Ah this...

Nobita quickly stood up and said to Doraemon: "Doraemon, I'll go to Nobi's place to have a look. If mom asks me where I've been, just say I'm at Shizuka's house."

Doraemon: "Don't worry, I'll tell you!"

As Nobi held Nobita's hand and pressed the time-space switch, the world where Nobita once felt resistance was finally unimpeded.

The main world actually opened a channel to him?Thank you, Nobi-kun!

Chapter 98 The conflict between Nobi and Doraemon

Nobita was dragged by Nobi to the time and space of the main world. When he arrived at the scene, he found that it was the night time, and Zhendora was standing by the fire with props, looking around tremblingly, with an air cannon in his hand, as long as there was any trouble , It's a shot when you go up.

If it weren't for Nobita's habit of using mind power to protect the body for training, he might be bombarded by Doraemon's face-washing cannon.

"What's going on? Where is this place? What's the situation with you two?"

Nobita saw the props placed all over the floor, and asked Doraemon next to him.

"Nobita, you're here, it's Nobita... Nobi let the time machine run away, and now we can be sure that the time machine is in this era, but we can't find it." Doraemon was very distressed, "We can't find the time machine, and we can't go back to the space-time tunnel that was dug. We are trapped here."

Nobita reminded Doraemon: "Where is the fetching handbag?"

As a result, Doraemon's face collapsed: "I took it for repairs, and the bamboo dragonfly was out of power, and now I can only walk on two feet, ah, ah, it's all because of Nobita, let my time machine go, I'm so hungry, I want to eat dorayaki, dorayaki..."

Thinking of Nobi's pitfall, Doraemon automatically low pressure, kept thinking, completely forgetting that there is Nobita next to him.

"Okay, isn't it just a time machine? Isn't it just dorayaki? As for such a big resentment, didn't Nobi bring me here?"

Nobita took out a gourmet tablecloth from his pocket and spread it on the floor, "Tablecloth, here are thirty dorayaki, a big bottle of oolong tea, Nobi, what do you eat?"

"I, the pork chop rice is ready." Nobi ordered a meal against the tablecloth.

When the food was served, Doraemon tasted the dorayaki and automatically returned to a state full of energy.

"Ah, I really envy that me. American tablecloths have money to recharge, unlike a certain guy who can't do anything, so we juniors have no money." Doraemon glanced at Nobi next to him, and casually complained.

"Then I'm really sorry for you guys." Nobi muttered while eating the pork chop rice, "Obviously I will be as good as him in the future, but it's abominable that everyone looks down on me!"

"Then why aren't you as good as Nobita now? Obviously everything is the fault of Nobita, a wayward guy like you. You will never listen to my orders. If you can close the door of the time machine in time, will the time machine be washed away by the long river of time? If it weren't for you running around, would we get lost in the forest?"

Later, after Doraemon discovered that Auto Nobi met Nobita, he became inexplicably inflated. He was fine in another world, but after returning to this world, Nobita became inexplicably arrogant. He showed off in front of him, but he was beaten up again and again by Fat Tiger, and then he said that Fat Tiger bullied him, and he became complacent when he got the props. As a result, the props were taken away again, and he was taught a lesson again.

Cry, cry, cry, cry, not be strong at all.

When Nobi heard that Doraemon said that he was self-willed, he immediately retorted: "Isn't it because Doraemon that your props are useless? You useless robot, if your props are useful, I can be bullied by Fat Tiger and the others? If you let go of the space bag to me like the blue fat man, I will become what I am now?"

"Anyway, giving you props will not change the fact that you are a waste. After getting the props, you will not think about hard work, you will only steal and play tricks, pass along, and even be full of mischievous thoughts. If you can mature , Will Shizuka let you go because of the agreement with De Mushan?"

"Ah, what are you talking about? You earless cat robot!"

Nobi immediately jumped on Doraemon's body and pulled Doraemon's beard.

"Useless crybaby kid, useless bastard! If you are angry, you will only bully me, bastard!"

Not to be outdone, Doraemon pushed Nobi away, turned around, and fought with Nobi.

If you want to say that this wild game is really bad, he is not good at studying and studying, he is not good at sports, he fails in fights, Fat Tiger bullies him, he has no courage to fight back, he can only bully Doraemon, and Doraemon can't fight him, so he will always be the one who is bullied.

Now that the two of them were angry, they punched each other in the face without holding back.

Usually at this time, there will be the voice of mother Yuzi from upstairs, stopping the two people fighting. The horror of mother is enough to calm them down, but now it is in the Jomon era, there is only one Nobita next to him, and no one stops them. The harder you hit, the more you punch, the more I punch, and soon your nose will be blue and your face will be swollen.

"Okay, what are you two fighting for?"

Nobita wrapped Nobita and Doraemon in his thoughts and separated the two, but even if they were separated, the two of them did not forget to kick their legs and wanted to kick each other.

