I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1065

"But when I went there, I saw a mess and the flames of war."

"Ya Yan and I saw the figure of Cang Ku in a hurry, and luckily we chased after him."

"But Juan, what happened?"

"What's the situation now?"

"Can you tell Third Sister?"

Chapter 1014 Letter


After a moment of hesitation, Xia Juan let go of Xia Lingqiu.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Xia Huaimu and Cao Huoyi following up.

"Let me tell you."

Seeing Xia Juan's face showing embarrassment.

Xia Huaimu was silent for a while, then looked at Mrs. Zhou behind her, and confirmed that her words would not be heard by her, then nodded with a sigh.

"We planned to rob the prison van."

"But this time, the dog emperor Qi Chenlong sent too many forces."

"Six Doors, Dongchang, and even Jinyiwei have all come out."

"We were severely injured by Park Yushi, the commander of Jinyiwei."

"Father and Uncle Ye..."

"In order to let us escape, they took the initiative to stay and intercept Pu Yushi..."

The voice did not fall.

Xia Huaimu's voice weakened more and more, and finally closed his mouth.

"Now father and Uncle Ye are in the hands of Jin Yiwei, and they will be escorted to the capital soon."

After Xia Huaimu's voice stopped, the whole cave fell into a terrible and suffocating silence.

Xia Juan took a deep breath and broke it helplessly.

"And Third Sister..."

"Our home is gone...all...all gone..."

"Eldest sister... Eldest sister was killed by that dog emperor."

"Bo Yin died to save me..."

"Ye Ning is also missing..."


By the end, I felt a surge of emotion.

Xia Juan pursed her lips, lowered her head and closed her eyes.

Don't let the sad and uncontrollable side of yourself show.


The clenched fist made a crisp sound at this moment.

Xia Lingqiu, who was always lively and optimistic, raised her head and forced a smile on her face.

"So... so what they said is true?"

"Back then I... I was called over in a hurry by Master, and asked me to leave quickly. I didn't even have time to ask."

"After I went down the mountain, I saw groups of officers and soldiers heading towards Zhiyue Palace."

"At that time, I knew something must have happened..."

"I went down the mountain and heard news from Eldest Sister... Eldest Sister."

"Hehe...I...I will never believe that...that kind of inexplicable news!"

"These guys like spreading rumors the most, and they like..."

"But then I hurried back to Taiping City, everywhere...all...Juan'er, Huai Mu..."

"How...how could this be..."

"How did that happen?!"

The eye sockets were red and swollen, and tears kept swirling in the eye sockets.

Xia Lingqiu held back his breath, not letting his tears fall.

But he couldn't control it, so his whole body was trembling slightly.

The whole cave fell into a terrible silence after Xia Lingqiu's voice fell.

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

The heavy pressure of many days broke out completely from the depths of everyone's heart in an instant.

Everyone felt a suffocation.

I feel the despair of the whole world as if the sky is collapsing.

Everyone stood there blankly with their fists clenched, their heads blank, but they seemed to be thinking about something.

Until a slight cough.

It caught everyone's attention in an instant.

"It's Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Ye is awake."

As soon as Cao Huo woke up first, he looked back and spoke immediately.


Xia Juan also came back to her senses, turned around in a hurry, and walked in front of Mrs. Ye.

Beside her, Xia Huaimu, Xia Lingqiu and a group of people also followed immediately, and walked up to Mrs. Ye who had just woken up.

"Ahem...here...where is it?"

There are still some blurred eyes that cannot be opened, and the coughing is accompanied by the pain of the injury.

Xia Juan and Cao Huo helped Mrs. Ye up and put her beside Mrs. Zhou.

After putting it down, Xia Juan hurriedly knelt aside and looked at Mother Ye worriedly and nervously.

"Aunt Ye, it's me! Xia Juan!"

"Don't worry, you're fine now, it's safe here!"


Subconsciously repeating Xia Juan's words.

After a while, Mrs. Ye suddenly thought of something again, and grinned with difficulty for a moment.

"So it's Juan..."

She stretched out her hand and touched Xia Juan's face, which was blurred in front of her eyes.

Then, he looked left and right for a while, as if he was looking for something.

But for a while, I couldn't see anything clearly.

He could only squint his eyes and look at Xia Juan wearily.

"Juan'er, Ning'er... Where's Ning'er?"


The sound stopped abruptly, and stopped in an instant.

Xia Huaimu, Xia Lingqiu and the others behind them looked at each other, but they could only lower their heads.

In that moment.

Guilt, helplessness, sadness, loss and trance...

Countless emotions are like a bomb.

It exploded from Xia Juan's body in an instant, contaminating every inch of her soul and every internal organ.

"He He……"

He stammered, but for a moment he could only dodge his eyes, not knowing what to say.

He hesitated for a long time.

Xia Juancai finally held Mrs. Ye's arm, interlocked her fingers, and showed a faint smile.



"Ye Ning... He went out with my father and the others to clear up our grievances and to find evidence..."

"He...he will come back..."


He squeezed Mrs. Ye's fingers, and spoke sincerely and firmly.

But very soon, Xia Juan felt someone behind him pushing him.

In doubt, she looked at Mrs. Ye who fell asleep again.

Then he turned around and looked at Xia Lingqiu who was pushing him.

"Third sister, you..."

"Look at us, patronizing...hehe..."

Wiping his eyes, he cheered himself up with a forced smile, but he was dying and no longer had the youthful and lively atmosphere he had before.

Everyone stood up together.

Xia Lingqiu lowered her arms again, and once again regained her pale embarrassment.

"Anyway, I almost forgot one thing."

"Juan'er, this is for you..."

Tossed and turned in his arms for a while.

In the next second, Xia Lingqiu hurriedly took out an envelope and handed it to Xia Juan.

"For... for me?!"

Surprised and puzzled, he glanced at Xia Lingqiu.

Xia Juan was at a loss.

Both a little ignorant and confused.

But she, who was smart, guessed something for a while, and felt agitated in her heart.


Impossible... Impossible...!

Although he was refuting his absurd idea in his heart.

As if that seemed like an unattainable wish.

But Xia Juan was still in a hurry, and hurriedly opened the envelope in a hurry.

I don't care about the eyes of the people around me and the tears that cut my cheeks.


The envelope was torn open and thrown aside.

Xia Juan's whitish fingers gripped the white paper tightly.

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