I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 16

"How about Ah Juan, let me say this, do you regret coming out with your third sister?!"

Xia Lingqiu rested her arm on Xia Juan's shoulder, shaking it as the two moved forward.


Xia Juan sneered.

"Third sister, don't underestimate me."

"I know, you didn't cultivate the Nine Heavens Xuanming Strength, and you were reborn from the cocoon, so your body recovered!"

Speaking of this, Xia Lingqiu kissed Xia Juan's face again with pain and happiness.

Xia Juan was rubbed awkwardly by her third sister, and broke free unhappily.

"In a blink of an eye, you have grown up so much... I remember the last time I went home, you still... hiss—"

Suddenly thought of something, Xia Lingqiu looked at Xia Juan suspiciously.

"Strange! Ah Juan, why do you seem... to be shorter than before?!"

"Crap... nonsense... cough cough!"

Xia Juan's face flustered for a while, he rolled his eyes unnaturally, and walked faster, causing Xia Lingqiu's arms to hang down.

"what happened?!"

Xia Lingqiu withdrew her hand and followed.

Behind him, Li Chengye followed closely with a package in his hand.

"That...you yourself said that you were reborn from the cocoon, so my figure is a little thinner than before,"

"Oh—yes! I almost forgot!"

Muddle through.

"But you can make up for being thinner. Health is the most important thing! Seeing that you can go out with Third Sister now, I'm really relieved!"


Xia Juan smiled awkwardly.

But third sister...

There are some things that you can't make up for no matter how much you eat!

And what I am most afraid of is making up the wrong place.

I'm afraid that it will get bigger and bigger, and when the time comes, I can't hide it, and I will suffer...

"Eh? Ah Juan, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?!"

"It's okay. Third sister, let's hurry up."

"Well, that's right."

Xia Lingqiu nodded, and Li Chengye beside him finally followed up quickly.

"Junior sister. Little brother. We probably won't be able to make it to another city tonight. I think it's better to stay here after dark."


Xia Lingqiu has no objection, obviously this kind of thing is normal for people who walk the rivers and lakes.

"I have no problem, it's just... A Juan? What do you think?!"

Xia Juan was pampered and pampered since she was a child, and she was afraid of melting if she held it in her hands.

As Xia Juan's elder sister, Xia Lingqiu naturally knows how luxurious her fourth brother lives.

She was afraid that Xia Juan would not get used to living there and would not be able to sleep.

"Listen to Third Sister."

Xia Juan's expression was flat, and he didn't say much.

Now that things are settled.The three continued on their way until the sky gradually darkened.

In the end, there was no way to continue walking.Xia Juan and Xia Lingqiu sat down and waited in place, while Li Chengye went to find a place to live.

Originally, Xia Lingqiu wanted to go out together, but Li Chengye insisted on not letting go, and secondly, he was afraid that something might happen to Xia Juan.

"Junior Sister! Junior Sister!!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the darkness, and a group of faint flames approached.

"Junior Sister, I found it!" Li Chengye was panting.

In some pitch-black caves, a faint fire filled one corner.

There was an uncomfortable smell in the air, like the excrement left by animals, or the traces of wind and sun.

But Xia Juan just frowned and didn't show anything, the three of them sat down to rest together.

"Are you thirsty?"

Li Chengye took out the skinny water bottle and handed it to Xia Lingqiu.

Seemingly feeling embarrassed, he realized it all at once, and quickly took it to Xia Juan again.

"No need. Give it to my third sister."

Xia Juan sneered, didn't bother to pay attention, and leaned against the wall, slowly fell asleep.

The cave was pitch-black, and we kept talking along the way.

Everyone was a little tired, and soon Xia Lingqiu and Li Chengye lay down in the same place and fell asleep.

As for Xia Juan?She was already sound asleep.

After half a day, she was indeed a little tired, and her legs were sore as if they were about to explode.

If it weren't for Xia Juan's good foundation and martial arts, he might have died long ago.

So, a woman's body just doesn't work!

Xia Juan attributed everything to her current body.

In a daze, Xia Juan came to a dreamlike place.

"Am I dreaming?!"

Can't tell the truth from the fake.Xia Juan frowned and stared blankly at everything in front of her.

In a weird and twisted fantasy land, there is only a huge shrouded body in front of him, and something seems to be trapped inside.

Looking at it from a distance, it is a little blurry.

"Where is this place?!"

"anyone there?!"

"If you pretend to be a ghost again, don't blame me, Xia, for being rude!!"

There is no response.

Xia Juan remained vigilant all the time, and walked towards the shrouded body step by step without haste.

"Strange... Could it be that there is really no one?" Xia Juan turned her head in doubt, "Then here again..."

Halfway through the speech, it stopped abruptly.

That huge body envelops me, myself! ……No!It should be said that the former self, who was still a man, was trapped inside, motionless, as if dead.


Xia Juan was startled.

"My body is still there! I'm saved...I'm not a woman anymore! I'm not a woman anymore!!!"

Overjoyed, Xia Juan closed her eyes and slapped the shrouded body with a palm.

Not moving.

"What?! How could this be?!"

Xia Juan roared and slapped again, but it was of no use at all.


It seemed that he had touched something, and suddenly there was a muffled movement in the enveloped body.

My body... was still split, as if torn apart by a pair of invisible giant hands...

"No...no! No way! Give me back! Give me back my body!!!!"

Xia Juan lost his mind for a moment, and his fists bombarded indiscriminately like crazy.

But it was useless, of no use at all.The shroud remains unscathed.

Inside, the body that belonged to me, the dignity of a man, has been completely shattered, completely disappeared, and is constantly turning into ashes.

"No! Don't! I beg you! Whoever you are! I beg you! Give me back my body! Give me my body..."

"Give it back..."

He sat up suddenly, and saw a beautiful scenery in front of him in an instant.

Flocks of birds spread their wings and flew over the big trees in the sky, away from their sight.

The sun has just risen, and the daylight is weak, presenting a unique freshness.


Xia Juan was dressed roughly, sweating profusely, and her body was soaked from the beating.

"Just now...was I having a nightmare?!"

Xia Juan stared blankly at everything in front of her, unable to tell whether it was real or not.

Chapter 27

It's a pity that soon, the pain in his chest told himself that all this was true.

Xia Juan grinned and twisted her body, she felt that the circle around her chest should be green at this moment.

It hurts to touch it lightly.

Presumably it was because I was tied too tightly that my breathing was not smooth, uncomfortable, and my nerves were tense, so I had nightmares.

Xia Juan panted like the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

"A Juan, are you okay? Have a nightmare?!"

Xia Juan looked up and found that Xia Lingqiu and Li Chengye had woken up and were packing their things.

As soon as Xia Juan was awakened, Xia Lingqiu hurried over and hugged Xia Juan.

"How is it? Would you like some water?"

"Third sister, I'm fine."

Xia Juan shook his head and swallowed.

"It's just that the breathing in the cave is not smooth, and I have a nightmare... It's just a trivial matter."

Xia Juan read in the book before that if the breathing is not smooth, it is easy to have some reactions.

So what I said is true and false.

"Then it's okay. You scared me to death just now."

"Yes, yes! I was worried about what happened to you, little brother."

Li Chengye came over.

"Little brother, do you want to take a break? We'll wait for you."

"No need." Xia Juan said with a cold face.

"Oh..." Li Chengye scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Then after you wash up and eat some dry food, let's go."


Xia Juan nodded expressionlessly.

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