I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 33

"it is good!"

Xia Juan and Xia Lingqiu glanced at each other, immediately activated their mana to form a barrier outside their bodies, and ran towards other places step by step.

The air was full of razor-sharp winds.

The entire river exploded completely, like a fountain, pouring down in torrential rain.

sizzle... sizzle...

sizzle... sizzle...

There was a faint sound of crackling thunder and lightning, and the ground quickly burned with flames, spreading continuously.

Countless screams continued, and the men and women who were embracing each other just now were facing a catastrophe, and fled separately.


Amidst the haze of smoke, a gigantic creature moved its body, as tall as dozens of people, sticking out its scarlet tongue, spewing out thick yellow gas.

On the distorted head were four blood-red eyes that grew irregularly.

"This is..." Li Chengye drew out the long sword behind him while retreating, "This is the monster we met that day!"


Xia Juan and Xia Lingqiu quickly turned their heads.

Xia Juan took a closer look and found that this huge monster was actually the four-eyed dog-body monster that the three of them encountered in the forest before they entered the city!

"But how did it become so big?! And the monster has such a huge power? Shouldn't it have sprouted wisdom and cultivated human form long ago?!"

Looking back, Xia Lingqiu couldn't believe it.

"It seems that I guessed right..."

Xia Juan lowered her head, as if thinking of something.

"This monster must have devoured something else, that's why it lost control and completely rioted!"

Rolling his eyes, Xia Juan just wanted to pull Xia Lingqiu away, but Li Chengye cried out.

"Not good! He saw us!"

As soon as the words fell, a wolf-like howl shook the sky.

Claws roared like shocking stone pillars, and a gust of hot air that was almost melting was blowing towards the face.

"That's too late!"

Xia Juan's expression changed, and he pushed Xia Lingqiu away.


Xia Lingqiu also tacitly turned to go in the other direction, but still looked at Xia Juan worriedly, afraid that her sister might have something to do with it.


The moment the two separated, the huge claws hit the place where they had just stopped, leaving a deep pit with steaming smoke.

Xia Juan turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

She hurriedly looked at Xia Lingqiu, and found that she was safe and well, she had drawn out the long sword she was carrying, and was looking at herself worriedly.

"Damn it, I forgot to bring my weapon..."

Xia Juan cursed, looked up, and found that the monster seemed to be angry because it couldn't hit him, and felt like it was provoked.It rushed over like the wind.

On its back is a mass of raging fire, rushing towards it like a mass of shells, with the force of a broken bamboo, creating an extremely oppressive formation.

"Ah Juan! Be careful!!"

Seeing that the monster was heading towards Xia Juan, Xia Lingqiu suddenly ran towards Xia Juan.

"Junior Sister Lingqiu, be careful!"

Li Chengye naturally followed closely behind.

"Brother Xia Juan! Come quickly, I will protect..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the speed of the monster was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Xia Juan, before Xia Lingqiu and the others.


Xia Juan sneered, waved his big hand, and got lucky inside.

She jumped up suddenly, and went directly towards the bloody mouth of the monster beast.

"A Juan!!!"

Xia Lingqiu didn't expect Xia Juan to be so stupid that she would take the initiative to go to the monster's mouth...

What will happen in the next second seems to be tacitly understood by everyone...

"Sword Qi Sweeping!"

It is impossible for Xia Lingqiu to let her sister have an accident.

With a long howl, he suddenly stepped on the ground with both feet heavily, and slashed out with a sword, and a sword aura spread out tens of meters, like a light wave impact.

But before the sword energy arrived, the petite figure suddenly swelled up in the wind and rain, with an exaggerated "bang", revealing an incomparable outline.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

Chapter 49

All the power was poured into the right hand, and it suddenly swelled up to seven or eight times the power!

The monster is close at hand.

Without hesitation, Xia Juan stared at the monster with big eyes, and the casserole-sized fist was no different from the monster's head.


Almost heard a click!

The monster's huge head twisted in an instant.The long tongue instantly stiffened.

Its eyes widened, and it couldn't understand why the small body in front of it suddenly swelled up and fell down with a punch.

