"Can you see me? Cub!"

The reservedness and tenderness of the beautiful girl completely disappeared at this moment, and Jianzi's voice seemed like an approaching storm.


A faint purple light radiates from the pure white spiritual power, which is the power to break demons!

The face of the evil spirit pinched by the girl, and the part touched by the palm of spiritual power, seemed to be burned by a hot flame, and there were large areas of burns.


The evil spirit was like a dirt dog whose body hair was set on fire. Its bloated body twisted and convulsed violently, and it screamed like a broken bellows in pain.

The instinct of the collection of grievances drove it to escape, but after the simple brain came out of the shutdown state, another simple and direct conclusion emerged.

People in front of them can see themselves, so they can 'eat'!

The evil spirit opened its big mouth with festering lips and teeth, cracked to the base of the ears, emitting a foul-smelling yellow-black gas, and bit Jianzi.

"Oh~ Since you can launch an attack, it means that you can see me, right?"

The corner of Jianzi's mouth raised a slightly ferocious arc.

"very good!"

Pure white and lavender spiritual flames gushed out from Jianzi's slender body, instantly purifying the foul air spit out by the evil spirit.

"Uh ah ah!"

When it swallowed the leaping spiritual flame with its huge mouth open, the evil spirit was like a piglet swallowing a branding iron, and let out a shrill, high-decibel scream.


Holding the ugly face of the evil spirit with her small hands, Jianzi dragged the huge and bloated body off the ground.

With a sudden force, he pressed the ugly face down, and at the same time, his knees rose like thunder.


Under the wrapping of spiritual power, Bai Nen's knee hit the evil spirit's face.

The evil spirit's head was crushed like a watermelon, and a large pile of gray and white dirt was scattered, and it was burned by pure white spiritual flames before it landed.

Then, Jianzi twisted her waist.

Like a waterfall of blue silk swaying with the girl's movements, the slender waist burst out with a strong force, and the slender legs twisted with the waist force, and then popped out like a bullet out of the chamber——

Kick the evil spirit's disgusting belly hard!

The headless evil spirit was kicked and flew more than ten meters away, and the sound of the hard ground breaking could be faintly heard!

It twisted its limbs and got up, black blood and black mist flowed out from its broken neck, exuding many strong and rich negative emotions.

He kept roaring.

Although Jianzi didn't know how this thing made a sound after its head was blown off.

But seeing the evil spirit's swollen, healed, skyrocketing body, Jianzi grinned happily.

"good very good!"

Jian Ziyou was merciful, but even so, being able to survive these two spiritual attacks also showed the strength of this evil spirit.

The production process of ordinary evil spirits is actually very simple.

The strong obsession in front of you, coupled with energy such as resentment and evil, and finally sprinkled with the consciousness and self that have been crushed into cumin powder, a fresh evil spirit can be released.

Hundreds of these evil spirits can't withstand Kikyo's demon-killing arrow.

The soul power of Inuyasha's world can exceed the strength of the physical body, so it can be seen that Zi's world does not have this characteristic.

Due to the different rules of the world, Jianzi does not have 5 times the spiritual power of Kikyo, and the power she can use in her own world is probably only the level before Kikyo entered the space.

But no Kansai~

It will make no difference to you when the Tsar Bomb and a regular nuke go off next to your house.

The reason why Jianzi showed mercy to the evil spirits was naturally because...

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Jianzi let out a maniacal laugh that didn't fit the personality.

The pure white dotted with lavender aura burst out with the girl's hearty laughter, and the magnificent aura dyed the surroundings with a layer of dreamlike and gorgeous colors.

Soon, the laughter subsided, and Jian Zi looked at the distorted evil spirit flowing with black mist, with a dull expression.

In the powerful storm of spiritual power, Jianzi indifferently folded his five soft fingers together, and the intense flame color was like fiery trees and silver flowers, reflected in the deep golden eyes, exaggerating the killing intent that had been suppressed for a long time.

At a certain moment, the sound of piercing the air exploded.

Jianzi bounced off like a cannonball, tore through the rain curtain, and outlined a striking stream of spiritual power in the endless night.

In the next second, Jianzi's figure appeared in front of the evil spirit, and he swung his clenched fist straight out.

This punch directly pierced the evil spirit, and the spiritual flame with the attribute of destroying demons raged and burned in its body, purifying it from the inside out.


With a painful howl, the countless stumps and severed arms on the evil spirit's body gathered into a thick arm, and smashed towards Jianzi like a mountain pressing down on the top, and faint bursts of humming burst out in the air.

Not dodging, not evading, seeing Zifen clenched his fists tightly, he punched again.

The evil spirit's thick arm with a diameter of more than one meter was in stark contrast to the girl's slender white fist.

But at the moment when the fists collided, the scene where the giant fist crushed the girl that should have appeared in common sense did not happen.

It was as white as clouds and lavender-like in bloom, and the 4-meter-long and 1-meter-thick shaped arms were like ice sculptures falling into lava, melting at an extremely fast speed.

