I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1009

But in the shop in front of him, there was no one other than Ali.

"Excuse me, where is Xia Juan?"

Ye Ning finally couldn't hold back, and his eyes fell on Ali.

"Master Ye, you are looking for the boss..."


While touching the back of his head, he was a little at a loss.

At the same time, Ali pointed to the direction where Xia Juan and Yin Bo left.

"Boss and Yin Bo are going to leave the capital to investigate various places."


His face suddenly changed because of Ali's words.

Ye Ning's face was earthy, but he remained calm all the time.

"Then... how long have they been away?"

"Just... just left, Mr. Ye."

"Thank you!"

He dropped the last sentence in a hurry.

Ali didn't even have time to react in the future.

When she raised her head, she saw that Ye Ning had already chased after him without a trace...

"Miss, our first stop is Deyang City, where the economy is rich and not far from the capital, so it's a good choice."


Nodding his head, he seemed to be absent-mindedly responding to Yin Bo's words.

Xia Juan moved forward step by step, unconsciously, he raised his head.

Only then did he realize that he and Yin Bo had arrived at the gate of the city.

"Miss, we have arrived at the gate of the city."

He stopped and raised his head to look at the stone plaque on the city gate.

Yin Bo stroked his beard.

Only then did he take another step towards the outside of the capital.

"Miss, let's go. Before it gets dark, let's go to the nearest inn to rest."

"it is good."

Hearing Yin Bo's words, he still only lightly agreed.

The moment Xia Juan stepped forward, she remained silent for a while, and looked behind her.

Vendors selling goods, ordinary people coming and going, tourists who have just arrived in the capital with emotion...

Everything in front of me is so prosperous and lively.

But there is no sustenance of his own soul.

That's it.

time to go……

Blinking his eyes, he suddenly lost his gaze.

Xia Juan gave a bitter smile, and then sighed, holding her head high.

He regained his former vigor, and turned to leave as if welcoming a new day.

"Yin Bo, let's go."

Stepping forward, his face is full of vitality.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Juan followed Yin Bo just to the city gate, weaving through the crowd and preparing to leave.

But suddenly.

With a cry, Xia Juan was stunned, and couldn't help but stop.

Um?someone called me?

Is it... an illusion?

Blinking his eyes suspiciously, he raised his head.

Only then did Xia Juan see that Yin Bo beside him seemed to have noticed something, and looked at himself, a little puzzled.

Um?Doesn't seem to be my own illusion?

At this time, who will it be...?

Frowning, he turned around in a daze and bewilderment.

But at this moment of turning around.

A black shadow rushed towards his face in an instant.

The rich charm suddenly rushed into his arms.

When Xia Juan didn't respond at all.

Something familiar but soft fell on his lips again.

Both hands.

He also hugged himself at the moment when he lost his mind.

Xia Juan was dumbfounded,

She raised her hands blankly, but remained motionless, her big eyes flickering at the man in front of her who was hugging her.

"do not go……"

"Don't run away... okay?"

The lips were slowly separated, and the face that was too close to see the whole face was gradually separated and gradually became clear.

"You are nothing..."

"It's not some bullshit monster!"

"You are Xia Juan."

With his eyes wide open, he seemed to have lost his thoughts and movements for a moment.

Xia Juan was hugged by Ye Ning in full view of everyone.

He stared blankly at Ye Ning, without saying a word.

"I like you."

It seems that they didn't see the surprised and amazed eyes nearby at all.

Ye Ning finished the last sentence in front of everyone.

Both hands suddenly caressed Xia Juan's face lightly.

The lips also rushed towards the face like a storm in an instant, making everyone dumbfounded.

"Wow! What a loving couple!"

"Isn't this Ye Gongzi and her wife Xia Juan?"

"Wife going out, husband seeing off, what a really loving couple!"

"Mother, does this big sister taste better than pig's trotters? Why does this big brother keep gnawing on her?"

"What are children looking at? Hurry up and close your eyes for me!!!"

A passing mother couldn't help but look at Ye Ning and Xia Juan's embrace and kiss.

At the same time, he quickly covered his child's eyes, not letting him see.


Seeing Xia Juan and Ye Ning like this, Yin Bo finally couldn't help smiling.

Then he raised his hand solemnly, blocking his eyes.

Indecent, don't look at it.


The chattering voices beside him seemed to finally break through the eardrums, bringing Xia Juan back to his senses little by little.

She blinked, and saw Ye Ning clearly in front of her in a trance.

In the next second, she quickly pushed Ye Ning's body away, panting heavily.


"Ye, you want to suffocate me?!"

Putting her hands on her knees, Xia Juan was out of breath.

To find that the people around are looking at him.

With envy and ridicule.

When interested eyes fell on him one by one.

The shy, thin-skinned Xia Juan finally couldn't help the two red clouds appearing on his face, he quickly lowered his head, and couldn't help sticking out his tongue, as if this could relieve the scorching heat on his face.

"Xia Juan, I don't care about men or women."

"Ye Ning just likes Xia Juan."

"That's all."

The moment Xia Juan bowed her head shyly.

Ye Ning took a step closer and whispered in Xia Juan's ear.


"do not leave……"

"you you……"

Stuttering, he hurriedly took a step back, feeling itchy at the base of his ears.

Xia Juan's face was red and her ears were red, and her whole body was hot.

But he was speechless for a while.

He could only bark his teeth and show his claws, getting stuck again and again.

"You are not allowed to kiss me in front of so many people from now on!!!"

"Do you know it's embarrassing!?"

"I lost my life!!"

Embarrassed and embarrassing, he glanced at the smiling people around him.

Some even started to applaud.

Xia Juan felt that he was going to get hot and angry, and felt uncomfortable.

"Ye, do you understand?!"

This is a fierce stare.

Ye Ning was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly nodded desperately like pounding garlic.

"Xia Juan, are you...will you forgive me?"

"I... I... What do I forgive you for?"

He lowered his head and scratched the back of his head helplessly.

Xia Juan's mouth was dry, and he couldn't help swallowing saliva again and again, his mind went blank.

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