I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 236

"My God! You've been playing tricks on me."

"You make me a useless person first!"

"I finally broke out of the cocoon and was reborn, and changed my life against the sky, but you turned me into a woman again!"

"Do you want me to be a husband and godson, to be a girl in a boudoir?!"

"Hahahahaha! Don't think about it...don't think about it..."

"I will never be defeated... Failures will only make me more tenacious..."

"Without Qi Changping...without Qi Chengwang..."

"I also absolutely want to break out a world in the capital!"

"I...I, Xia Juan...absolutely don't want to be a slave to this fate! A puppet of heaven..."

"I will never return to Taiping City if I don't make a career out of it."

"I will absolutely...never lose face to my parents, and to the Xia family!"



The body supporting the wall has gradually bent down, arching a little bit.

"Because I am the only son of the Xia family..."

"I want to carry the glory and inheritance of the whole family!"

clap clap clap!

It was as if a mountain had been crushed behind him.

Xia Juan felt that her body was getting more and more tired, and she was bending over more and more.

But she is as tenacious as a grass that blows and grows again.

She tried desperately to straighten her back.

The slender nails firmly buckled on the rough wall.

The nails snapped off, leaving blood in uneven spots.

Every day when Guishui comes.

Why are you so unlucky? !

Xia Juan was out of breath, and looked up with weak eyes.

In front of the dark alley.

Under the faint moonlight, there seemed to be a hazy figure walking towards him.

The moonlight seemed to envelope the other party's body, wrapping it up, bringing out a kind of gentleness like a spring breeze.

Xia Juan subconsciously took a few steps back.

But accidentally, her heel kicked a stone next to her.

At this time, it was tortured by Guishui and Qi Chengwang's punch.

Xia Juan has been in a daze for a long time, without much consciousness at all.

So in an instant Xia Juan turned over, fell to the ground, and never got up again.

I...I can't pass out here...


I can not……

Xia Juan was still trying to stand up.

She held out her hand with the broken nail.

But as soon as she raised her hand, it was suddenly wrapped by another warm thing.

It was like a bigger hand.

The warm temperature wrapped around his cold little hand for an instant.

Xia Juan didn't know who the other party was.

She wanted to push him away and struggled to leave.

But she felt her head getting dizzy.

Getting heavier and heavier.

In the end, she finally lost all consciousness.

Completely passed out.

"Xia Juan?! Xia Juan?!!"

Shake the opponent's body a few times.

It was terrifying to feel the other party's cold little hands.

Under the shadowy light of the moonlight.

Ye Ning's tall and strong figure gradually became clear, and finally it was completely frozen.

"What happened?! How could Xia Juan be hurt so badly?!"

Ye Ning looked around.I saw Xia Juan was covered in cuts and bruises, with blood all over his body.

And look at her like this...

Ye Ning quickly stretched out his hand and placed it on Xia Juan's forehead.

In an instant, Ye Ning's palm almost opened involuntarily.

"Why is it so hot?!"

"She contracted a cold?!"

Ye Ning frowned tightly, his eyes wandering for a while.

"She must have been led to the river by the sword flying feather just now, blowing the autumn river wind, that's why she caught a cold!"


He hesitated for a moment, and seemed to feel that something was not quite right.

"She is now in the Condensation Realm. Logically speaking, although she will also be infected with cold, her physique will definitely be much better than ordinary people, but why..."

The suspicion in his eyes lingered.

Shaking his head, Ye Ning put everything behind him.

"Forget it! I don't have time to think so much..."

"I have to take her to see a doctor quickly!"

After a moment of hesitation, Ye Ning finally hugged Xia Juan.

He held the other's head with one hand and leaned against his chest.

One hand supported Xia Juan's legs.

Holding her in his arms, he hurriedly ran out of the alley.

Chapter 273 Is she a woman? ! (Ask for a monthly pass!)

In a fairly remote corner of the capital.

This is not too big, but it is also a priceless house.

It was the residence given to Ye Ning by Prince Qi Xiunian after returning from the border.

Because the owner of the house, Ye Ning, is not good at talking, he is a bit withdrawn and cold.

So all along, this huge house looked like it was deserted and deserted.

No one lives in general.

But tonight, the whole house was unusually lively and brightly lit.

A servant put a towel on Xia Juan's forehead, took the remaining hot water, and stood up.

"You go down first."

Standing by the bed, Ye Ning waved his hand.


The servant nodded, and then walked out quietly and unhurriedly.

Xia Juan, what happened to you? !

Stand with hands behind.

Ye Ning looked down at Xia Juan who was lying on the bed, feeling unable to calm down for a while.

At this moment.

Xia Juan lying on the bed blushed.

The temperature in her body was even more terrifying.

She curled up, fearing everything as if she had no sense of security.

Even if he passed out.

Even in sleep.


Why do you still frown, but never show a smile? !

Ye Ning stared at Xia Juan's face for a long time, the whole person seemed to be in a daze and let go.

The whole house was eerily quiet.

Ye Ning held his breath and concentrated, the only sound in the room was Xia Juan's uneven breathing.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the room.

Ye Ning's eyelashes trembled.

I came back to my senses in an instant.

"Doctor, I'm sorry to trouble you. She seems to have contracted a cold and is in a serious condition."

Ye Ning turned his head.

When he saw that it was the invited doctor, he quickly nodded respectfully and moved aside politely.

"Doctor, I hope you will trouble me a lot. No matter how much it is, I don't care."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After stroking his gray beard, the doctor in a gray coat nodded.

"I'll take a look at it first."

After all, the doctor put down the medicine box and sat by the bed.

He first reached out and touched Xia Juan's forehead.


He nodded thoughtfully.

The doctor in a gray coat raised Xia Juan's hand and began to feel his pulse.

Ye Jing stood quietly beside the doctor, motionless, as if everything came to an abrupt end in an instant.

Time has stopped passing.

After a long time, Ye Ning swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Seeing that the doctor hadn't spoken for so long, he finally seemed a little impatient.

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