I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 128

This time it really happened!

I jumped down from the Fengxue building, afraid that I would be mistaken for some robber and thief!

Xia Juan gritted her teeth, and desperately supported her embarrassing body.

Unable to control herself, she slammed into the wall violently, relying on it to maintain her balance.

Xia Juan raised his head, but saw that Ruoxi looked at him coldly, and withdrew the scimitar in his hand.

It seems that because of the patrol team coming, she didn't jump down together.

Ruoxi turned and left, leaving only a window flapping with the wind.

"I have to leave now!"

The patrol has found itself.

Na Ruoxi also went downstairs, she must be coming towards her.

In order to hide the eyes and ears, hide everything.

Dongchang would rather kill by mistake than spare anyone who might know about them.

Dongchang's methods are indeed brutal and domineering!It doesn't make sense!

"One day, I will definitely want the entire East Factory, as well as the governor of the East Factory, Cao Ming, who passed out without a burial place!!!"

With a roar, Xia Juan knew that he couldn't drag on any longer.

Frantically, he activated his last intermittent mana.

Xia Juan kept swallowing one pill after another for herself, stumbling and running away.

"Stop! Stop for me!"

"Little thief! Where can I escape!"

"The powerhouse of the capital, how can you allow such a scum to exist! Stop for me!!!"

When the patrol team saw Xia Juan running away, they finally stopped staring at each other and rushed over.


Xia Juan looked back and found that the patrol team was almost at hand!

Turn around again.

Na Ruoxi was hiding on a wall behind the patrol, showing a ghostly smile, looking at herself quietly.

Xia Juan was furious in his heart!

But her body is not as fanatical and powerful as her heart.

The increasingly weak body made Xia Juan panting and having difficulty breathing, so he could only run away instinctively.

She didn't know what poison Dongchang had poisoned herself.

But no matter what, you must not be caught.

Once he was caught by the patrol team and thrown into the prison.

At that time, Dongchang is fully capable of killing himself before Qi Changping and Yin Bo find him and rescue him!

That's why Xia Juan must not be caught, otherwise she will be slaughtered!

"Cough cough!"

Coughing a few times, he stumbled and hurried into a small alley.

Behind him, the patrol also ran in non-stop.

Xia Juan was weak, his whole body felt groggy, and he couldn't get his energy up.

"How...how could this happen?!"

She raised her head, but suddenly realized that she had unknowingly walked into a dead end!

"There it is!"

"She can't run away."

"It happened!"

Xia Juan panicked and hadn't reacted yet.

Suddenly, Xia Juan felt his mouth was covered by something.

In the next second, a powerful force grabbed her and pulled her into a darkness.

"What about people?!"

The moment Xia Juan disappeared into the shadows, the patrol team finally ran in.

But facing them.

Just an empty cul-de-sac.

"Runned by her?!"

"Damn you little thief! You really have no law!"


Seeing that Xia Juan had escaped, he searched, but to no avail.

Those patrol soldiers finally turned and left cursing.

"Huh? How could this be?!"

Above the eaves, Ruoxi finally pulled off her veil, revealing a beautiful face, frowning.

"Escaped by her..."

Seeing Xia Juan's disappearance, a trace of fear and fear appeared in her eyes for an instant.

"I missed it again this time, it seems that my adoptive father will never let me go..."

With a wry smile.

Pulling back the veil, Ruoxi disappeared into the night.

But on the other side, Xia Juan in the darkness only felt that he was restrained by a huge force.


Xia Juan didn't know who the other party was.

But the fear of the unknown kept her struggling and breaking free.

He kept trying to push away the opponent's arm covering his mouth.

"Young master, it's me."

It was Yin Bo's voice.

Xia Juan was taken aback for a moment, and the strength in his arm also relaxed.

She quickly looked up and found that it was Yin Bo.

"Bo Yin!"

Xia Juan finally relaxed, and fell limply on Yin Bo's body.

Her body was really exhausted and she had no strength left.

"Yin Bo, how do you know me..."

"Young master, I saw that you didn't come back all night, so I couldn't let go, so I came over to have a look."

After finishing speaking, Yin Bo raised his head and looked at the empty night.

"It seems that Dongchang has been looking for opportunities to get rid of us."

"The night is dark and windy and kills the night!"

The corner of Xia Juan's mouth twitched a few times.

"No matter what, I will definitely make Dongchang pay the price in the future! But..."

"Bo Yin, do you want to tell Qi Changping about this?!"

Yin Bo pondered for a while, but shook his head.

"The third prince may not really trust us. After all, young master, you have only been with him for a few days. It is not to the point of real trust."


Xia Juan nodded.

Indeed, the two have not been together for long now.

He doesn't believe Xia Juan, and Xia Juan doesn't believe him either.

This naturally requires a process, as it should be, in line with common sense.

If you appreciate someone like those novelists say, you will instantly trust them unconditionally.

That would be ridiculous and ridiculous.

Employing people without doubt, doubting people without using them, that is also based on a certain understanding.

"If Qi Changping also becomes suspicious and mistakenly thinks that we really know something, then we will be two people at that time."

Xia Juan thought for a while, then raised her head and talked to Yin Bo.


Yin Bo supported Xia Juan, and slapped her on the back, forcing the poison gas out.


The poisonous gas was slowly expelled from the body, and Xia Juan gradually regained some consciousness.

But suddenly, he looked up and saw another figure running in hastily.

It seems that there is a great urgency and no slowness is allowed.

Xia Juan took a closer look, and instantly frowned suspiciously.

"Why...how is it him again?!"

Chapter 164 Am I a Longyang addict? ! (Emperor Yan plus 4)

Ye Ning.

It's him again.

This guy makes Xia Juan very, very, very annoying!

At this moment, he was wearing a somewhat plain black robe, and ran over like the wind.

"Why are you missing?!"

He seemed to be looking for something, looking left and right in the whole alley.

"Just now I saw that those patrols seemed to be leaving from here, but..."

I looked around in a hurry, but the surroundings were empty, there was nothing at all.

"Damn it! I don't know how Xia Juan is doing now! But I think the patrol team seems to have left soon, and they should have already left..."

Ye Ning just finished speaking this sentence.

On the other side, Xia Juan, who was halfway through the poisonous gas, couldn't help it for a moment, and spewed out with a "poof".

She really couldn't help it.

Dare to love... Dare to love this Ye Ning...

Why did he come here in such a hurry to find me? !

And look at him like this.

It seems that he knew that he was hunted down by the patrol team, so he came here to rescue him? !

This guy……

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