I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1146

In fact.

Qi Xiunian didn't speak.

No matter what the ministers below said, they didn't dare to speak legitimately.

Everyone was waiting for Qi Xiunian to express his opinion.

But something like this...

How can you agree?

If he agreed, then Xian Dynasty would not only be ridiculed and cede the city.

Even with the originally adequate strength, there will be an extra vacancy in an instant!

No matter from which point of view, no one would agree to this condition of the Profound Sky Spiritual Realm.

But unfortunately, it seems that things backfired.

He quietly stared at Yuan Hongxi and Situ Cheng for a long time.

After a while, Qi Xiunian nodded suddenly.

"Okay... I agree to King Lingwu's request."


"Think twice, Your Majesty!"


Almost the moment Qi Xiunian spoke.

A whole row of ministers stood up in unison, and suddenly looked at Qi Xiunian in amazement.

For a moment, Xia Juan also uttered doubts in disbelief.

She glanced away.

But found that Ye Ning's face was even more gloomy.

But at the same time, his face was even more expressionless, making it impossible to feel what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty! The land of my Xian Dynasty is the past emperors..."

"Think twice, Your Majesty! Now our military strength is..."

"Your Majesty! This matter needs to be discussed again!"

An endless stream of voices.

In an instant, the whole banquet suddenly became bustling like a vegetable market.

Many ministers finally couldn't hold back anymore.

They stood up one by one, speaking impassionedly.

Sitting on the dragon chair, eyes closed.

Qi Xiunian listened to all the sounds quietly, and finally only showed a touch of helplessness.

"What do you think of the palace?"


Qi Xiunian's calm voice came out.

The ministers who spoke impassionedly came to an abrupt end, realizing what the occasion was.

But...but it's a big deal.

Even though Qi Xiunian said so.

Many loyal ministers still couldn't help but shook their heads, hesitating to speak.

"Ministers, I have my own ideas."

Finished speaking to all the ministers who stood up.

Qi Xiunian glanced away.

Ye Jing was found sitting quietly on the spot.

He nodded and looked at Yuan Hongxi and the two of them again.

"My Xian Dynasty and Tianxuan Lingyu have been allies since ancient times, and have always been good friends!"

"Ministers, are you going to destroy the friendship between the two countries?!"


For a moment, everyone was speechless.


Many people have already started to narrow their eyes, seeming to suspect that Qi Xiunian really has his own plans.

Seeing that everyone calmed down a little.

Only then did Qi Xiunian smile contentedly and continue talking.

"I believe that all the ministers are loyal to the Xian dynasty and to me."

"It's an eventful time now."

"Both the Xian Dynasty and the Tianxuan Lingyu have encountered unprecedented disasters."

"We should go through adversity together, regardless of you and me!"

"If the enemy is present and our two countries still regard it as an enemy, wouldn't it mean that we will be defeated before the enemy arrives?"

This sentence followed.

All of a sudden, the civil and military officials below had their eyes crossed for a while, and they were speechless.

more specifically.

I dare not say...

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Seeing that the ministers who stood up one by one slowly sat down again.

Situ Cheng grinned, stood up hastily, and bowed.

"Your Majesty, now our two countries are allies, and we should share the same hatred!"

"In fact, this time, apart from borrowing troops and borrowing cities."

"In order to express my sincerity, I, Tianxuan Lingyu, would like to propose a happy event to His Majesty!"


Qi Xiunian raised his eyebrows, and turned his head away with great interest.

"Master Situ, what's the occasion?"

"Your Majesty, since Xian Dynasty and Tianxuan Lingyu are allies, they are close friends."

"Then why don't our two countries have a closer kiss?"

With a faint smile on his face, he suddenly took a step back.

Under all that gaze.

Situ Cheng slowly looked at Yuan Hongxi beside him, and nodded.

"Your Majesty, my crown prince in the Profound Sky Spiritual Domain is alone so far, and there is no crown princess to accompany me."

"Since the two countries are friendly."

"Why don't your majesty and my emperor become sons and daughters in-laws, an eternal alliance?!"

Chapter 1088 Princesses

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of discussion again in an instant.

good guy...

You want the city.

Army you want.

Now you even want women!


It is indeed normal for the two countries to form an alliance, and the children of the monarch or the royal family to marry.

So there was no objection to this matter for a while.

after all……

Isn't the princess raised by the court come in handy at this time?

So in an instant.

Although it caused a heated discussion, no one objected.

Almost everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Only Xia Juan found out.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Ning was still the same serious.

It even makes people wonder if he has lost his mind.

"Ye, what do you think...?"

He tugged at the corner of Ye Ning's clothes.

Xia Juan carefully asked Ye Ning while everyone was whispering.

Ye Ning's face was no longer just indifferent in an instant.

He came back to his senses and glanced at Xia Juan.

While thinking, he shook his head.

"Watch what happens."

It is almost the same as the other words just now.

Xia Juan finally found out that Ye Ning has now turned into a log.


Things are really weird today...

Or rather unpredictable.

Xia Juan was not a member of the imperial court, nor did he know much about officialdom.

So she couldn't tell exactly what was going on.

But a woman's intuition told her.

This matter...is something wrong!

Frowning, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Qi Xiunian who was sitting on the dragon chair.

It really is the same as everyone.

Qi Xiunian smiled, and readily agreed without any hesitation.

"it is good!"

"I'm thinking the same thing!"

"Come on!"

After waving his hands, a little eunuch hurriedly knelt down in front of Qi Xiunian.

"The emperor... the servant is here!"

"Well... bring the princesses who are staying in the palace now, and say that I have found a good husband for them!"

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