"We're all friends, and it's not good for anyone if the relationship gets stalemate. Doraemon, if you go back to the future, can you just let Nobi be a waste? And he can be so irresponsible, you have every problem? Every time you can't stand the aggressive method, take out the props by yourself, or take out the props out of passion, you are used to him!" Nobita set his eyes on Nobi, "And you, Nobi, without Doraemon watching you by your side, do you think you can marry Shizuka with your character? I think Fat girl is more suitable for you. At the class reunion in the future, Mu Shan and Shizuka will sing in harmony and respect each other like a guest. How nice is it for you to drag a 200-pound woman and be caught by your [-]-pound brother-in-law at the party? Then when your grandson Shixiu is born, you will send Doraemon back. In the past, you will fall into the reincarnation of fate.

After talking a lot, Nobita took out a drink from the tablecloth and moistened his throat. If it wasn't for worrying that Nobita in the main world would interfere with his side, Nobita wouldn't be bothered to chatter.

Although this useless guy can't do anything, he can make the main world accept him with just one word.

What can Nobita do?I can only stand by and shout 666, you are the protagonist, you are awesome, you are the master of the world!

Being taught by Nobita, Doraemon and Nobi stared at each other.

"Nobita!" "Doraemon!" "Sorry, it's all my fault!" X2

The two little friends hugged each other excitedly and apologized to each other.


After a while, Doraemon and Nobi huddled together, carefully observing the surroundings.

Daxiong released his mental power, looking for the source of the earthquake...

Fuck, what a big snake, with eight fucking heads!


Your uncle's Nobi, trick me!

Daxiong took out his bamboo dragonfly without hesitation, rolled up the props on the ground and ran away with the two of them.

Never question Nobi's ability, this guy has the ability to follow his words, and he will never have common sense, but the world will run according to what he said, not according to common sense.

If you want an underground world, there is an underground world, if you want an uninhabited planet, if there is an unmanned planet, if you want Treasure Island, come to Treasure Island, whatever you want.

Therefore, when Nobi Nobita said that there are monsters, he would rather believe that there are monsters than that there are no monsters.

It was as if the sound of heaven and earth breaking sounded behind him, and he would look over his head. The huge mountain-like figure covered the sky and covered the sun, and walked past the place where Doraemon and the others lit the fire with billowing smoke. If they were not running fast, they would have been overtaken by monsters.

After running for a few kilometers, Nobita and the others could no longer see the monster, and they finally let go of their hearts and began to rest by the river.

Nobita is in charge of sentry, Nobi and Doraemon are in charge of rest!

Chapter 99 Demonstrating Great Power

The river was sparkling in the early morning, Nobi and Doraemon found chopsticks when they were washing their faces, and proposed to ask the ancients if they had seen a time machine.

Bringing the bamboo dragonfly, Nobi complained that Doraemon's props were not as durable as Nobita's, which made Doraemon unhappy again, but the two of them just spat at each other and didn't fight like before.

Going up the river, Nobita and the others found a village full of thatched houses. The highest place in the village was a watchtower and the village chief's house.

After entering the house, there was a burst of crying. When I went looking for the sound, I found a family crying.

The reason is that their child was selected and was going to be fed to Yaqi snake god.

The family that appeared in front of Nobita, the man with a big beard and a big belly, should be his father, with a necklace of black jade stones around his neck, the wrinkled woman next to him is his wife, and finally their daughter, a beautiful girl in a yellow tunic with blue stones on her head and a ponytail.

Daxiong glanced at the clothes of the ancient people next to him, and then at the girl's clothes, wondering why they were different.

It was the girl's father who explained that it was a colored dress that would only be worn by girls who were chosen as sacrificial offerings.

On the other side, when he heard that the girl was going to be sacrificed, the hot-blooded Nobita immediately expressed his disapproval, and he came to save the girl.

Hearing that his daughter was saved, the ancient man's father quickly introduced Nobita and others to the village chief, an old man with a white beard.

The old man's attention was strangely focused on Doraemon first, saying that he was a raccoon cat, and he was yelled at by Doraemon, only to find out that the other party was not.

Then, after seeing Nobita and Nobi, they shouted that the God-man came, and that they were God's messengers sent by heaven to save their village.

The reason why the old man thinks that Nobita and Nobi are the messengers of the gods is very simple, because they look exactly the same, only the sons of the gods in the legend can have such a similar appearance, and their village will be saved.

From the mouth of the old man, Nobita and others learned that there was a loud noise in the sky half a year ago, and the eight-headed snake god appeared around the village. In order to drive away the big snake, the young and middle-aged people in the village took up weapons to fight against it.Maiden Moon, the chosen sacrifice, will be sent to the mountain at midnight tonight to be dedicated to Yamata no Orochi.

"I implore Lord Shenzi to save us!" The old village head led the villagers to kneel down to Nobita and the others.

Seeing so many people bowing down to him, Nobi couldn't help feeling complacent, and laughed: "Haha, don't worry, leave this kind of chivalry to me!"

Nobita was overjoyed, but Nobita was not dizzy.

Nobita hugged Nobi, stood in front of everyone, and said coldly: "There is no salvation, it should be God's mercy. My brother and I are not the so-called sons of God, but God!"


