Facing the wolf that was staggering over, the other waved his hand casually, and slapped the hungry wolf on the head several times in succession.

"Hey, hey, I can't even react, my body is so broken."


Hungry Wolf, using his last strength, launched a combo attack on Saitama, but was slapped directly on the head by Saitama, knocking him down as if he had fallen, and sat on the ground.

"Damn...why? Losing power...bastard...why?"

"I said I didn't call enough to pay the medical bills."

"Ahhhhh...it's not over yet, you bastard, let me be weird, Master Hungry Wolf, let me..."


Then the hungry wolf was sent flying again, but this time, the rest of the force was obviously much weaker than before. The wolf just flew out and hit the debris without smashing it into pieces.

At this time, Geros looked at the hungry wolf that fell in front of him, very surprised.

That hungry wolf has been defeated...the opponent is...

"Ah, Geros, it's so broken again."

"Teacher... is that right? Even the hungry wolf is not enough." Jie Luo said with some emotion, but he knew how strong the hungry wolf was. In front of the hungry wolf, she resisted a little None of the abilities.

"Are you kidding? Damn... Damn!"

Hungry Wolf desperately stood up and looked at Saitama:

"As long as you, as long as there is no you... I will never lose!"

Watching the wolf stand up again, Saitama clenched his fist.

"Well, since you still want to persist, then..."

"Kill him, kill him quickly, when he needs it now, only at the current b-level, quick! Kill him quickly!!!"

At this time, the voice of Sweetheart Mask suddenly came from afar.

Saitama turned his head and looked a little puzzled: Who is this guy?

"I agree with Sweetheart Mask's opinion. There is no reason to keep him alive. Let me do it." At this time, the recovered zombie man came over.

"Shut up, it's up to Saitama-sensei to decide." Geros shouted loudly.

"No, no matter what the decision is, this guy is human." Saitama said with some surprise.

"What are you still talking about now? No matter how you look at it, it has already left the human domain. If you let him escape, it will become a bigger threat in the future. Will you be able to take responsibility by then?"

Hearing the shouts from the people around him, Hungry Wolf seemed a little disdainful and said, "Are you still alive? You're really tenacious, you scum..."

"No, you deliberately didn't kill the killer during the battle, right?"

"!? How is it possible? What's the point?"

"Well, because it's pointless, isn't it?"

"Kill him, hurry up and wipe it out completely!!" At this time, other heroes around were still shouting at Saitama.


Hungry Wolf suddenly laughed loudly:

"For you, for you, whether it's human beings or the world, you can't see anything, you can't see anything, you can't even save a child, but you still pretend to be a hero.

You are crazy existences, but everyone relies on you like this, taking being protected by others as a matter of course, wrongly thinking that no matter what happens, someone will stand up, and even if weird people appear, they should just watch the fire from the other side.

Most of the people’s daily life has not changed, but the surplus in some people’s hearts, surplus breeds evil, and human evil may not be punished, which is decisively different from weirdos. The peace created by heroes is replaced by human evil Infection, that's why I want to become the devil count who knocks all human beings into the terrifying abyss!

Let the margin of existence disappear, erase evil from the world, be it bullying, discrimination, or even war, what is necessary in this world is not unequal justice, but equal absolute evil. I am an absolute weirdo who fights for world peace stronger than anyone else, and no amount of justice can overthrow me!

Without you, I can become the absolute thing in this world, I can spread the fear of equality in this world, and I can achieve peace.

Don't think that there are only children who are looking forward to the appearance of heroes. There are also children who hope for the appearance of big monsters. Can you save them?Can you even protect that ugly kid who's being bullied in the park?

I can do it, save the human beings in this world with terror, and let all human beings fear me, the monster hungry wolf, and at the same time, everyone will work together (distance) to survive.

Is there a better peaceful existence than this?Can you create peace too?Can the world be saved equally by relying on that thin cloak?Do you have the means to stop the tragedy in front of you?You are strong, but so what?

Knocking me down comes with a heavy burden, how?If you want to defeat me, just tell me, what is your purpose?Why are you killing me now?Do you have a sense of mission like mine?Why do you want to be a hero? "

Hungry Wolf uttered a long paragraph in one breath. This paragraph is his summary of what he has been doing all along, and it is also the spiritual pillar of his actions.Everything he did was for the goal he had set for himself.A goal that is absolutely impossible to achieve with a positive image.

Facing this question from Hungry Wolf, Saitama thought carefully for a few seconds, and then replied:


Chapter 125


Hungry Wolf repeated Saitama's answer in a daze.

"You...you...you guys have already listened to what I just said, and you still pay it back, you still pay it back, you dare to make such a joke, you boy... .You... you bastard..."

Hungry Wolf spoke incoherently.

Seeing that the hungry wolf seemed to be going to make a long speech again, Saitama quickly reached out to stop the hungry wolf:

"Ah, that's enough, you don't need to continue talking, it's really annoying, you kid has enough nonsense."

"What did you say? Wait a minute, is this the only answer you gave? Anyway, you are a hero, right? Then you shouldn't live in this world with such a casual attitude. It always feels very strange. I always feel that something is missing in your body, and in the process of becoming so powerful, you should have found some answers!"

Hungry Wolf grabbed Saitama, who had erratic eyes, and asked him excitedly:

"Answer me, show me the image of a hero you have constructed. I can't accept just such words. Did I hear that too? Look at me, hey, stop joking, you bald man!"

"It's interest! Do you understand? You bastard!!"

Being annoyed by the hungry wolf, Saitama couldn't stand it and directly punched the hungry wolf on the head, hitting him on the ground again.

