Shiwen Xiaobo: "Lust brat!"

The scene was very tense for a while!

The problem that Daxiong is facing now, in the Three Kingdoms, should be called the Son of Heaven to order the princes.

But, the specific situation is not the same. To be precise, it should be a bullshit to make Daxiong.

People... the quality of cattle is in their mouths, and Daxiong dare not act rashly.

Fast, too fast!

Surprised, shocked!

Nobita did not expect an evil spirit to do such a despicable behavior at this time.

"Wait, wait, your teeth, teeth!"

It was the first time that Nobita was threatened like this. In the past, others threatened his life or the lives of his relatives. Unexpectedly, today, this bad guy would not choose any of them, but chose his most precious treasure.

Nobita is not sure, if it is bitten off and eaten, can it be repaired with a panacea, if the panacea is not picked up, but directly repairs the wound, Nobita can cry on the spot.

This is the treasure that has accompanied him on countless battlefields. If this is eaten, he will die!

"Boy, you'd better be obedient, I can't guarantee what will happen in a while."

Black mist emerged from the surface of Ye Yue's body and turned into a black skeleton, which was the evil spirit residing in her body.

Control Daxiong Niuzi with his body, threatening everyone present, and at the same time, the spirit body leaves the body and talks to everyone.

"You evil spirit, I advise you to obediently let me go, or else... it hurts!"

Just as Nobita was about to be tough, he was screamed in pain by the strength of Ye Yue under him.

The evil spirit sneered and said, "Little exorcist, you still dare to fight with me? You're over your own, the fat man over there is you, Aoyama Hazuki, if you don't want anything to happen to this little guy, you'd better call your body obediently." Come back, and hand over control of your body, or else, hehe!" The evil spirit controlled Ye Yue's body, his left arm tightly hugged Nobita's leg, and carried him on his shoulder, without letting go of his mouth, With a grim expression, it seemed that he was ready to make the Nobi family unstoppable at any time.

It’s also because of Daxiong’s extraordinary talent, the length of 25 cm, even if it is carried on the shoulder, it can be eaten easily.

"Xiaoying, what should I do? Do you really want to let that brat be bitten off?" Xiao Bo tugged on his brother's sleeve, not knowing what to do.


Not to mention Xiaobo, even if he is as knowledgeable as ten words and small shadows, he has never seen such a situation.

He could remember very clearly that this evil spirit hated men extremely, wished to kill all the men in the world, and even couldn't help jumping when touched by a man's soul just now, but now he opened his mouth to sweat... terrific, terrific!

But it is precisely because of this that Xiaoying is very difficult to deal with!

If Hazuki Aoyama's body was used as a threat, Xiaoying would not be afraid. He has more than a dozen moves to exorcise magic, which can perfectly deal with various situations, but there is an extra variable, Nobita, and things will be troublesome.


Hazuki Aoyama, who was affected by the effect of the true love umbrella, now really regards Nobita as a couple, and she didn't know Nobita's greatness before, but now that she sees it, she can't let that greatness disappear.

At the critical moment, it must be Shiwen Xiaobo, who doesn't care about Daxiong's life or death at all.

If it's difficult, don't do it!

"Evil Spirit, if you obediently let Nobita go, we will pretend nothing happened and send you on your way quietly later, if you don't let him go..." Xiao Bo's eyes fell on Nobita, "Little devil, As for your mischievous thing, let’s pretend it’s gone.”

Evil Spirit: "???"

Nobita: "I am Nima?"

"Xiaoying, do it!"

As soon as Xiaobo's voice fell, Xiaoying flicked his fingers behind him, and a black button from his windbreaker flew out quickly, and went straight to Aoyama Hazuki's chest.

The fourth type of magic exorcism, cannon light, bomb and gas rubbing!

The ten-character small shadow integrates personal spiritual ideas into the buttons, and the buttons fly out with a flick of the fingers.

