking of which, isn't this House of Evolution the one we met before?" Watching the news on TV, Saitama turned his head and said to Geros beside him.

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