But this punch was true, and Hungry Wolf woke up a little bit. He knelt down on the ground and trembled all over:

So far, I have always thought that I was fighting a hero, but I was wrong about this guy, he is not a hero at all, who is this guy?

"Who the hell are you? What are you? A hero? You're not a hero? This kind... You can't be called a hero at all!"

"What, Hungry Wolf, don't you have a perfect ideal image of a hero in your heart? That's it, I finally understand what you are doing, even though you say you want to be some absolutely evil weirdo. But in fact you want to be a hero, but you compromised and changed your goal to a weirdo.

In order to maintain the peace of the world, it is more straightforward than a hero or a weirdo. This is your excuse to escape.

Because the duty of the monster is very simple, just defeat the hero, which is quite suitable for you who have no self-confidence.

However, you can't defeat me alone, let terror dominate the world, and thus create peace, etc., as long as you can't defeat me, it's just empty talk, it's too difficult for you, it's absolutely impossible for you.

To you, the weirdo is just a compromising interest, but to me, the hero is a serious interest. Even based on this alone, it is impossible for me to lose to you. You seem to have lowered the difficulty of the goal, but in fact, it is not the case. The half-baked goal is even more difficult to achieve. Absolute evil is impossible to achieve. So what will you do next? "

Saitama's words opened up Hungry Wolf's self-deceiving heart.However, at the same time, it also made his originally unwavering will become confused.

"How can I do it?"

Hungry Wolf knelt on the ground, as if he was asking Saitama, but also as if he was asking himself a question.

"It's over, Fubuki, as expected Saitama is overwhelming..."

Not far from where the two were, king saw the situation and said to Fubuki.

"No, it's not over yet, hungry wolf, that demon is still alive."

Saitama looked at the hungry wolf who was kneeling on the ground in a daze, and after thinking about it, he said:

"Anyway, it's a bit too much for you to beat these heroes like this. In short, first apologize to all the heroes who have been beaten by you. I don't know what happened after that. You can do whatever you like."

"You actually said follow me, the meaning of my existence is over the moment I can't beat you."

"Don't put the blame on me, I don't know anything about your life."

"Aren't you going to kill me? You're completely disqualified as a hero."

"No way, it's just a hero who beats people up and kills them. After all, does everyone do something wrong? I also..."

"Do not......"

At this time, suddenly a hand grabbed Saitama's shoulder:

"Absolutely not, that's not acceptable. The option of forgiving the hero hunting is absolutely non-existent. Hungry Wolf must execute her here now."

Saitama turned his head.What I saw was the ferocious face of the sweet mask that had always been elegant.

"The audience has unanimously decided to let the hungry wolf die, get out of the way!"

"In other words, I was excluded. It's just a fight. It's not good to kill people. The winner has already been decided."

"Precisely because he is powerless now, it is necessary for us to cut the weeds out of our position." Suddenly there was another voice from the side, and it turned out to be Tongdi.

"Stand? Obligation? Don't talk about such incomprehensible things, it's time for children to go back to sleep." Saitama turned his head and yelled at Tong Di.

"You're the one, shut up since you're someone outside the battle plan. That guy is a despicable villain who intends to kill children!"

"That's just him acting, the kid is over there." Saitama said pointing to the distance.

"You must never let the tiger go back to the mountain, even you understand." On the other side, the zombie man also left and came over and said.

"Hey... the king over there. I'm a little shy, sorry, can you help me remove this stone?" At this moment, the king who was standing on the sidelines suddenly heard an old voice.

"Ah, I understand." Hearing the sound of the silver fangs, King hurried to the boulder that made the sound.Pushing hard on the stone, however, was of no avail.

"Fubuki, please."

Hearing the king's request, Fubuki stretched out her hand, and all the surrounding rocks flew up.

"Ah, I'm covered in bruises."

"Are you okay?" King asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, that guy still has a sense of proportion. This silly boy..."

"Thank you, it was a great help." Then, Banggu jumped in the direction of the hungry wolf.

"You guys, I'm sorry to disturb you when the sword is on the verge of breaking out, but that guy is my former disciple, can you hand him over to the old man?"

"Leave it to you, how do you say this?" Sweetheart turned around and asked.

"Instead of letting him be killed by young people, it is better for me to solve it myself. Saitama, thank you. When my disciple went berserk, thank you for stopping him."

Banggu said, and walked to the side of the hungry wolf.

Looking at his teacher who walked in front of him, Hungry Wolf said:

"Let's skip the preaching. If you want to kill casually, old man."

"You... idiot disciple!"


Suddenly Banggu punched Hungry Wolf directly on the head.Hit it on the ground.

Immediately, Banggu grabbed the hungry wolf's head and lifted it up.

"You're using your power in the wrong place."

"Is there anything you want to say? Anything..."

However, looking at the hungry wolf, who was silent, Banggu hit the hungry wolf again with a set of combos.

"Ah, look at you, such a useless look!"

However, the feeling of the hungry wolf at this time is completely different.

A punch without arrogance, I remembered...it was the same when I was kicked out of the school.This guy......

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

At this time, behind Banggu came the voice of Sweetheart Mask.

"Please give him the last blow, Silver Fang. You said you would solve it yourself. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, I will do it."

"Can't you wait any longer?"

"Back off, maybe it will be bad when he regains his strength. There is no reason not to kill him immediately."

On the side, the zombie man also persuaded him:

"There may be regrets for you, but there is no way to do it, and as far as Hungry Wolf is concerned...he seems to have no will to live."

"Is this okay? I just lost to me, do I really need to look like this?" Saitama suddenly shouted loudly.

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