The evil spirit understood that the other party didn't care at all, and was about to bite off a bite of Nobita's flesh, and then turned and ran away with the injured Nobita as bait, but Nobita took out a clock earlier and quickly pressed it.

Stop the clock!


Invisible fluctuations are transmitted from Nobita's hands, at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and the time of the entire universe stops.

The birds stagnant in the air, the vehicles parked on the road, the big fat man Hazuki with a shocked expression, Xiaobo who was talking to Xiaoying with a shocked face on his face, and the expressionless body of Aoyama Hazuki, and the body attached to The evil spirit in her.


Nobita pulled out his meat, rubbed Ye Yue's face, pulled up his pants and jumped off her shoulders.

Seeing the terrified evil spirit trying to escape, Daxiong took out a can of spray from his interspatial bag.

Solid cloud gas!

In addition to condensing water vapor, it can also condense props such as smoke.

Nobita is not sure if this cloud gas has any effect on evil spirits, but he is very upset now, so he has to try.

On the premise of not knowing whether the stop clock has any effect, just a little bit, just a little bit, he will become disabled.

When the cow's substance was removed just now, Nobita clearly felt that this idiot evil spirit wanted to bite him off.

Can this be tolerated?

Absolutely unbearable!

Gas was sprayed on the black weapon.

The effect of stopping the clock is very strong, and whether the object is active or not is mainly based on the user's will.

Nobita only takes himself as the target of immunity, so of course he isolates himself out of time, and if he wants to use Yungas on the evil spirit, then Yungas, who should be in the stop clock, will also jump out of time.

Yun Gas squirted at the evil spirit, Daxiong stretched out his hand to pinch it, thinking that his hand would go through it, but he pinched the mist body of the evil spirit instead.

Very good, this is the effect!

Nobita's face was ferocious, and he pressed his hands on the solidified mist of the evil spirit, rubbing the soul of the evil spirit like plasticine.

"Dog thing, are you still talking about Niuzi to impress Daxiong? You are very good at playing, I will let you play, let you play!"

Under Nobita's gritted teeth expression, a black cup was born in his hand.

This is a mug from the Fiji region, it's just puzzling that this mug is attached to a girl's body...

Chapter 138 Elimination of Evil Spirits


It hurts!

It's a sharp pain!


The evil spirit felt that his body was twisted like a twist, and it hurt so much.

Why does it still hurt to be an evil spirit?

What's happening here?

The evil spirit who came back to his senses found that the angle of view in front of him had changed. Why was his angle of view aimed at the ground?


The fishy smell in his mouth made the evil spirit feel sick and want to vomit.

"Evil spirit, you admit defeat, you can't escape!"

The kid named Daxiong escaped from his shoulders at some point, his pants were pulled up, and he looked at himself with a righteous face.

"Hmph, naive brat, as long as I can run out, I can make a comeback by changing my body."

The evil spirit actually doesn't want to leave the body of Aoyama Hazuki. It became an evil spirit because it was defiled by men before it was alive, and finally committed suicide.

The higher the compatibility between the evil spirit and the possessed human being, the faster the strength will improve.

The trouble is that Aoyama Hazuki regretted that before, the body automatically locked the evil spirit inside. Although the evil spirit can appear, it knows that it is trapped in this body. For the current plan, the only way to break the psychological defense line of the man's soul in the body is to escape from this body.

But doing so will inevitably lose a lot of energy, so after leaving this body, it is almost equivalent to starting from scratch.

If it is not necessary, the evil spirit really does not want to give up the girl Aoyama Hazuki.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no other way, it is still important to save your life!

"You think you can run away if you want? You haven't asked my opinion yet!"

Nobita kicked his feet, his whole body jumped up like a big bird, and then landed precisely like a missile, riding on Aoyama Hazuki's neck.

"Hmph, it's useless, it's useless, now through this physical body, even if you exorcise me, you can't destroy me, brat, your wish has come to nothing!"

