Su Yingxue smiled mischievously, "I don't need you to do this, I just want you not to worry me."


There was a little warmth in Lu Wu's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Everyone stand apart, let's start."

Luo Qingchuan nodded.

Only then did Su Yingxue reluctantly break free from Luo Qingchuan's arms, and suddenly she looked at Luo Qingchuan again, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't you say that Zuo Tian will not be allowed to go to the Taoist class? Are you softening your heart?"

Actually Su Yingxue didn't care about this.

After all, Zuo Tian is qualified to join the 9th floor of Qi training.

But Luo Qingchuan just foolishly told the truth: "That's a lie to you, my family has some spare money, how can I have the power to control the Xun Dao class..."

Su Yingxue blushed, and lightly twisted Luo Qingchuan's arm, and said with warm eyes: "I really have you, you tricked me with just one move of your mouth."

Luo Qingchuan just laughed and didn't speak.

"I don't regret it." Su Yingxue said before leaving.

Soon, under the command of Lu Wu and the two teachers beside him, the qualification assessment began.

Since it is "assessment", there is a point of "assessment".

The crystal ball is called Tanling, and it is used for testing.

The name of the bronze mirror is Po Wang, and it is the real assessment.

In fact, Luo Qingchuan had already tested the spiritual root through the means at home, and it was a second-class C-level.

There are three levels of spiritual roots, A, B, and C, and each level is divided into three levels.

If Luo Qingchuan's talent is a little higher, then she will have to find another class in the future.

The first one to take the test was a frail boy, first class Huolingen, who looked quite happy.

Everyone was either excited or frustrated after getting their own results.

It's like waiting for the results of the college entrance examination, and it's all uneasy.

Only Luo Qingchuan, Su Yingxue, and Zuo Tian were relatively calm.

Su Yingxue and Zuo Tian have a destiny, and they have been carrying inheritance since they were young, so they are not worried at all.

As for Luo Qingchuan.

Forget it, Class C and second class, you know it all.

Therefore, when Su Yingxue tested that her spirit root was first-class wind spirit root, almost everyone looked enviously at that beautiful and graceful girl.

Even the other two teachers except Lu Wu looked a little shocked.

When Luo Qingchuan went up, it also attracted the attention of many people.

This young man just now looked calm, expressionless, neither expecting nor apprehensive, he must be very confident, right?

The students looked forward to it and held their breath.

In the crystal ball that Luo Qingchuan touched, after a few seconds of silence, a dim starlight finally lazily glowed.

Su Yingxue was startled, pursed the corners of her lips, and looked at Luo Qingchuan with distressed eyes.

The corners of Lu Wu's eyes twitched, he felt something was wrong, and smiled at Luo Qingchuan: "It may be broken, try again."

"Okay." Luo Qingchuan seemed to have a slightly disappointed expression, and reached out to touch it again.

The dim starlight in the crystal ball flickered without any momentum, as if saying that there was no hope.

Lu Wu's consciousness swept towards Luo Qingchuan.

"Are you practicing Qi at the second level?"


Luo Qingchuan concealed her realm, and deliberately operated the "Swallowing Qi into the Body Jue" to the second level of Qi training to disguise it.

The grade of "The Immortal Scripture of Disasters and Disasters" is so high that it seems to surpass everything in this generation.

Lu Wu couldn't detect the strangeness, stared at Luo Qingchuan and sighed softly, "You took the elixir."

"Yes." Luo Qingchuan generously 'admitted'.

Lu Wu's voice was gentle: "You are too impatient, you need to know that my monks, even if they are mediocre in talent and hardworking, they can still..."

Luo Qingchuan smiled: "1 years is too long, just seize the day."

Lu Wu's words stopped abruptly, and he looked at Luo Qingchuan's smile with both eyes, and smiled silently, he just felt that it was youthful, and he didn't want to argue.

But these words fell into Zuo Tian's ears, but the young man opened his piercing eyes and stared at Luo Qingchuan.

1 years is too long... seize the day?

Right and well said.

But you are destined not to be the one who competes with me for this day and night.

If you have a heart but no life, you are overestimating your capabilities.

So... Is it because of my deeds on the 9th floor overnight that forced you to swallow the elixir in order to get promoted?

I feel a little pity for you, Luo Qingchuan.

The same words have different meanings when heard by different people.

Su Yingxue's delicate shoulders trembled, her expression was mournful... She understood, she understood.

It was her talent in the sky that put too much pressure on Luo Qingchuan.

You must watch him carefully in the future, and you can't force him to be promoted by taking pills.

Everything will be fine if you take your time, she thought.


