I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 267

Judging from the old man's words, it seems that Qi Xiunian and Ye Ning are also looking for themselves.

Is there something to tell yourself? !

And where did Qi Xiunian go all of a sudden? !

But I still don't know what I want to do? !

No...the old man said just now...

Has Qi Xiunian already instructed Ye Ning? !

Named Ye...

So, I still have to go back to the house and ask the person surnamed Ye? !

He hesitated.

Xia Juan came back to his senses and looked at the outline of the Prince's Mansion.

Then he quickly turned around and walked another way, returning to the house.

Xia Juan just entered.

Zhao Di hurried over.

"Young Master Xia! Young Master Xia!"

Zhao Di raised her head and looked at Xia Juan.

"Young Master Ye ordered."

"I said that if Mr. Xia came back, I told you to go to the study as soon as possible!"

Chapter 301 Profound Sky Spirit Realm


Is there really something...

Xia Juan nodded in consideration, then lowered his head and asked.

"Then... did the person surnamed Ye say anything about it?"

"Zhaodi doesn't know."

Zhao Di shook her head, her cute little face was full of doubts.

A pair of delicate little eyebrows are also wrinkled cutely.

Xia Juan smiled slightly, and scratched Zhaodi's nose.

Then he walked straight towards the study.

Although she does have a problem with Yeoning.

But Xia Juan is not a child, she still understands which is more important.

After all, the two will still assist Qi Xiunian in the future.

can only say.

Public is public, private is private.

When working, she naturally wouldn't have any conflicts with Ye Ning.

But back to life, the two lived in the same place again.

Naturally there will be some conflicts.

What Xia Juan can do is just ignore him and treat the other party as air.


Although it seems that every time I am bluffing, I find him troublesome for no reason? !

Thinking of this, Xia Juan was startled and stopped.

It seems that...

never mind!Stop thinking about it!

Shaking his head, Xia Juan left everything behind and walked to the door of the study.

Reach out.

Xia Juan was about to open the door and enter.

But all of a sudden, there was a vigorous but steady voice from inside the study.

"come in."

The three words Ye Ning seized the opportunity.

For a moment, Xia Juan felt that if he really pushed the door in, wouldn't it be as if he was listening to Ye Ning? !

Why did the person surnamed Ye order him?

But after thinking about it, the situation is urgent now, and there is no time for long-winded and hesitant.

What's more... If you don't push the door to go in, do you want to crash in? !

Xia Juan snorted coldly, pushed the door open and entered.

"You're back?!"

As soon as Xia Juan entered, she found Ye Ning sitting on a chair.

He was flipping a book in his hand.

The text on the cover is not the text of the Xian Dynasty, but more like the text of some scattered small countries in the Southern Marquis.

This Ye Ning, still know so much? !


Xia Juan looked at him with admiration for a while.

But for Ye Ning, she still did not like it.

"I just went to the prince's mansion, but the prince is not here."

Xia Juan walked to another vacant chair.

After a moment of hesitation, she wiped it off and sat down.

"That's exactly what I'm going to tell you."

Close the book in your hand.

Ye Ning stood up from the chair unhurriedly.

Leaning against the table, he looked at Xia Juan slightly obliquely.

"Tomorrow, the envoys from the Profound Sky Spiritual Realm will arrive in the capital. At that time, the Cultivator will hold a banquet at the Prince's Mansion, and you and I will go there too."

"Sky Profound Spiritual Realm?!!"

The careless expression on his face instantly became dignified and curious.

For a moment, Xia Juan's brain was running fast, and he stared at Ye Ning with wide eyes.

Tianxuan Lingyu is one of the four great empires on the mainland.

It is juxtaposed with Xian Dynasty.

What the Xian Dynasty cultivated was mana, with the law as its foundation.

As for the Tianxuan Spiritual Realm, what is cultivated is spiritual energy, which is based on all living beings.

It is normal for countries to send envoys to and from time to time.

It's just...do you want to participate? !

The banquet at the Prince's Mansion, the envoys from the Profound Sky Spiritual Realm...

Xia Juan had never seen these things before, and his heart was filled with countless curiosity.

For a moment, Xia Juan became a little excited and excited.

Unable to help, a smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

But having said that... what are the envoys from the Profound Sky Spiritual Domain doing here? !

When she came back to her senses, Xia Juan raised her legs.

Although she is short in height, the proportion of her legs is slender, which is amazing.

"The person surnamed Ye, the envoy from the Xuanling Realm came over that day, shouldn't he be received by the emperor?!"

"How could you have a banquet in the Prince's Mansion?!"

"And... what is the purpose of their mission this time?!"


Ye Ning smiled and sat back on the chair.

"The emperor seldom asks about politics now, let alone..."

"Xiu Nian is the crown prince, so naturally he should receive him."


Ye Ning raised his head and looked at Xia Juan with his eyes.

"The envoys from the Profound Sky Spiritual Realm came here...not only to consolidate the peace between the two countries..."

"There are other purposes."

"Other purposes?!"

Xia Juan frowned, as if she didn't quite understand.

"Ye, please explain clearly."

"Xiu Nian and the Grand Master of Tianxuan Lingyu...have a business deal, it's not easy to make it public."

"You mean..."

At this moment, Xia Juan suddenly understood.

She nodded, closed her mouth, and stopped asking.

But after a pause, Xia Juan asked again.

"Then how did you know?"

"Not long ago, I went to the Profound Sky Spiritual Realm."

Ye Ning smiled and opened the book.

He seems to be able to talk to Xia Juan while reading a book.

"You negotiated the deal this time?!"

Xia Juan came to his senses and was taken aback.

This person surnamed Ye unexpectedly ran to the Tianxuan Lingyu by himself.

As Qi Xiunian, what kind of mysterious business did he negotiate with the grand master of the Tianxuan Lingyu? !


Clenching his fists, Xia Juan felt a little unwilling to show weakness.

In this way, wouldn't this person surnamed Ye rise in Qi Xiunian's eyes? !

Then am I going to be under the pressure of this surname Ye all the time? !

His complexion changed.

He joined Qi Xiunian's subordinates by himself, but he still hasn't done anything so far.

Ye Ning, however, has done countless earth-shattering events.

He even helped Qi Xiunian make a mysterious deal.

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