Not to mention, Raven's behavior made Rita wonder if she could turn him into the Fate camp.

Things like money are not a problem for Tianming at all.

As long as Ms. Amber cut off some of the research and development funds for Karen's fantasy... Well, the only issue that needs to be considered is that the Bishop will fight to the death.

A peak match with Kevin exhausted the energy in her body, and Qiyana turned into a Saiyan on the spot, eating and drinking!

Bai Qi also wants to eat and drink unscrupulously, but although his physical strength has been synchronized, he is not of Kaslana's blood in essence, and he can't eat half of it.

The volume of the food that Qiyana ate roughly seemed to be several times the size of the girl's waist, but the curve of the willow waist was still exquisite and graceful, not even half bulged.

The envious Rita kept biting the handkerchief in her heart.

Why can a girl eat so unscrupulously!

Doesn't your boyfriend restrain himself when he's around?

To be reasonable, it has been generally considered rationally, not to mention couples in love, even couples who are married and on honeymoon, the woman will not show such a "crazy" side in front of the man.

This is the difference between outsiders and 'yourself'.

No matter how close the relationship between husband and wife is, they are two different individuals after all, and they need to leave their own privacy space to hide the dark or unspeakable side of their hearts.

But 'self' is different.

For example, when ordinary couples discuss the origin of human beings, a boy suddenly wants to try a new way of playing, which is probably difficult for him to say.

And what about the Baiqis?

When Bai Qi had the idea of ​​trying a new type of play, Qiyana probably had the same idea in her heart, and the girls took the initiative to put the props in Bai Qi's hands and change their positions.

After eating and drinking.

"This time you have to choose a good location, and if there is any accident, it has nothing to do with us!"

Qiyana ate the chicken leg fed by Bai Qi, stretched out her small white jade hand for Bai Qi to wipe with paper, and then took out a black card from Bai Qi's pocket and threw it to Raven.

"Of course I know, this time, I will definitely choose a safe place!"

With the help of this meal's understanding of each other, Raven's impression of Herrscher of the Sky, or Kiana, took a 90-degree turn.

From the original hostility to... Let's call it neutral and friendly.

Raven took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart,

"You continue, I will not accompany you!"

After receiving the compensation, it is not profitable at this time, and when will it be, if Jackal really reports to Gray Snake, her salary this month may really fly!

"Go back now? Don't you stay for a chat? It can promote the friendship between Destiny and World Snake." Qiyana asked to stay.

Looking at Raven, I feel disgusted and irritable, but I still have to endure it and talk to them in a calm and gentle voice. It's super interesting!

"No, if you waste too much time, you won't be able to finish the job."

"It's good to combine work and rest, but don't relax too much."

Throwing down two words that made Bai Qi and Qiyana look subtle, Raven moistened them without hesitation.

"Master Bai Qi, is there anything wrong with the two sentences Raven said?"

Rita watched the changes in the expressions of the two curiously, and there was a hint of doubt on the expression on her face.

Could it be some code word or something?

"No, nothing, just..."

"Close your eyes and face the direction the wind is blowing."

Some don't know why, but Rita closed her eyes and faced the window according to Bai Qi's words.

"How is it, is it comfortable?"

"...I didn't expect Master Bai Qi to have such an artistic conception."

The cool breeze blowing on the face after the rain makes people feel refreshed. Is this the artistic conception of Shenzhou Taoism?

But Bai Qi shook his head, and Qiyana then said in an elegant tone with her throat closed: "The night wind is comfortable, it will be a good night."

"..., indeed." The sea breeze wrapped around the light gray hair, brushing over Rita's dazed cheek.

This is true, but does it have anything to do with her problem?

Or are these words all codewords with special meanings?

Seeing Rita's slightly confused expression, Qiyana sighed slightly, and before she wanted to explain, Bai Qi pressed her delicate shoulders.

There is a connection between body and mind, and after a momentary pause, Kiyana raised the corners of her mouth happily.

"This day is over! Whether love will come or not, goodbye!!! There is no you in this destiny! There is no place for you in this destiny!"

Rita was taken aback by Qiyana's sudden maddened yelling, the elegant temperament of the perfect maid disappeared in an instant, and her face was full of bewilderment.

Just when Rita was about to ask about the situation full of doubts, Kiyana had a meaningful expression on her face.

"The above, Miss Rita, bring this sentence to Otto when you return to Destiny, and he will naturally know what we mean."

The astonishment and confusion in her heart were swept away, Rita frowned slightly, and nodded with a serious face.

"Okay, I know."

Are these inexplicable-sounding words really some kind of secret language?

Or the tacit understanding between chess players and chess pieces?

Forget it, when I take these few words back, the bishop should have a conclusion.

"That's right, Miss Rita, remember, it can't just be words, the momentum and tone I just showed must be restored, otherwise, the essence will be lacking."

"Essence..." Rita nodded thoughtfully.

It requires the combination of tone and momentum and secret words, which is indeed in line with the game of the bishop's level.

It's just to express that crazy anger and furious rage, which will somewhat damage her image of a perfect and elegant maid.

