If he eats dorayaki, he is already very happy!

"Well, then I'll go find Shizuka first!"

"Okay! Be careful on the road!"


Daxiong took out the shoes from the door with the pick bag, then started teleporting, and went to give gifts to his hot bag friends...

Chapter 116 Tanabata (7)

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Chapter 117 Tanabata (8)

"Shizuka, are you sure this is the wish?"

Nobita glanced at the sticky note in his hand, and confirmed to Shizuka again.

What Shizuka wished on the note was that she hoped that she would be able to obtain happiness. She did not wish for anything, nor did she wish to do anything.

"Well, after thinking about it, I want a lot of things, and one wish is not enough, so I summed them up into one."

Shizuka nodded, indicating that this was her wish.

"Okay, then when I launch the rocket at night, I will come and call you."

Nobita put away the note and opened any door to go home.


There were seven sticky notes on the Qixi Rocket, and after Shizuka used one, Nobita had six sticky notes left.

During the day, I was busy participating in activities with Yu Jiang, and in the afternoon, I was busy spending time with Rumiko and Fumie, and I completely forgot to write a wishing note.

After thinking about it, Nobita sat on a chair and wrote down his first wish.

The sticky note is not big, and there is not much content that can be written, so Nobita has to count the number of words to write.

"Nobita and Doraemon are together for life (Nobita)"

When writing down the wish, a strange feeling swayed around, Nobita obviously felt something passing through him, but he couldn't feel what it was.

"Nobita's harem will never overturn!"

A plain and simple wish, that is still the call from the bottom of the great ambition.

"Nobita has a photographic memory and a strong learning ability."

Nobita occasionally wants to use props to be lazy like Nobi.

"Nobita stay healthy and live a long life."

"Nobita is getting lucky."

"Nobita lives a happy life."

The latter wishes are written by Nobita more casually. What he really wrote with his heart is the previous wish of being friends with Doraemon and opening a harem.

Doraemon also said that wishes can't be written too much, and wishes that are too much will not come true. For wishes like this kind of becoming more and more handsome, Nobita regards it as a blessing.

After all, there is a master world beside him, Nobita Nobita who can speak the law, he is the real protagonist who can decide everything, his appearance remains the same, Nobita guesses that he can only fine-tune to become handsome.

After all, he is not the real protagonist, and Nobita was also a little worried when he saw Nobi that this guy would be wayward.

You must know that Nobi's will is the will of the universe. Compared with Nobi, the butter protagonist himself is not worth mentioning.

So as long as he can be accompanied by Doraemon, Nobita is fearless.

After writing the wish, Nobita sticks the sticky note on the rocket, takes the rocket and goes downstairs to call Shizuka.

When Shizuka called back and said yes, Nobita opened any door, and it was Shizuka in a pink cherry blossom kimono who came out.

"Shizuka, what are you?"

Nobita was a little puzzled, why did he wear a kimono just to watch a rocket go up to the sky?

"Be serious about your wishes, so that the gods will realize your wishes." Shizuka looked at Nobita very seriously. In order to realize her wish, she had already taken a bath, and even took out the kimono at the bottom of the box.

Whether you can live happily ever after depends on Nobita's rocket.

"By the way, Daxiong, can I take another look at my note, I'm a little worried, and I'm afraid that something will go wrong with my wish."

It's good that Shizuka didn't mention it, but Nobita's hairs stood on end when she mentioned it.

Looking at sticky notes?Didn't you expose your own wishes?

Still open the harem?I'm afraid Shizuka slapped her backhand.

"Shizuka, I don't need to raise it. You also said that wishes should be taken seriously and cautiously, just like when we wish on a shooting star, we must seize the fleeting opportunity." Nobita pulled out the rocket and ran to the side, "And it's not certain whether the wish will come true. After all, Shizuka's wish is too general, and Doraemon's props often have problems, so it's best not to look at it."

After finishing speaking, Nobita ignited the rocket, and the rocket rose into the sky. Nobita ran to Shizuka's side, clasped hands together with Shizuka, and prayed to the rocket.

"Ah? How could you do this? Nobita, Shizuka, you two eat alone, it's too much!"

"Damn it, I have so many wishes to fulfill!"

Nobita and Shizuka were praying, but there was a discordant voice next to them.

Opening his eyes, he saw that the young husband in a suit and the fat tiger in a kimono were holding on to the door frame of Nobita's house, panting, holding a thick stack of sticky notes in their hands.

"Why did you two come to my house?"

Nobita frowned, he was not like Nobi, he would deliberately show off any props, and in the end he would either be snatched away, or be taught the wrong way.

But the appearance of Xiaofu and Fat Tiger is completely aware of the wishing rocket, and they are dressed so solemnly on purpose. It is obvious that they want to come to make a wish. They will not say that Doraemon is busy eating dorayaki, so the truth just one...

"I'm sorry, Nobita, my husband called me before and invited me to watch the fireworks show. I said I would come to your place, but I missed the wish."

Shizuka was very ashamed, and she was a little carried away, which ended up causing trouble for Nobita.

Okay, it's good to know who leaked the word. Anyway, the rocket has already gone to the sky, and people like Xiao Fu and Fat Tiger who want to make trouble can't do it if they want to get involved.

