I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 221

Xia Juan suddenly found out.

Ye Ning has completely transformed.

He is like an old tree rooted for thousands of years, methodical and poised.

The former Ye Ning is compared with the present Ye Ning.

Instead, he looked like a child.

He... what happened? !

Xia Juan froze for a moment.

Suddenly, she saw a person following Ye Ning.

Chapter 258 Ye Ning's Change

It was still the familiar black cloak.

About the same height as Ye Ning.

Prince Qi Xiunian and Ye Ning walked side by side, they were silent to each other, they didn't even speak a word.

Qi Xiunian still hid his face under the cloak.

Xia Juan couldn't see clearly.

But she could no longer see Ye Ning's face clearly.

This "honest gentleman" who was once rejected twice by himself, but also regarded as an opponent by himself.

Between the eyebrows, except for the original righteousness.

It also adds a touch of weirdness that has never been there before.

Xia Juan didn't know how to describe that feeling.

But what she does know is.

In just one or two months, Ye Ning has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It seemed that it was a major blow that even made him change his personality.

At least in the past, even if Ye Ning was in a time of worry and trouble.

For example, when chasing and killing flower pickers.

His steps are still as light and nimble as a young man's.

but now.

Ye Ning's footsteps have completely transformed into a kind of steadiness as steady as Mount Tai.

It seems that even now, more than a dozen assassins are flying from all directions to kill him at the same time.

He didn't change his face, his appearance didn't leak, he didn't change his face, and he smiled faintly.

Then he cut off the heads of all those who tried to mistreat him.

"This Ye... seems to have changed a lot...?"

Xia Juan blinked her eyes, feeling her heart congested inexplicably.

She watched Ye Ning and Qi Xiunian walking together quietly.

Suddenly, Ye Ning paused.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned his head and looked at Xia Juan's position.

Unfortunately, the alley is empty.

There was no one else but a beggar begging for money with a broken earthen jar.

Ye Ning smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, turned his head, but no longer struggled.

"Why, don't you go and catch up with her?!"

Qi Xiunian's voice came out from inside the cloak, full of jokes.

"After all...you are all descendants from the Taiping Realm."

"It's not necessary anymore."

Ye Ning smiled like a spring breeze.

There was a forced smile on the slightly vicissitudes of the face.

"Actually, she's right. Since she hates me, I shouldn't pester her."

"Although I don't know what happened to you two big men..."

Qi Xiunian coughed and sneered.

"But it's okay, this Xia Juan...is her name Xia Juan?!"

"I think this person is eccentric, and I'm afraid..."

Qi Xiunian deliberately used a provocative voice to force Ye Ning to say something.

"Finished the year."


In the middle of Qi Xiunian's words, Ye Ning suddenly interrupted.

"When did you become so fond of talking nonsense behind others' backs?!"

He shook his head and exhaled.

"What should be let go, I consciously let go, and now all I think about is to help you."

"Of course that would be great."

Qi Xiunian shrugged his shoulders, a wicked smile appeared under the shadow of the cloak.

"Ye Ning, one day in the mountain and river map is equal to one month outside."

"You stayed in Shanhetu for a whole month, which is equivalent to being silent for several years without eating or drinking."

"It's just...a month is a month after all. I didn't expect that the illusory years would change you so much."

"If I say that for the past month, I have been just meditating and emptying my mind, would you believe me?!"

Stopping, Ye Ning suddenly turned around and looked at Qi Xiunian.

"Xiu Nian should not change, even if it takes 1000 or 1 years, I will not change it."

"It will change..."

"Actually, it's just a day and a night, or even a thought, and I suddenly figured it out."

"Staying in the map of mountains and rivers for a month, I have never practiced, nor have I been abandoned."

"I watched the waterfalls fall like the Milky Way, and the endless mountains sank into a hazy haze."

"I just figured out a lot of things, though..."

Speaking of this, Ye Ning's eyes flashed a strange look.

After that, he just smiled bitterly.

"That's it."

"I see."

Qi Xiunian nodded.

"Then Ye Ning, do you really think you let go?!"

"Qi Xiunian, you seem to meddle too much."

Ye Ning sneered and shook his head.

He turned and left.

"Let's fight quickly, my respected His Royal Highness! Don't forget that you will enter the palace later."

In the last two sentences, Ye Ning seemed to clenched his teeth, expressing his dissatisfaction with Qi Xiunian.


"What kind of person is this Xia Juan? Even I'm a little interested..."

Touched his chin.

Qi Xiunian looked at the back of Ye Ning who kept leaving, and smiled.

After a moment of silence, he finally followed.

"Did they... finally leave?!"

In the darkness of the alley.

Xia Juan held his breath and concentrated, as if he was afraid that his breath would startle them.

Xia Juan left the wall that was close to her, and watched the backs of the two who kept going away.

Thoughts are a mess.

Where are they going now? !

As the prince, Qi Xiunian doesn't need to enter the palace? !

The one surnamed Ye...he happened again? !

What is it that makes him change so much, even mature? !

Because of……

Because of me? !

In my mind, the outside of Qing Chang's mansion suddenly seemed to reverberate.

That sound seemed to be a completely crazy laugh.

That came from Yeoning's laugh after being rejected by herself.

Xia Juan will never forget.

It seemed to remain deeply in my mind.

Whenever I see Ye Ning, or think of each other.

The desolate and stunned bitterness in his bosom seemed to be forever indelible.

"fair enough."

After a long silence, Xia Juan finally sighed.

"You and I can only be enemies, opponents, not friends after all."

"Because I, Xia Juan, don't need friends, let alone accept love from the same sex."

"If you can figure it out...it's best..."

His eyes blurred for a moment, Xia Juan nodded.about to leave.

clap clap!

Behind him, several sounds suddenly came out, which startled Xia Juan.

"Hey! Girl! You've been stepping on me for so long, don't you feel it?!!!"

Xia Juan quickly lowered his head.

She suddenly found out.

It turned out that I was too hasty just now, and I kept stepping on a beggar.

At this moment, the beggar was beating the broken earthen jar in his hand, looking at Xia Juan with a ferocious face.

"Then didn't you just say that?!"

Xia Juan got off the beggar and frowned.

"You stepped on my mouth and my hand, what should I say?!"

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