After the players heard this, they immediately followed suit.

After several wolves gathered, it was as expected by Steve.

They all aimed at the pile of stones like Ergou and barked.

At this moment, some players finally realized what was going on.

"That monster...couldn't it be inside this stone?!"

"I remember tamed wolves will detect monsters within 5 blocks of the player! He must be inside!!"

"Hiss... so he has been hiding in the stone all this time?!"

"Damn?! Is this a monster or a monkey?!"


At this moment, the continuous howling of wolves is as sweet as the singing of hope.

Although the players are well aware of the gap in strength between themselves and that white-eyed monster.

But at least now that the trace of the monster has been found, it can be regarded as a breakthrough, and it is better than waiting for death in despair.

Although I have probably guessed it, the white-eyed monster is hiding in the stone.

But the players still dare not act rashly.

Everyone didn't dare to get too close to the stone pile, and they all kept a relatively long distance and began to discuss countermeasures.

"I know where it is, what should I do now? How to deal with him?"

"Have you dealt with it? He can explode skills, so it's not easy for us to get close?"

"The main reason is that the arrow can't hurt him! It's hard!"

"Should we use crowd tactics? Quan go to guard him, and when he comes out, before he has time to hide in the rocks, rush up to do it?!"

"What's the use? When we run up, he'll hide again!"


The players discussed for a long time, but there was nothing they could do.

There is currently no countermeasure against the white-eyed monster.

The main reason is that the players know too little about him, and everyone doesn't know whether he still has the skills to suppress the bottom of the box.


At this moment, in the stone pile surrounded by tamed wolves.

Although Xu Yuan was inside the stone pile, he could still hear the voices from outside clearly.

Xu Yuan was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the tamed wolf would be changed in this game.

The wolf can actually detect its own position.

But this accident helped Xu Yuan a lot.

Xu Yuan was worried that he couldn't find a reasonable reason to go out and act.

Unexpectedly, these wolf cub actors would take the initiative to add scenes to themselves.

Xu Yuan just took advantage of this momentum to continue acting.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan immediately showed his figure and stood on top of the stone pile.

After seeing Xu Yuan, the wolf cubs around the stone pile cooperated with the performance very well.

One by one howled more vigorously.

The players were discussing the countermeasures and arguing. After hearing the more intense howling of wolves, they turned their attention to the stone pile.

At this moment, they finally saw the white-eyed monster's appearance clearly.

It was indeed a face exactly like Steve's.

But his temperament is very different from Steve's.

The whole person revealed a fierce aura.

He just stood there, and already made people feel an invisible sense of oppression.

Coupled with those eyes emitting white light, it immediately makes people feel shuddering.

After seeing the real master, the players were all a little apprehensive, and they all froze in place for a while.

"He...he came out..."

"Now how to do?……"

"Damn it! Isn't it a monster, everyone!!"

"I want to fuck you! Also, why are your legs shaking?!"


At this moment, the players stared at each other, but no one had the courage to take a step forward.

Although the players had all kinds of rhetoric before seeing the white-eyed monster.

But when he really faced him, the whole person fell into fear instantly.

The players themselves don't know what's going on, it's obviously just a game, but that monster just makes people feel scared.

It's not that they are afraid of death. The players know very well that they will die sooner or later.

That kind of fear can't be expressed, it's more like a sense of oppression, which will affect people's reason and make people feel suffocated.

At this moment, inside the entire city wall, the players were silent and did not make any movements.

Only those wolf cubs called Zheng Huan.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan was also a little puzzled.

Aren't these players still discussing how to deal with themselves just now?Now that they came out by themselves, they didn't respond.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan couldn't help sighing.

"It seems that I can only act with the wolf cub..."

At this moment, all the players' eyes happened to be on Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan also immediately turned on the drama mode.

He took a deep look at the wolf cubs around him, then frowned, with an expression of extreme disgust on his face.

Because Xu Yuan performed really hard.

His expression was quickly caught by the players who had been watching him.

"Did I read it wrong? He seems a little scared?!"

"Do you feel the same way?!"

"He seems, it seems, he might be afraid of wolves?!"

"Fuck?!! Really!! He is really afraid of wolves!!!"


After the players caught the expression of the white-eyed monster, they immediately became excited.

Seeing this, the owners of the wolf cubs immediately gave orders to the wolf cubs.

"Second dog, go!! Bite him!!"

"15 Bones! It's time for you to perform!!"

"Xiaobai! Go and bite him!!!"


After the masters of the wolf cubs gave the order, the wolf cubs all rushed forward.

Xu Yuan saw that the players took the bait, and acted harder.

Seeing the wolf cubs rushing towards him, Xu Yuan teleported away immediately.

Just not far away is the hole that was blown out of the previous siege wall.

After teleporting here, Xu Yuantou left without looking back.

After the wolf cubs chased for a distance, they teleported back to their master.

Xu Yuan walked for a long time, but the players still didn't react.

After half the payment, finally someone silently touched the direction Xu Yuan was leaving, and took a look outside.

After seeing that there was nothing outside, the whole person was a little confused.

"Is he... scared away?..."

As soon as the player's voice fell, the players inside the city wall exploded in an instant.

"Fuck?!!! Just won like this?!!!"

"This shit??? This white-eyed monster has been so frightening for so long, it's actually afraid of wolves?!"

"Just a few wolves took him down? Are we not as good as these bastards?!"

"What kind of plot is this? I'm completely confused! This victory came too suddenly, right?!"

"Since he is afraid of wolves, next time we meet him, prepare a few more wolf cubs, so we can take him down?!!!"

The players' reactions undoubtedly prove that Xu Yuan's acting skills are still good.

At least the audience was very satisfied with it, and there were quite a few who gave good reviews.

The players in the city wall cheered happily, but only Steve and a few friends around him looked sad.

"how can that be?!"

"It's not's too abnormal!!"

Chapter 18 It seems that this game of chess is a success! !

Steve and a few friends know much more about the white-eyed monster than these players.

That's why only a few of them feel something is wrong.

Seeing that all his friends also looked puzzled like himself, Steve asked everyone.

"You also see something is wrong?"

Seeing this, all the friends nodded.

"It's normal for monsters in the game to have weaknesses, but monsters like him, even if they have weaknesses, won't show them so easily!"

"Yes! And he has the ability to think. Even if he is afraid of wolves, with his strength, he can kill these wolf cubs without any effort. Why should he run away?!"

"Anyway, I will never believe that he is afraid of wolves. I don't know if you have noticed that when he attacked the city before, he thought of blowing up the city wall from four places. Why didn't he think of attacking from four directions? Wouldn't it be easier?!"


Steve nodded after hearing what his friends said.

"Yes, I also noticed what Xiao Wu said before. It was my negligence before. I forgot to defend from all sides. I thought maybe he was negligent and didn't expect to attack from all sides. Now it seems that there is a big article in it!"

As early as when the white-eyed monster attacked the city, Steve felt something was wrong.

Before, he only thought that the white-eyed monster might have been negligent.

But combined with the fact that he ran away after seeing the wolf, the previous incident was probably not his negligence!

It is estimated that it is intentional!

And, if that white-eyed monster really wants to win.

The most suitable way is to attack together with the monsters.

Anyway, the players couldn't find his whereabouts at all. With monsters as cover, the players scattered into a mess in a hurry.

This can eliminate players faster.

But he didn't do it, but let the monsters come in first, and then came in by himself after the players finished destroying the monsters.

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