Jianzi wanted to punch more, but the magic-breaking power that restrained 100% real damage to the monsters and monsters had already penetrated the spirit body of the evil spirit, bringing it to the brink of collapse.

The only remaining body part of the evil spirit struggled, but it was still unable to stand up again.

"That's it? It's not enough!"

After waiting for a while, seeing the unrecoverable evil spirit, Jianzi took a deep breath.

At this level, it is far from being able to vent everything she has experienced during this period of time!

Facing countless evil spirits every day, fear is like a rope tightening the heart.

Even young and middle-aged men are afraid of ghosts that cannot be resisted, let alone 17-year-old high school girls.

If it weren't for the male side engraved into the soul to suppress fear and despair, male rationality replaced female sensibility, making her calm and decisive.

She was paralyzed when she saw the evil spirits for the first time, and then she was eaten by them! ?

Stepping away from her slender legs wrapped in black stockings, Jian Zi paced up to the evil spirit, raised her legs, and stepped on them heavily.

The evil spirit was burned to the last part by the strong spiritual flame, and it was wiped out in ashes!

Bai Qi used to be just an ordinary person.

Encountering evil spirits before entering the mysterious space, after the initial excitement, he will definitely feel scared and terrified.

So the feminized Bai Qi - she was so frightened and cried by the evil spirit, it is understandable~!

The process of fighting fear every minute and every second is really torture!

Especially the strong sense of powerlessness, daggers, firearms, hot and cold weapons have all been tried.

If you stab an evil spirit with a dagger inadvertently, it will penetrate through.

Jianzi has never tried whether to attack after admitting that he can see the evil spirit.

After all, try it and you might die!

The emotions that have been suppressed until now burst out after gaining the power of resistance, which is far from enough!

The golden eyes stared at the aisle of the station, it was pitch black, like an endless darkness, it was breathtaking.

Jianzi raised his head, and the torrential rain was dripping down.

Forget it, don't wait for the car, let's go home!


There were crisp footsteps, and not far ahead, a figure wrapped in thick black fog turned around.

It is said to turn around, but it is actually turning the entire upper body 180 degrees, twisting the body into a twist.

In front of it seemed to be the embryonic form of a human being, but its whole body was pale, and two rows of sharp teeth were exposed from its pitch-black mouth.

"...can you see...me?"

Its sound does not seem to be formed by one, but by the superimposition and combination of rough and sharp sounds.

This voice is extremely magical, and harsh and noisy.

Jianzi stared straight at it, smiling sweetly.

"I can see it!"

The throbbing demon-breaking spiritual power vented the accumulated emotions in his heart, and Jianzi ruthlessly slaughtered the evil spirits like cutting wheat.

My old lady will draw a new comic today, "Visible Evil Spirits"!

Chapter 151

How about getting married, by the way?

"I'm back~!"

A melodious voice sounded like a flowing spring.

Jianzi walked to the entrance and bent down slightly, and the skirt that covered her thighs was attached to her upturned buttocks, outlining Miaoman's charming curves.

She stretched out her little white hand to hook the heel of the shoe, released her jade foot wrapped in one-sided black silk, and put it in the comfortable pink slippers.

The joyful footsteps landed on the ground, and the girlish slippers stepped on the wooden floor in a brisk and refreshing rhythm.

That's right, seeing the child is in a super refreshing mood now!

The joy that cannot be described in words.

If I had to say it, it was like putting on new underwear on the morning of the first day of the new year!

"Sister! You are finally back!"

"See you! Where have you been!?"

Suddenly there was a loud sound of opening the door, followed by hurried footsteps. A little boy about 7 years old and a beautiful and plump beautiful woman ran out in a hurry. Their faces were full of worry.

"Mom, Kyousuke..." Jian Ziqiao's relaxed and happy smile gradually froze.

Suddenly remembered that I seemed to have not returned all night...

"Sister, where did you go? The mobile phone can't get through. If you don't come back, mother should call the police."

When he came to his sister, he looked up and down, and after confirming that his sister was fine, Yotsuya Kyosuke complained.

"Eh, this..."

A flinching expression appeared on his face, as if he was being questioned by a teacher, and Jian Zi lightly twisted the drooping black hair, and his expression seemed a little unnatural.

The mobile phone is in a different world, if this can be connected, the communication company must be strictly investigated!

His eyes wandered, a little embarrassed.

"Hey, seeing you are finally back, you have to worry about us to death. No matter how urgent you are, you should call first!"

With a gentle and kind tone, Jianzi looked past her mother and younger brother to her father who was drinking tea and reading the newspaper in the living room.

"It's dangerous for a girl to stay out all night."

An ordinary-looking middle-aged man, with a slightly thin body, wearing a blue men's shirt.

The silver glasses filled him with a bit of gentleness and gentleness, and he looked so harmless to humans and animals, if one ignored the evil spirit entrenched behind him.

It has fluffy yellow-brown hair like a male lion, and its body is a circle larger than that of a camel. Its body does not have the corruption and festering that are commonly seen in low-level evil spirits.

It looks like a dog, but its four feet are in the shape of human palms, and even its face is like a human.

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