I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1170


Crooked way!

No matter how downcast I am, it is impossible for me to degenerate to the point of cultivating such low-level things as Shuangxiu's unique skills and Yin-shrinking skills.

Shaking his head, he came back to his senses.

I'm a little tired from practicing today.

Naturally, Xia Juan jumped off the ice platform unhurriedly by himself, preparing to leave the Bingxuan Cave Mansion.

With a wave of Xia Juan's hand, the Bingxuan Cave Mansion was tearing open, and was about to shuttle away.

But Xia Juan moved.

In the ear, Han Minzi's voice suddenly came out of nowhere, and entered Xia Juan's mind all at once.


"I feel it, the flaming element is in the capital."

"And it's very close to you!"

"You kill it quickly! Get the power of the opponent's flame!"

"In this way, I will have enough strength to help you and become a man!"

Chapter 1109 Elements


Upon hearing Han Minzi's words.

Xia Juan stepped back tactically for a moment, and hesitated for a while.


Han Minzi was also confused by Xia Juan's reaction for a moment.

He was awkwardly silent for a while.

Then, he glanced at Xia Juan suspiciously.

"You... don't you want to be a man?"

"I...Of course...Of course I want to..."

He stammered and nodded his head with a forced smile.

Xia Juan thought about it for a moment, and suddenly realized that he was really... quite contradictory!

Human beings, in fact, often spend their lives amidst contradictions and entanglements.

Just like Xia Juan.

When I first became a woman, it could be said that I dreamed of turning back into a man.

But now I have been a woman for two or three years...

To be honest, although Xia Juan still complains often, she often dislikes her body.

But if you say you hate it... it really doesn't count.

on the contrary……

Now, unconsciously, I have gotten used to this woman's body.

In words and deeds, there are also some women's feelings.

If he turns back into a man, then if he is not careful... I am afraid that he will be laughed at by others.

And at that time, I had to adapt again.

So...to become a man, what Xia Juan will face is a brand new and strange body.

The habits of the past two or three years will be emptied again in a short time.

And the most important thing... is Ye Ning...

Myself... um...

Although I don't want to admit it, I don't want to admit it.

I'm even more embarrassed to admit it.

But Xia Juan had to admit that he... did promise Ye Ning...

Anyway, I promised him something...

If I rashly turned back into a man like this...

Isn't that... a little... a little selfish?

In fact, I have been selfish for a long time...

From the first meeting of the two until now, he has always been selfish, while Ye Ning has always been selfless.

Now if I am selfish again...then...

This is no small matter.

So Xia Juan found that he seemed a bit reluctant.

I feel even more ashamed.

But if you want to say that you won't change and return to a man...Xia Juan is unwilling.

After all, I used to be a man, and after becoming a woman, Xia Juan has been working hard to become a man all the time, even by hook or by crook.

Now an opportunity is in front of him, but he has to give it up.

It has to be said that Xia Juan was in extreme pain.

This is like a money fan who regards money as his life.

After the collapse of society, he stumbled upon a large pile of gold and silver treasures while fleeing for his life.

Take it... Not only did it delay my escape, but it is useless now.

But don't take it...

With so many gold and silver treasures right in front of you, how could you really have the heart to turn around and leave?

Perhaps in fact, that pile of gold and silver has long been useless.

But years of habits and obsessions have formed a kind of inertia.

Therefore, this combination of contradictions instantly made Xia Juan stand there in a daze, motionless, not knowing what to do.

In fact, it is simpler.

It's just that I chose Ye Ning...

Or choose yourself?

People who don't do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth.

Logically speaking, with Xia Juan's previous personality, there is no need to hesitate at all, and he will naturally choose himself immediately.

But... the development of many things is often unexpected and unimaginable.

Just like Xia Juan who disliked Ye Ning in the ruins.

They would never have imagined that after a few years, the two of them would...everything that was supposed to happen happened.

Fate is incredible.

"Girl, what are you thinking?"

"Could it be...you are really used to your own woman's body?"

"The power of Zhiyan has gone away little by little."

"Are you really going to waste all your efforts for several years?"

A slightly sarcastic voice pierced Xia Juan's ears, making Xia Juan feel a little uncomfortable.

She always cares about saving face, this is the fault of the children of the family.

It is also because of this that she is afraid, or shy, to laugh at herself now with those who know that she was once a man.

That's why he was so excited by Han Minzi.

Although Xia Juan was flustered for a moment, he could only close his eyes and nod his head, agreeing to Han Minzi's request.

"I know……"

"I just... just recollect the cultivation just now, can't I?"

"Old man, why are you in such a hurry?"

Rolling his eyes, he glanced at his mouth pretending not to care.

Xia Juan had just left the Bingxuan Cave Mansion, and according to Han Minzi's reminder, he left the Wei Xiang Mansion step by step, and headed towards the southern city of the capital.

Now it is nightfall.

It has been several hours since Xia Juan left Qi Chengwang and started practicing.

At this moment, the street is full of people coming and going, brightly lit.

From time to time, Xia Juan could still see the employees of his own Mr. Xia's takeaway shuttle among the crowd, like flying over walls.

It's just that Xia Juan's mind at this time is naturally not on them.

After all, Han Minzi told himself that Zhiyan was in the capital.

And it's almost here...

At that time, what on earth should I do?

First of all... It is obviously unrealistic to kill him.

Killing someone in the capital, even if he is Mrs. Wei Xiang now, is still a great risk.

And if people know about it, maybe it will be used as a political bargaining chip to frame him and Ye Ning.

What's more, Xia Juan didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

This is not her good heart, nor is it the heart of the Virgin Mary.

It was purely due to Xia Juan's disposition as a child of an aristocratic family.

Some things they disdain just disdain, because they are "nobles" and belong to an aristocratic family.

It has its own personality and its own rules.

So the closer it is to the so-called flaming element.

Xia Juan's head became more and more cranky, thinking about what he should do.

But no matter what, since I came out, I went to have a look.

Let's see what is going on with this so-called flaming element...

"Girl, it's right here!"

"Left, look up!"

Left, look up...?

Frowning, he stopped for a moment.

Xia Juan hid in the darkness, quietly raised his head.

under bright lights.

On the second floor of the restaurant, on an open window.

A figure was holding a wine glass upright, looking very lonely, a little dazed, drinking dull wine.

"Old man, is this the person?"

His eyes stared at the man who was drinking.

After Xia Juan inquired, she realized that she hadn't found any mistakes.

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