I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1017

On the city wall, dozens of archers who had ambushed suddenly stood up in unison.

The bows and arrows in the hands of each archer are aimed at themselves, and the bowstring is pulled down to the end.

On the street, the people around had already disappeared without a trace, leaving a mess.

All of a sudden, the entire huge city was surrounded by the six-door policemen and soldiers in the city who were rounding up him.


He couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Xia Juan and Yin Bo stood where they were, looking at the fishing nets in front of them.

Behind him, the four major arresting officers have all stood up again, blocking the way.

"Xia Juan, if you don't want to be stabbed into a sieve, you'd better get caught obediently."

Shaking the hook in his hand.

With a coquettish smile, the hook man walked forward step by step.

Every step he takes.

In mid-air, a six-door policeman turned into a black shadow and landed in response.

They were all dressed in black, holding their own weapons in their hands.

With his head down, leaning against the wall with a sneer, he seemed calm and calm, but he was hiding murderous intentions.

in the blink of an eye.

The entire city was filled with people from the six doors!

"Damn it... what the hell is going on?"

"In order to hunt us down, the six gates actually sent so many...?"

No matter how he thought about it, Xia Juan felt that this matter was completely unreasonable.

How serious a crime did I commit unintentionally?

Did the six doors go to great lengths to catch him? !


Damn, I'm afraid something really happened!

A heart inevitably became a little impetuous.

Xia Juan and Yin Bo stared at each other.

Watching more and more black shadows fall on the eaves of the houses, restaurants, and shops one by one.

Seeing that the entire city was blocked by black figures in all directions.

If you want to break through, it may be even more difficult at this moment...

"It seems that they guessed that we would come to find out."

"And I'm afraid even if we don't show up."

"They're also going to be proactive."

From what those few people said just now, Xia Juan understood that he and Yin Bo had been followed for a while.

But he didn't notice it? !

And... what is it?

Followed us for a while?

That being said, this matter has been...

He frowned for a moment, squeezed his magic whip and looked at the arresters waiting in front of him.

Beside him, Yin Bo, who had been silent for a long time, finally lowered his head and spoke softly.

"Miss, you and I will join forces later, only aiming at the same place, and launching an offensive at the fastest speed."

"Before they have time to react, get out of here quickly!"

"Okay! Listen to you!"

He stared sharply at the six-door people who surrounded him tightly.

Xia Juan and Yin Bo talked in secret, then nodded, looking for opportunities.

"You have no escape."

Raising the big knife in his hand, Hei Hu laughed loudly, and casually picked out his ears.

"Xia Juan, you and I are old friends."

"If you go back with us obediently, I will definitely treat you well along the way through the six doors."

"But if you don't eat the toast and take the fine wine—"

"Hehe, then I'll..."

"Eat shit!"


Clasp the five fingers of the hand on the wall, and directly grasp the stones of the entire wall in the hand.

Xia Juan seized the opportunity and flew out.

The stone on the wall hit the bull's-eye directly, and flew a few meters away with the defenseless black tiger.

"good chance!"

Seeing that Heihu was repelled by Xia Juan with a few words.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yin Bo suddenly pushed Xia Juan.

The two burst into a flash of lightning, which flew over the head of the policeman Heihu in an instant.

Chapter 969

"No, they are going to run away!"

"Catch them!"

"Everyone do it!"


The black shadows finally stood up following the order.

Xia Juan only saw countless lights and swords flickering in front of him at this moment, and everyone drew their swords.

The next moment, the densely packed six-door arresters rushed towards them, as fast as lightning, and each of them had at least the strength of the mid-stage Condensation Realm!

"Hit the Whip"

With a glance in his eyes, he reacted quickly.

Xia Juan whipped the magic whip, and the few policemen who approached first were directly entangled with her whip, and they were all surrounded and squeezed together.

"Go away!"

With a flick of the whip, Xia Juan immediately threw the arresters who were entangled and unable to move by the whip, and fell to the ground.

But in the gap between Xia Juan's toss.

The fat man suddenly jumped up high.

The plump and huge body unexpectedly flew up to a height of [-] meters.

Xia Juan only felt that the sun was no longer shining on the top of his head.

Instead, a growing shadow fell.

When she looked up, she suddenly saw the fat man throwing a giant hammer at herself.

"Three pieces of bamboo master!"

The bamboo king has three cuts, using softness to overcome rigidity.

Xia Juan's eyes froze, and the soft whip in his hand trembled, and suddenly became extremely hard again, like a steel mace.


Seeing that Xia Juan not only did not evade, but actually wanted to confront him head-on.

The fat man quickly laughed, but he hesitated for a moment, and rolled his eyes.

"The emperor wants me to capture the three Xia Juan sisters alive."

"If I kill her, wouldn't it be..."

His face changed, and the giant hammer in his hand subconsciously slowed down for a moment.

But Fatty was slow in arresting, but Xia Juan was even faster.

The three sections of the bamboo king, which uses softness to overcome rigidity, condense into a group of feminine green in an instant.

In mid-air, there seemed to be countless bamboo leaves falling, as if they had come to the bamboo forest.

Xia Juan went out with a whip.

In an instant, the fat man only felt that the giant hammer in his hand was wrapped by something.

He was just reacting, trying to retract his weapon.

It was Xia Juan who had taken advantage of the situation to unload his strength.

The fat man quickly passed by uncontrollably, and was driven by his out-of-control force to smash a huge hole in the ground.


This solves the gap for the fat man to catch fast.

There was a silver light in front of him, and several big knives were already falling towards him.

Xia Juan took a step back in a hurry and bumped into Yin Bo's back.

It's just that the two of them can't take care of much at this time.

Xia Juan escaped the sneak attack of the policemen.

With one punch, there was a sizzling electric current that suddenly swelled as the five fingers tightened.

"Thunder Elephant Fist—!"


That suddenly roaring punch landed, smashing a crack on the ground surface, and countless cracks spreading in all directions.

When the Thunder Elephant Fist hit, a huge wave was set off immediately.

Many arresters around were blown away, and flew out in a panic.

"Archer ready!"


Puff puff puff!

On the city wall, it seems that they have seized the opportunity.

Hundreds of bows and arrows also rushed towards him at the same time, the moment Xia Juan just stood up.

"not good!"

Aware of the fierce coming from behind.

Xia Juan took out the flag of the Twelve Heavens' Demon Subduing Order, and was about to turn around to resist.

But just as she turned around, Yin Bo suddenly flew over from the side, and suddenly opened a huge barrier with his hands.

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless bows and arrows fell into Yin Bo's barrier and exploded with a sound.

Yin Bo was expressionless and lost the kind smile that was always on his face.

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