I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1011

Especially in front of Yin Bo.

You know, Yin Bo watched him grow up from a young age.

Maybe Yin Bo had seen his useless gadget many times.

Now... I have become a woman.

And then in public with Ye Ning...


In Xia Juan's thinking, she always felt that Yin Bo would think of her former man's body.

Then he thought of the intimacy between himself and Ye Ning strangely.

This damn Ye Ning!

I don't understand... Alas!

In short, Xia Juan also knew in his heart that Yin Bo would not laugh at him.

In other words, in the eyes of others, he and Ye Ning have long been husband and wife.

Then everything should have been done, right?

So for Yin Bo, the kiss between himself and Ye Ning should be nothing.

But Xia Juan still has a hurdle in his heart.

Feel very embarrassed.

She belongs to the kind who knows that passers-by will not pay attention to her.

But I still feel that everyone is watching me and paying attention to my every move.

Such a person has a sensitive heart and always likes to think wildly.

It's like going on the road without saying a word to Yin Bo.

Xia Juan has gone from Yin Bo laughing at his fantasies to Yin Bo holding a symposium and openly fabricating the relationship between himself and Ye Ning...

Chapter 963 Framed


Palace, late at night.

The heavy rain in autumn seems to wash away all the heat of summer.

The torrential rain wet every exposed place in the huge palace.

He was awakened from his sleep by the noise of thunder and rain.

Xia Feiyan panted heavily, only to realize that her head was covered with sweat.

"Huh... so it was just a dream..."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he glanced around for a while in confusion.

"It's raining?"

With a cough, he stretched out his hand to touch his growing belly.



"Hmm...? Strange..."

One side unhurriedly got out of bed.

While habitually shouting Yue'er's name.

But Xia Feiyan called out several times in a row, but no one in the entire palace answered her.

All the sounds seemed to be covered up by the pouring rain.

"Yue'er, where did she go again?"

He frowned slightly, a little unhappy and helpless.

Xia Feiyan felt her mouth was dry and her body was a little uncomfortable.

With weak steps, after putting on a warm coat, he opened the door slowly.

Oncoming is the violent wind and rain, sweeping and twisting in front of your eyes.

In this empty and huge night, it looks very frightening and frightening.

For a moment, I was slightly frightened by this dark rainy night.

Xia Feiyan tightened her clothes, touched her stomach, and walked towards other parts of the palace in doubt.

"Yue'er? Where are you going, girl?"

"Little Fuzi?"

"Strange...why is there no one...?"

Walked through every corner of the palace step by step.

But no matter what Xia Feiyan called, no one answered her.

This... is very abnormal.

As a noble concubine, there are a group of eunuchs and maids guarding her in the palace anytime and anywhere.

The palace... can't be so deserted.

For a moment, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

But Xia Feiyan continued to comfort herself, it was just that she was thinking too much.

She walked timidly and worriedly through every room in the palace step by step.

However, when they pushed the door open, it was all empty.

In the blink of an eye, there was only the last room left.

The shadow of the night and the sound of the rain all around made Xia Feiyan very uneasy at this moment.

She looked left and right, and searched again and again for a while.

Only then carefully opened the last door.


The creaking sound of the door was completely covered by the sudden thunder and lightning.

Xia Feiyan was startled, couldn't help taking a step back, almost fell down.

"It turned out to be just lightning..."

He patted his chest and gradually came back to his senses.

Only then did Xia Feiyan blink her eyes and walked into the last room.

The house was exactly the same as the rest.

No one is in it.

Only the various decorations were distorted by the light reflected by the thunder and lightning into a terrifying shadow.

Xia Feiyan's heart was startled with an ominous premonition from years of acumen deep in the palace.

She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes.

While hesitating, he couldn't hide his panic anymore.

He was about to leave the room in a hurry, as if he was going somewhere.

It was just when Xia Feiyan was about to leave the room.

next second.

A hand has suddenly protruded from the darkness behind him.

Before Xia Feiyan had time to struggle.

A cloth towel containing the drug suddenly covered her face, pressing down Xia Feiyan's struggling body.

until she completely lost consciousness.

He was motionless in the arms of the mysterious man.

Even the increasingly earth-shattering thunder and lightning outside the palace could no longer wake her up...


"Here...where is it?"

The rain was pattering, and the rage was gone.

Even the deafening and disturbing thunder and lightning seemed to gradually become milder, with occasional small tremors.

Xia Feiyan only felt that her whole body was weak and weak.

She stretched out her hand to cover her forehead with difficulty and pain.

The whole person wanted to get up, but couldn't stand up for a while.

Myself... what's wrong?

Xia Feiyan rubbed her head, she just felt as if there was a weight on her body, and she couldn't straighten up at all.

The head is also as heavy as lead.

"What happened to me?"

The cohesion of the spirit is fragmented, and the memory is even more blurred.

It was pitch black in front of him, and the heavy rain completely obscured the remaining moonlight.

So Xia Feiyan slowly opened her hazy eyes.

All I could see was an unprecedented dizziness.

Can't see anything at all.

I am...?

The subconscious sense of crisis and the instinctive panic in her heart made Xia Feiyan struggle and try to stand up.

She groped left and right, trying desperately to wake herself up from the soft bed.

When she finally stood up, she looked down.

Only then did I realize that my clothes were messy, and even...

When the confused but still not sober eyes saw the arm beside him.

Xia Feiyan froze for a moment.

At that moment, she seemed to wake up suddenly, and looked over in a panic.

"This is--"

His face suddenly changed.

In the fragmented memory, the last arm that dazed him from the darkness.

This made Xia Feiyan understand something in an instant.

not good!Someone is going to frame himself!

Xia Feiyan's face was ashen, and she understood in an instant.

But what she never thought of was.

When she took a casual look and saw the owner of the arm next to her on the bed.

Xia Feiyan's brain became blank in an instant.

The whole person froze in place in an instant because of the excessive impact.

Even forget to think.

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