The whole body was uncontrollable, the limbs of the monster were off the ground, and it was knocked into the air.

At the same time, Xia Lingqiu's sword energy had arrived, and it hit the most vulnerable abdomen of the monster.

The monster was smashed to the side heavily, countless walls collapsed, and a cloud of dust was raised.

"Ah Juan! Are you okay?!"

Xia Lingqiu saw the monster fell to the ground, and hurried over to hug Xia Juan.


Xia Juan smiled, withdrew the supernatural power of Fatianxiangdi, and his right hand returned to its original state again.

"This...what's the matter?!"

Li Chengye stood there blankly, not knowing how to speak for a while.

Just now I actually said that I want to protect him...?This... what kind of martial arts is this? !

This guy who is neither male nor female, actually... unexpectedly? !

A burst of jealousy and stronger disgust made Li Chengye watch Xia Juan lose control more and more.

But soon he restrained his face, came to Xia Lingqiu's side with a smile, and waited quietly.

"Ajuan? What kind of exercise is this? Why have I never seen it before?!"

"This..." Xia Juan hesitated for a while, "It's a move in Jiutian Xuanming's strength, and I just learned it, so I'm not very proficient."

"The academic achievement is so good just now, then the great achievement must be invincible! Brother Xia Juan, you must teach me!"

Li Chengye looked at Xia Juan with a playful smile, the burning jealousy in his eyes was fleeting.

Xia Juan looked at Li Chengye coldly, and didn't even bother to pay attention to this guy, so she looked back at Xia Lingqiu.

"Senior Brother Li Chengye, have you forgotten the rules of our Zhiyue Palace?!"

Xia Lingqiu seemed very serious, she turned her head and glared at Li Chengye.

"I'm just joking, Junior Sister...not good!! That monster has woken up again!"

Sensing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Li Chengye suddenly changed the subject and quickly pointed at Xia Juan's back.


Xia Juan and Xia Lingqiu reacted and turned their heads away.

A gust of wind came, like ten thousand horses galloping, blood surging.


The powerful impact made the monster beasts not arrive, but the terrifying force rushed in, knocking Xia Juan, Xia Lingqiu, and Li Chengye away one after another.


The three of them were directly knocked apart and torn apart.


Originally, Guishui felt unwell, but now his body was short of Qi and blood, Xia Juan stood up and almost fell back.


Like a roar from hell, the four-eyed dog-like beast stuck out its long scarlet tongue and walked towards Xia Juan step by step.

"You bastard, watch me kill you!"

Xia Juan stood up, and Fatian turned around, and his right hand turned into a sledgehammer again, waving it in the air.

She raised her hand just now and wanted to punch, but the monster seemed to have a long memory and speeded up in an instant.

Suddenly Xia Juan couldn't see the phantom of the monster in front of him clearly, and in the next second, there was a sharp pain in his chest.

Opening his eyes, Xia Juan found that he had already taken off in mid-air.

I... was knocked into the air by that beast! !

"Cough cough!"


Hitting the ground heavily, Xia Juan immediately rolled over with a carp.


A ball of blood spit out on the ground.Xia Juan remained expressionless, and reached out to wipe away the remaining blood stains on his face.

"What about the beast?!"

The shadow of the monster was no longer in sight.

Xia Juan stood up, looked left and right, but never saw any trace of the monster.

Xia Juan narrowed her eyes, bowed her waist, moved carefully, used her mana, and used the power of perception to find out where the monster was hiding.


Suddenly there was a roar from behind, very close at hand.

"not good!"

Xia Juan immediately reacted and swung his fist.

But it was too late, the monster seemed to have activated its spiritual intelligence, it was very smart, plus it swallowed something, and its strength was extremely suppressed, Xia Juan was no match at all!

If calculated by the strength of human beings, this monster can at least rank first-class on the mainland!

In the demon world, such a monster is at least in the realm of "strange power and chaotic gods"!

Even chaos! !

"It happened!"

Xia Juan's heart sank to the bottom.

She found that no matter what she did, the monster was far faster than herself.

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