Like the collapse of the sky, like the crack of the earth, like thunder, like the collapse of a mountain.

Amidst the exclamation from outside the village, everyone at the scene discovered that an earth giant appeared outside the house, and stomped on their watchtower.

What kind of powerful force is this?Maybe you can really fight Yamata no Orochi.

While the villagers were still in shock, Nobi, whose brain circuit was a bit slow, yelled in panic: "Ah, it's Yamata no Orochi, run quickly... oh!"

Nobita really can't stand the way Nobi yells, he's standing upright here, but you're going to tear me down?

Fortunately, everyone's attention was not on Nobita, and they were all shocked by the great power displayed by Nobita.

"You miscellaneous fish remember that I am the Great Darkness God, and this is my brother, the Great Light God. I have supreme power, and he has supreme mercy. If you dare to offend the dignity of God, you will be punished by heaven!"

With a wave of Nobita's hand, the earth giants dispersed. If there was no collapsed watchtower, everyone would have thought they were hallucinating.

"The God of Light is merciful and wants to save you, so you will not be held accountable for your rudeness. Go, God of Blue Cat, restore their watchtower!"

Nobita gestured to Doraemon, and Doraemon understood, and took the bamboo dragonfly to restore the watchtower with the restored light.

When Doraemon restored the watchtower, and even restored other places, the old village chief and the villagers all turned into fanatical believers and shouted:

"My lord, it's my lord!"

"The God of Darkness and the God of Light will save us from the sea of ​​suffering!"

"The Great God of Light, the Great God of Darkness!"

"The Great God of Light, the Great God of Darkness!"


At night, in order to thank the gods for coming, a group of villagers brought out delicious food to entertain Nobita and the others, singing and dancing one by one, so happy.

Of course, what good can a bunch of smelly hominids have?Nobita directly asked Nobi to act aggressively, perform miracles, and bestow the food of gods on ordinary people. (Dishes from Gourmet Tablecloth)

The villagers who tasted the food of the gods shouted that the God of Light is merciful, which made Nobi a little embarrassed.

On the high platform, Nobita sits on the Throne of Earth, and beside him is Maiden Moon respectfully toasting.

The plan to kill Yamata no Orochi at night has been discussed, and the girl is still used as bait to attract the big snake to appear.

As for why the girl is still needed, the villagers automatically realized that the mighty power of the god is too strong, and the little Yamata no Orochi has to avoid the edge for the time being.

"Thank you, Lord Dark God, thank you for saving our village."

Maiden Moon offered drinks (drinks) to thank Nobita.

"You're welcome, it's all due to... boldness, thunder, rain and dew, all are divine graces." Daxiong suddenly forgot his character design, and quickly raised his hand to clap.

Nobita's appearance didn't frighten the girl, instead he covered his mouth and smiled lightly, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I can see that, Lord Dark God, you are human beings just like us."

Nobita: "???"

Maiden Moon said softly: "I asked Lord Guangming, and he said that you are the same existence as us, so..." Damn Nobi, there is not enough success, and more than failure, so I can die if I pretend to be a force?

Daxiong raised his eyebrows: "So, what do you want to do?" Maiden Moon said: "My parents, even the village chief and the villagers, all regard me as a sacrifice, and they even discussed that if you fail, the Dark God, I will It will still be offered as a sacrifice to Yamata no Orochi. If you win, then I will be your sacrifice. I can see that you are no different from me and other people, Lord Dark God, so instead of being sacrificed Come and sacrifice, it is better to choose one and die, I hope to be your sacrifice to the Dark God and follow you."

Nobita was a little surprised, this chick is pretty clear, but...

"It's not impossible to follow me, but the price to pay for following me is to become my slave, serve me all my life, and even fall in love with me, are you sure?" Nobita waited for Yue's reply.

It's not that he has to take this girl away, it's just that Nobita wants to do an experiment to see if things from the main world can be brought to his own world.

Nobita's golden words only let the main world let go of him, but no one told him how to let go, so he can only experiment by himself.

"I am willing to serve the Lord Dark God and be with you for the rest of my life!"

The moment the girl knelt down in front of Nobita, the progress bar of Nobita's dozens of untouched main missions [It's so hard to love someone] jumped a bit, changing from 0/3 to 1/3.

What the fuck?

Girl, are you serious?

Chapter 100 Nobita's new card

The expected battle did not happen, because the so-called Yamata no Orochi is not a real monster, but Nobita's toy, the opened monster ball.

The secret of Yamata no Orochi appearing and disappearing is that the monster ball is out of battery, it is fully charged during the day and released at night, because of the special nature of Yamata no Orochi, Future Mall has also added the smart AI of Yamata no Orochi to the monster ball , so those ancient people didn't see anything.

Without the phantom of Yamata no Orochi to block, Nobi and Doraemon found the time machine drifting to this era, and the two jumped up excitedly.

However, when he invited Nobita to take the time machine to go back together, Nobita refused, saying that he could go back directly, and he didn't need them to carry him.

Holding Girl Moon's hand, Nobita took a deep breath and pressed the return button of the watch on his hand.

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