I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 10

Although I still proved everything with my strength.But his body has always been thin and small, almost like a woman, Xia Juan has nothing to do about this, he can only admit it.

"Young master, Taiping City is finally here."

Perhaps seeing the joy and confusion on Xia Juan's face, Yin Bo smiled.

"Hmm..." Xia Juan nodded.

"Don't worry, just relax. It's okay even if the master and wife find out." Yin Bo patted Xia Juan on the shoulder. "Young master, whether you are a man or a woman, you are you."

"Yes. Uncle Yin, I feel much more at ease when you say that."

Although Xia Juan said it on his lips, it is still conceivable what is going on in his heart.

But up to now, there is no other way.

Becoming a woman is not because I want to change!It is really God who likes to tease himself, and has created a huge problem for himself.

There is no way, I can only bite the bullet and go on!

The sound of horseshoes gradually changed from chaos to rhythm, step by step stepping into Taiping City.

There are many people who know Xia Juan, but few people have seen Xia Juan.

Even if he came out occasionally, Xia Juan always wore a bamboo hat, or lowered his head, immersed in the shadows, so Xia Juan's sudden appearance did not attract anyone's attention.

On the contrary, as soon as Yin Bo, who was following behind, appeared, many people immediately pointed and discussed.

Xia Juan also admired the strength of these common people, and soon, many people guessed his identity.

"Is he Xia Juan? That dude Xia Yuanpo's son?!"

"What dude? Although she likes women, she has strong martial arts skills, but we are the number one son of Taiping City!"

"I heard that she is very handsome, and there are many girls around me who are very yearning for her!"

With an indifferent face and eyes looking straight ahead, he didn't even look at those who were pointing fingers at him.

Hearing someone discussing her strengths, Xia Juan finally managed to pull a rare smile.

"But... why does she look like a woman?"

"Yeah! There's no masculinity at all! Don't you think it's weird to be with her?!"

"What do you know?! That's a blessing for boys and girls! And this young master Xia Juan is so rich and strong in martial arts, my God...!"

Clenched his flat fists tightly.

Xia Juan tried her best to calm down her mind, kept her expressionless face, closed her eyes, passed by countless figures, passed by countless crackling sounds, and finally came to Xia's house.

Xia Juan and Yin Bo got off the horse sharply, Xia Juan and Yin Bo were about to walk in, but Xia Juan suddenly stopped and looked at the guard at the gate.

"Where's my father?"

"You are... the young master?!" The guard hesitated for a while, looked at Uncle Yin, looked at Xia Juan, and then quickly nodded and bowed, "Master and Madam have gone out for a while, and they may not be able to return until tomorrow!"

"Is that right?"

That's great!


It felt like a huge stone fell from my heart inexplicably.

Xia Juan walked in unhurriedly, seeing that she had been away from home for five or six days, feeling very affectionate.

But as soon as he saw his own mansion, Xia Juan suddenly remembered that there was a cave in his body.

The Bingxuan Cave Mansion that I found in Bingyuan Mountain!

However, how could such a huge cave be inside his body? !

Moreover, Yin Bo actually said that when he went up to Bingyuan Mountain, he did not see the existence of Bingxuan Cave Mansion...

What the hell was that all about? !Is it because... because of the Nine Heavens Xuanming Strength? !

This evil martial art has already turned himself into a woman, and there seems to be nothing strange about what happens again.

"However... we still need to study carefully what's going on! Maybe..."

Like a rope caught by a drowning person, Xia Juan's pupils suddenly burst out with hope.

"Maybe this Ice Mysterious Cave in my body can turn me back into a man again! Definitely...definitely possible!"

I can't restrain my inner excitement, joy and curiosity.In addition, Xia Yuanpo and Mrs. Zhou were relieved that they were not here for the time being, Xia Juan raised his head out of the thought of avoiding the fact that the moment is only a moment.

"Uncle Yin, I'm going back to my room. If my parents ask me tomorrow, you can just say that I'm in retreat!"

"Hmm...that's fine." Yin Bo nodded. "Young master, you have just broken through the ninth level of the Nine Heavens Profound Energy, your foundation is not stable, you need to reshape it, and your body is new, you need...to get acquainted with it."

"This... I know this."

Recalling the shame and humiliation of last night for a moment, Xia Juan turned pale.

Chapter 18 Adventure

After closing the doors and windows and locking them firmly, Xia Juan sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and silently circulated the magic power in his body.

In the continent that Xia Juan lived in, even the cultivators of immortals split into many factions.

However, Xia Juan has had so many masters since he was a child that he can't count them all.If I had to say it, it was mainly inherited from my father Xia Yuanpo and Yin Bo.

Therefore, Xia Juan's spells and martial arts have almost no roots that are too general. Simply put, they are miscellaneous.

Although complicated, it is still fine.

Back then, Xia Juan fought with his back, so he dropped all his skills and concentrated on cultivating the Nine Heavens Xuanming Strength, which is why he was able to reach this point.

Broke through the ninth level of Jiutian Xuanmingjin.On this point alone, Xia Juan can actually be regarded as a character that can be recorded in the annals of history.

But... If someone asked about Jiutian Xuanmingjin's so-called rebirth from the cocoon, how should Xia Juan answer? !

