I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1039

"It's a pity... the current you, a few more are not enough to kill our family!"

With strong killing intent, he looked at Yin Bo and Xia Juan opposite him.

Cao Minghun approached step by step, and his mana surged up, floating his long hair.

Xia Juan finally couldn't hold back anymore.

When Cao Ming got close, he suddenly stood up.

"Cao Minghun, I'm going to fight!!!"

All hatred, all anger.

In an instant, Xia Juan had completely collapsed.

She can no longer keep calm, can no longer control her emotions

She was no longer the Xia Juan who could hold her breath.

At this moment, she roared instinctively, roaring like the most primitive animal.

"Cao Minghun, I want you to die!!!"

"Thunder Elephant Fist——!"


The explosion caused the giant elephant's punch to fall suddenly.

However, Cao Ming on the opposite side behaved calmly.

He slowly stretched out his hand.

The Thunder Elephant Fist was completely wiped away by his ordinary palm in an instant.

"Want to kill me?"


The fist wrapped in Cao Minghun's palm twisted instantly.

Xia Juan only felt a sharp pain in his wrist.


It was as if the bones in the wrist were about to be broken by Cao Minghun in an instant.

Xia Juan wailed, but gritted her teeth again, holding back the tears of grief.

"I want you to die!!!"

Holding on to the death bite, another punch recklessly exploded away.

But this punch was suddenly grabbed by Cao Minghun's other palm again.

"Humph! It's just you?"


An irresistible force threw him flying in an instant.

Xia Juan only felt his body lose weight.

In the next second, the whole person slammed down hard on the ground, a burst of unbearable pain.

"It seems that you are very disobedient."

Shaking his head, he walked in front of Xia Juan with a sigh.

A killing intent that could no longer be suppressed finally flashed in Cao Ming's eyes.

Also with strong banter and disdain.

"I broke your tendons first, and then I crippled all your mana!"

"When the emperor gets tired of playing with you, our family will send you to the best brothel in the capital."

"I want you to watch yourself being played by everyone."

"But there is nothing you can do!!"

Jie Jie smiled, frantic.

Cao Ming looked down at Xia Juan with a disdainful gaze, dismissively.

His arm was slowly raised, a force gathered, and it went towards Xia Juan's limbs in an instant.

"Basalt scale armor!"


The retreating body was instantly embraced by another force and thrown flying.

At this critical moment, Xia Juan only felt that the vision in front of him was reversed.

next moment.

Cao Minghun's condensed power fell to the ground, directly triggering a huge explosion.

The explosion exploded like a huge mushroom cloud.

In an instant, Xia Juan only saw himself and Yin Bo who was blocking a blow for him.

Under the impact, both of them couldn't control their bodies and flew out.

Fell down towards the bottomless cliff.


Biting the sticky blood that kept coming out of his mouth, he tore off a piece of clothing around his waist with his last breath.

With a wave of Yin Bo's arm, the clothes in his hand instantly turned into a cloth towel that flew out quickly, wrapping around Xia Juan's body.


Holding the cloth towel in his arm, he turned his head and punched it directly into the edge of the cliff.

Yin Bo's fist was carrying the cloth towel, and it stuck the clothes in the crevices where the clothes were smashed out of the cliff.

With a sudden flick of the cloth scarf, Xia Juan's body entangled in the air came to an abrupt stop in mid-air, staggering.

It's just that Yin Bo's body seemed to have no more strength for a moment.

With that final punch and deadpan.


With howling winds, it suddenly fell to the bottomless cliff, and was completely covered by the clouds under the cliff in an instant.

"Yin Bo——!!!"

His body was hung by Yin Bo's clothes, and he was flying in mid-air at a moment's notice.

But Xia Juan took a quick look and saw Yin Bo fell into the cliff, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

No more sound.

There was no time to rescue him.

He watched Yin Bo leave helplessly, but he could only stretch out his hand, trembling fingers, and stared wide-eyed.

at this moment.

Tears slowly fell from the eye sockets little by little, scratching the cheeks.

Xia Juan remained motionless, staring blankly at the depths of the cliff where there was no longer anything in front of him.

Looking blankly, the whole person is as numb as a walking dead.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"This is what happens when you fight against me!"

With a cold smile,

Seeing Yin Bo falling into the cliff, he died.

Xia Juan was seriously injured again and was suspended in mid-air.

Cao Ming raised his brows faintly, not angry but pretentious.

With his backhand, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, and was about to arrest Xia Juan again.

But at the moment when he jumped up and took off suddenly.

Suddenly, a talisman slowly drifted down, mixed in the wind and came over silently.

But it fell suddenly again in an instant.


"What is this?!"


He reached out and grabbed Xia Juan.

But in an instant, he felt a strange force coming towards him.

Cao Ming's complexion changed, and he raised his head hastily.

The moment he looked up.

A talisman suddenly fell through the air and exploded on Cao Ming's stunned body.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

A series of huge explosions instantly caused Cao Ming to retreat step by step in a daze, and hurriedly fell back to the original place.

The entire precipice finally couldn't hold on anymore in this terrible explosion, it was completely shattered, and fell into the abyss.

Also at this same time.

When the explosion of the talismans stopped.

A crane's cry that resounded through the sky suddenly climbed up, and spread like ripples on the cliff, so mellow and clear.

"Juan'er, catch me——!!!"


The white crane spreads its wings and dances like the wind.

Coming in the wind.

Xia Huaimu and Cao Huo sat on the white crane with serious expressions on their faces.

In the blink of an eye, they quickly stretched out their hands to grab Xia Juan's clothes, and suddenly they wanted to drag her up from the cliff.

"Second sister!"

His eyes trembled, and he came back to his senses.

After seeing Xia Huaimu and Cao Huoyi, Xia Juan finally couldn't hold back the tears and nodded.

"Juan'er, Ye..."

"Who? Dare to sneak attack on our house?!"

When the sisters meet each other, Xia Huaimu is grabbing Xia Juan's arm and trying to pull him onto the white crane, asking what?

But at this moment, Cao Minghun suddenly came back to his senses, and burst through the air again.

"Not good! I didn't expect Master's Heaven-shaking Talisman to stop this person?!!!"

"What kind of strength is this person?!"

Paled face.

Behind Xia Huaimu, Cao Huo didn't stay for long when he saw Cao Minghun, and chased him again in an instant.

Immediately, he quickly drew out his weapon and went head-on.

"Huai Mu, Xia Juan, let's leave quickly!"

"Okay! Baihe, let's go!"


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