After a few more students passed by, it was Zuo Tian's turn.

Zuo Tian's aura on the 9th floor of Qi training was not concealed, so Lu Wu looked at him with amazement and admiration.

"Come on," Lu Wu said with a smile, "Let me see what Tianjiao is."

Zuo Tian smiled casually, but said, "I don't need talent to fetter and ordain my path. I have to walk my own path, it shouldn't have a designated end point."

Lu Wu blinked and suddenly smiled happily.

Well, he thought, the students in this class are very interesting.

"Good good."

Lu Wu clapped his hands and celebrated, and said kindly: "Then let's take the core ambition test, this test is not easy."

Zuo Tian said again: "This level, I want to come."

His Flawless Dao Heart has worn out, and now is the time to mend it.

So Zuo Tian was dragged by Lu Wu, closed his eyes and came to the bronze mirror alone.

"Open your eyes." Lu Wu said.

Zuo Tian completely opened his pupils, as if hiding the radiance of the sun and the moon, the vastness of the heaven and the earth, the natural transformation, and the renewal of every phenomenon!

The mirror of delusion is actually the mirror of delusion, which penetrates directly into people's hearts and digs out the most terrifying mysteries.

It has to be broken by the will of man.


Zuo Tian saw it.

He saw the sky high and the earth far away, vast and boundless, and he couldn't hide it in his confident eyes.

And this moment.

On the vast land, a huge white line suddenly jumped out!

Sword light!

Su Yingxue's sword light!

The white line rolled in from afar, the sky was dimmed, the earth collapsed and swayed, boundless waves emerged from all directions, and the world was in an overturned posture.

That doesn't seem like a white line.

But the door.

The door of death.

Zuo Tian's pupils trembled violently and burst into blood-colored thunder, his face turned pale, so white that it was transparent, and so transparent that he could see the blood vessels under the skin!

The unparalleled fear made his mind go blank, as if he was as weak as an ant.

Before he could practice, when he faced Su Yingxue who was on the 9th floor of Qi training, he was actually an ant.

That fear is like a shadow, rooted in the bottom of my heart.

So everyone can see it.

In front of the bronze mirror, Zuo Tian tilted his body and suddenly fell to the ground.

Zuo Tian gasped with a forced and peaceful expression, like a stranded fish, his pupils trembling non-stop, like a faltering candle in the wind.

Lu Wu opened his mouth and silently looked at the ancient characters that emerged from the bronze mirror, his expression suddenly dull.

"It's useless."



(Second update, let’s wait until the evening, I’m a bit tired of writing)

031 Clear dream and easy to wake up

In the spacious gymnasium, the students, both men and women, were a little dazed.

Zuo Tian, ​​at the 9th level of Qi training, is definitely a rare genius, how could he get the evaluation of "unusable"?

The school uniform shirt of the black-haired boy was wet with cold sweat. He squinted his eyes to hide the bloodshot inside, and clenched his fingers tightly.

Zuo Tian lowered his head, but his eyes had already looked around. The surprised eyes of every student made him feel like needles were stuck in the back of his head.

When he saw Su Yingxue, that graceful and cold girl hadn't been looking at him.

The person watching is...

Then Zuo Tian met Luo Qingchuan.

Zuo Tian involuntarily froze for a moment.

Luo Qingchuan was actually looking at him.

Look at his eyes with... Confusion?

Inexplicable confusion.

Then, Zuo Tian saw a hand.

Lu Wu's hand.

The young man in Taoist robe said with a smile: ""Unsuitable for great use" may mean that Po Wang is too demanding of you, so don't worry about it.Student Zuo, you are good enough.If you can solve the mystery of your heart, you will be on the top. "

Zuo Tian grabbed Lu Wu's hand and was pulled up by Lu Wu.

Lu Wu patted him on the shoulder, and said with a broad expression: "I believe in you, don't be discouraged, there will be times when the wind and the waves cleave..."

Lu Wu saw Zuo Tian shaking, then struggled and walked back alone.

Zuo Tian's forehead was filled with pain that was difficult to calm down. The pain was so painful that Zuo Tian wanted to split Tianling with a sword, grab the brain nerve inside and throw it on the ground, and then trampled it to pieces with all his strength.

Yang Jin helped Zuo Tian onto the bench against the wall of the gymnasium, and said with a smile, "I also think your future is boundless."

"Hmm..." Zuo Tian showed a lazy and easy-going smile to Yang Jin, "Actually, I don't care, the future is fine no matter what."

He wanted to throw up.

Zuo Tian took a sip of mineral water, lowered his head silently, and repeated a sentence involuntarily in his heart.

'Want to pose...'

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