I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1089

Severe pain, accompanied by unwillingness and shock.

Qi Chenlong couldn't believe it, and he struggled desperately to look at Qi Xiunian.


"How dare you kill your father?!"


"You dare to kill me...?"

Blood gushed out of the constantly opening and closing mouth, making Qi Chenlong's words blurred and hazy.

He looked at Qi Xiunian in front of him in despair and dumbfounded, hesitating.

However, he watched everything.

Qi Xiunian was indifferent, instead he smiled faintly and crouched down unhurriedly.

"You don't want to be emperor!"

"Don't you want to take my throne away!"

"In this world, a patricide beast will not be allowed to ascend to the throne!"

"I won't let... let you go!!!"

The unwilling and desperate eyes disappeared little by little with the weakening and passing of life.

Qi Chenlong saw Qi Xiunian crouching down, but suddenly, he didn't know where it came from, and desperately grabbed Qi Xiunian's body.

Qi Xiunian dodges.

But Qi Chenlong still grabbed hold of his clothes, and was dragged forward by the other party.

"Qi Xiunian, how dare you kill... your father!"

"You...you bastard!"

"I... I absolutely..."

"I will never let you go!"

"This world will not...will not let you go!!!"

The whole person seemed to be dying, roaring heart-piercingly.

Unwillingly, Qi Chenlong stretched out his hand to grab Qi Xiunian and kill him.

He bared his teeth and claws, and while waving his arms, he suddenly grabbed Qi Xiunian's clothes.

The neckline that covered the birthmark was hooked by fingers at this moment, and pulled suddenly, revealing the ugly birthmark hidden inside.

"You bastard... wait?"



The dagger in front of his chest was pulled out the moment Qi Chenlong sensed something.

A fishy smell came up from his throat suddenly with blood, making Qi Chenlong unable to utter a single word.

He staggered back.

I no longer have any strength in my body.

But he, with his eyes firmly fixed, stared at Qi Xiunian in front of him in disbelief.

It seemed that he wanted to say something.

But he could no longer speak.


"rest in peace."


The voice just fell, just right.

The moment Qi Xiunian shook his head, Qi Chenlong's eyes could no longer concentrate for a moment, they were completely scattered.

Those dull eyes.

With unwillingness.

with anger.

With surprise.

It came to an abrupt end in despair and grief.

Then it landed with a bang!

The golden dragon robe was horribly bright amidst the luxurious carpet and the gorgeous pool of blood.

It is like a peerless piece of art that suddenly blooms after being gorgeous.

Quietly watching Qi Chenlong die, lying on the ground without any movement.

Only then did Qi Xiunian come back to his senses.

Carefully and unhurriedly, he pulled up his collar again, covering up the ugly birthmark.

He walked back step by step to the ground where he had just been lying on.

The coagulated blood on his body dyed him into a blood man, which made people feel creepy.


Unprepared, and also without any symptoms.

Hold your breath and close your eyes.

Like a corpse, Qi Xiunian suddenly fell to the place where he had just lay down.

not moving at all……

"What did you say? The emperor was assassinated?"

"The second prince rebelled?! This... how is this possible!"

"Where is the emperor now?"

"What? The second prince ran away?"

"Damn it, you... ah——!"

Not long after.

Accompanied by a hasty conversation and a messy and trivial footsteps.

In a hurry.

Cao Minghun followed Shen Yangyu and the others back to the palace in a hurry.

However, the dazzling scene in front of him made Cao Mingwan's complexion pale for a moment, and he took a step back in an instant, almost falling to the ground.


Seeing Cao Minghu lost his composure in this way, his face panicked.

Shen Yangyu was puzzled and turned his head away.

Waiting to see Qi Chenlong lying in a pool of blood and being stabbed by a dagger.

He was taken aback for a moment, then frowned involuntarily.

Then he turned his gaze and saw another dead Qi Chenlong's stand-in.

Suddenly, he finally widened his eyes, and ran to Qi Chenlong's side like a galloping horse.



The loud roar could not wake up the closed eyes.

Shen Yangyu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The trembling arm was tangled, so he lifted it up little by little, and poked towards Qi Chenlong's nose and mouth.

Fingers, did not feel any flow.

In that short moment, Shen Yangyu's body froze, and he couldn't help trembling for a moment.

"How's it going?!"

Panting heavily, Cao Ming looked at Shen Yangyu with trepidation.

A pair of eyes, both fearful and eager, seemed to be waiting for something.


The voice is constantly shaking, and the mind is already chaotic and blank.

Shen Yangyu blinked.

If there is Ruowu's voice, it is revealed little by little along with the breath.

"The emperor... has passed away..."


Great surprise and shock.

In an instant, Cao Minghun and all the eunuchs and guards with swords behind him looked at each other and took a step back.

The guards with knives and the eunuchs peeked at each other.

Then immediately knelt down.

Cao Minghun shook his head and struggled left and right.

After a while, he suddenly saw something again, and ran past Shen Yangyu in a hurry.

"Cao Minghun, you...?"

Seeing Cao Ming running past him in a hurry.

Shen Yangyu came back to his senses for a moment, knelt down and at the same time turned his head to look at Cao Minghun's trace in bewilderment.

But he saw him walking past Shen Yangyu.

Cao Minghu ran to Qi Xiunian's side without stopping.

"Prince Prince?"

"Prince, are you alright?!"

Carefully and quickly, he turned Qi Xiunian over and hugged him in his arms.

Cao Minghun quickly reached out and probed Qi Xiunian's mouth and nose.

Suddenly, an uncontrollable smile finally appeared on that frightened face.


"The prince is still alive! The prince is still alive!"



"The prince still has breath..."

Cao Minghun's voice suddenly made Shen Yangyu and the others nervous.

They quickly stood up and ran to Cao Minghun's side, just about to speak.

Cao Ming's complexion changed, and he raised his head.

"What are you doing standing there?!"

"The Imperial Physician!"

"Hurry up and declare the imperial physician into the palace!!!"

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