I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1053

"I also hate the kind of person who occasionally... teases me."

"If you ask me to tell what you hate about him, I can talk about it for three days and three nights."


But some things are just so wonderful.

It may be two parties who have no intersection.

The two who may have reunited after a long absence.

It is also possible that they are tit for tat...

Sometimes, many things are unpredictable, let alone guessed.

Just like Xia Juan never imagined that when he left the capital that day, he would agree to Ye Ning...


Or is it a pursuit?

In short, every time I think about it, Xia Juan will feel that he must have fallen ill at that time and fell ill.

Otherwise, how could I...

But if he really returns to that moment.

Then, will I make another choice?

Xia Juan had no answer in his heart.

But there was no turmoil in her heart, but no resistance, no anxiety, no miscellaneous thoughts before.

What is there is the peace of being at ease with the situation.

Silent down, no longer speak for a long time.

The two just lowered their heads, thinking about something.

One raised his head and looked at the moon overhead.

For a moment.

A bitter laugh finally broke the silence.

Ling Xia Juan turned around in an instant.

"It seems... I lost..."

Sighing, shaking his head with a desolate smile.

Jian Feiyu lowered his head dejectedly, as if he became exhausted and weak at this moment.


Hearing Jian Feiyu's voice, out of the corner of his eye he saw the other party shaking his head and smiling wryly.

Xia Juan twitched in his heart, wanting to say something.

But hesitated.

She could only hold her breath again, and kept silent for a while.

"Well... it's almost my turn to observe the prison."

Looking at the moonlight above his head, Jian Feiyu was silent for a while, then suddenly stood up.

"Jian Feiyu, you..."

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will help you rescue your uncle and aunt."

Shrugging, Jian Feiyu turned around and looked at Xia Juan.

"After all... I also hate these guys from the imperial court."

He smiled lightly, and then a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Jian Feiyu's gaze wandered a few times, and before Xia Juan had time to react, she quickly left her sight.


I couldn't say it for a while, and I didn't know if I was doing it right.

But at least... In any case, I really don't have any feelings for Jian Feiyu.

That being the case, we can't give him a little bit of hope and cause misunderstanding.

Otherwise, it will only cause more trouble in the future.

As for whether I like Ye Ning or not...

Hearing the sound of Jian Feiyu's footsteps gradually drifting away, they disappeared.

Xia Juan sighed and sat down again.

She curled her lips and took out the portrait again.

"You guy..."

"At Mu Qing's birthday party, she still looked very cherished."

"But look, it's turned into such a dirty mess now..."

"You guy..."

"Why don't you show up in front of me quickly and make me angry at you and beat you..."

Taking a deep breath, he slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, Xia Juan opened his eyes again, scanning the stained portrait in his hand, with a sad expression on his face.

"I don't know if there is any way to restore this portrait to its original appearance."

"and many more……"

"original appearance?!"

There was a sudden twitch in my mind, as if I remembered something.

In the next second, Xia Juan quickly put away the portrait, and then hastily took out the treasure bag. The whole person rummaged through the boxes inside, not knowing what to find.

After a while of ups and downs.

Somewhere in the treasure bag.

An identical portrait stored neatly and cleanly.

Finally, Xia Juan embraced him excitedly...


a year ago.

dong dong dong!dong dong dong!

"Who is it? It's already midnight..."

"Sir, it's me, the one who asked you to draw a portrait today!"

"Oh... so it's Mrs. Ye, what's the matter so late."

"Sir, please draw another portrait of Ye Ning alone, I need it urgently!"

"Urgent matter? But Mrs. Ye, didn't I give you two?"

"That... I accidentally lost that one... In short, please trouble you, sir, I promise that you will be satisfied with the reward!"

"This... oh! Well, well..."

With a creak, the door slowly opened.

After struggling in the room for a long time, Xia Juan finally hid the portrait that was about to tear off half of Ye Ning in the drawer.

Then I ran to the painter's house in the middle of the night to ask for another pair...

I, I will definitely be able to find a good wife for the surname Ye!

At that moment, Xia Juan made a vow, believing in the vision and strength of himself and the matchmaker!

Chapter 1003 Can't Wait Any Longer

"Gudong Gudong Gudong..."

The wheels of the prison cart spun and rubbed against the slate, making a piercing and loud sound.

In the prison car.

Xia Yuanpo, Mrs. Zhou, Ye Ditian and Ye Mu were all put on heavy shackles, and their shawls were scattered.

A look of embarrassment and weakness, motionless.

The prison car was surrounded by a group of escort soldiers forming a circle.

Followed by a group of gold-medal assassins wearing bamboo hats, each of them held a different weapon in their hands, and a golden token hung on their waist, which was very flamboyant.

It seems that he doesn't care at all about others knowing his true identity.

Even showing off.

"What are you looking at? Let's go!"

"Go away, be careful to catch you too!"

"Scatter, scatter, don't get in the way!"

"Little brat, go, go!"

At this moment, the street that the escort team with the prison van passed was even more blocked.

The guards in the city formed a formation, blocking the curious people around.

Pushed them aside one by one, so that the escort team could move forward without any hindrance.

"Look, Juan..."

With the strength of his hands, his head slowly poked out from the high-rise building.

Xia Huaimu, Xia Juan, and Cao Huoyi were all covered with veils, holding their weapons tightly.

The three of them looked around and saw that the densely packed crowd below was very frightening.

And these people surrounded the center.

It was the parents I had worked so hard to find!

He clenched his fists for a moment, but knew that now was not the time to be anxious.

Xia Juan's eyes were sharp, and she nodded as soon as Xia Huaimu finished speaking.

"Well... now I'm waiting for Jian Feiyu."


"There should be no problem?"

For a moment, he turned his head slightly and looked to the other side.

Follow the vision of Xia Juan and the three of them.

Go to Cangcheng, east of the city.

With a neat turn, Jian Feiyu stepped on the wall, and jumped off the roof in a hurry with his mask on.

"It seems that the escort team has already set off."

"I have to hurry up!"

With a random sweep, you can see a dense crowd in front of you, all of whom are watching the excitement but are blocked from the outside.

This time has attracted the attention of many people.

It can be said that almost everyone in the east of the city ran over to join in the fun, wanting to see what happened.

This, on the contrary, made Jian Feiyu move more freely, so he didn't have to be afraid of being noticed by others!

Nodding his head, he looked at the crowd and sneered for a moment.

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