I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1155

In less than a short time, he sold himself out...

Xia Juan's time can be said to be indescribable.

But this incident was indeed caused by meddling in my own business.


Isn't this what Ye Ning likes to do?

When did I become so nosy like him?

it's good now……

Qi Xiaoxiao directly said in front of Manchu Wenwu that she had done this disguise for her.

What should I do?

He was also speechless for a while, staying where he was, not daring to raise his head.

Until Xia Juan felt Ye Ning's "friendly" eyes.

The body suddenly trembled.

"Ma'am, are your three urgent matters really different from others?"

With a low voice, he spoke in a low voice.

But that chilling tone immediately made Xia Juan lower his head even more, and stuck out his tongue.

"I... I... I think the princess is pitiful!"

"The surname Ye... I really... I really..."

"I know I was wrong..."

"But what should we do now?!"

Talking softly with Ye Ning.

Xia Juan swallowed with difficulty.

She raised her head cautiously.

But found that many ministers had glanced over.

One by one, they looked at themselves, chattering without knowing what they were talking about.

Those eyes... It was as if he was laughing at himself.

Treat it like a freak.


Follow that gaze and sweep over.

Xia Juan took a closer look, only to find that most of those eyes were not on her.


Ye Ning beside him?

"It seems that the Minister of Defense is young after all, hehe... the godwife is like this, alas..."

"I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for my Xian Dynasty to be handed over to such a young man..."

"The majestic Mrs. Wei and the princess of a country joined forces to make a mess on the day of the alliance. It's really..."

"The princess is still young, and she is innocent and lively, so she is still reasonable. I remember that Xia Juan was also a ghost spirit who gave advice..."

"Breaking the alliance between the two countries, now that Xia Juan is in trouble..."

"I'm looking at the position of Minister of Defense, and Ye Ning's child won't be able to do it for long!"

Ye Ning's appointment as the Minister of Defense was a source of criticism.

Because he is too young.

Even if many of the policies he implemented reversed the disadvantages of the Xian Dynasty to a large extent.

Even if he does have the capital.

But facing ministers of civil and military affairs who are over half a hundred years old.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Ning is almost like a babbling baby, ridiculous and incompetent.

Many people flatter Ye Ning on the surface.

But in private, they gang up again, waiting to see Yeoning's jokes.

Then kick him down until he can't get up.

And Xia Juan is Ye Ning's only wife.

She even had a fight with Princess Qi Xiaoxiao at the alliance banquet for such a short while.

Naturally, they dare not accuse Qi Xiaoxiao, who is a princess.

But Xia Juan and Ye Ning...

After a while, many people finally caught a trick, constantly ridiculing, yin and yang.

As smart as Xia Juan, he naturally saw the chaos and intrigue in the court at this moment.

She finally understood.

The reason why Ye Ning is so busy every day that she doesn't even have time to sleep is to prove something.

He...has been doing really well

But because of himself, now he has to bear...

For a moment, guilt arose in my heart, and I couldn't bear it.

Xia Juan immediately lowered his head again, not daring to look at Ye Ning.

He didn't dare to look at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

It's just that the vague rumors spread into Xia Juan's ears, which made her feel a little uncomfortable all the time.

Maybe... it's because she's a woman now.

When I heard that Qi Xiaoxiao didn't want to be forced to get married.

The emotional side of being a woman makes Xia Juan resolutely decide to help the other party.

But when I saw that Ye Ning began to suffer some slander and trouble because of him.

That vulnerable side reappeared.

It also made Xia Juan bite her lip for a moment, and couldn't help clenching her small fists.

Chapter 1096 Being Targeted

Also at this time.

A burst of warmth suddenly enveloped the back of Xia Juan's hands.

It made her flustered eyes tremble, and she raised her head.

"Do not talk."

"Don't listen to others either."

"I..." nodded, Xia Juan was about to speak.

"To shut up."

Faint two words.

Xia Juan's words of "treating the body in the same way" fell into Xia Juan's ears.

Just keep her mouth shut for a while.

Pouting his mouth, he nodded obediently and calmed down.

"Xia Juan—?!"

Seeing that there is a lot of discussion in the court below.

on the dragon chair.

Qi Xiunian narrowed his eyes, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes for a moment.

He turned his head away and glanced at Xia Juan.

Facing him was Ye Ning's resolute yet downcast eyes.

"Xia Juan...?"

"Who is that?!"

Under the dragon chair, he did not notice the eyes of civil and military officials and Qi Xiunian's movements.

As soon as she heard Qi Xiaoxiao say a name that was a little strange to her.

Yuan Hongxi suddenly became more interested.

He pinched the disguise fragment in his hand.

Raising his head, he looked at Qi Xiaoxiao again with curiosity and interest.

"Princess, can you show me this person?"

"What... Xia... Xia Juan?"

Recall Xia Juan's name.

Then Yuan Hongxi looked down at the debris on the ground with emotion.

"Over the years, I haven't seen such an interesting and powerful disguise."

"The person who performs this disguise technique has definitely and very rich experience in disguise."

"Princess, don't worry! I will never force you to marry me!"

"But I have one condition."

"I hope you can tell me, who is Xia Juan?!"

"Where are you now!"

"I promise I won't pester you!"

Yuan Hongxi finished speaking excitedly and hastily.

Qi Xiaoxiao in front of her was still trembling a little at this moment.

"Xia Juan... Xia..."

Instinctively chanting Xia Juan's name.

Qi Xiaoxiao's eyes froze for a moment.

At this moment, he slowly scanned the crowd.

In the end, it stopped abruptly and landed on Xia Juan, who was blocked by Ye Ning with one hand.


Seeing Qi Xiaoxiao's eyes stopped abruptly, and she fell into the crowd.

Then Yuan Hongxi raised his head curiously.

When he looked up, he found that many ministers in all directions were also looking at the same place at this moment...



"Could it be that Xia Juan is a minister in this virtuous dynasty?"

Almost all those who can participate in this banquet today are important ministers of the Xian Dynasty.

Due to the large number of people, Yuan Hongxi didn't pay too much attention to it just now, so he just scanned it casually.

But having said that...

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