But since Kiyana has said so, it doesn't matter if she sacrifices a little bit.

Judging from the expressions of the two, this should be a very important code word, right?

"Okay, I remember."

Involuntarily showing a solemn and serious attitude, Rita nodded heavily again, like a brave man who has taken on an important task.

Seeing this, Bai Qi and Qiyana looked at each other and smiled.

It looks calm, but in fact, in the connected mind, Kiyana is about to roll on the floor with laughter.

Realizing that 'I' might not be able to hold back if this continues, Bai Qi actually changed the subject.

[By the way, since Otto is mentioned, should we go to the Mandate of Heaven? 】

[It's time to touch Otto! 】

The touch here refers to letting Otto's soul steel face touch Sirin's little fist.

Possessing the Ksitigarbha Yuhun, Baiqi and others have a chance to completely press Otto into the coffin, but...

To kill, or not to kill, this is a question worth thinking about.

[Otto...] Sirin's thinking was turbulent.

[But if this is the case, maybe you will face off with my sister. I think it is better to find a way to restore my sister's memory first. Whether to stay or kill, we will decide together. 】

When it came to business, Kiyana suppressed the urge to laugh wildly.

【Well, that's fine too. 】Bai Qi is mainly based on Qiyana.


Just when the three consciousnesses were fused and communicated, what happened suddenly made Qiyana cry out in surprise.

The gem of conquest on her body turned into a Houkai energy and disappeared.

This means...

"Has Mei finally made up her mind!"


Chapter 133

leave , come back , and meet again

Over a sea area beyond the extreme east, a white-based giant warship sailed through the clouds and mist towards a certain huge artificial island.

This is an unknown academy with a large area, and the European architectural style is its main tone.

From the roof of the teaching building, you can see the deep ocean and the blue sky seem to be in a line. The sunlight draws golden outlines on the sparkling sea. They surge with the sea water, which is a wonderful sight.

There is a poem that once expressed such a point of view, a place with a horizon must be a vast place, it must be at the end of heaven and earth, and it is also the end of dreams.

But for St. Freya Academy, this point of view has some inexplicable meaning.

The starting point of the Valkyrie, whose mission is to fight against the collapse and protect the world, is here.

Although, Otto Apocalypse never cared about these things, for that person, the existence of the Far East Branch was more like giving his granddaughter a larger and expensive toy.

No matter how Teresa treats St. Freya Academy, he won't care.

But for Teresa personally, too much of her emotions and years have been entrusted here, and she can remember every student's name, appearance and even personality.

She doesn't even want these people to come into contact with the broken world, she hopes they can have a happy future, but she can't act willfully.

In order to protect this beautiful world, sacrifices are always inevitable, even Saint Freya Academy is no exception.

"I didn't expect that we would be able to come back here together."

The picture of the hair floating in the air with the wind is very beautiful, full of emotion and complex tone, adding a bit of maturity to the immature girl like a child that could not be pretended before.

"Yeah, Bronya still remembers the picture of the dean fishing and reading Humu comics every day."

On the deck of Hyperion, the gray-haired girl took the hand of her older sister, walked to Teresa, and looked down at the scenery of St. Freya together with her. The gray eyes that used to be as calm as the sea could not stop. There are ripples in the place of residence.

In fact, even if you noticed it, you would only make a few jokes at most. After all, who would not notice such a thing as peeking at comics at a meeting?

In other words, is there anyone in St. Freya's school who doesn't know that the mascot, the dean, likes Homo comics and related peripherals very much.

It is even said that some students have tried to use Homo cartoons and surroundings as bait to catch the head of the academy, and completed the behavior of feeding and patting.

The '卍油', which destroys manga in an instant, was developed to prevent people from peeking at manga. To be honest, it is meaningless.

"There's no need to remember that kind of thing so clearly, hey!"

Teresa's majesty, this thing is the same type of existence as the real weekend weekend~!

The somewhat mature temperament that was born by touching the scene and feeling disappeared immediately.

"It's great to be the familiar dean again. Bronya almost felt that the dean had evolved for a moment."


"Bronya, have you lost your skin since you inherited the inheritance of the Herrscher of Reason?"

"It's the delusion of the dean." It's just a little lively because of the recovery of the emotional center, and it's far from being comparable to Qiyana's irritating level.

Xi'er covered her red lips lightly with her small hands, and looked at her sister and Teresa with a soft smile and a shy smile.

In the distance behind them, a middle-aged man with suits and leather shoes, short brown hair, and black-rimmed eyes on the bridge of his nose stood there, looking at St. Freya College below with the same slightly complicated eyes.

Comrade Yang.

He was the one who least expected to return to this academy.

But at this moment, he is standing above Saint Freya Academy.

He is back, as the history teacher of St. Freya!

Part-time anti-entropy leader~

This time, instead of teaching history, I changed the subject.

This time, Lao Yang came to St. Freya Academy with the purpose of teaching Bronya to learn and use the power of the Herrscher of Reason, and train her to become the next Walter——Walter Duck!

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