I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1006

I can't be selfish after all.

If he really likes me.

If I really have a liking for him.

Then he... should know.

He has this right.

I also have this obligation

Otherwise, I don’t want to live in fearful guilt and fear all the time, do I?


He knows now.

He should hate me, right?

I used to disguise myself as a man, and when he fell in love with a fake man, I was wandering and struggling in my heart.

He even doubted his own sexuality.

Then I put on women's clothing and began to appear in the world as a daughter.

He was happy and excited, but he understood my temper and character.

Silently guarding by my side.

It's a pity... hahahaha...

Surnamed Ye.

Didn't expect?

I am neither a man nor a woman.

I'm a bastard, a freak!

I am neither a man nor a woman.

I am a man turned woman.

I am a monster that makes everyone feel disgusted and disgusted.

You... probably think so too, right?

Actually... Actually, I should have thought of it long ago.

Or... I have nothing to blame you for.

Because this is human nature.

Even I, hate myself.

Not to mention you.

It's just that at least... I have a clear conscience.

At least in this way, a heavy burden in my heart finally fell.

that is it.

You... you probably won't come to see me again, right?

Staring at the darkness in front of him for a long time, he heard the voices of people outside the shop chatting and laughing.

Xia Juan gave a wry smile, and buried her head in her double head and chest.

no more motionless...

The autumn wind lasted all night.

So the next day when the sun rose.

The autumn wind is still playing everywhere in the capital.

It swept away the children's Cuju and toys, and rolled to the door of Mr. Xia's takeaway shop.

"These children, they are not afraid of bumping into people."

Seeing a few children take Cuju away, they hurriedly started playing on the street again.

Ali shook her head helplessly and sighed for a while.

While she was doing the calculations, she stirred up the abacus.

At the same time, he heard the rustling sound from the cabinet behind him, and turned his head subconsciously.

"Boss, are you awake?"


His voice seemed a little hoarse, so he nodded.

Xia Juan lifted the curtain, walked out unhurriedly and somewhat lonely.

Ali just swept it casually.

But when she looked at it, she suddenly discovered something again, and suddenly put down her calculations, staring at Xia Juan's face.

Xia Juan was a little careless.

After being stared at by Ali, she also shuddered, and looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Ali... what's wrong?"

"Boss, your eyes..."

While talking to Xia Juan.

Ali touched her eyes.

"Your eyes are a little red, aren't they...?"

She didn't finish speaking.

But it seemed that he realized something in an instant, and quickly shut his mouth.

"That... I accidentally blew sand into it yesterday, so it just happened if I didn't pay attention."

An embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

Xia Juan's reaction was also very fast, and she hurriedly fooled her when she said something casually.

It's just that she just finished speaking.

When Ali nodded, her eyes shifted and she saw something else.

"Huh? Boss!"

"Your lips..."

"Why does it look swollen?!"

Chapter 959

"Swollen lips?"


His pupils widened subconsciously.

Xia Juan pointed to himself.

When her fingers touched her lips, she quickly turned around and lowered her head.

"Boss, I have a mirror here."

Seeing what Xia Juan was looking for, Ali reacted quickly.

She took out the small mirror she carried with her and handed it to Xia Juan.

Xia Juan quickly covered her mouth, and casually took the small mirror and turned her back to take a look.

in the mirror.

My lips are really really...

Damn it!How is this going?

and many more……

Was it last night...?

Closing his eyes, the affectionate and domineering kiss last night flashed through his mind in an instant.

At that time, his lips almost seemed to be swallowed by Ye Ning.

Ye Ning...

I thought of that person.

The helplessness and embarrassment on Xia Juan's face turned into lifeless avoidance in an instant.

"Oh...the weather has turned cold recently, and my lips are a little dry."

"Then it...became like this inexplicably."

"By the way, return the mirror to you..."

Taking a deep breath, he forgot all his thoughts with dodging eyes.

Xia Juan returned the mirror to Ali.

Only then did he find a veil to cover his face, which further accentuated a kind of mystery.

It's just that all the thoughts just now made her feel the exhaustion that swept over her again.

She couldn't help sighing, feeling very tired.

When I looked up and sat down, I saw a familiar figure outside the shop.


Xia Juan was puzzled, raised her head completely, and looked at the person outside the shop.

"What? Don't you know me?"

Mo Muqing shook her head helplessly, and joked with Xia Juan with a smile.

"Why are you still wearing a veil? You're not a killer!"

Step by step into the shop.

Mo Muqing touched the veil on Xia Juan's face with great interest.

But he also knows how to respect Xia Juan and not to drag her.

"It's just a few...accidents, don't worry about it."

He looked down at the veil covering his face.

Xia Juan smiled slightly, and seemed to regain her energy, grinning and looking at Mo Muqing.

"By the way, Mu Qing, are you now...?"

In front of outsiders, she always shows another side that does not match her heart.

To cover up, to disguise oneself.

Even if Mo Muqing is Xia Juan's best friend.

But subconsciously.

Xia Juan still protects herself with hard armor

Let yourself hide behind the false Xia Juan that you constructed.


"I have something to ask you."

"Your shop is inconvenient, why don't you go to the restaurant?"

Mo Muqing looked around at the people coming and going, and shook her head for a moment.

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