The evil spirit can feel that its power is being consumed by the soul of the man in its body, but it doesn't matter, there is no problem with using the body as a shield to resist the exorcism.

As long as I shrink back a little bit, I...I'll go, why can't I shrink back?

The evil spirit was surprised to find that it was isolated from Aoyama Hazuki's body. When it wanted to retract its body, it felt as if it had hit a rock. A barrier separates it.

"Did you find out? You are finished now, evil spirit!"

Nobita smiled charmingly, and exerted force on his buttocks, using the legendary jackhammer to press the body under the seat to his knees on the ground. At the same time, he bent down quickly, his legs tightly clamped Aoyama Hazuki's armpits, and bent her body horizontally, turning her into a straight line. With Nobita's posture sitting on the ground, the two formed an L-shape.

At this time, Nobita's hands were as fast as thunder, tearing Qingshan Hazuki's clothes instantly, and his two small hands pinched the veins of the human body with the technique of chrysanthemum picking flowers and kneading.

The spiritual energy flowed down the arms to the fingertips, Nobita squeezed it lightly! "Aww! It hurts so much, it hurts me to death!"

The screams of the evil spirit run through the entire alley, as if being soaked in hot oil all over the body, the evil spirit at this time can only wail.

"It's not over, it's not over, eat my magic-exorcism family bucket set meal!"

Nobita thought that he almost said goodbye to his avatar just now, and his anger couldn't stop rushing up.

"Want to bite me? Eat my flaming dance!"

Nobita has one hot hand and one cold hand, one left and one right, drawing a circle like Tai Chi. "No, let me go!"

The evil spirit screamed and begged for mercy.

"Let you go? Who just let me go? Zhendu Huanglun rubbing."

Nobita keeps his hands in hot and cold mode, vibrates his arms, and the shock hits.

"Ah! I admit defeat, I surrender..."

The evil spirit begged for mercy again.

"Surrender? Do your spring and autumn dream, congenital lightning kneading!"

At the same time as the vibration, crackling electric sparks wandered between Nobita.


Knowing that begging for mercy was hopeless, the evil spirit smashed the pot and cursed.

"Kill me? Do you use your voice? Huya rubs the nipples!"

In exchange for cursing, all he got was two finger flicks and the faint sound of a tiger roaring.


The scene of Daxiong's crazy exorcism shocked the other three.

Xiaoying: "Although I don't know how this kid broke free, but he has really cultivated Ru Ru exorcising magic to the level of mastery, but how is this possible?"

Xiaobo: "How do you feel that this kid's proficiency is not inferior to Xiaoying's?"

Aoyama Hazuki in male form: "I really want to go back to my body, it must be very cool, right?"


Accompanied by a shocking scream, the evil spirit in the shape of a cup exploded instantly and disappeared without a trace.

Xiaobo: "Successful!?"

Xiaoying: "It's not just a success, Daxiong has already wiped out the evil spirit!"

Aoyama Hazuki: "Can I return to my body?"

After clearing away the evil spirits, Nobita felt Qingshan Yeyue, or Fat Pig passers-by under him wake up, and slashed down with a knife, knocking out the opponent's consciousness on the spot. Nobita wiped the sweat from his head and said, "How? Is this considered to have eliminated the evil spirits?"

This is Nobita's first exorcism, and he doesn't know if he has completed the exorcism. If this is not considered annihilation, then it is better to give up his task.

"Nobita, you succeeded, you succeeded in destroying the undead!" Xiaoying looked a little excited, and his paralyzed expression loosened, "You really eliminated the evil spirit just now, it's really unbelievable!" There are eight hundred spirits if there are not one thousand. He can perceive that when those evil spirits were expelled and before they were eliminated, they were more or less mocking. None of them were really emotional, like this evil spirit today He yelled like that, and even the aura of evil spirits that often remained on the scene after eliminating evil spirits in the past was gone.

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