"Little husband, Fat Tiger, you two are late, the rocket has already gone to the sky, if you come for 5 minutes, no, even if it is ten seconds, you can catch up with the rocket to go to the sky, but it is a pity that you are late, the rocket has already gone to the sky."

Nobita took Shizuka's hand and said, "Let's go, Shizuka, let's eat fruits from the future, strawberries, blueberries, all kinds of fruits."

"No, Nobita, stop for me!"

"Hand over your wishing props!"

Fat Tiger and Xiao Fu stood in front of Nobita and Shizuka like bandits, with an attitude of not giving up until they got the rocket.

Nobita saw that these two men dared to block his way, so he immediately took out his air cannon and aimed at them.

"What, what do you two want to do? Do you want to change your name? Want to fight me? Do you two have the strength to bully me together?"

The cold muzzle was aimed at Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, as long as the two showed their intention to grab, Nobita would shoot them directly.

Air cannons can't kill people, but they're fine for flying them.

"Nobita, don't be like this, we are friends after all, don't make the relationship so stiff."

Shizuka saw a few friends making such a tense look, and immediately grabbed Nobita's arm.

"Jingxiang, don't worry about it. If you don't teach them a lesson today, you really think I'm easy to bully!"

Daxiong was very happy today, he found his mission goal, made a lot of wishes, and his life is getting better.

In the end, Doraemon stopped him at night, saying that his mother was looking for his final 0-point test paper today.

What test paper are you looking for?

How can Nobita score zero in the test now?

Who told my mother that she scored zero in the test?

Undoubtedly, it was someone who informed her that made her go through her things in order to find the hidden test papers, so my mother's attitude at night was understandable.

The son fell in love early, his grades were not good, and he even pretended to be looking for his cousin Yujiang. How could the mother not be sad?

There is only one person who knew that he went to Teacher Wucheng's office, and found out that Nobita was called to the office because of his grades, and that was Xiaofu!

If it weren't for your mother's face, I would have taught you a long time ago, and now you dare to show such an attitude with me and grab props?

"Let me tell you two, there is only one prop for wishing. If you two miss it, you miss it. Today is the holiday, don't make me unhappy. Don't forget, you two, one can be on the song king competition, and the other can be on the genius boy show. It is thanks to someone. Without my props, you want to be on TV? Dreaming!"

Nobita felt that his temper was good enough, but in the end these two guys still provoked him recklessly, did they really bully him like a wild man?

"Nobita, you bastard!"

Fat Tiger's face was flushed, and his fists were hardened. If he hadn't seen the air cannon aimed at him, he would have rushed to beat Nobita by now.

"Fat Hu, we won't fight with him, don't worry, he will soon lose face and become a joke in the class."

How else can I say that my husband is smart?He knows how to endure and judge the situation, knowing that he can't beat Nobita head-on.

"Okay, buddy, let's go!"

Fat Tiger turned and left, the note in his hand was also balled up and thrown aside.

Before Xiaofu left, he glanced at Nobita's air cannon, space bag, and Shizuka next to him, and the jealousy in his eyes almost overflowed.

If I also have a Doraemon, and now I make a wish, will the person who can get close to Shizuka become me?

This is the first time Xiaofu really wants to get Nobita's props.


"Okay, Shizuka, let's go and eat some fruit."

Nobita took Shizuka back to the house. Tonight is busy, and there are four women to feed.

Chapter 118 Tanabata (9)

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Chapter 119 Tanabata (10)

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Chapter 120 The Final Puzzle of Nobita's Main Quest

On the 8th, except Daxiong, everyone's grades were issued on time. The students who saw the grades were happy and sad.

Some people find that their grades have improved, and they say that they should let their parents take them to travel, such as my husband.

Some people find that their grades are still at the bottom, saying that they will be beaten by their parents at night, such as Fat Tiger.

There are also a few students who were highly praised by Teacher Wucheng because of their remarkable performance improvement, such as Shizuka.

As for Chu Mushan, who has always maintained the first place in the class and the top grades in the school, he was also praised by the teacher, so don't relax and make persistent efforts.

The students in the class, except Nobita, all know their grades, and I, Teacher Cheng, seem to have forgotten about Nobita, and don't mention Nobita's grades at all.

This aroused the imagination of other students, and they started chatting with gossip after class.

The only person who can chat about Nobita's affairs is Nobita Paojia's son, Mr. Gu Chuan, and Fat Tiger next to him also mocked Nobita.

Before Xiaofu made a small report to Yuzi, he was the one who told Fat Tiger first.

As soon as the two sang together, they described Nobita as a despicable guy who cheated.

Shizuka doesn't believe it. As a person who has personally experienced the baptism of Nobita's Sea of ​​Questions tactics, she knows that with Nobita's strength, it must be no problem to get a good grade in the exam. Teacher Cheng must have his own considerations.

"By the way, Nobita, why don't you wear glasses? And you, without glasses, still look, still..."

"Contact lenses, you know? How about it, it's really good-looking, right? Do you like me?"

Nobita showed Shizuka a self-confessed charming smile.

"Hmph, narcissist, it's not good-looking at all, it's even more funny than before."

Shizuka snorted coldly, turned her head and continued to read her paper, but she kept sneaking a glance at Nobita from the corner of her eye.

Nobita knows it too, but he doesn't want to expose it. When you fall in love, you have to go back and forth. The relationship cultivated since childhood is fun!

Speaking of falling in love, Nobita remembered his main mission and side missions.

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