My mind was distracted for a while, and I couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Xia Juan shook his head, immersed in the spell again, his mind was ever-changing, and the next moment his whole body and mind were united, like a pair of eyes, entering his body.

Unhurriedly, he slowly arrived at the place he had swept past before.

really!It's not that I've been blind!My body, right at the dantian, actually contains a cave!

Xia Juan was extremely amazed, flew over for a while, landed, and touched the whole body of the cave, only then did he realize that it was a real thing, not an illusion!

"How is it possible?! There is a cave in the stomach of a person? And it's me?! How is this possible?!"

Xia Juan looked up, and the plaque had the four big characters of Bingxuan Dongfu? !

For a while, I was weird and had mixed feelings.

Xia Juan looked up at the door, hesitated for a while, pushed the door open and entered.

It was exactly the same as what I saw on Bingyuan Mountain at that time!There is no difference at all!

"And... what's going on? Why can my small body accommodate such a large cave?!"

"How...how did it get in?!"

Xia Juan couldn't figure it out, but his eyes kept looking at everything around him in surprise, and he walked away step by step.

The bookshelves were still intact, and there were still densely packed books on them.

Xia Juan was still a little confused in his mind, walked over slowly, and took out a book from the bookshelf casually.

""Yin Yang Reversal Technique"?"

Xia Juan was puzzled for a while, then turned it over, and saw on the first page it said: Those who practice this exercise can transform a man into a woman!

Xia Juan smiled bitterly.

Myself...hehe, I don't need it anymore...

If she continues to change... Maybe she will really become a delicate girl, acting like a spoiled child all day long, just like those noble ladies in Taiping City, Xia Juan gets goosebumps when she sees it.

Xia Juan shook his head, and simply flipped through to the last page, and found that the book was written by Wei Zhong and Su He.

Strictly speaking, the former writes, and the latter fills in and revises.

"It seems that I have never heard of these two people... It seems that there is no end to learning..."

Xia Juan nodded, and put the yin and yang reversal skill back on the bookshelf.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xia Juan is a dandy and incompetent, fond of women.

In fact, Xia Juan is diligent, smart, and has often come up with some crazy ideas since he was a child.

If it wasn't for that accident, Xia Juan might still be that lively kid.

It's a pity that more than ten years have passed, and now because of that sneak attack, Xia Juan's personality has changed drastically, he is taciturn, and he is very cold to everyone, and has no friends at all.

In Xia Juan's own words, she doesn't need friends at all.

His eyes glanced, and this time Xia Juan slapped it on top of the bookshelf.

Since she is not too tall now, she still has to stand on tiptoe, and she can't even see the title of the book, so she can only pull out a book at random.

Finally took it off, patted the dust on the cover, and took a closer look.

""Yin Shrinking Technique"?!"

The previous feelings seemed to be vivid in his memory, Xia Juan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, without even turning the pages, he just stuffed the book back.

"Don't read it, maybe you will find something after reading it."

Xia Juan left the bookshelf knowingly.

However, apart from this bookshelf, this Ice Profound Cave Mansion is also empty, as if there is nothing there!

If I have to say... the table in the center doesn't count? !

At this time, Xia Juan suddenly remembered that he was sitting here when he broke through!

"At that time, I obviously almost lost my temper, but I suddenly felt a surge of power, so I finally made it through, could it be..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Xia Juan felt anxious and hurried to sit on the table.

Breathing out, running mana...

"Strange! Strange! Sitting here, my cultivation speed is several times faster than usual! What's going on? Could it be my hallucination?!"

Xia Juan opened his eyes in disbelief, joy and surprise, and looked at his hands in disbelief.

However, how to explain the continuously rising power just now? !

And... And as soon as he sat down, Xia Juan felt refreshed and refreshed in his body, as if all the dirt and debris in his body had been swept away, and his whole body was unprecedentedly clean and comfortable.

"This must be a treasure!"

Xia Juan decided that this must be his luck!

From ancient times to the present, not only how many immortal cultivators have traveled to the ends of the earth, and rare places to find their own luck.

Some people died because of this, and some people turned into immortals!What's more... just like Xia Juan, getting a windfall!

"Hmm...it seems! I was right to cultivate the Nine Heavens Xuanming Strength! Not only did it allow me to recover my body, and the magic progressed rapidly, but it even directly fused the entire Ice Profound Cave Mansion into my body! From now on, I will cultivate The speed is several times faster than before!"

Xia Juan couldn't put it down, as indifferent as she was, she couldn't help smiling, and stretched out her hand to touch the surrounding glaciers.

"This ice platform seems to be able to heal the body. As soon as I sat down, I felt that the dirt on my body was swept away. It really is a treasure!"

"I just don't know if it's possible to make my stuff grow back..."

Thinking of this, the originally happy mood sank to the bottom of the valley again.

Xia Juan still doesn't know how to face her parents, she has lied to them!

I thought I could bid farewell to the days of hiding and buying and selling women in brothels to hide my hidden diseases.

Unexpectedly, after breaking free from a pit, he stepped hard into another, deeper pit.

I have to say, I am really blessed by God...

"But... eh?!"

Touching the glacier with his hand, Xia Juan was startled suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

"Hasn't the chill in my body disappeared?! Why do I still feel not cold at all?!"

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