I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1124

In short, it's all the wine's fault.

If you don't drink, you may not be the one who is oppressed!

So in a thousand words, this wine is the root of all evil!

Confused, he looked at everything in the room.

Xia Juan pondered for a while, finally closed her eyes, and shook her head resolutely.

"No, I can't continue to rest here any longer."

Xia Juan didn't want to sleep halfway by himself.

Suddenly he was stabbed in the back.



She doesn't want to have any more intimate contact with Ye Ning.

Don't say anything else.

Let's just say that if she was really pregnant...

A headache!

A woman's body is trouble.

If he was a man, how could Ye Ning...

Why did I think wrong again? !

If I were a man, I would still be called by Ye Ning...

Oh, it's a mess...

Taking a deep breath, he stroked his stomach.

Wait until you feel your stomach is very flat.

Xia Juan nodded reassuringly, and then left the room.

"In short... From now on, I will share a room with Ye!"

"If we sleep together again... who knows if he will make an inch of it?"

"This guy has become a guard now, so he is very courageous. I am a vulnerable group now, and I must strike hard!"

He pursed his lips, thinking deeply for a while.

Anyway, there are so many rooms in Wei Xiang's mansion.

Still use choice?

So I simply gave up thinking immediately.

Xia Juan randomly found a room, which looked cleaner and more comfortable.

Then lie down and prepare to sleep soundly.

It's just that human beings are really such a wonderful thing.

Obviously not long ago I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes.

But now lying down, he is full of energy.

You can even have a duo.

Ahem...that's an exaggeration.

But all in all, when Xia Juan really lay down.

Instead, she felt restless, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

For a moment.

Those big watery eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at the ceiling above his head.

"Damn...why don't you feel sleepy at all?"

Obviously very tired.

But every time I close my eyes, I dream of so many things, and I can't fall asleep.

This feeling really made Xia Juan uncomfortable.

Tossing and turning in bed.

Until I finally felt very painful, almost out of breath.

Only then did Xia Juan leave the bed dejectedly, and returned to the pond in despair.

The Weixiang Mansion is better than the house that Qi Xiunian once rewarded.

There was also a lot of Ruchang Mansion that Ye Ning bought later but burned.

That's why.

The whole mansion, on the contrary, gives people a deserted feeling.

It's like a dead palace.

A man was lying on the edge of a stone chair in the pond with his chin resting on his hands.

Xia Juan couldn't help sighing, her trance-like nerves made her a little sentimental.


Isn't my dream to come to the capital, do a great job, and then live in a high-rise building in the capital?

just now……

I can be considered a respectable figure in the capital.

In terms of career... I haven't done a big business myself.

It was given by Ye Ning...

Forget it.

Anyway, now Mr. Xia's takeaway is starting again, and with Qi Xiunian's help, it's smooth sailing.

Although it is a little worse than what I imagined to show my skills in government.

But enough, just barely.

As for living in a big house.

In fact, the compound in the capital seems to be not much better than the one in Taiping City.

So Xia Juan wants to come now.

All my wishes seem to have come true.

But it seems that...the realization is not complete.


Wishes come true.

Although I can live on my own now, I no longer have to rely on my parents.

I also have my own family.

But...it's totally different from what I imagined, okay?

I am quite someone else's husband.

Instead of wives who give birth to children.

not to mention……

His eyes looked in the direction of the lobby unconsciously in a trance.

Xia Juan watched quietly for a while.

After a while, he blinked and lowered his head.

The capital... seems not as interesting as I imagined...

Be a high official and honor your ancestors.

It seems also...


Unknowingly, he yawned and raised his chin on his face.

Xia Juan rubbed her eyelids.

Between thoughtful.

I just feel that the pond in front of me is getting more and more fake.

It was getting darker and darker.

In the end, it completely turned into a parallel black line, and disappeared all at once.

I don't know how long it took.

A gust of autumn wind blew past, causing the body to shrink instinctively.

Xia Juan felt that his consciousness began to split chaotically.

Until something suddenly covered her back.

It was the instinct of a martial arts practitioner that made Xia Juan's eyes widen for a moment, and he turned around.



A sharp punch hit the past.

But in an instant, it was wrapped by another bigger palm.

"You are fair."

He glanced at Xia Juan lightly.

Ye Ning spoke between.

The clothes covering Xia Juan's body also slipped off and fell to the ground.

"You bastard, when did you become so thick-skinned?"

"You can say that."

The two sat quietly by the pond, their legs dangling by the pond.

Xia Juan still finds it difficult to resist those intimate titles.


This has become an instinct of hers.

Or more prepared to say.

She seems to have always been disgusted with that kind of nasty stuff.

Although... it doesn't seem to be very nasty.

"Didn't you say you were going to rest?"

"Why are you still by the pond?"

Understand Xia Juan's personality and temper.

I have long been used to the other party's words.

Ye Ning grinned, looked at Xia Juan, and brushed her messy hair behind her ears.


You are happy, I am happy, he is happy, Pineapple Bun is happy, the first son is happy, readers are happy, everyone Happy National Day!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!everyday happy!Happy month!Happy New Year! —— "Happy Sutra"

It is purely for entertainment, and the number of words did not cause excessive charges. I wish you all a happy holiday.

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