I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1103

"Then..." Seeing everyone walking forward one by one, they were about to leave.

Li Chengye touched his nose, swallowed the pill in one gulp, and scratched the back of his head.

"Junior Sister Lingqiu and I are about to return to Zhiyue Palace."

"Then I'll go with you too!"

He came forward and nodded to everyone.

Li Chengye grinned, then suddenly raised his fist and shouted loudly.

"Then let's all unite together!"


"Set off!!!"

Chapter 1049 Enthronement Ceremony

The mighty crowd.

Following Li Chengye's voice and Cao Huoyi's joining, it seemed to be pushed by a force.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared unknowingly.

The bustling backs of Xia Juan and the others drifted away.

Until the back is elongated by the setting sun.

Only then did Jian Feiyu's body lean against the side of the house lightly, revealing a limp.

He was unwilling, jealous, but looked at everything with relief.

quietly staring.

like forever...


Tianlong 27 years.

The capital is in chaos, with mixed fish and dragons.

As a result, the defense in the palace was relaxed.

Emperor Qi Chenlong was assassinated and passed away strangely.

Three more days.

Prince Qi Xiunian, who was seriously injured, finally woke up from a coma.

The Crown Prince of the East Palace, who is justified in his name, inherits the throne.

In the 27th year of Tianlong, at the end of autumn.

A heavy rain in late autumn washed away the blood all over the capital.

Everything seems to have never happened or existed.

Also on that auspicious day.

The enthronement ceremony was held in the capital.

The deafening drumbeat caused everyone's heart to pound.

On the huge platform of the grand ceremony.

Wearing a golden dragon robe.

Qi Xiunian had a look of grief for losing his father.

With the responsibility and weight of a dynasty.

Step by step, he walked towards the throne under the light of the sky fire.

As for the civil and military officials of the Xian Dynasty, everyone was dressed in official robes and stood below with their heads bowed.

Quietly watching Qi Xiunian walk to the dragon seat.

"It's auspicious time."

"When the new emperor ascends the throne, the world will be established, and the sun and the moon will prosper."

"All ministers pay homage!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!!!"


The black crowd roared loudly.

All the civil and military officials who stood quietly finally knelt down at this moment.

Also at the same time.

Qi Xiunian finally reached the end of the high platform and saw the glittering golden dragon chair.


"Zhen, I will definitely let my country live in peace and prosperity for generations to come!"


The dragon robes fluttered in mid-air and spun violently.

Qi Xiunian wiped his tearful eyes.

In an instant, he turned around and sat on the dragon chair, overlooking the civil and military officials below.

Overlooking the numerous armies.

The whole world, at this moment, already belonged to him!

The enjoyment of this kind of power made him unable to help closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of the desire in the air.

Silence for a while.

Only then did he slowly open his eyes, and looked at a person who was dressed differently and not wearing an official robe.

"Ye Ning."

"Wei Chen is here."

He raised his head unhurriedly.

Ye Ning glanced at Qi Xiunian in awe, then walked forward at once.

Now Qi Xiunian is no longer the prince, but the emperor.

The title and behavior between the two.

Especially in the enthronement ceremony, in front of civil and military officials, he was even more cautious.

So Ye Ning behaved meticulously and very seriously.

Seeing him like this.

Qi Xiunian couldn't help but smile.

"Ye Ning, you are my friend."

"It's also my confidant!"

"Wei Chen is frightened."

Smiling lightly, he spoke impeccably.

As soon as Ye Ning finished speaking, Qi Xiunian shook his head and sighed.

"Do you think that I only rewarded you with extraneous wealth that day, and you are unwilling?"

"I don't dare! Ye Ning is very grateful for the emperor's reward!"

Head down.

Let all civil and military officials hear their voices.

See how you behave.

Ye Ning finished speaking.

Qi Xiunian finally couldn't help but nodded.

He looked at all the ministers below.

"Ministers, have you seen it?"

"This... is my confidant."

"Okay! Ye Ning listens!"

The sudden turn of the voice caused the eyes of the civil and military officials below to stare, as if they suddenly realized something.

Ye Ning couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

But still quickly half-kneel down.

"Ye Ning, you have assisted me since I was still the prince."

"Now, I will appoint you as the Minister of Defense of the court, manage the civil and military officials, and continue to be my right-hand man!"

"You...will you?!"

Squinting his eyes, his voice gradually weakened.

Qi Xiunian looked at Ye Ning.

Ye Ning froze for a moment.

The next second, he nodded hastily.

"My humble minister, thank you for the bestowal from the emperor!"

The voice fell.

Under the dragon chair, there are already all the ministers, Huaran.

All of a sudden, civil and military officials came in an endless stream, whispering to each other.

The sky of the Xian Dynasty seems to be really...

It's about to change!

"Congratulations, Minister Wei, the emperor has the help of Minister Wei, it will be like a tiger with wings added, and my virtuous dynasty will be prosperous forever, rich and prosperous!"

"Yes, congratulations, Your Majesty! With such a talent as Mr. Wei Xiang, my virtuous dynasty will surely be governed by the Emperor, and the weather will be smooth for thousands of years!"


After a while of looking at each other, they were silent.

Finally, with the voice of the first person.

Unknowingly, all the civil and military officials below clasped their hands together.

She flattered and complimented Ye Ning and Qi Xiunian.

Looking at the thriving look underneath.

Qi Xiunian was satisfied, as if everything about the civil and military officials was in his own mind.

He couldn't help but smile.

Unable to restrain himself from nodding his head, he squeezed the noble dragon's head on the dragon chair.


Hearing the compliments around him more and more.

Everyone is congratulating themselves, flattering, flattering.

Ye Ning was a little abruptly happy.

He couldn't help but frowned slightly.

For a moment, his curious eyes looked at Qi Xiunian who was sitting on the dragon chair.

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