I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 208

Then Xia Juan's Thunder Elephant Fist can achieve a breakthrough leap in an instant!

At that time, when Xia Juan punched out, there would be a radiant light and a thunderstorm.

But if it fails.

Then Xia Juan will be backlashed by the power of thunder, and will be completely turned into scum!

But with Bingxuan Cave Mansion and Zhenhai Pearl present, Xia Juan thought it would be easy.

Sitting on the ice platform, Xia Juan began to rotate the sky, concentrating mana on the sky spirit.

On the ice platform, the Zhenhai Pearl also changed with the light in Xia Juan's body.

Little by little it floated up.

A faint, chaotic mass of light enveloped Xia Juan's body.

It's like returning to the mother's womb.

Xia Juan was like a quiet child, sitting peacefully on the ice platform, falling asleep confused and ignorant.

Zhenhai Zhunei, which is like a glazed crystal.

A budding flower bone flower slowly rises.

With every mouthful of Xia Juan's foul breath.

And with each change of mana in Xia Juan's body.

The flower bones are constantly stretching and shrinking.

until the last bloom.


Suddenly, Xia Juan opened his eyes.

A circle of golden light ripples instantly formed a huge wave of air, which blasted out in all directions.


The icicles in the Ice Profound Cave were instantly crushed by the thunder that exploded at this instant.

Cang Ku, who was sleeping soundly beside him, only felt his butt hit, and started barking impotently and furiously again.

"Great! I knew it!"

"My Thunder Elephant Fist has now made a breakthrough!"

"If that Xuan Guyun comes again, I will definitely beat him to pieces, bloody and bloody! Hahahahaha...!"

Xia Juan stood up, but coughed a few more times.

"However... it seems that the injury on the body may take a while to recuperate."

Xia Juan tremblingly stood her body firmly again.

Involuntarily, she grasped the radiant and very beautiful Zhenhai Pearl.

"give me."

Suddenly, Han Minzi's voice came out of nowhere, startling Xia Juan,

"Girl, why do you have Zhenhai Pearl?! Give it to me!"

"As long as I get this Zhenhai Pearl, I can recover one ten-thousandth of my strength! Hurry up and give it to me!"

"What?! You only wake up when you see something good?!"

Xia Juan sneered, shaking the Zhenhai Pearl in his hand a few times.

"I can't give you this thing, I still have to use Qi Chengwang to do a lot of things for me."

"I can help you! Give it to me!"

"The power contained in this Zhenhai Pearl is too huge! With your current strength, you will definitely not be able to use it! You might as well give it to me!!"

Han Minzi's voice sounded like a hungry pervert, drooling.

The whole person went crazy.

"I don't want to use this thing anymore."

Xia Juan shook his head.

"This town of Haizhu, I have other uses."

"As for you...of course you can help me."

"But you can't help me with outside matters, but Zhenhaizhu can."

Xia Juan also shook his head, and was about to leave the Bingxuan Cave Mansion, but was quickly stopped by Han Minzi.

"Wait! Xiajuan girl, just wait!"

"Who are you calling girl?! Let me say it for the last time, I'm not a girl..."

"No...it should be said, I'm not a woman at all!!!"

A sharp woman's voice came from Xia Juan's throat, scolding Han Minzi fiercely.

"That's good! Auntie! Hurry up and give me Zhenhaizhu!"

"I will definitely give you a copy of the martial art that is astonishing in the past!"

"Although I really want to..."

Xia Juan shrugged.

"But this is what Qi Chengwang is going to give to the current emperor. I need to take advantage of this relationship."

"Without this Zhenhaizhu, I will naturally give you other things in the future."

"Qi Chengwang?!"

"Today's fourth prince is just a poor wretch."

Xia Juan shook her head and put Zhenhai Pearl away.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave."

"Wait! Xia Juan, listen to me! Listen to me!"


Xia Juan stopped and made a cold sound.

She leaned against the ice platform with an indifferent expression.

"That's right! Xia Juan!"

"Maybe you don't even know how terrifying this Zhenhai Pearl is!"

"The one you want to give... the current emperor, he definitely doesn't know!"

"You just need to know that if you know how to mobilize, one tenth of Zhenhaizhu's power is equivalent to a master of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm!"

"So I have an idea! Since you have your plan and I want my power, why not..."

"You share half of the infinite power in Zhenhai Pearl with me!"

"You still give the other half to the emperor! Anyway, they will never see it!"

"And even if there is only half of it, this Zhenhai Pearl is still extremely tyrannical!"

"What's more, after so many years, it's really normal for a magic weapon to lose some power!"

"How?! How do you feel?!"

"Oh... this..."

Hearing Han Minzi's words, Xia Juan became interested for a while, and touched his chin involuntarily.

"Zhenhaizhu, half of it..."

In fact, what Han Minzi just said about "stealing the beam and changing the post" is indeed a good idea.

Zhenhaizhu, even in Dayu's era, not many people have seen it.

What's more, it has been lost for so many years, and its strength has weakened, which is indeed very normal.

Draw half of the power, leave the remaining half...

Surely no one will notice it!

In other words, even if you are aware of it, you will not be suspicious!

After all, who can extract the power of Zhenhai Zhu and use it for himself? !

I'm afraid it must be the realm of Daluo Jinxian, right? !

But if it's Daluo Jinxian, the emperor will humiliate you when he sees it, why should he be polite to you? !

If Da Luo Jinxian swallowed the whole Zhenhai Pearl directly, would he keep half of it for you? !

All of a sudden, Xia Juan suddenly figured out everything.

As for Qi Chengwang.

What he gave was Zhenhaizhu's name.

In other words, for the royal family, the most important thing about Zhenhai Pearl is its prestigious name.

Immediately, Xia Juan nodded thoughtfully.

"But... what benefits can I get?!"

Finally it comes to the most important place.

Xia Juan grinned, and decided to blackmail Han Minzi this time!

This guy claimed to be number one in the world back then!

Then there are definitely hundreds of skills on him, and there are countless extreme skills!

Immediately, Xia Juan smiled.

Looking up at the top of Bingxuan Dongfu's head covetously, it seems that he can see Han Minzi's body.

"You! I knew you girl would not suffer, you are very shrewd!"

Han Minzi sighed and smiled helplessly.

"I'll say it again for the last time, don't call me a girl! Otherwise, you don't even want Zhenhaizhu!"

"do not!"

Han Minzi was afraid of Xia Juan.

"Okay, okay. I'll call you Xia Juan from now on."

"Yeah. Tell me, what can you give me so that I'm willing to pay half of Zhenhai Pearl?!"

"Hey, of course it's a good thing."

Han Minzi let out a wretched laugh.

"Xia Juan, have you ever heard of Dao Jinxian?!"

Chapter 246 Oh, Chapter 27 It's not as delicious as dumplings, it's not as fun as...

"Golden Immortal of the Dao?!"

Xia Juan frowned, and the records in Daqianji appeared in his mind for a moment.

Dao Jinxian was a Daluo Jinxian in ancient times.

This person is cold-tempered and powerful.

At that time, the sect under Dao Dao Jinxian even had the reputation of "the second in the world".

It's a pity that later, the Dao Jinxian escaped into the void and became a fairy.

Without the support of Dao Dao Jinxian, the sects under it have passed over time, and after hundreds of years and thousands of years of evolution, they finally fell.

The name of Dao Jinxian has not been publicized by later generations.

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