I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1020

Xia Juan was furious, wishing to tear Fu Xingchang into pieces immediately.

She wants to know more.

What was it that brought them down to this point!

"Feng Qiyun... um!"


The moment he raised the long sword with his arm, he was about to stab Fu Xingchang.

A whip suddenly entangled Xia Juan, dragged her down from the sky, and smashed her to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Xia Juan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood that it was the fast catcher Linglong.

"Hey! I told you that you never want to leave!"


The moment Xia Juan got up, the hook instantly landed on the place where she was lying down just now, making a hole.

"Damn...all of them...?"

After cutting off the whip, he looked left and right at the surrounding scene.

Xia Juan glanced slightly, and found that more and more arresters had rushed over.

And those injured people also stood up one by one, gradually waking up.

The situation that had finally changed with great difficulty, fell into a predicament once again after the appearance of Fu Xingchang.

"Come here for me!!!"

He no longer held a sledgehammer in his hand.

The fat man rushed towards Xia Juan with his body trembling.

Those hands were crackling and scratching around, constantly hunting and killing Xia Juan.

"Thunder elephant..."

His eyes narrowed, and he was about to punch him in the face.

But Xia Juan just raised his fisted hand.

The sudden hook had grabbed her hand, causing her to take a step back.


Seizing the opportunity, Fatty's catcher's punch also landed, but Xia Juan dodged it in a nick of time.


Xia Juan waved his long sword, stood up hastily, and broke the hook at the same time.

Behind him, at the same time, there was another big knife brandishing fiercely.

Puff puff!

Xia Juan jumped up, stepped on the wall and did a backflip to avoid the attack of the big knife.

As soon as he landed, he was overwhelmed, and all the densely packed swords came over again.


Xia Juan had no time to take care of the messy attacks that made people breathless.

She backed up again and again, being constantly entangled by the whip and hook, and stopped abruptly from time to time, almost being hit hard.

"Hey! Eat me!"


The hands just broke free again from the entanglement of the flying enemy.

As soon as Xia Juan turned his head, he saw Heihu attacking with a big knife.

At this moment, she could hardly escape and was surrounded by several people.


Under the crisis, only a roar was heard.

In the ruins, it seemed that due to the violent movement, the sky was full of dust again.

Between the dust.

Cang Ku opened his bloody mouth wide, roared violently, swooped over and tore and bit Heihu's body with one bite!


A scream continued.

Xia Juan came to his senses in an instant, soared up and sat on Cang Ku's body.

"Little thing, are you okay?"

Touching the hair on Cang Ku's head, Xia Juan was above the sky, majestic and majestic.


Touched by Xia Juan.

Cang Ku's fierce eyes instantly turned gentle, and he licked his lips.

"Go! Let's save Yin Bo first!"



Riding on Cang Ku, the clothes all over his body crackled.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Juan, the two had arrived in front of Fu Xingchang.


With sharp eyes, Cang Ku opened his mouth wide without hesitation, and bit down on Fu Xingchang.

Seeing this, Fu Xingchang hurriedly repelled Yin Bo.

Suddenly, he grabbed Cang Ku's two canine teeth precisely, making it unable to close its mouth.


A sneering curse.

Fu Xingchang let go of his hand suddenly, causing Cangku's bloody mouth to close suddenly, leaving him empty.

And taking advantage of this moment, Xia Juan swung the long sword in his hand and stabbed Fu Xingchang's head.

However, the other party seemed to have expected to take a step back.


A huge barrier opened from behind Fu Xingchang in an instant.

When he raised his eyes, hundreds of fist shadows appeared in the barrier behind him, and each fist shadow carried overwhelming power.

Under this fierce sudden offensive.

Cang Ku and Yin Bo were beaten uncontrollably and retreated in a panic, and they only managed to stabilize their bodies with a step on the back.



Lying on Cang Ku's body, he was able to raise his head only when he stabilized his body.

Xia Juan shook his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Yin Bo beside him was covered with scars.

Panting violently, as if at any time...

"Yin Bo, your body..."

Seeing Yin Bo being so embarrassed, he was out of breath.

Xia Juan looked at him worriedly, his face pale.

"Miss, this Fu Xingchang is the head of the eight headhunters of the six sects, and he is very powerful."

"And now there are people from Six Doors everywhere, and the situation is critical."

"If we don't leave, our consumption will only increase, and we won't be able to leave even if we want to!"


He raised his head suddenly and looked at Xia Juan.

Yin Bo suddenly slapped Cang Ku's back with a slap.

The next second, under Xia Juan's surprised and puzzled eyes, he suddenly rushed forward.

"Miss, please leave quickly!"

"do not worry!"

"I have my own way!"


The old body stopped Fu Xingchang who was trying to arrest Xiang Xia Juan in an instant.

Xia Juan's eyes widened, before he could speak.

Below him, Cang Ku seemed to suddenly understand what Yin Bo meant.

In the roar, the enemies who came from behind were shocked.

All of a sudden, Xia Juan shrunk to an inch, and leaped away after flying a thousand meters!

Chapter 972

"Yin Bo——!"

Although his body was carried by Cang Ku in an instant, he flew forward uncontrollably for a moment.

But Xia Juan turned around immediately and looked at Yin Bo who was blocking Fu Xingchang.

"Miss, now is not the time to procrastinate."

"Don't you still believe me?"

"I have my own way to leave!"


Expansive power surged out of Yin Bo's body in an instant.

While talking to Xia Juan, Yin Bo raised his eyes and shot out a thunderbolt.

Between his backhands, a vast force frantically gathered in the palms of both hands.

The moment Fu Xingchang was about to bypass him and chase Xiang Xia Juan, he exploded in a flash.

"Damn! I..."

Gritting her teeth, she clenched her fists for a while, but she also knew that now was not the time to hesitate.

Life and death are at stake, and hesitation will only make the situation worse!

Now it's obviously not helpful to stay here.

If Yin Bo had no worries, he would leave alone.

Then maybe it should be...

Gritting his teeth, there was no better way for a moment.

What's more, Yin Bo has always made himself feel extremely safe.

If he said he could go, he would definitely go!

He held his breath suddenly, swallowing the soreness in his eyes.

Xia Juan slapped Cang Ku's body with a slap, and then quickly flew away, turning into a ray of light and disappearing.

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