I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 192

"But the East China Sea is so big, almost boundless, how do we find it?!"

Xia Juan frowned, seeming to be having a hard time.

"Qi Chengwang, we are looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"If it was simple, I wouldn't have found someone like you to help me."

Qi Chengwang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded to Xia Juan.

"I don't eat this set."

Xia Juan was a little disgusted and didn't bother to pay attention.

But inside...

To be honest, I was a little bit excited.

"Forget it, anyway, let's go to the East China Sea first."

"it is good."

Taking advantage of the lateness of the sky, Qi Changping's men haven't chased him down yet.

Xia Juan and Qi Chengwang walked side by side.

In his haste, he was afraid of alarming Qi Changping.

So no horse riding either.

In fact, Xia Juan was already able to fly through the clouds and fly with his sword.

But Qi Chengwang is not yet in the state of concentration, and it is impossible for Xia Juan to really carry his back like a slave.

So naturally, we can only accommodate each other.

But that's fine, anyway, Xia Juan is not in a hurry.

The reason why she agreed to help Qi Chengwang was not because of the big cake he drew.

Rather, she had read it in a book.

The Xian Dynasty had four seas: the East Sea, the West Sea, the South Sea, and the North Sea.

Among them, the East China Sea is the beginning of the day, so it belongs to the Ming Dynasty!

It is the most resplendent and majestic place in the entire Xian Dynasty.

Legend has it that there are countless races in the East China Sea.

Water Dragon Clan, Mysterious Turtle Clan, Soaring Snake Clan...

There are even rumors that the vast East China Sea is the place where many Da Luo Jinxian live in seclusion.

This is to the East China Sea.

Xia Juan wanted to see whether the East China Sea was as described in the book.

Second, I have to have a lot of adventures.

Only in this way can he improve his own strength and wake up Han Minzi.

Otherwise, he would offend both Dongchang and Qi Changping.

Without strong means, I am afraid that I will die soon!

The two traveled day and night without stopping.

During this journey, Xia Juan discovered that although Qi Chengwang was good at hiding.

But maybe it's his carefree, cynical performance that has infiltrated his psyche.

Into the drama too deep!

So much so that Qi Chengwang's private life is actually somewhat inexplicably interesting.

He always had one or two sentences that Xia Juan couldn't help but smile.

But sometimes, Qi Chengwang would be surprisingly quiet again, as if he was thinking about something.

This guy seems to have a schizophrenia.

The situation is special, cloudy and sunny.

Another burst of torrential rain.

Xia Juan and the two hid in the cave, lit a fire, and roasted their wet clothes.

"Give you."

Qi Chengwang handed the baked dry food to Xia Juan.

Xia Juan is not polite, nor will he be afraid of Qi Chengwang's so-called prince status.

Xia Juan just took a bite.

I found that this dry, hard dry food can be roasted so crispy, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Raising his head again, he suddenly found Qi Chengwang staring blankly at the beating orange light.

The dry rations in his hand had been scorched black.

With Xia Juan's previous character, he should have ignored it and cared about himself.

But now, Xia Juan hesitated for a moment, but spoke coldly.

"Hello! Qi Chengwang."

The piercing ice pierced into his ears, instantly awakening Qi Chengwang.


He quickly blew out the coke-like dry food that was still on fire.


Qi Chengwang carefully picked up the dry food and tore off the coke skin on the outside.

"You can still eat inside."

"What are you thinking?!"

Xia Juan was expressionless, but frowned slightly, as if he felt a little abnormal about Qi Chengwang's performance.

"It's nothing."

Qi Chengwang grabbed a small piece of dry food and stuffed it into his mouth, smiling bitterly.

He raised his head and pointed to the crackling raindrops falling outside the cave.

"Today is my mother's memorial day. It's just that no one remembers it except me..."

"Royal ruthless, that is."

Xia Juan nodded thoughtfully, didn't ask any more questions, and started eating on his own.

"Actually... I just want to give my mother a title."

"My father's so-called love is nothing but use!"

"It's a pity that my mother is too simple to understand... and finally died in the palace fight."

"Ha, I've said too much..."

Talked to himself for a while.

Unknowingly, the eye sockets became a little rosy.

Qi Chengwang smiled awkwardly and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Before he knew it, he had eaten up all the dry food in his hands.

Including those parts turned into coke.

"Anyway...Xia Juan, thank you for agreeing to help me!"

"As long as I get the reward from my father, as long as our power is cultivated and developed, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

"It's just mutual use."

Xia Juan sneered.

After wiping her hands clean, she lay down and curled up as if asleep.

"I know."

Qi Chengwang shrugged.

"But I still want to thank you."

After all, Qi Chengwang sat on the other side and lay down too.

Unknowingly, the flame stopped beating.

The rain also gradually stopped.

Maybe it's because the journey these days is too tiring.

Qi Chengwang was actually sound asleep, motionless.

But on the other side, Xia Juan was also sleeping soundly just now.

Suddenly, her eyes widened.

"Oops! I actually forgot that it was mine recently..."

His face blushed for a while.

He looked down at his lower body.

Xia Juan stood up cautiously, for fear that Qi Chengwang would notice his strangeness.

She stood up, her eyes cast aside Qi Chengwang who was beside her.

"Huh... Fortunately, he didn't wake up..."

"Fortunately, the rain stopped outside, I have to go out quickly..."

Tiptoeing, and looking back at Qi Chengwang from time to time.

Soon, Xia Juan left the cave.

I found another secluded and deserted place, tidied it up, and put on a new dress for myself.

A woman's body is trouble!

After all, I, Xia Juan, am also the young master of the Xia family.

I didn't expect to "wet the bed" now!

It's a shame that this kind of thing got out.

shook his head.

Fortunately, Xia Juan already understood a lot about this aspect.

It's not the first time either.

It's just that because of Qi Changping's incident recently, Xia Juan forgot the time.

In the end, he even forgot the day when he came to Guishui.

Everything is organized.

Xia Juan coughed and walked back to the original cave.

"Hey, where have you been?!"

Seeing a black shadow approaching in front of him, Qi Chengwang heaved a sigh of relief.

"I just dreamed of a sea of ​​blood, and when I woke up, I immediately noticed the smell of blood on the tip of my nose."


Qi Chengwang stretched out his finger and touched the place where Xia Juan was sleeping just now, there was a little blood on his finger.

"What's going on with this blood...?"

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